Currently the moon is in the waning No Moon phase (7% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is partly sunny. The temperature is 71 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the northwest at 9 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 29.97 and falling, and the relative humidity is 50 percent. The dewpoint is 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 17:29 Pacific Time on Thu Jul 19 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJL)
This small tenement building, is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light, and space. Despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush, green pot plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight. There are no names next to the apartment numbers. Downstairs leads to a very thick door, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, while the remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Daisy directs the crew. "Basement. No blood on carpet." She sounds more and more like a mother gone horribly, horribly wrong with each passing day.

Throught the car ride Jonathan has amused himself by attempting to write things on Malcolm's forhead when the elders weren't looking. Now, however he is carrying two large bags of take out food and watching his artwork be carted off.

The TV's on in the rec room. Staying home to watch the fort was boring and Dizzy's lounging on the couch. She sits up when she hears the car and voices. They're back!

Sophia walks in, still sipping on her coke. After a moment, she looks down at it, and offers it to Dizzy. "There's plenty left. I don't have a cold or anything. Want it? Just, you know, keep it in the cup."

Dizzy grins as she takes the cup from her roommate. "What is it? Just plain coke?" she asks before taking a sip.

John snorts, as he carries the unconscious boy under one arm, in Glabro. A few taptaps on the keypad, and he swings the basement door open, and marches in to dump Malcolm unceremoniously on a cot.

Jonathan hefts the bags towards the kitchen, and then with a shrill whistle he calls the others. "Food is on!"

Daisy follows down into the basement after John and proceeds to pat the boy down, removing any objects that might serve to simply annoy the Walkers when he does come around.

Daisy comes up with a wallet and a pack of CinnaBurst gum that's half gone. She holds the wallet out for John to deal with--and keeps the gum. "Car. Someone need to move it. Or get rid of."

John nods. "I'll deal with it." he mutters. "Make it look like he's dead, or something? Car on the train-tracks, doused with alcohol?"

Jonathan speaks up nerviously, appearing out from the kitchen now, a burger in one hand. "You'll hurt innocent people when you derail the train." he comments, "Saw it on ER. Just drive it off a cliff or something." he suggests politely, nervious whenever something involves talking to John.

Sophia nods to her roommate. "Yup. Didn't spit in it or anything." For the moment, at least, she's absorbed in the conversation with Dizzy, trying to repair any inadvertent damage that might have been done to their friendship.

This draws a pause from the elder Walker as she thinks. "Sell car to...." She gives up on English and switches to the more gutteral Garou tongue that she has a much better command over. ~Sell it to some people who'll chop it up and sell it. No need to go through something elaborate for a simple cubnapping. Besides, we may need him to re-appear later and resume being whoever it is he is.~

Any damage Sophia thinks she's done is completely oblivious to Dizzy. She just didn't want any of that caffiene-free crap. Getting up from the couch she asks, "You made a lot of noise last night. What the heck was going on?"

John actually smiles a little, and nods to Daisy. "Indeed. I'm just a little bored. Yeah. Could do with the cash, anyway." He shrugs, and twirls the van's keys around on one gloved finger as he leaves the basement, and heads for the front door.

Daisy demonstrates some human-knowledge savy and humor. ~For that piece of shit? Good luck!~

Jonathan chuckles at the question from Dizzy and just turns back into the kitchen with a smirk on his face. He goes about making his lunch.

Sophia holds up a 'wait' finger to Dizzy. "Daisy-Rhya? Do you want us to help with anything?"

John laughs, on his way out. "It'll pay for lunch." He leaves through the front door, maing sure to close it with a gentle *click*.

Measuring approximately 5'11" this boy appears not to take much concern in his outward appearance. His dark black hair forms a kind of mop on his head and doesnt seem to have seen a comb or brush in months. His hair line stops just short of impeding his vision and it is easy to tell by the way his light green eyes seem not to be entirely focused that his thoughts are directed inward.
His clothes seem to have been chosen with the same lack of concern and are wrinkled from the absence of proper storage. He wears a plain black T-shirt with no markings of any sort, a pair of faded denim jeans which show significant wear , and a pair of black Nikes that were on sale at Montgomery Wards.

Daisy nods an affirmative towards Sophia. "English. When he wake up. I yell. Go eat."

Dizzy nods and walks over to look at the new cub. She takes a sip and thinks that this new one looks like a friend of Jeremy's, if he has any.

Sophia goes into the kitchen and pulls out two burgers from the bag, bringing one to Dizzy.

Malcolm's eyes flutter open rapidly, and he gives out a yell of suprise at Dizzy. He rolls off the cot in the oposite direction, thumping to the ground and causing him to give out a pained groan.

Daisy, staying crouched down on the floor nearby, offers the newly conscious cub a cordial greeting. "Hello." As an afterthough, she grins, then remembers to also show teeth. It's a grin in multiple stages.

Dizzy thanks her roommate for the burger and watches the new cub's actions with a bemused grin, "Does he have a name?" she asks idly.

Sophia shrugs, looking around the basement. "I don't think so. Um... do you?" she says, glancing down at the boy in the cot.

