Currently the moon is in the waxing No Moon phase (0% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 67 degrees Fahrenheit (19 degrees Celsius). The wind is calm today. The barometric pressure reading is 29.97 and falling, and the relative humidity is 61 percent. The dewpoint is 53 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 15:25 Pacific Time on Fri Jul 20 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJL)
This small tenement building, is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light, and space. Despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush, green pot plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight. There are no names next to the apartment numbers. Downstairs leads to a very thick door, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, while the remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

There's a knock at the front door as someone makes their arrival known!

Jonathan can't stop laughing, rolling about on the floor. "Gun..." he repeats, and shakes his head again.

Sophia slowly gets up to her feet again, dusting herself off. She huffs, raises her chin, and walks over to the door, peering out to see who it is.

There's another knock at the door and then Cindy steps back to wait for it to be answered. The young cliath has a pair of headphones on and she bobs her head in time with the music.

Sophia opens the door and glances over to Jonathan with a warning scowl. "Hello, Rhya," she says proudly, "Um... Respect for those beneath ye - all are of Gaia."

Jonathan manages through sheer effort of will to stop laughing, he hobbles up to his feet and calls after Sophia. "I'm sorry." he says, "But you just.. well.. you know what you said." he is still smilling, he just can't help it. Eventually he steps into the hall and notices the new arrival.

Cindy clicks off her walkman as soon as the door is opened and she offers Sophia a crooked grin. She tugs the headphones off and lets them rest around her neck as she listens to Sophia recite the litany. "Hello Sophia. Why is that part as important as the others?" She asks as she steps into the doorway.

Sophia turns her back toward Cindy and widens her eyes at Jonathan. She draws her index finger across her neck and flicks her eyes back toward Cindy. "It's important, Rhya, that one understands and respects the people in one's charge. Otherwise, you will never see their strengths, and pack and tribe will be..." She turns back to face Cindy. "Defenseless." She walks carefully, leaning on the brakes of her rollerblades as she goes, and flops over the back of the couch, her feet dangling behind. "And besides, no one wants to be an arrogant creep, right?"

Dizzy practically bounces down the stairs, looking a lot better than the last couple of days. That early morning coffee truely does wonders. "Hey, people," she greets the occupants.

The half-moon nods her head towards rollercub and offers her another grin. "You answered that better than I did when I was asked. You are right. Though we are unique as individuals we are only strong as a whole..." She trails off of whatever else she was going to say and offers Dizzy a brief wave of her hand.

Jonathan speaks up as well, and adds as he speaks towards the newcomer. "Greetings, Rhya." he says quietly. "I'm Jonathan, Theurge cub of the glass walkers." he bows slightly, then adds. "There is, another reason." he states, and leans against the wall. "That tenet of the Litany is the most likely one to keep an elder from hitting us. So, we like it."

Sophia sticks her tongue out at Hops with a grin and a giggle, and waves at Dizzy.

Dizzy rolls her eyes at Jonathan and walks into the kitchen.

Jonathan looks to the others, confused. He then looks to Cindy curiously. "What? I'm just being honest." he shakes his head. "The cliaths aren't stupid. I'm sure they know this too. They /were/ cubs once."

Cindy raises an eyebrow towards Jonathan and she shakes her head, "Oh, we still slap you around alright. But it definately was my favorite part of the litany when I was under the belt. I'm Cindy, Shows-the-Path. Cliath Philodox of the Glasswalkers." She takes another step into the room, "I was coming by to trade messages... Alicia got a hold of me and she can't come pick you up, Sophia. She is stuck in the woods, so to speak."

Jonathan sighs sadly again at this news. "he nods towards Cindy. "Thank you for the news, even if it is disheartening." Jonathan sighs, "I was really looking forward to it... perhaps another day." he looks to Cindy and asks politely. "Would you mind taking a cub or two for a walk, so to speak? I need to shop."

Sophia nods at Jonathan to get his attention. "Honest is ok, y'know. Just don't be a smartass unless it really, really is worth getting hit over. I mean, you can disagree with someone and not disrespact them. Cuz it's being a brat that'll get you smacked, more that saying something they don't agree with. Hell, I argue with people all the time. You just gotta... pick your battles."

