Currently the moon is in the waxing No Moon phase (14% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is mostly sunny today. The temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the northwest at 7 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.12 and falling, and the relative humidity is 56 percent. The dewpoint is 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 16:48 Pacific Time on Sun Jul 22 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJL)
This small tenement building, is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light, and space. Despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush, green pot plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight. There are no names next to the apartment numbers. A very thick door leads downtairs, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, while the remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

*ba-RUMP ba-RUMP ba-RUMP* There's an almost even cadence of footfalls on the carpet in the rec room as a canine shape runs crazily around the room. The TV's off, but the stereo's been tuned to a non-'lite' 80's and 90's station and the the lupus occasionally stops his laps to stand in the middle of the floor and bounce around like he's dancing. It may be noted that everything moveable and potentially easily breakable has been relocated safely to the kitchen area.

Originally Dizzy was coming down to sneak some food from the kitchen, as her own fridge is a bit bare at the moment, but hearing the racket coming from the rec room, she decides to peek in there first. Spotting the wolven male cub, she leans up against the door frame, clapping for him as the song comes to an end. "Beautiful, Core. Just Beautiful," she observes with a grin.

Nails stops dead in his tracks as the clapping begins. Too bad basic laws of physics say he can't really do that, and he ends up overbalancing and flumping to the floor on his side, panting. He does wag his tail in greeting, though.

"Can you speak at all yet?" Dizzy asks, walking over to kneel by him, "Or have you not really been practicing that?" Absentmindedly, she begins to scritch Nails on the top of his head.

Nails cools off a little before replying. He apparently has a fair understanding, though his grammar stinks by wolf standards. Round-moon told cubs, train all shapes. No train fight today, so this one train himself to wolf! Tired soon, but people-howling fun to move with.

"Wow, that's really good," Dizzy compliments, smiling. "It's nice to see this place is getting back to normal. Everything's been really weird the last couple of days."

Nails picks his head up and perks his ears, looking to Dizzy. Saw too? He cocks his head as if thinking of something, then asks for an objective opinion as best he can. Nails not-normal too?

Dizzy moves her legs around to sit cross-legged on the ground, "A little, I guess." She shrugs, "It's hard to say. Mostly it's been this whole thing with Jeremy, Sophie and Hops. Luckily Jer and Sophie are back together, but Hops... he still has me worried."

Nails flicks his ears several times in confusion as he gets up, only to lay down again with his head in Dizzy's lap. Scratch good, do again. What Hops do now? This one does not understand people during dark-moon time. He opens his jaws in a grin. This one much does not understand himself, also.

Dizzy laughs and goes back to scritching her cubmate. "Can you keep a secret?" she asks in all seriousness, leaning her head closer to his. "This is kind of... sensitive, so..."

Nails gently tries to nod an affirmation. Speak. This one will not tell... he fumbles for appropriate vocabulary, realizes he doesn't have it, and finishes lamely ... no-telling thing.

Dizzy nods, glad that she can get this off her chest, "Well, the other day, Hops was trying to comfort Sophie about Jeremy, right? It was a little strange because he's never really seemed like that kind of guy. So, anyway. It turns out that Hops totally scared Jeremy off and told Sophie that guys only want sex and scared her, until I had a talk with her. Now, it's been a while since highschool, but it seems to me that Hops is at least thinking about some litany violating, if you can catch my drift. That's why you can't tell anyone. Understand?"

Nails nods again. Will not tell. He picks himself up and stretches lazily, then curls up next to his cubmate with a *bump*. Hops will get throated if not careful. And Spot too young to be mother. Much to do yet.

"Yeah," Dizzy sighs. "Keep an eye on him, for Sophie's sake. You can bet your tail that I will, but, well, you see him a whole lot more than I do, you know?"

Nails opens his mouth in a silent laugh again. Did not say alphas would be the ones to throat Hops. If need, this one will try himself. Nails love sister-cubs. He shakes his head, realizing that's not how he meant that to come out.

Dizzy hugs Nails, "Thanks. We love you too. And belive me, I'll throat him myself if I see him try anything else. Sophie's right, it's just... sick." She makes a digusted look to accentuate that last word.

Nails decides to try running with the feeling, and hope he gets somewhere. He adopts a submissive posture. This one is sorry for night at place-of-strength. Did not know words have teeth to Spins-in-Circles. This one ... he searches for the appropriate terminology ... is shit-exit.

Dizzy curiously tilts her head to the side, "What? I... don't think I understand that last bit. I'm pretty sure I'm mistranslating it or something."

Nails sighs and gets back up, stepping away a couple paces before shifting leisurely through the forms back to homid, apparently not relishing what he has to say. He remains on all fours, not bothering to get up. "I was an asshole. I should have cut it out sooner, but I couldn't help myself, I just had to see how far I could push. But I shouldn't be trying to push you. As ragabash, we're supposed to break limits... but you're not limiting me. I'm sorry."

Dizzy frowns, visably uncomfortable with the whole thing, like when she had to apologize to Alicia. "It's... it's okay, Corey, don't worry about it," she says, obviously trying not to make eye contact by looking slightly to the side of him.

Corey shrugs and flops next to Dizzy again, though without shifting back to lupus. "You know what happened to John? I understand he's laid up for a while, but haven't tried asking yet."

Dizzy shakes her head, "No, I haven't heard about him. He hasn't been around in the morning for training and that's all I know."

Corey sighs. "Too bad. I was hoping to get to punch something this morning. Have you seen anything of our other elders? Anything interesting going on? Or should I just give it up and submit to the will of the Playstation?" He grins, though it's a somewhat tired grin.

"Except for Daisy in the morning, no. I haven't seen John or Roger around lately," Dizzy answers.

Corey mutters and gets up. He goes to the kitchen to start putting various articles back in the rec room. "Same story. And I think I found out from that trip I don't really like coffee, or maybe it's what else happened that day that's turned me off." He drags the beanbag chair into place... maybe not breakable, but too much of an obstacle at the time he was running around.

Dizzy stands and moves to help Corey return the rec room to it's previous state.

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