Currently the moon is in the waxing Half Moon phase (43% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is clear outside. The temperature is 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the south at 6 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.08 and steady, and the relative humidity is 86 percent. The dewpoint is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 00:32 Pacific Time on Fri Jul 27 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Sneaking down to the rec room late at night, Dizzy is wearing a bathrobe over her nightgown and carrying her cellphone. She takes a seat on the couch and dials up Jeremy's phone number, biting her lower lip as she listens to the phone ring, waiting for a pick up.

The phone picks up after the second ring, the sound of a keyboard heard, fingers dancing along the strokes at a fast paced manner. "Hello?" Jeremy's voice says on the other end, softly.

"You're still up?" Dizzy asks incredulously in a hushed tone. "Well, since you're up, do you want to come over?"

"And do what? Be set up again like what Corey did? This time not only put me on speaker phone, but record me on camera and monitor my every move so that you can finally convince yourselves that I am some pervert? No thank you." The keys continue to fly, clickity clack clack clack.

"What Corey did? No one told me about that and from the sound of it, that was probably a wise move on their part. I was just calling to see if you wanted a late night snack. Just you and me," Dizzy states truthfully.

Jeremy sighs. "I.. don't know..." The voice says softly, murmured. "But whatever Corey did, didn't fix anything.. He.. he put me on speaker phone to bait me into saying that I just wanted to have sex with her. Which isn't true. I don't care if I ever lose my virginity at this point."

Sophia tromps down the stairs to check on Hops, who seems to be recovering well, still under the effects of Roger's anesthetics. She walks slowly up again, careful not to step in any of the blood that is covering the safehouse floor. She heads toward the stairwell again, satisfied that no one will be dying tonight.

Kit knocks at the door loudly with her arms crossed in irritation at something unseen. She looks a good combination of tired and angry.

Sophia, distracted, heads over to see who it is. Glancing up at the security camera's monitor, she sees Kit standing there and opens the door warily, standing in the opening. "Can I help you? Are you here to see someone?"

Dizzy hears the noise from the lobby and covers up the cellphone with a hand, speaking as quietly as she can so as not to be noticed.

Dizzy speaks quieter now, "God, that was dense of him. Tell you what, if you come over we won't talk about her. Personally, I'm tired of the whole affair myself."

Kit raises an eyebrow at Sophia, trying to get a glance behind her, but she finds it rather ineffective. "I came to see Spot," she says with a raised eyebrow. "I was told she was living here."

Kit's changed a bit since her journey it seems. She still smiles often even though it seems forced every now and then and her eyes smolder quietly when she gets irritated. Her hair has been dyed in the same manner since her Rite though. A wavy untrimmed lock hangs down either side of her face from her temples to just below her chin. The last inch of the hair is died an ivory white, setting a deep contrast between her dark black hair, which falls down her back in a tail wrapped with small sections of leather cord. The style of black on white is further continued by her fair skin, and her dark brown eyes. She's in good shape, like she runs or swims often, around 5'8", and she ends up being quite attractive, with a well toned stomach and a fairly ample bosom. She's changed her apparel as well since her return. A pair of black steel toed combat boots cover her feet and snake up into the shadows of her gray cargo pants. For a top she now wears a snug and simple white tank top. (App:4)

Another soft sigh, then a defeated voice. "Fine... I'll come over, if you really want..."

Sophia nods. "I am she. Come in. But... watch your step. We had a bit of a problem earlier. All cleaned up now, except for... well... what's on the floor. Come on in." She steps swiftly out of the way so the Fury Cliath can pass, not wanting the interior of the house to be visible by anyone outside. A trail of blood leads from the rec room to the basement door, with a larger puddle at either end. Bits of clothing, fairly nice clothing, litter the trail as well.

"Hold on a second," Dizzy says, still trying to be as quiet as possible while remaining audible, "Someone's at the door. Hopefully they go away soon."

She is met only with the answer of fast paced keystrokes, then a soft chuckle from the boy on the other end. ~You are the weakest link -- good bye!~ A voice chimes over the phone, a british voice, snotty too.

Kit wanders in, blinking in slight suprise at the response she gets. She hmms quizicly at the blood as she looks about the lobby. "Anyone die," she asks with a bit of concern in her tone.