Roger steps down the basement finally and stands besides the newly arrived cub, in one hand he holds a small paper bag. "Now now..." he says quietly to himself as he settles down beside the cot indian-style and takes a bagle, creamcheese already spread on it, out of the bag. Munching a bite away he sighs gently. "Really, dragging someone from a mcdonalds in daylight, but... what works for you works for me I guess."

Malcolm tries to back himself up against the wall and says in a horribly confused tone, "What . . . what the hell i-is going on?"

Giving a nod to Roger, Dizzy unwraps her burger and starts to eat it. "At the McDonalds, eh? Heh." She shakes her head, that's where Jeremy had found her.

Sophia settles down on the floor near Malcolm biting into her burger. Through her food, she says "Welcome home, bro. Oh, we're not... like a cult or anything. In case you were wondering. Let us know when you're ready for an explanation. Gotta warn you though, dude, it's a freaky one. Not the kinda shit you're used to hearing, I bet."

Daisy simply nods, as if confirming Sophia's claim.

Roger just chuckles lightly, an odd thing from Roger, as he takes another large bite of his bagel.

Malcolm looks around flabbergasted for a second and says "What the hell is going on? This sure is hell isn't my home and I have no idea who the fuck you people are!"

Something is obviously funny to Dizzy, she taps her roommate lightly with her foot, "Maybe we should tell him we're a cult, to like, you know, prod him along."

Sophia chuckles at Dizzy and shakes her head, swallowing her food. "I like it better the way the boys did it. All calm, chill, nothing broken. But, ok. Look, bro. What's your name? I'm gonna keep calling you bro, but other people will want to know. Your name. We'll get to the weird stuff in a minute. My name is Sophie. This here is Dizzy, Roger, and Daisy. Big dude you saw before was John, but don't worry, he's not normally like that. You hungry?"

Roger offers a slight wave of his hand as his name is mentioned. He seems quite interested in seeing how Sophia handles this whole deal.

Daisy simply stays quiet, waiting and watching, focused on the new cub and taking in his every reaction and response. "Daisy," she offers as Sophia introduces them all.

Dizzy nods, sipping on her coke, agreeing with Sophia's opinion on the matter she brought up. And Daisy-rhya did say no blood on the carpet. It's not like she got any blood on Roger's floor when she first changed.

Malcolm stands up angrily, and says equally as angry "Don't you think you should explain your selves a little better!", he adds on as a afterthought." And maybe letting me call my house."

Daisy looks towards the others. ~Ask him why we would bother kidnapping him. Of what value is he compared to any of the other people in this city that we could have taken.~

Sophia looks to Roger to translate this. "I... I can't understand yet, Roger."

Malcolm stews and gets angrier. He then looks at Daisy and says angrily "What the hell is she growling about?".

Roger glances at Daisy and then to Sophia with a gentle sigh. "Kid, what the fuck reason we got to kidnap you? You don't look rich, and I'm sure there are better places to find people who are worth ransom then McDonald's. Besides, we would've tied you up or something. Basically, all I'm saying is that we aren't idiots. So logically we didn't kidnap you, because if we did you wouldn't be allowed to move like you are doing right now. Kid, take it away." the last part is directed at Sophia.

Malcolm says in a sarcastic tone directing his anger to Roger, "Maybye you are some sort of Fucked up Whackos, who get your jollies by playing with teenagers heads! You sorta look like the child molester type!."

Roger seems to take general objections to that statement. "Hey. Excuse me... but you look HARDLY worth molesting."

Sophia rolls her eyes. "Don't smart off to the grownups. They deserve respect. Now just chill out and listen to me. Any one of us, we could hurt you if we wanted to. But we don't want to. You gonna back off now and listen to me?"

Malcolm is getting quite pissed off and wants nothing more then to be done with these people. "Oh, I'm sorry! I'm supposed to show respect to people who abducted me! Eeeevery one knows that its good manners to be respectful to your abductors!"

Daisy stands up, stretches, and walks upstairs into the kitchen.

Dizzy nods with a grin, "Of course. Otherwise..." She holds up a hand like a gun and pretends to shoot herself in the head.

Roger looks towards Daisy and gets an idea... uh oh. "Yeah well... feel free to look around the house if you want. Your new home is practically a mansion. High tech computers... stocked kitchen... individual apartments... free education, though one a bit more important then college. Come on, we've got a better life here for you. All we ask in return is you listen to what we have to say and make a simple choice at the end of it."

Malcolm's rage is a little derailed by Dizzy's grin. He says in a less angry tone "Start explaining." and adds on as an afterthought "and maybye I won't report you to the pol . . ." He looks at Roger as he is interupted. "D-did you say hight tech computers?"

Sophia gets up and walks up the basement steps, chewing on her burger. She calls down after her, "C'mon, bro. We'll show you the house. Rec room first. What did you say your name was again?"

Malcolm is facinated instead of angry now. "Um . . . Malcolm" he says in an uneasy tone as he follows Sophia up.