Having looked through the fridge and deciding she wasn't really that hungry, Dizzy returns. She glances to Jonathan with a sly grin, "You know what phase the moon is in right now?"

Jonathan glances at Dizzy curiously. "Umm, no." he admits. "Seeing as I haven't been outside in the past /week/, it is hard to tell."

Dizzy giggles as she takes out a small bag of makeup, "There _are_ things called windows you know."

Jonathan replies quickly. "Yes. But I preffer Unix."

Cindy glances between the cubs and her grin widens. "It's the coming of the new moon... and I'm sorry, I can't take you out now. I've got things to do." Her attention drifts to Sophia now. "Can you leave a message with Roger or John for me?"

Sophia frowns. "There's no moon. Dizzy? Did... did you do something?" She turns her face toward Cindy, keeping her eyes on Dizzy. "Sure, Rhya. What's that?"

Searching for a second, Dizzy removes her lipstick from the bag and opens it. "Well, in honor of the new moon..." She purses her lips and brings the lipstick up as if she's going to apply the makeup. Instead of doing so, she places it squarely on Jonathan's forehead and drags it down, "I forgive you for the other day."

Jonathan chuckles at this, as he goes crosseyed following it. "Wha?" he asks, confused. "Wha'd I do?" the cub looks startled and confused. "I didn't do anything..."

Cindy's gaze drifts to the Ragabash and she hardly bothers to hide her grin, "Let either of them know I'm staying at Holland Place, room One D. My number is...." She recites several digits and begins to backstep towards the door. "I'll be around a while longer, tell either of them to get back to me on what happened the other night. 'Kay?"

Dizzy grins and puts the lipstick back in the bag, not saying anything, preferring that the boy figures it out on his own.

Sophia tilts her head, nodding at the same time. "Do you mean after the fight? It was no big deal. After we got those creepy corpses cleaned up, and Alicia healed John and everything, John took her back here. Daisy healed her the next day. No biggie."

The dawn of realisation appears upon Jonathan's features. His hands moves to his belt as he pulls on the buckle, but doesn't open it. "Want to draw down there too?" he asks, and smirks. "I'm sorry hon. I was just so happy yesterday. I didn't mean to upset you."

Motioning to her bag, Dizzy whispers loudly to Jonathan, "I've got some scissors in here too." She grins and puts the bag away.

Cindy nods her head towards Sophia and she tugs her headphones back on. "Okay. Thank you. Keep those two in line until Roger gets back, okay?" She casts another glance towards the other two and chuckles. "Bye cubs."

Jonathan smirks and puts an arm around Dizzy. "You know, from now on I'm calling you Fury, I hope you don't mind." he then adds, "Although they would probably use a broken beer bottle, from what I've heard."

Sophia grins at Cindy. "I do, don't worry." She slugs Jonathan lightly on the arm. "Bro, quit being a pervert. I mean it. That's sick." she shudders slightly, making a face of distaste. She looks back at Cindy. "Like that?" she says, slugging him again.

The cliath offers Sophia a thumbs-up sign and then clicks on her walkman. "Just like that." Cindy offers the pair a wave before turning towards the door.

Dizzy waves to Cindy, glad she didn't bring a bug along with her this time, "See you later." Carefully she removes Jonathan's arm, as if it was the most disgusting piece of toxic waste. "Well, whatever you prefer."

Sophia bites her lip, grinning at Dizzy. "Actually... that's not a bad start for a name for you. How about... The-Fury-Of-Decency?"

Jonathan sighs and nods to Sophia, moving off. "Sorry." he says softly, and stalks off towards the steps. "I'll be back later." he announces loudly, then tromps up the steps.

Sophia calls after him, a worried expression on her face. "I didn't mean anything by, it, bro!"

"Fury of Decency? Sounds a little weird," the ragabash replies. She watches Jonathan ascend the stairs and notes, "He can walk up fine, it's just the coming down that he has trouble with."

Sophia smiles, chuckling a little. "Well, it didn't help that I was chasing him, either. You had some trouble with your own legs, as I remember it."

Dizzy grins and gives her roommate a playful poke to the shoulder, "Yeah, but not while in my breed form."