Sophia shakes her head, quickly shutting the heavy door behind her. "No. A cub was shot, but is healing well. I just checked on him. He won't feel the difference by morning, if he has the wits to stay in Glabro till then. At the moment, he's sedated."

Kit nods, frowning slightly as she quirks her head at Dizzy briefly. "Got anywhere we could go talk," she asks as she tries to brighten her mood a bit. No need to put the cub off by seeming the angry bitch.

As quietly as she can, Dizzy slowly gets off the couch and moves to the side of the doorway so she cannot be scene if someone gives a quick look into the room.

Sophia nods, pointing up the stairs. "Sure. We can go hang out in the apartment, if you like. Just, no yelling up there, or we'll wake everybody." She does not notice Dizzy, figuring she's asleep on the couch or something.

Kit furrows her brow slightly. Why would she be yelling? She simply nods though and falls in behind Sophia, letting her lead the way.

Dizzy slowly lifts the phone again as she hears talk of leaving and whispers into it.

You whisper "Okay, you can come over now." to Jeremy.

Rina comes in with a rush of evening air, heading for the rec room and noting the presences first. "Hey, how's i--" She stops, staring at the blood and then glancing to Sophia. "Need any help?"

The clicking goes on for a few more moments, then his voice. "Fine.. be there in a few minutes." (click)

Dizzy holds up a finger to her lips to Rina, hoping against hope she doesn't say anything.

Rina glances to ther movement, and bites her lip.

Kit turns her head torwards Rina, smiling faintly, but not offering any greeting at the moment at least.

Sophia shakes her head. "No, Lianne shot Hops this afternoon to teach him a lesson about how not to treat Kin. It's a good thing, too, because if he ever laid another hand on..." She glances at Kit, changing the course of her words. "Our kin again, I'd be the one to have to shoot him, and I don't want to do that. He's healing in the basement. I figure, I didn't shoot anybody, this is my last set of clothes, I'm /not/ cleaning it up."

Rina frowns slightly. "Hops?" Her expression darkens. "Which one is that?"

Sophia walks toward the stairwell up to the apartment, stepping over the trail of Hops-goo. "Um, Jonathan? The theurge? Y'know, beer-boy. Hops. The one you helped retrieve?"

Kit brushes the died portion of her hair back over her ear on her right side as she listens, trying to desipher what the hell happened in the house that the Walkers built. She follows Sophia silently torawrds the stairs.

Rina nods curtly. "Right. He was kind of a wacko." She lets out a breath. "Lianne's aright, though?"

Dizzy waits silently, holding her breath with anticipation. Hoping that Jeremy doesn't pop over while all of these people are still in the lobby.

There's a knock on the door, maybe there isn't a God in Dizzy's world.

Sophia grimaces. Angry as she is at the boy, she still has the urge to jump to his defense. She does not, however. "Lianne is fine. She may be a bit wacko herself, I'm not sure. She just... y'know, pulled out the gun and shot him. Like, for picking someone up. Shit. There's the door. I'd better get it." She walks over, looking up at the monitor.

Jeremy is standing at the front door, doing the obvious. His attention is devoted to his colorful Clie', his bangs framing the thin wired glasses. He's dressed down, as always, loose jeans, a boring t-shirt and a heavy set jacket around his body, perhaps to hide the numerous doo-dad's and nick-knacks.

Rina's expression gets darker still. "Christ," she mutters.

Jeremy is standing at the front door, doing the obvious. His attention is devoted to his colorful Clie', his bangs framing the thin wired glasses. He's dressed down, as always, loose jeans, a boring t-shirt and a heavy set jacket around his body, perhaps to hide the numerous doo-dad's and nick-knacks.

Kit chuckles quietly, finding it amusing at how different things are at the farmhouse. The most people carry are knives.

Sophia whimpers and opens the door, hiding her face behind one hand. She sighs, almost sobs, "Come in. Quickly."

Dizzy is frantic, trying to figure out what to do. Thoughts race through her head a hundred miles an hour. And what will Jeremy think? For the time being she remains hiding in the rec room.