Daisy comes back with the bag from McDonalds and a drink. She stands quietly to one side, letting the others do all the talking as she retrieves a going-cold french fry from the bag. Apparently she'd planned on returning to the basement, but stops a couple steps down as the others come up.

Ah, so Malcolm is his name. The ragabash frowns slightly, now that Sophia is showing him the grand tour her fun looks like it's over. She finishes her hamburger and tosses the wrapper in the trash and sighs. Why did this one have to be a computer freak?

Sophia nods. "Good meeting you, Malcolm. Ok. So this is the place. Only residents and their friends are allowed in here, so y'know, it's a cool place to hang out. Pool table's free, and there's a playstation over there somewhere, by the TV. Now see, it's important you don't let people in here who aren't family, like you and me. Be careful not to spill anything on the couch, or the lady who owns the place, Lianne, she'll drop dead of a coronary on the spot."

Daisy chips in here, "No mess up house."

Malcolm nods to Sophia "Don't you think you should have started with this part? I mean instead of just knocking me out and dragging me here?" He rubs the back of his neck in remembrance. "Whats wrong uhh . . Posey? She no habla engles?"

Dizzy finishes her drink and tosses it into the trash, she then hurries up to follow her roommate and the new cub on his tour.

Roger growls oddly at that, he's become adapt at sounding lupine while still in homid form. "That is God here. At least a Demi-God. Think of it this way, you'll respect her as long as you are under her roof, for as long as that maybe."

Sophia laughs. "Wish it worked that way. Would you have come with us? Some big-old freaky dude with his face ripped to shit walks up and says, "Hey. We got Playstation. Wanna come see?" You'd have come with us and played nice? And no, Daisy doesn't speak english real good. She speaks the family language. You'll learn it, soon. But yeah, like Roger said. Don't let the age trick you. She's the head honcho around here. How old are you, anyway, Daisy?"

A faint electronic tone sounds, and the lock to the front door clicks. John steps through, looking a touch annoyed. "Fucking Vinny wouldn't take the car. I've got to find someone else." he grumbles, and looks around to see how folks are doing. Doesn't seem to have been any First Change madness... then again. Soppy little small-moon cubs, these days...

Malcolm chuckles at Sophia, then looks to Roger somewhat apologetically. He then remembers his car suddenly and says "Hey maybye we should pick up my car? I dropped my keys underneath it and I'd hate to have somthing terrible happen to my car."

The girl who looks noo older than 14 holds up four fingers in response to Sophia's query. "Four," Daisy adds in English.

Dizzy must be insane, she practically hasn't stopped grining since the new cub woke up, "Yeah, and I'm twenty. Age works backward here."

Roger glances first to John then to Malcolm. "Yeah... about that. You aren't going to drive that p.o.s. anymore. We'll see about better wheels later. Was there anything in the car of any use?"

Malcolm looks confused for a moment and replys a little intimidated by John "U-uhm ya my Cd's and my l-laptop."

John shakes his head at Roger and leans against the wall by the door. He tosses the keys up in the air, catching them lightly and tossing them back up quickly. "Don't stutter." he orders Malcolm, and then looks to the others. "Don't let me interrupt your careful indoctrination, or anything."

Sophia nods. "Cool. You gotta laptop? You really are one of us, bro. We can get that out for him, can't we, John?" She looks over at him, not waiting for an answer "Ok. So. You all nice and calm now? I wanna explain the weird shit, but not till you're ready. You hungry? I got a bag of chips or something upstairs, if you are."

Malcolm has second thoughts about these people. He shakes his head no to Sophia "What exactly do you people want with me?" he manages to spit out without stuttering.

Seeing as she's of no more use, Dizzy starts to head for the door, but stops before she reaches it. Damn, can't go out no more. Oh well. Not much to do around but watch TV and practice. She looks to Sophia, but is unsure of how to word her question. "Um... Is it okay if I go and, uh... let the dog in?" the ragabash pleads to her roommate.

Sophia flops down in the beanbag. "Who, Sammie? Sure. She'd love to meet Malcolm. Look bro, we want to tell you who you really are. Who we really are. What we as a group mean to the world. And why your life has, up to this point, not been all that snazzy. But we can't talk if you're angry. Won't work."

John inclines his head and folds his arms. "No. Angry's fine." he murmurs.

Daisy says "Angry fine. In basement."

Dizzy blinks, apparently her point didn't get accross correctly. She tries again, "Uh, not just Samantha, but Spins too."

Roger quickly adds to this, backing away a bit. "Yeah... see. We have a philosophy here. Everyone here is family. You wanna be pissy, its fine by us. We won't hold it against you... for too long. But while we're up here out of the basement, we like to keep tidy. So, you can either calm down... or we'll go right back downstairs before we explain anything to you."

Sophia opens her mouth and giggles a little. "Oooooh. Spins. Yayah. Show her to us. Efficiency of words. No denying that stuff. You can do it in here, right?"

Malcolm is more curious then angry. "I'm not angry anymore, a little curious but not angry." he says, as he throws a catious glance at John. He also comes to realize that despite what has happend he has grown to like this bunch, even John in a sort of 'I love my big brother, but I'm afraid he'll kick my ass if I tell him' sorta way.