Sophia belly-laughs, letting her arms fall down over the front of the couch, her knees crooked on the back to hold her up. "True, true."

Looking around, the ragabash sits in one of the chairs, "So, anything exciting planned for today?"

Sophia swings her legs around, taking off her rollerblades now that the possibility of an outing is gone. "I wish this place had a backyard. I want to go run outside, sniffing things. We /were/ gonna get to visit the Caern. Alicia said she'd take us. But *sigh* she never showed up. She's sweet, but...and don't you dare repeat this....she's a little flaky sometimes."

Dizzy laughs. "And what if I do?" she teases.

There's a light knocking on the door from outside.

Sophia looks solemnly at Dizzy, inspecting her for signs of snitchiness. "You'll destroy her and my friendship forever, that's what." She stands up, padding to the door in her sockfeet and looking out to see who's there. "Seriously. Keep your mouth shut, ok?"

Dizzy rolls her eyes and chuckles to herself, "I wasn't serious, geeze."

Alicia is standing at the door, holding three pizza's in her arms, peering over the boxes.

Sophia throws the door open, her smile a little too warm. "ALICIA!" she yells loudly. "Lemme get my rollerblades on." She walks over to them and slips one foot in, ignoring the fact that Alicia probably has no intention to take pizza to the caern.

Dizzy looks over and waves with a grin, "Hey Pizzagirl."

Alicia blinks her eyes and smiles sheepishly. "Hey, did Cindy come by an tell ya I was ganna be running late? I got stuck in some tribe stuff, so I came to apologize with Pizza. I figure its a long walk to the Caern and we can eat it on the way. Or here if you want."

Dizzy sits up in straight in the chair, interested. "Walk? If I can go, I'll drive. I haven't been to the Caern yet," she informs the bringer of pizza.

Sophia takes the pizzas from Alicia and sets them down on the pool table. "Sorta. She said you weren't coming. But it's ok. You didn't have to bring anything to make up for it."

Alicia smiles and offers a shrug. "I figure you guys could use some real food here tho'. So, you still up for that trip or what?" She asks.

Sophia looks to Dizzy and then glances up the stairs. "Can I go see if the boys are up to it? I'd hate to leave anyone out of a trip, they're so rare. Is that ok? R... Alicia?"

Dizzy stands and goes to inspect the pizzas. "The car only fits four people," she informs her roommate. To Alicia she asks, while opening the first box, "So, what kind did you buy."

Alicia ums. "Some of everything really.. meat lovers, veggie, hawaiiain.. an I'm cool with whatever, we can walk if you guys want."

Sophia says, "Hops won't wanna go. I know already. He's all weird. Bad moon or something." she whispers something quickly to Dizzy before heading up the stairs.

Sophia whispers "First of the kill to the highest in station, remember. Whether you hate her guts or not."

Dizzy nods at the answer as she closes the box, and shakes her head at her roommate's whisper, "Belive me, _that_ is all over. Finished." She adds, "Well, if we're going to walk, I'd rather go furry. Makes the trip easier. Plus, I need the practice."

Sophia tromps down the stairs, Corey in tow. "Nope. Hops wasn't interested. Weird kid was... I dunno. Asleep or something."

Alicia waits by the door, simply leaning against the frame as she stiffles a yawn.

Dizzy looks to everyone else, searching for an answer, "So? Walk or Drive?"

Sophia stretches her arms. "Drive."

Alicia nods her head. "Fine with me. I have Tom's sports car out front, or we can use the Bug."

Sophia bolts up the steps to get her boots on and returns in less than two minutes. "K. So. We ready?"

Dizzy nods, "Cool. Let's go."

Corey nods, he's as ready as he needs to be.

Alicia grins and takes out her keys, spinning them around her finger. "I'll drive, consider it an adventure."

Bawn: Southern Forest(#3017RAJh)
Evergreen trees spread their overhead branches wide across the forest floor. Each tree limb interlinks with its neighbor, forming a thick overhead canopy of pine needles that leaves the forest floor dim even at noon. An apparent tenseness seems to permeate the air here, and there is a somewhat less than subtle feeling that perhaps something is watching. The behavior of the wildlife in the area betrays a certain wariness that suggests the presence of predators nearby.
The southern edge of the bawn is marked here by the railroad tracks which run from St. Claire and Kent's Crossing to the west, towards the mountains to the east.