Jeremy blinks once and looks up from his device, staring at Sophia, a deep breath being taken. "..." Great, -another- set up. Will this nightmare /ever/ end? ".. Thats alright.. I was just.. Um... Look, is Dizzy here? She's the one that called me over."

Rina chews on her lower lip. "Look," she tells Sophia. "I'll see if I can find Johnny, but he's out workin' on somethin' You might be on your own here. I'll send someone over to take care of the mess, though, aright? Somebody we can trust. Or I'll do it myself. Don't worry, it's gonna be fine."

Sophia blinks back, completely confused. "Come in, hurry. I need to shut the door. And... wait. Dizzy's asleep or something. Are you sure it was her that called you? But who cares, get in. C'mon. It's still all messy in here." She turns her head to face Rina and nods. "Thanks."

Kit raises an eyebrow as Jeremy enters. "What in the hell," she whispers to herself, getting quite confused. "Did you want to head upstairs Sophia," she asks quietly, trying to provide the Walker with an escape route from whatever's bothering her.

Jeremy raises up a brow slightly. Then, he steps inside and sighs, blinking once as he sees Kit. His jaw literally falls as he stares up at the Fury. His small hands clench into fists. ".. You guys are all sick.. I can't believe this shit..."

Rina lets out a breath, and takes out her cellphone as she slips out, quickly, past the boy coming in. "Seeya, kids. Don't kill each other while I'm gone."

Taking a moment to compose and calm herself, Dizzy steps out of the rec room. "Jeremy. In here. Now." She calls out.

Sophia leaves the doorway and heads quickly for the stairwell, looking as if her head might explode at any moment. "This isn't happening to me," she mutters under her breath. "It's just a nightmare. I drank some of that funky shit of Roger's by mistake. This /isn't/ happening." She motions for Kit to follow.

Kit follows Sophia quickly, a bit distressed by all this tension. Is this what she's missing by living in the woods? "Yeah..." is all she can say.

Whirling around, Jeremy simply turns and heads after Rina, slamming the door shut behind him, hard.

Kit frowns after Jeremy, a bit of anger showing through. "What the fuck," she mutters to herself. "Someone aught to smack that guy around some."

Dizzy rushes to the door and opens it, "Jeremy!" she cries to him. "This is _not_ what you think!"

Sophia heads upstairs. Let Dizzy deal with the situation she's created for herself.

Regan Avenue, Downtown
Tenements, small businesses, and tiny restaurants line the street. Heavy metal bars encase the glass fronts of the stores. Battered cars, almost falling apart with rust, are parked haphazardly here and there along the sidewalks. People travel in groups, here, wary of the small gangs of young boys at street corners. Several blocks have the same dull repetitiveness, from Fifth Street all the way to Twelfth. Only the graffiti marks a difference between the blocks, the occasional rudeness sometimes broken up by light colors and strange designs.

Jeremy bites his lip as he heads out, looking as if he may cry. Running a hand down his face, he ignores the call of Dizzy behind him before he closed the door. ".. No... I'm not alright."

Rina nods, worry coming to her expression. "'K. Talk to me. Tell me what's wrong. If it'll help. Maybe I can ... clear things up for ya."

Dizzy steps out onto the front steps, freezing cold in just her nightgown and bathrobe, which she holds tightly around herself. "Jeremy. I told you to wait. I was trying to wait until they had gone up stairs. I didn't think you'd get here so fast."

Jeremy sniffs once as he heads over to the older kin, rubbing at the side of his head, glasses jostled by the movement. "Everything, I can't stand it here anymore, I am tired of the games they are playing with my head here, I just want to go back home and go back to my normal life." Upon reaching her, he throws his arms around her and gives her a hug, tears slipping down his face.

Rina blinks at Dizzy over the boy's shoulder. "You can't," she murmurs, her voice pained. She returns the embrace uncomfortably, her body tensed against it, hands awkward as they try to soothe him. "Sorry, kiddo, bu... you can't. We're born into this. Nobody's tryin' to play a game here..."

"H--Home.. Portland." Jeremy chokes out softly as he takes a deep breath, his body flecked with goosebumps.

Dizzy stomps over to the kin boy and keeps back her first inclination to slap some sense into him, "Jeremy, come on inside. It's freezing ass cold out here."

