Currently the moon is in the waxing Crescent Moon phase (35% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it's a sunny day. The temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the northwest at 7 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.03 and steady, and the relative humidity is 46 percent. The dewpoint is 53 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 20:44 Pacific Time on Wed Jul 25 2001.

Roach Motel: Bachelor Pad(#2483RAFJLh)
Well-furnished and high-tech, this apartment is clearly inhabited by people who know how to blend the city life and the good life. Everything is set up for maximum efficiency. The end-tables beside the grey over-stuffed sofa are placed just perfectly, bearing coasters to encourage visitors not to ruin the finish.
A person sitting at one of the three computer desks would have no trouble rolling around the room in his black leather office chair. One might even suppose that the computer desks are intended to be the focal point of the living room; the desks are identical but for the machines they house. First, we have a small black laptop, the remainder of the desk empty but for a stack of Audio CD's. To the right of that, a desk with a stack of books where a tower might stand and a pad of paper instead of a keyboard. The desk to the far right imprisons a large, menacing black PC tower, its fans ever emitting an eerie mechanical hum, a hypnotic buzz that suggests malevolent intent.
To the right of the blindingly clean kitchen stocked with a plethora of gadgets and foods packaged for convenience, a short hallway leads to the bedrooms and the bathroom.

There is a soft rapping at the door.

Corey looks up from the book he's been reading by the soft glow of somebody else's monitor. He quickly notes the page number, sets the book down and opens the door, flipping on the main light switch as he does so. "Hello?"

Standing on the other side is Dizzy, who is looking very frazzled tonight. Her hair looks like it's in need of a brush and it's obvious from her red eyes that she's been crying. Her voice is very soft as she asks, "Hey Core. Mind if I come in?"

"Be my guest," Corey responds, gesturing to any and all of the furniture in an invitation to take a seat. "What's wrong? Pardon my saying so, but I don't recall ever seeing you like this before."

With a quick smile to her cubmate, Dizzy steps into the room. "Thanks," she practically whispers. She steps to the side so that the door can be shut but does not take an offered seat. "I don't know if you heard, but Sophie and Jeremy broke up. Or, rather, Sophie dumped Jeremy," she explains, a slight quiver can be heard as if she's about ready to cry again just by talking about it. "It's horrible. Jeremy was ready to just leave before I talked to him. And Sophie... I can't figure out what's wrong with her."

Corey quirks first one eyebrow, then raises both in surprise as he stands by the door listening. He eventually remembers this may be a good time to close it, and does so thoughtfully. "Why? Why would she do that? I can understand Jeremy doing it, if he had the guts... but Sophie?" In an unconscious movement, he brings his hands up behind his head and yanks on the longer hairs in frustration. "Damn. She was right, there is some sort of bad moon thing happening around here."

Dizzy pushes her hair back behind her ears, one side at a time and wipes her eyes. "I don't know. At first it seemed like she was like 'all boys want is sex' and I thought last time I had talked to her I had resolved her of those fears. Jeremy didn't know what was up and he's fed up with it, big time. I mean, he's _really_ done with it. But Sophie... she said she was tired of the games, but what games has she had to deal with from Jeremy? He's, like, one of the nicest boys I've ever met. Jeremy said he was fed up with the games too, and I can understand that with how flaky Sophie's been of late." Suddenly realizing that she's rambling, Dizzy stops and looks to Corey for some sort of response.

Corey returns to his seat while Dizzy speaks, leans forward and puts his chin on interlocked hands. "Most puzzling," he offers when Dizzy stops. "I can probably tell you exactly what Jeremy's thinking, but can't tell you what to do about it. And neither of us appears to understand Sophia's reasoning... although I would like to get a clarification, now that something occurs to me. Did she say, specifically, that it was Jeremy's games that tired her? We do know someone else around here that's been playing head games..." His gaze flicks to his roommate's bedroom meaningfully.