Dizzy is quite surprised, "That's okay? You don't want to talk to the boy first?"

Daisy prompts again, "Downstairs."

Roger simply nods to Daisy. "Yeah... no dogs up here tonight."

John just waits, grimly. No return of that sort of affection for Malcolm.

Sophia shrugs. "A picture is worth a thousand words. Some things, it's better to show, not tell. There's enough of us here, ya know?" She pops up out of the beanbag cheerfully, trotting to the basement.

Malcolm walks over to Dizzy and is confused by her behavior. "What? You guys got two dogs?" he feels as if he's missing somthing important.

Dizzy nods and follows her roommate into the basement. She turns around and motions for the unclued cub to follow her, "Come on Malcolm. You can meet Spins."

Roger simple waits and sees what the cub chooses.

Malcolm follows Dizzy down looking a little catious, as he still isn't sure what these people want with him. "So you havn't even started to explain what this is all about." he says experimentally.

Dizzy stops in the basement and twirls around to face Malcolm once he's down. She grins and closes her eyes. Suddenly and with no logical explanation she begins to gain mass. Hair starts to grow all over her body and her head becomes more and more canine. When she gets to be about eight feet tall, the fur is over her whole body and her clothes have mysteriously dissapeared. At this point the gained mass starts to be lost rapidly and what was once the girl standing there becomes even more wolf like. She moves to standing on four legs as this transformation takes place. When it finally seems like she's finished, a wolf is standing in place of the girl. She barks a greeting to Malcolm, "Wuff!"

Malcolm is affected much in the same way as he was when John grabbed his neck. His legs crumple from benieth him and he hits the floor if no one catches him.

No one /does/ catch the boy, and he topples to the floor. Sophia drags him over to the cot, letting him lie there on the ground next to it. "Hey guys?" She calls, loudly enough to be heard up the steps. "He fainted clean out. I think he's got the human thing. The uh... delirious? I think that spirit showed us the wrong kid!"

Daisy doesn't rush over to catch the cub. It's only a couple stairs that lead down to a cement floor, afterall. ~Not an ahroun,~ she observes. Then adds, ~I hope not, at least. What a wimp.~

Roger glances at the cub and shakes his head. "No... he is one of us. Kinfetch either do their jobs right, or not at all."

John once again looks a little disappointed, and just massages his temples. "Fucking small moons." he mutters.

Malcolm gets up shakily, staring wide eyed at Dizzy/Spins. "Uh . . . muhmbu . . ." he manages to spit out.

Roger nods to John now. "Not even a fucking gibbous among them. We're over ripe with shadow walkers and shadow talkers."

Spins-in-Circles pads over to the cot, following her roommate. She wuffs a bit, finding the whole thing humorous.

Sophia grins. "I'm going to call you Faints-cold." She giggles and stoops down next to him, offering her hand.

Malcolm gladly takes Sophia's hand. He actually looks a bit amused on what's going on. Maybe he's cracked?

The Ahroun just twists his mouth sourly. "Now, Sophia. I may as well have called you Disobedient-Fool, based on your first change." He doesn't appear to be arguing the point too strongly, though. Fainting... gah. Another spineless computer geek.

Daisy reaches out and pokes John for his comment about small moons. ~We'll get some fuller moons eventually.~ She perches halfway down the stairs, sets the McD's bag down, and pulls out her now-cold chicken sandwich. The wrapping is neatly opened to double as a napkin on her lap.

Sophia laughs so hard she is unable to help Malcolm up, and instead falls to the floor beside him. "Disobedient Fool! I like that one. Can I keep it? Please, Boss? I hate the name Spot, anyhow."

Malcolm looks more confused then he did upstairs, when he woke up. "What the hell is going on? Why does Daisy growl? And why did D-dizzy . . . ch-change?" he says shakily.

Spins-in-Circles decides to find out what the new cub smells like. She prods him with her nose and goes in a full body shiver, backing up a couple of steps and pawing her nose. Need water.

Roger looks between all of them then back to Malcolm, seeming to have made his mind on something as he pipes up. "I believe John told you not to stutter. And she changed because like you, she is a Werewolf. A Garou... I was thinking about making this all easy on you, but fuck it. We need some tough blood and if you can't hack it, then we'll make sure you learn to. On that note. Yeah... we're all werewolves. All of us can turn into wolves and all the mixtures between wolves and humans." Well, Roger certainly laid it all out on the table.

John lowers his head, peering intently at the new cub. "And the other /very/ important thing is this: You probably didn't believe werewolves existed. Good reason. No-one's supposed to know about us. So everything that happens in your life from now on, that has to do with what we are, is /secret/." He leans back a little. "On pain of death, or worse, usually."

Cat-Killer adds to Roger's statement in a non-verbal manner, allowing her form to drift into crinos and, oddly enough, obstructing the only exit from the basement. She readjusts herself on the stairs, straightens the wrapper on her lap, and finishes off the entire McChicken sandwich in one bite.