"I don't care Amanda. I don't care if I freeze to death. I'm not going back in there with you psycho's!" Jeremy says, letting go of Rina, probably saying the first round of bravery ever to a Garou. "Is this some kinda sick joke? First Corey, now you, and.... and having /her/ there of all people!"

Rina lets out a breath, and releases Jeremy--setting both hands on his shoulders and looking up into his face. "Take it /easy/, aright?" She gives Diz a 'help' look.

"You think I knew when I called you that Sophie was going to come down and bring all her friends?" Dizzy asks, "I'd have come over to Rogers and drive you down to Denny's or something if I could just get out of this stupid place. But I can't, I'm..." She looks around, down both sides of the streets, "Unless neither of you guys tell."

Rina chews on her lower lip, eyeing Diz guardedly. "What, you're supposed t'be grounded? What for?"

"This week has been nothing but one big kick in my ass, and it seems to be drifting from each of you cubs. First Jon trying to scare the shit outta me by picking me up in his glabro an shaking me about, then Sophia dumping me, Corey setting me up on speaker phone to try an get me to admit to things I'm not doing, and now.. now.. Kit of all Garou.. here with Sophia.. I'm sorry, this is a bit too conveinent. I'm going home." Jeremy steps away from them and just trudges down the sidewalk.

Rina lets out a breath, plainly confused. She takes a few steps back and then heads in an entirely different direction, taking out the phone again and dialing a number. "Bruno? Yeah, this is Ri. I gotta job I need done. Just some mopping up."

Dizzy steps lightly, following Jeremy, cursing the fact that she should have put on some slippers first, "Hey. Where are you going? If there wasn't this whole... thing between us I'd drag your ass back. You are not turning me down and I am not going to follow you home in my freaking bathrobe."

Jeremy glances back at her, tears staining his face. "I just want to be left alone Dizzy alright? My heart is broken, I'm humiliated and I don't know if I can trust any of you anymore. I just came here for College, that was it, and to help out the stupid tribe. I didn't want all of this, its not fair."

"And what about me?" Dizzy shoots back, "All I came here for is college, and now I've got a whole lot of shit to deal with. Where they beat you up or shoot you if you make one mistake. Yeah, I wanted this. Wake up Jer. Life is _not_ fair."

Jeremy wipes at his face. "At least you aren't viewed as cattle." He says, his voice choked. "At least.. at least one day you'll get a say in our soceity, I don't, none of us ever truly will. Kin are just seen, not heard, just toys. We are useful, barely, but when it comes down to us, we are just breeding things. So no, life isn't fair. At least you get to die as a hero."

"Ooo, die a hero where no one remembers you," Dizzy states sarcastically, "Like that'll even happen to me. First bad thing that pops out at me when there's no one else around. Bam. I'm dead. You have a choice to stay or leave, but not me. I've got to live every day of my life now wondering if it's going to be the last one. So help me, Jer. Stay and keep me company."

Jeremy sighs and rubs at his face, then heads towards her. "Fine.. if thats what you want, I'll do it.. only cuz' I believe you."

Dizzy smiles with relief, "Good. Now, can we get back inside where it's warm?"

Jeremy rubs at his arm. "Amanda.. That other girl, Kit. She was the one I.. um... she an I.. she was there before Sophia. She is why I was dumped."

Dizzy looks around first, to make sure no one can see what she's about to do. Confident in their privacy she leaves over and gives the kin boy a quick and uncomfortable hug. "Come inside first, okay?"

Jeremy blinks at the hug, then rubs at his neck. "Ok.. Yah.." He says, following after her, eyes shifting about slowly.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJ)
This small tenement building is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light and space, despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush green potted plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight, though there are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downstairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it. A monitor is perched above the entrance, showing images from the hidden camera that watches the outside of the building.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, along with a small fridge for storing drinks and a cabinet for snackables. The remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

After unlocking the door, Dizzy peeks inside first, making sure there are no Furys or other Walkers, "Coast is clear," she announces, stepping inside.

The kin waves a finger in the air sarcastically. ".. Blah."

Dizzy leads Jeremy into the kitchen. "Anything in particular you feel like eating?"