Sophia walks happily, looking from side to side, smelling the air. "Gaia. It's so good to be outside again!"

Dizzy looks around, "You know, I have been around here. Helen took me around here when she did the clothes thingy."

Corey strolls behind her, glancing left and right at the trees and idly wondering what kind they are. "Wish I could say the same. Just... don't leave me behind, okay? My sense of direction stops working when pavement ends."

Sophia laughs. "I used to come out here all the time, before. To find teachers. I need to find someone to do that rite on me, soon. Can't be tearing up my new threads, y'know?" She lags a bit to walk beside Corey.

Alicia smiles as she walks along with them. Motioning off to the side, she says. "I used to live there, in what we called the compound. I lived here as a wolf for three months straight, without shifting."

Dizzy shakes her head, watching where she walks, "Harsh."

Corey stops abruptly and stares at Alicia. "Three...?" His jaw hangs open for a moment afterwards, then he remembers to close it, and resumes motion to catch up to Sophia. "Is that... something all Garou do? The human-born, anyway?" he asks of both the theurge and the galliard.

Sophia tilts her head, glancing at the compound. "I've never been there. What's it like?" She turns slightly, angling northwest. "And no... I don't think all people do that. Maybe it's a Child of Gaia thing?"

Alicia says, "Its what my tribe made me do, so I can get used to surviving in another form in case I couldn't as a human. I learned to hunt my own food, eat it and work as a pack with the other lupines in the area. It was /hard/ but after a bit. It was fun. Its something you -should- do tho'."

The elder ragabash notes, "We're city folk, Urrah or something. Though, the elders might make us do it just 'cause we wouldn't normally do that."

Corey gets a shiver down his spine. "Yeah, tell us it's for our own good that we learn the form completely, or something." He considers the current male cub population. "Though it'd be an effective punishment for some of us, just to have to stay in lupus all the time. That's if I'm reading the new kid right when he clutched that laptop to his chest while he slept. Who is he, anyway?"

Alicia chuckles. "Its not a punishment, its a lot of fun, really. You see a whole new world. I'm strongly encouraging you to spend more time in other forms whenever you can. Cuz' it will save your life one day."

Sophia nods at Alicia. "We do. We sparr and stuff, and just sit around, to practice. Plus, it's cool getting petted. I really do worry about that new kid. I thought we'd gotten the wrong kid, when he fainted. I thought it was that... that... what's it called? Delirious? I thought he was a normal human."

"That was pretty fun," Dizzy notes, "The kid was a riot. And then he tried to fight with Roger." She shakes her head, "Poor guy. He has a lot to learn."

Corey grins at Alicia. "You haven't seen how tech-dependant some of us are. I think Hops would have a breakdown by being unable to communicate, and unable to look up how on his PDA." He then turns to his cubmates, "But you still haven't told me who he /is/. He does have a name, right? Find out his auspice or anything?"

Sophia nods at Corey. "His name is Malcolm. Auspice? I don't have any idea. Can't even guess from the way he acts."

Dizzy notes, "John and Rog seem to think he's a small moon, like us."

Corey nods thoughtfully. "Can't see him as an Ahroun, definitely." He cracks a grin at the idea of Malcolm as a fullmoon warrior. "Well, guess we're going to have to wait for a birthdate before we really know."

Sophia nods. "It's tough getting information out of the kid, though. I mean, serious. How many times did I have to ask him what his name was?"

"'Bout twenty," Dizzy chuckles. "Like I said, the kid was a riot."

The younger Walker nomoon hmms. "Did he change, already? I thought I heard something happening downstairs last night, but I fell back asleep, figuring Hops was making his less-than-elegant way down the stairs in Hispo again."

"Dum dum dum...sooo I'm took something from meee and then you disappeared." It's an alto voice, rather good. Alicia would definitely recognize it, and the voice stops as soon as Helen realizes that, my stars, there are other people around in the bawn. "Fancy seein' a couple of Walker cubs in th' woods," she chimes, leaning against a tree, dark hair pulled back into two twin braids that hang over her shoulders.