Malcolm is confused by Rogers statement, but catches the demeaning tone. He is already is peturbed at Roger for his earlier comments. The power of his sudden epiphany also helps to power his anger. He doesn't even really notice Daisys miraculous transformation "Where do you get off calling me names you . . . you . . ." he says his voice breaking into a light growl at the end of the statement.

The stress of the day finally catches up with Malcolm as he lets his temper fly his physical form shifts growing larger and tearing his clothes from his body. This continues until standing where Malcolm once was is a very pissed off werewolf.

Spins-in-Circles pads away from the new cub to sit. She doesn't want to be nearby him at this moment.

Roger figures it's go time, and shifts to match the Crinos form.

Sophia looks around at everyone. "Don't expect me to join in the party. This outfit is brand new. You might as well calm down now, bro. It's a futile gesture."

The enraged Malcolm does not pay any heed to Sophia's words, as he charges Roger furiously.

Dreamer would grin if he could, but simply stands as the cub charges him. Side stepping at the last moment he trips the cub easily with one leg in front of his feet and a fist, not using claws, slamming into his back. ~Bring it on you little shit...~ he growls violently, Roger is definatly in the mood for some play.

Cat-Killer starts on her french fries. What, no ketchup? Ah, well.

The ragabash rolls her eyes and lays down. Even she backed down when faced with another Crinos during her firsting. Hopefully this kid won't be another Hops.

John just leans back against the wall, shifting slowly up to Glabro, and with his arms folded. A small, satisfied smile starting to form on that decidedly feral face.

Malcolm falls to the floor from the blow catching his self with his hands before he hits the floor. He kicks out savagly at "Dreamer"'s, lower leg hoping to cause him fall or break it.

Dreamer now would sigh at the futile move and has enough time with the slow manuver the cub makes to decide on being mean... or really mean. He decides on being really mean. He leaps up a good deal, hunching his whole body over and bringing his feet up so that he won't slam into the ceiling. When he is at the apex of his jump he pushes hard off the ceiling and lands hard on the leg the cub kicked out with, breaking the bone inside cleanly. As he quickly steps off of and using impressive speed hunkers down and sets the leg back into place with giant Crinos paw-hands before Garou healing does all the work itself. ~No pussy footing.~ He says through the screaming and roaring that will no doubt be occuring at the time.

Malcolm screams and roars, as expected from the trauma to his leg. He makes no further action, except to grab his leg in pain.

Spins-in-Circles shakes her head and gets up to be with her roommate. Poor cub.

Sophia leans back, watching interestedly. "Well, see, now? I told you. You got to start listening to people who know more than you, or you'll live maybe two hours out there in the real world. A real smart guy once explained to me, how if someone you trust tells you to back down, you might wanna listen."

Malcolm bites his tongue and lets his rage subside, his form shrinks back to that of a naked boy of 17. He still does not look pleased with Roger and does not seem to notice his nudity.

John just snorts, shaking his head at the whole scene, and slipping back into the much smaller homid form. There's something of a look of grim satisfaction about his expression, though.

Dreamer is still quite in crinos as he looks over the leg now and nods as he spent enough time whining on the floor in crinos for it to heal up. With this realization he melts down to the homid form. "Hey... when you are done bitching you might want to stand up and walk around... and notice your leg isn't broken any more. And you are lucky I didn't just shoot you. Cause I'm packing black talons right now and that would take a good deal longer to get over."

With a mixture of embarrasment and rage, Malcolm gets up. He glares banefully at Dreamer as if to say 'This isn't over'.

Dreamer only steps up and looks directly into the cubs eyes, Rage coming off of him in waves. "Bring it on cub." he isn't planning on letting the cub's attitude fester for later. Everything will come out now or never.

Sophia sighs, looking over to Dizzy. "You know I'm just going to have to go through this shit with him again later, once he's figured everything out." She snicks with her tongue, watching to see what Malcolm will do. She leans back on her elbows, utterly bored. "At least then it'll be more interesting, cuz we won't know right off the bat who's going to win."

Spins yawns and nods to her roommate, getting bored with the new cub.

Malcolm takes a deep breath and the last of his anger melts away, he slumps slightly from the stress of what has happend today. He puts out his hand to Roger apologetically. Looking sort of embarrased, he says "I'm sorry, I think I understand what you were trying to accomplish." he adds "Friends?"

John rumbles, "It's important that we establish the pecking order, cub, and we /do/ have one. Roger is better than you. Probably faster, stronger, definitely more skilled, and a good deal more intelligent. And still learning and growing. Accept it, and don't let his being better diminish your opinion of yourself."

Roger nods to John's words still looking at Malcom and pushes the cub's hand away, not angrily or anything... just slowly setting it at the cub's side as if it isn't quite time for them to be calling each other friends just yet. "I'll know when you understand cub. And right now, you don't know shit. But Sophia is doing a good job of clueing you un-ranked kiddies in. I look forward to scuffling with you again in the future, Malcolm... next time you might be able to fend for yourself, neh? I won't count on it, but maybe you'll suprise me." With this he steps over to stand near John, hunkering down besides him in almost a defensive crouch.