"I'm actually not hungry, maybe just something to drink." Jeremy murmurs as he follows her into the kitchen, rubbing at his shoulder.

"Okay," she says, bobbing her head a bit, "What would you like to drink, then?"

Jeremy snorts a bit. "I dunno.. vodka? Something strong?"

"Thank God!" Dizzy announces, raiding the vodka from the fridge. "If it's one thing I can't stand about Core and Sophie is how straightedge they are. I mentioned that I was looking around for a party or something and they were all up in arms about it." She starts to go to take out a couple of glasses, but pauses first, debating silently to herself. Finally she makes a decision and takes out a couple of glasses.

Jeremy follows after her slowly, his lips only curving briefly into a smile. ".. Well.. I'm not a heavy drinker, but, maybe I should be eh'? I know most kin drink so that they won't go nuts."

Dizzy pours the two glasses and slides one over towards Jeremy, "Well, I don't know about really heavy drinking. But a little social drinking never hurt anyone."

Jeremy takes the shot glass and raises it up, softly sighing. "To life." Then, he knocks it back on one swallow, making a face at the burning sensation, eyes squinting. He's obviously not good at this.

"To life," Dizzy returns, nodding. She drinks and giggles at Jeremy's face, setting the glass down. "I hope this is not your first time drinking."

"Jus' fill it up." Jeremy says, sliding the glass back over to her as he leans on the counter some. He takes his glasses off and sets them off to the side. There, thats better.

Dizzy obligingly pours him some more, a wide grin on her face. "If you say so," she says before finishing her own glass and filling it up again.

Jeremy picks it back up and takes a deep breath, then slugs it back, the fiery liquid spilling down his throat. After the swallow, he coughs once, then licks his lips clean.

As it's empty, Dizzy fills the boy's glass again. She half-sits on the table and continues on her own glass. "Were you really going to leave?" she asks.

"Uh huh." Jeremy says, eyeing the third glass in his hand, twirling it around slowly as he stares through the clear liquid. "Still ganna'." He murmurs. "Ganna jus' go ta' College at Portland instead, just be ah' nerd."

Dizzy shakes her head, "Don't leave. We still need you here, you know. Don't leave." She finishes what's in her glass and sets it down.

Jeremy takes the third shot quickly and swallows, clearing his throat a bit. "No one needs me 'ere. No one.. I'm jus' around."

"Hey," Dizzy says, a tad annoyed, "We need ya here. You do... important stuff. Fer... Rog." It's obvious by her facial expression that the raggie cub has _no_ idea what she's talking about.

"Riiiiight... Roger needs me to sit around in his living room an take up space. He doesn't even know I'm alive." Jeremy stares at the empty glass, then holds it out to her.

Dizzy blinks at the empty glass and quickly realizes what's missing. She fills it again, "Well, with you around it's a lot better than dealing with, say, Jonathan. Ever Corey is annoying some times." Her empty glass is given a dirty look and after a shrug, Dizzy drinks straight from the bottle. "Ya bring some sanity."

"Ah'm jus' ah' nerd." The kin's voice softly drawls out, slurring a bit as he rubs at his temple. Hitting the glass once more, he swallows it all up, then puts it down on the table gently, slitting his eyes. "Ah' neerrrrd." He murmurs, sounding out the word on his tongue, almost as if it didn't make sense. "Ya'know..all A's.. skinny thang.."

Dizzy giggles, placing a hand over her mouth. "Yer a dork, Jer. So what's that mean?" She fills Jeremy's glass again, "An' whatcha gonna do 'bout it?"

"Ah' don' like being ah' dork." Jeremy says, picking up the glass to glare at it playfully. "Ah' wanna be a supah'hero, kinda like.. umm... capt'n planet." Lightly chuckling, he twirls the glass around in his fingers. "Was dis' one? Numbah' two?" Slurp. He chucks it down easily, the burn now gone, his throat numb.

With a serious case of the giggles, Dizzy asks, "Captain Planet, Jer? Why not be like Superman. Nothin' bad happens to him." She sips again from the bottle. "Besides, bein' a superhero ain't all tha'ish cracked up to be. I am speaking from experience here."