Sophia nods, pressing on toward the Caern in the northwest. "He did. Flipped out and tried to attack Roger. Now, don't get me wrong, I'd like to do it myself. But shit. He was mad cause he said Roger called him a name.... Only get this. Roger never called him /anything/." She smiles at Helen. "Hiya. How are you, Rhya?"

Dizzy smiles as she recognizes maybe not the voice, but the person it came from, "Hello Helen-rhya."

"Rhya? Don't call me that. Please. Makes me feel damn ancient," the dark-haired Greek girl says, and laughs. "Helen'll do. Or Hel, or Hellas, or whatever. How're you guys? Hangin' okay?" As she says the last query, blue eyes settle on Alicia; it seems she directed the question to the galliard.

Corey shakes his head about the new cub. "I hope he doesn't freak when we try to get anything else through to him." Yeah, we. He looks over to the source of the music, and smiles. "Good day, Rh-... Helen."

Dizzy looks over to Corey, "He's weird like Hops. Maybe he's a theurge too."

Sophia frowns. "I'm not like that. And Hops isn't either. We may be strange, but we're not /creepy/."

Corey raises an eyebrow and looks to Sophia with a repressed grin as Dizzy apparently insults her roommate. "On the plus side, Dizzy, your roomie seems normal, while I get to bunk with the two majorly weird cubs we have. Lucky me."

Watching the exchange with an amused expression, Helen keeps quiet.

Sophia smiles at Helen. "Sorry. It's just silly cub stuff. Um... we're going to see the Caern. Do you want to come with us?"

Helen stretches. "Silly cub stuff? Eh, I did that too. Sure, why not."

Dizzy grins, "You're right, Sophie isn't strange. You do say some weird things every now and then, though. All mysterious-like. Core, why not stay with us then? We can dress you up and make you wear makeup." By her tone, she's obviously kidding.

Corey smiles sweetly at Dizzy. "Or we could make you go butch, get you a strap-on, the works." He's also obviously making a joke.

Helen stares at Corey, and intones, "That's what most people think of my tribe, actually."

Sophia grins. "We already did dress him up. My clothes are Rited to him, nah?"

Dizzy stares at Corey. The look on her face clearly says, '_Not funny_.'

Corey apparently loves that look. "You're cute when you're angry." He steps back a few paces from Dizzy, grinning like a maniac.

Helen, being sophisticated and such, decides not to join in the arguement. Instead she just laughs, hard.

Sophia blinks glancing around her and staring at everyone. "I don't get it. What are you guys talking about again?"

Dizzy crosses her arms, still not liking the humor. "Core here is being quite disgusting. Not for sweet little girls."

"Who's a sweet little girl?" queries the Black Fury, a brow lifted.

"I'm sorry," Corey says, apparently contritely. "Would you prefer army fatigues and a semiautomatic, a la GI Joe? Or perhaps a tuxedo, so you can be Ken to my Barbie? I understand that's appropriate for sweet little girls..."

Sophia rolls her mind back slowly, trying to figure out what's going on. It doesn't work, and she just shrugs, continuing to walk.

"I'm gonna head off. Bother the Fury elder. Seeya later, guys." With that, Helen is walking off.

Dizzy is obviously getting angrier at the male ragabash's antics, "Say one more thing to that effect and I'l..."

Corey goes off on a tangent, "Anyone else ever notice how Barbie has a Dream Home, Dream Car, Dream Phone, et cetera? Could they make it any more obvious that she's living in a Dream World?"

Sophia who hears a joke she gets, laughs a little too loudly. "No shit, huh?"

Dizzy shakes her head, "They're just toys."

Sophia steps down into the valley that surrounds the Caern, impatient that the others are walking so slow. "C'mon, guys. It's gonna get dark soon."

On the South Rim
A stream winds crookedly out of the dense, surrounding forest. It meanders, making its way blindly and plummets off the sheer wall of the cliff, here where the forest suddenly stops. The valley that cuts the land here is roughly forty meters across, though it varies in places to as narrow as thirty. The view across the crevice is impressive, though the view into the crevice itself is obscured by mists below. The rush of water hitting stone is a constant song, although its counterpart, the waterfall itself, can't easily be viewed from here on the rim. Only a small foothold betrays the trail leading down.
The forest surrounds this spot on all sides away from the crevice. Off to one side, a small, narrow trail leads down into the crevice and the mists.