Dizzy nods, understanding, "I know what you're talking about, but I'm sure she was talking about Jeremy. Apparently he spent the night at some girl's house before they went on their first date. I don't know what the circumstances were, but from what she said, 'cause I asked, and what I know about Jeremy, I don't think they had sex or anything."

A snort comes from the younger raggie. "If Jeremy's anything like I believe he is, I /know/ he didn't have sex or anything. He'd be scared at the very idea of being alone with a girl in questionable circumstances." Corey stops and scowls. "But this is getting us nowhere. What we're dealing with is a case of broken trust, which is something for which I haven't seen any manuals. Sophia doesn't trust Jeremy, having first gotten her head messed with by Hops and then being told about prior circumstances Jeremy's been in. Jeremy doesn't trust Sophia because of all the weirdness that's been going on around /here/, which at least partially centers on her."

Dizzy shrugs and leans up against the wall, looking at the ceiling. "I don't know," she sighs, "I thought they were perfect for each other, and I'm certain that Sophie still isn't sure that this is the right thing, but Jeremy... he... I'm certan that he's through."

Corey leans back. "I hate to say it, but maybe this is for the best. Y'noticed how much stress she seems to be under lately? Besides dealing with us, she has to prepare for her Rite, she works with the elders quite a bit, and who knows what she does for a personal life. Well, besides having had a boyfriend."

Dizzy nods, "Yeah. She does have a lot to deal with. I've tried to help give her advice so she doesn't end up like I did. I think Jeremy is a fine boy for her, not that she needs a desperate nerd or anything. I dunno, I hate to see them look so sad like they are. I feel like I should help, but I haven't a clue how." She sighs heavilly.

Sophia knocks gingerly on the door to the boys' apartment, looking humbled. Having to knock on people's doors just so you don't go crazy from being alone? That's just not right. She's got the same book in her hand that she's been carrying around most of the week; the Tao Te Ching. The finger marking her place is not noticably farther than it was several days ago.

Corey arches an eyebrow again. "And just what's wrong with desperate nerds? Wait, I have myself as an example, nevermind." He glances up at the knocking, and gets to his feet to answer the door. "This is beginning to feel like a party, and I want to know who sent out invitations. Hello?" he adds as the portal is opened.

Sophia smiles half-heartedly. "I was just wondering if you needed anything," she lies. Not particularly convincingly, either.

"Nothing is wrong with them, I wouldn't date a dork, though," the elder ragabash says and turns to see who's at the door. "Hey Sophie," she says softly, looking at the floor rather than her roommate.

Corey sighs and offers Sophia a seat. "An explanation would be nice. Perhaps you could spare us some clues, if you're fresh out of explanations?" To hell with subtlety, tonight. It's late, and he's not in the mood to dance around with words anymore.

Sophia tilts her head at Corey, and her eyebrows shrink and wrinkle. "An explanation of...what? I didn't make those holes."

Dizzy blinks and stands up straight, looking at her roommate now. "Holes? What holes?" she asks.

Corey stops just as he's about to speak, blinks once and shakes his head. "Huh? What holes?" He looks around, searching for any reality gaps in the area.

Sophia raises one eyebrow dangerously high. "In the basement? You mean you didn't notice? Nevermind. What /are/ you going on about, then?"

Dizzy ohs, realizing what Sophie's talking about. "_Those_ holes. No, that's not what we're talking about."

Corey makes the clarification short and sweet. "You, Jeremy. Kaboom. Why?" He pauses, then adds, "I realize you don't realistically owe us any explanation or rationalization for the action taken, but, dammit... you're family. And we don't like seeing family hurt."

Sophia taps herself on the forehead sarcastically, looking at Dizzy as she speaks to Corey. "Oh, I see. You haven't been told the whole story yet. Silly me. I thought for sure everyone in the house would know by now." Evasive? Definitely. She places one hand high on the doorframe, leaning.

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