"Uh huh, like ya evah' saved da' world b'fo'. Lil cubby cub.. " Covering his mouth, Jeremy stiffles an 'urp', then slides his glass back over to her, his bright eyes now dulled and cloudy. "You is onna leash."

Using a hand to stablize herself, Dizzy prevents herself from falling off the table in a fit of giggles. "I'm no'onna leash. Jes locked in th' dog house. Woof."

With a playfull grin, Jeremy leans forward to prop his chin in the palm of his hand. "Uh huh, yer' onna leash /an/ in th' dog house. An ya got no bone ta' chew on." Reaching over, he pokes her with a finger in the side, hiccuping. "Can ya roll ovah' an play dead?"

Dizzy shifts in her seat and stumbles off the table from the poke. The bottle of vodka is let go and rattles a bit on the table before stablizing itself without falling over and spilling. "Hey," she giggles, "I don' do tricks. Not really a dog, ya know."

"Woof." Reaching for the bottle, Jeremy brings it up to his lips and takes a quick sip, then flops down onto the floor next to her, pushing the vodka into her hands. "Ah' gotta head ache." He admits, chuckling.

"Silly kin," Dizzy laughs, "You drank too mush." She pokes him playfully in the shoulder, "Dinin I tell you not to drink lots?"

"No." Jeremy says as he flops onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. "Ah' nevah' been drunk be'fo. Ah' neva' even drank in muh whooooole life. Ah'll.. prolly tro' up." He admits, eyes squeezing shut. "Mmmm..."

Dizzy giggles, "You nevah drank befo'? I knew you were annotha squeeky-eeky clean kid."

"Now ah'm dirty, an ah' should get ah' baff." Jeremy says, bursting into a round of odd laughter. "Ah'm not so squeeky..geeky clean. Ah'.. actshully smoked once, when ah' was fo'teen."

"Smoked once?" Dizzy asks in mock horror, "Pro'lly jes some ciggy. Bet you nevah smoked pot. Huh?" She grins, challenging him.

Embarrassed, Jeremy blurts out. "'Course not! Ah' tried ah ciggy." Chuckling, he pushes himself up against a couch and leans his head back, eyes closed, murmuring gently. "Pot is real bad, it.. makes ya do stupid thangs.. like." He pauses. "like.... gett'n drunk cuz' yer' depressed."

Dizzy giggles, "I knew you was a lightweight, Jer. You can't fool me." She pokes him again in the shoulder, grinning, "Nevah been t'a party, orra rave."

Sophia thumps loudly down the steps, not quite careful enough with her voice as she goes. "So anyway, I'm thinking I may try to patch things up, if I ever get him to stay in the same room with me. Dunno, though... he'll probably never forgive me."

"Nuh uh'." The kin murmurs quietly as he continues to stare at the ceiling, leaning against the couch. "Nevah' evah'.. " Hic'. "Nope.. neva' invited ta' a par-tay. Nerds don't go to dose thangs."

Little-Cat wags her tail quietly as she trails down the steps behind Sophia. Little-Cat thinks that would be a good idea. But you'll have to do it on your own, she says with a yawn. Looks like you'll get the chance too. I smell him down here.

Dizzy asks, trying to stay as serious as possible, but giggling just the same, "Why you a nerd, Jer? Why can't ya be somethin' else?"

One eyebrow rises, the other sets, and an utterly befuddled expression falls on Sophia's face. Is that... Jeremy? Blink. Blink Blink. "Oh, shit. Looks like I fucked up again. Anyway, welcome to the house of drama that is the Roach Motel. Feel free to come back again if you ever get bored with your life. We'll show you about complications you could never have dreamed of." She walks across the lobby toward the door, resigned to her foot-in-mouth fate.

".. Ah' dunno.." The kin says after a few thoughtful moments, the pounding headache making him oblivious to the two new arrivals downstairs. ".. Um.. ah'm jus' am. Its.. like... um.. ya'see.." He makes a motion with his hand. "See.. ah' was to'd ah' was a nerd by.. otha kids when ah' was young an dey' tell me an tell me an tell me an tell me.. an so.. ah' jus' started ta' believe it, an so.. ah' jus' didn't care an ah' was like.. whatever.. an so ya'know? Dat's why.. Ah'm just.. I'm not cool.."