Sophia shrugs. "They pick up pretty quick, Roger. Not really my doing." She turns to Malcolm and grins. "So, I bet you want some clothes right about now, dontcha, bro? It's not like you gotta be ashamed, we all end up in the raw sooner or later. But still, you know. We are part human. So. I'll give you a choice. If you're going to stay chill now, and you have to promise me that. If you're going to stay chill I'll go ask one of the other brother-cubs to loan you some clothes. But if you're not gonna stay chill, I'll get you a sheet instead. Your decision."

Malcolm turns to the two male Garou, and nods respectivly at their advice, looking obedient. When he hears Sophia's words, he then notices the rags hanging from his body and embarrassedly seeks to cover himself up. He looks around almost pleadingly for someone to provide him with clothes.

Spins prods her roommate. Spot teach good.

John obliges the naked cub by slipping his trenchcoat off, and tossing it to the boy. "/Don't/... mess with whatever's in the pockets." he warns, mildly.

Malcolm covers himself up hurriedly with the trench coat, quickly buttoning it up. He makes a point to keep his hands out of the pockets.

Sophia kisses Spins on the snout. "You're sweet, but you deserve the credit." She looks around at the others, annoyed at the pause. "Well, guys? I'm bored. Do we wanna go hang upstairs and talk, or what? Or is everybody tired and ready for bed? What's up?"

Roger looks around and then to Daisy. "I have some things to take care of back home... by your leave, Cat-Killer?"

Cat-Killer nods, excusing Roger.

Spins-in-Circles wuffles. Spins want hot. No. Spins want water? No. The ragabash is suitably annoyed, not knowing how to express her needs.

Malcolm looks confused for a moment. "Cat-Killer?"

Roger does have one more thing to ask before he leaves. "Daisy... We need to get together about binding under Roach soon, eh?"

John says gruffly, to Malcolm, "Daisy. Cat-Killer. Our youngest member. And Tribal Elder." The Ahroun just keeps his arms folded, watching Daisy and Roger.

Cat-Killer nods again. ~We'll talk soon about it. Probably as the moon gets fuller.~

Spins-in-Circles barks to her roommate, she's got it. Spins wants hot black water. Understand?

Roger simply nods and heads out towards home commenting mostly to himself as he goes. "So many toys to build and less time to do it in."

Malcolm waits patiently taking in the room. Not seeming to notice that Daisy is growling or anything is out of place.

John shakes his head, but starts to move after Roger. "I'm meeting with the Sept Alpha tonight. Discussing chiminage." he mentions as he starts to leave.

Roger looks over to John, supressing a bit of suprise as he knew it would have to happen sometime. "You ready to become part of this sept... and part of a pack then?"

Cat-Killer inquires of John, ~Any ideas for what items or services you might present to the sept yet?~

John nods quietly. "We'll see what I have to do. I think it'll mostly involve making myself available for teaching Rites, for a few months."

Sophia nods at Dizzy, holding up another 'Wait' finger to her. A slow, natural grin forms on her face, and she looks like she might run up and hug John. She doesn't, of course, but she thinks about it.

Spins nods and looks around. Cub sleep house where? With Hops Nails?

~A good way to better establish contacts and potential allies from within the sept. An excellent chiminage,~ Daisy confirms. ~I give it my approval.~

Malcolm interupts the conversation. "Hey you guys mentioned a super computer? Can I see it?" the young Theurge says, not trying to be rude, but not really noticing they are talking,

Roger does add to John, "While you are at it... I think I need to learn my first rite sometime soon, and who better to teach me then you, eh?"

John steamrolls the cub by just plainly ignoring him. "Good. Thanks, Daisy." He starts a little further up the steps, and gives Roger something of a sly smile. "See if I don't spend my first few months of chiminage teaching my Tribesmates... some might have objections. We'll see."

Cat-Killer asides, ~Other tribes are to get preferential treatment, lest Ice's offering ring hollow in the sept's ears.~

Sophia huffs, pretending to ignore what the elders say. "Certainly not in our room. He'll flip out and break things! Yeah, I'd think he'll bunk with the boys." she says - nevermind about the dent in the door, at least it isn't broken.

Roger nods to Daisy. "That is obvious. But still... in the long run, I need training and I'll see about maybe payin' ya back with a gift you don't already have if I can."

Spins-in-Circles looks up at her roommate inquisitively. What noise at night? Spot Hops?

Malcolm stops taking in the room, his eyes come into focus. "Hey Sophie, could you show me where they keep the computer?"

John smiles and nods. "Yes. I think you may well have some of use. Sharing skill is good. We'll get to it soon, I hope. But still. Goodnight, all. I mustn't keep the Alpha waiting." He inclines his head respectfully to Daisy, and leaves the basement. Shortly after, he exits via the front door.

Cat-Killer says, ~We will discuss it at a later date then. I need to learn some things myself.~

Sophia shakes her head at Spins-In-Circles. "Nope. Spot Angry. Spot Door. Spot Ow, Fuck. Spot Disobedient Fool!" She looks over at Malcolm. "I have a computer in my room, but it was a present from my boyfriend, and you can't touch it till you promise you'll stay calm."