Alicia leads the cubs into the Caern and takes a deep breath of fresh air, stretching up her arms.

Corey pauses, looking around with his brow furrowed. He steps close to the edge and peers down, but gets himself to kneel before dizziness can kick in.

Dizzy idly ponders kicking Corey in, and giggles.

Sophia smiles, pointing toward the mist. "Isn't it lovely?"

Alicia steps back a bit to let the cubs wander about and explore. "This is what we fight to protect. This is our special place of power, a piece of Gaia."

Dizzy nods, looking around. It _is_ rather beautiful.

Corey apparently doesn't find what he's looking for in the fog and edges away from the dropoff before he can drop off, getting to his feet.

Alicia glances to each of them, then pops her joints a bit. "Lets go to the center. You can literally feel the power hum beneath your feet."

By the Waterfall
The edge of the valley forms a sheer rock face on this side of the Caern, perhaps 10 meters straight up, studded with outcroppings and lined with narrow cracks in a tracery of spidery fractures. Over the top lip of this natural wall streams a narrow, glass-like sheet of water that hurls itself into a small pool at its base, throwing up spray to soak the stones there, the rock behind it, and the surrounding earth. From this pool the water flows in a shallow bed toward the southwest before disappearing below the surface of the earth again in what must be an underground stream.
To the west, cool mist kicked up by the falls mingles with warmer steam from geothermal sources; these mists swirl around the caern to the north. The caern's center lies northwest of here. You can pick out what seems to be a hazardous trail over rock and up the wall, to the side of the waterfall.

Sophia grows quiet, walking with her eyes half closed and a silly grin on her face.

Corey wipes his glasses several times before he realizes it's a lost cause, and shoves them into the breast pocket of his shirt.

The female ragabash doesn't say anything as she stares in wonder. One would suppose she's never really been out in the woods before, and oh! This mist is going to make her hair all frizzy. Poor Diz.

"Can you feel it? Take a deep breath of air." Smiling, Alicia continues to move until she reaches the center.

Center of the Caern
This area of the clearing is about 30 meters wide and is a mixture of dark soil and clay throughout, though much of it looks like it's been sodded in recent months. Near the center of the clearing, the top of a large white boulder juts out from the soil like a bone revealed after the skin of an animal has been torn away. The large rock appears to be normal stone at its base, but towards the top stone gives way to a sparkling collection of quartz crystal.
Around you, twenty yards in every direction, stretches the caern. To the southeast, a waterfall plummets over the edge of the chasm into a small pool in the caern; nearby, to the southwest, steam comes from cracks in the ground, perhaps some of the same water. Northwest, a rocky spar juts out of the ground at a low angle, showing a sloping but smooth top. The chasm walls narrow a bit to the northeast, causing some of the mist to swirl in that area.

By the waterfall, Sophia lags behind some, taking everything in. When she realizes it, she jogs to catch up.

Corey raises an eyebrow at Alicia, smirking. "Last time you told me to take a deep breath, you also said I would try to kill someone." But he inhales as instructed, anyway.

Alicia grins at Corey as she reaches the center, reaching out to pat the ground. "Mmmm...It smells so good here." She says in a soft voice. "You guys all know your litany right? About how a caern will not be violated, or defiled."

Dizzy says in a hushed voice, with a hint of wonder, "This is the Caern?"

Alicia nods her head. "MmmHmmm, you are standing in the center, the heart of the Caern, right here."

Sophia nods solemly, crossing one foot over the other and letting herself fall to the ground, cross-legged. "When we get bored, we go over the litany. These guys should have it pretty well memorized already."

Corey sits down, and begins to understand. "Has anyone else been feeling... something, since we got here? I can't figure out the words to describe it, so I can't be more specific, but it's like... I mean, I feel..." He stops, realizing he's starting to contradict himself.

Dizzy stops where she is and spins around, slowly, looking at it all.

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