Little-Cat chuffs in lupine amusement as she approaches the door. I think he's far too intoxicated to have noticed us yet. Good luck Spot.

"Iz too bad, Jer," Dizzy says, leaning back against the table with a stupid grin on her face. "Yer such a nice, nice guy. Too bad yerra nerd."

Sophia nods, opening up the front door. "Good luck to you to, Kit-rhya. I hope things work out for you as you would like."

Little-Cat snorts at the Rhya. That's the first time anyone called me that, she says simply before heading out in a flash of darkness and white ears.

Hiccuping in response, Jeremy softly sighs and closes his eyes for a bit. "Nice guys finish las'." He says softly, shaking his head, groaning. "..Ow.. Dis' sucks." His voice is completely slurred and mixed up.

Dizzy turns and grabs the kin boy by his shoulders, shaking him a bit harder than she probably meant to. "Oh... don' go now..." she says, giggling, "You've gotta stay, and stay... stay stay stay..."

Sophia shuts the door and walks toward the rec-room, amused. She leans casually on the door frame. "You ask my opinion," she says, though they didn't, "Jer's not a nerd, he's just cool-challenged. Makes up for it by telling people the truth whether they listen or not."

"Huggah huggah uuuhhh.." Jeremy says, his voice jumbling about, not making much sense of anything. Sophia's voice finally reaches his ears and he groans lightly, opening up his eyes to stare at her, blinking once.

Looking up at Sophia with a look on her face like she got her hand caught in the cookie jar, Dizzy says, "How mean, Soph... Jer'sssush a nice guy." She gives him a little, sloppy hug, "Seeeeeee?"

Sophia chuckles. "That's right, Jer. It speaks. It's capable of slightly more than cruelty and grunting. So... getting shit-faced, I see? Share and share alike, I always say. We've all got something to drink over today." She heads into the rec room, determined to take advantage of this rare opportunity, and not waiting for an invitation.

Getting dragged into a hug, Jeremy blinks his eyes a few times, mumbling slightly. "Not.. drunk." He says, forcing the words out, slowly. "Jus'..tipsy." Leaning off to the side, he rests against Dizzy's shoulder and belches under his breath.

Dizzy makes several attempts to push the bottle of vodka towards her roommate, but continually fails. "Yerr drunker than a potted plant, Jerr." She says, "All an' no where t'go!"

Sophia hoots. "You're not drunk, huh? You two look like you barely have enough rational braincells left to remember your names." She sits down on the nearest available non-blood covered seat and puts a hand on the bottle of vodka. "I'm not really allowed, but fuck 'em. They woulda watched a kid die, so fuck 'em." She picks up the bottle and tilts it to her lips, shuddering and grimacing.

Jeremy starts to laugh and point at Sophia, shaking his head. "You... You are sum'tin else ya'know dat? You.. Only you... um..." Groaning, he squeezes his eyes shut and simply slumps to the floor. ".. I'm ganna.. um... right here.. yah.." He softly says, his voice trailing off into a light snore.

Struggling to stay up of her own volitions, Dizzy attempts to lie down on the couch, "G'nigh'..." she says, floping onto it much like fish dropped on the ground. She raises her heand and waves, "Dun drink i'all."

Sophia sets the vodka down and turns to face Diz. "We shouldn't leave him here like that. Wouldn't be right. Think he'd mind if we carried him upstairs to the couch? Or we could put him in the guys' room, if you think he'd be freaked to wake up in our apartment." She frowns as Dizzy starts to crash. "You shouldn't be caught down here like this, either. Am I gonna have to carry you both?"

Dizzy's one arm seems to be the only active part of her left. She motions to the room around, saying "Jer can sleep in here with me. I don' mind. Really."

Sophia shrugs. "You're gonna get busted, but Ok. Want me to hide the bottle for you before I go to bed?"

"Ish okay," comes the reply from the couch, "I'm almos' old enough. Bu' you shoul'n't be drinkin'...g'nigh'."

Sophia sighs and walks out of the rec room, shaking her head. She leaves the bottle where it is and ascends the stairs, muttering quietly to herself.

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