Roger nods one last time to Cat-Killer and heads out towards his apartment, perhaps Jeremy will have already started on what he needs done.

The ragabash tilts her head, not understanding her roommate. Spot claw door? Why angry?

Malcolm doesn't notice the two leave. He looks a bit embarrased at Sophie and says "I promise."

Malcolm thinks for a minute, and then realizes that he has many more questions that can not be answerd by a computer. "Actually, perhaps you can tell me what is going on?"

Sophia nods to Malcolm, then to Dizzy, and stands up. ~Cat-Killer-rhya?~ she says, barely able to eek out the words and quickly switching back to English "Would you like to come sit upstairs with us, in our apartment?"

Daisy dwindles back to her human-looking self, crumpling up and dropping her trash into the brown McD's bag. Apparently, there's no longer an apparent need to block the exits. "Yes."

Sophia walks toward the stairwell, motioning to Malcolm for him to follow.

Malcolm realizes that it seems a bit odd, him a computer geek, going up to a girl's room wearing nothing, but John's trenchcoat.

Spins-in-Circles follows her roommate up, a mite annoyed with the problems of talking in this form, but it is good practice.

Malcolm looks embarresed, his face turning a slight shad of red. "Uhm . . . could I get some clothes while we are at it?"

Malcolm sheepishly follows Sophia up the stairs, holding his trenchcoat tight.

Sophia's Apartment(#4128RAJ$)
Small, bare, and uninviting, this little apartment is clearly not the dwelling of a homebody, nor of a person accustomed to entertaining. The sitting area has only bright white plastic lawn furniture that looks as if it might have been manufactured by Tupperware. Makeshift shelves of cinderblocks and 1"X8" boards bow with the weight of scores of books. Titles like "Rescuing the Bible From Middle America" or "Zarathustra: Modernism in Antiquity" can be seen here, along with dozens of dime-store paperbacks. The small writing table is completely taken up by a computer, powered up and humming softly.
The kitchen looks as if it might never have been cooked in. A small microwave on the counter is still blinking "12:00", no one having bothered to set the clock. Beside it is an electric can opener. The only evidence of use is a single glass in the stainless steel sink and a few fast-food bags in the trashcan. The sole decoration on the refrigerator is a postcard bearing a photograph of a monstrous, grimy power plant with "Come to Hanford!" printed on the bottom in fluorescent green.
Through a door opposite the kitchen, the tiny bedroom looks slightly more lived-in. On top of a black particle-board dresser sit a hairbrush, a few hair-ties, and several plastic hairclips, along with a small pile of cheap costume jewelry. A frame designed to hold several of snapshots is hung squarely on the wall. The bed is made, a bright yellow bedspread bravely trying to cheer up the room.

Sophia walks through the lobby and up the stairs to the apartment level. She points to the girls' apartment, stopping briefly to ask Corey and Jonathan for a set of clothes. Jonathan does offer some, but reluctantly. She brings them in and hands them to Malcolm, pointing at the bathroom door.

Spins barks at her roommate, a tad annoyed now. Tell Spins. Why angry Spot claw door? Why stupid?

Malcolm goes into the bathroom and puts on his new set of cloths quickly. He comes out with John's trenchcoat in his arms. "Do you think he'll want this back?" he asks sort of jokingly.

Daisy eyeballs the dent in the door. "Is broken?"

Sophia nods at Malcolm. "I know he will. Just set it on the floor there. I'll take it to him for you, later." She glances at Dizzy, shrugging. "Um, it's a long story, but essentially I was mad at John and I knew I couldn't hit him, so I hit the door, instead. Well, except he was already gone." She glances at Daisy, gauging her reaction. "I'll pay to have it fixed, Rhya. It's not broken, just... a little dented."

Daisy frowns slightly. "Do not let Lianne see. Fix soon. Not tell her."

Spins-in-Circles spends a moment trying to figure out how to express a certain concept before asking. Where Spot find green?

Malcolm sets the trenchcoat on the floor, neatly folding it up. He turns to the rest of the Garou. "Um . . . so when does this all start making sense?"

Sophia sighs. "I don't know. I'll squeeze it out of my budget somehow. I mean, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, right? You take responsibility for what you've done." She shrugs at Malcolm. "It takes a long time. Have patience. Actually, what would be better is if you go and crash now. You must be exhausted. We can talk more, later on."

Malcolm nods to Sophia. "Uhm . . . where am I sleeping?" he asks.

The ragabash nods, she understands. Spins help? Hops help chairs. Spins help door?

Sophia opens the door and points to the male cubs' apartment. "Right in there. I already let them know you were coming, don't worry. Just... try not to get on Jonathan's bad side, Ok? As a favor to me?"

Malcolm nods to Sophia again, and enters Johnathans room. He finds where he is supposed to sleep and crashes. He lays down for about 3 seconds before falling into a deep sleep.

Sophia closes the door and slides down it, falling slowly into a cross-legged positionl. She studies Dizzy for a moment before answering. "Maybe... if you're sure. Just so Lianne won't know. But you have to promise you'll let me pay you back."

Daisy offers, "I will go. Help get new door. Go tomorrow in morning? Both?"

Spins wuffles and pads over to her roommate to curl in her lap. Where Spot find green? Spins green good. She looks up to Daisy. Spins go. She turns to look up at Sophia and licks her cheek. Spot go?

Sophia smiles at Daisy, her eyes scrunching up to little slits. "Oh, thank you! That's very sweet of you. Yes, we'll do that. The three of us." She looks down at Spins and grins. "You're getting much, much better with your speech. I'm proud of you. Oh, that reminds me of something. Daisy-Rhya? Would you be willing to spend some time with me, learning the Mother Tongue? Maybe teaching me could help with your English, also."

"Yes," Daisy affirms Sophia, then looks to Dizzy. "Less time for me. More time for cubs. All cubs learn together to speak mother tongue. Start tomorrow after get door. And...." She trails off, searching for the right word while looking at Dizzy. "Hot drink."

Sophia scratches her head. "Coffee, you mean?"

Spins barks happily at her tribe's elder, wagging her tail. This definately helps to alleviate the pain of not being able to leave on her own.

"Coffee. Yes," Daisy confirms as she recognizes the word she wanted. "Go every morning if want. Before practice speaking and fighting." She enquires, "Have money to buy, yes?"

Sophia nods at the question. "Sure, we have money for coffee. I have a little, and Dizzy and Jonathan, they have a lot. Corey, not so much." She wrinkles up her mouth, trying to think of a way to phrase the question she has for the evening. "But Rhya? I have a quick question for you. You explained to me yesterday that some things just are, and it's not useful to ask why. But I think there are also things that are, and you have to ask why, so you can change them. How can you tell the difference?"

Daisy has an amazingly short answer for this question. "Wisdom."

Spins yawns and lays her head down, listening to the theurges' conversation.

Sophia nods, thinking about that, letting it roll around in her brain. "Some humans, they have a prayer about that. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. That sounds a lot like what you're saying. Those humans, they might not understand very much, but they do understand some things pretty well, I guess." She pauses, and asks, "Do you think it's foolish for me to try to get John-rhya to trust me?"

Daisy tips her head quizzically to one side. "Trust you?"

Sophia raises her palms, tilting them out to the sides. "He doesn't trust people. It's dangerous. And I can't tell if that's something that will always be, or if it's something that can be changed. Hops says it can't be changed. So does John. But I really want them to be wrong about it. I love John. He's like my father. And I don't want him to have a senseless death just because he couldn't trust. Especially not if it can be changed. The tribe, we need him."

Daisy seems to dwell on this for a time. Perhaps she's had different experiences with the sullen ahroun. Perhaps not. She answers with a question. "What thing you know of that never change in time?"

Sophia looks down at her lap, thinking. She watches her roommate's furry ribcage expand and contract, and looks up at Daisy. "Life. It always changes, never stops. So it is always the same."

Daisy spreads her hands. "There is answer."

Sophia certainly does not understand, but the wonder, the puzzle, pacifies her. Her only reply is: "Oh."

Daisy moves back towards the door to depart. "Good nite. Sleep tight. Don't let bedbugs bite. Keep watch on new cub, too," she adds as an afterthought.

Sophia scoots out of the way of the door. "Thank you for your time, Daisy-Rhya. We'll see you in the morning? Have sweet dreams, Ok? Don't worry. I'll keep my eye on him."

Spins chuffs a goodbye to Daisy. Good sleep.

Sophia slowly tilts to the right, falling to the floor with a soft thud. "You know I actually ordered John to leave last night?" Sophia says, a wild grin on her face. "And... he /did/?"

Spins steps out of roommate's lap and changes back to her breed form. She's had enough practice for the day. "Really?" she asks once she's back, "What was he so mad about?"

Sophia laughs. "He wasn't mad about anything, really. I was the one who was mad. Because he was eavesdropping on me, and because he doesn't trust me, and because he told me to speak my mind, and when I let him know I cared about him he got mad at me. So I stood up and told him to leave, that he couldn't talk to me like that in my own house. And he left."

Dizzy sits on the floor and nods, letting that sink in, "Well, try to be a bit more quiet next time, eh?" She grins, "You made enough noise to wake the dead."

Sophia chuckles, grimacing. "Sorry. I uh... like I said. It was stupid. I felt like /such/ a halfwit, after I found out he'd been eavesdropping. I mean, I was broke-down, in tears, and telling Alicia and Rina straight up, everything I thought about John. And he was lurking on the other side of the wall. I hate that I cried in front of him."

Dizzy oooooos, "I can't belive he was doing that. What a creep. Geeze." She ponders a second, "Maybe we should put whipped cream in his boots or something."

Sophia giggles, rolling onto her back. "That'd sweeten him up real good."

Dizzy nods, getting up. "I'll have to figure out where he keeps his boots." She yawns, "Well, I'm off to bed."

Sophia smiles and waves, looking up from the floor. "G'night. I'll be turning in soon, myself."

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