Dizzy - In Memory of Banecruncher

Currently the moon is in the waning No Moon phase (13% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 66 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the northeast at 6 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.08 and steady, and the relative humidity is 60 percent. The dewpoint is 52 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 16:41 Pacific Time on Wed Jul 18 2001.

Walker Safe House(#2832RAJL)
This small tenement building, is a work that any interior decorator would be proud of. The building is somehow filled with light, and space. Despite the fact that the room is far from large. Mirrored surfaces and lush, green pot plants are much in evidence - jarring only slightly with the video cameras that perch unobtrusively in various locations. A small sign on the wall lists the number of apartments upstairs as eight. There are no names next to the apartment numbers. Downstairs leads to a very thick door, with no visible method of being opened - except a keypad next to it.
The lobby branches off into what appears to be a small recreation room; for use only by residents and their guests. Much like the rest of the building, mirrors are prominent. There is a pool table set up in one half of the room, while the remainder is dominated by a large home theater system, with an incredibly expensive-looking couch in front of it. The couch nearly screams out, 'Don't spill anything'. For those who might, there are also two matching side-chairs, and a bean-bag on the floor - far too close to the television to be good for anyone's eyes.

Kaz tells John, rather seriously, "I don' think you could stop me from teachin' i unless you tied my mouth shut, John, but I /can/ promise you I'll make sure they know what's Gnawer opinion an' what ain't, and /why/ our opinion differs from other folks'. Which is actually kinda important. If you don' wanna cope with that, I jus' won' come around." She looks back to Corey, and blinks. "Oh. Right. Sophia, I just wanna talk to a lil', but John --" she looks back to him -- "I got news."

Kaz, clearly, wanted to cut to the heart of the issue, or at least /a/ heart of it.

John replaces the bottle and just takes his glass out - frowning only a little at Kaz's 'threat'. "Cool it." he orders, mildly, and glances to Corey for a moment, before giving Kaz his undivided attention. "News?"

Peering away from the television and spotting John, Dizzy shuts off the TV and follows him back into the lobby.

Kaz shrugs. "I'm just sayin'." But she sobers quickly at the question. "Well. Y'know we were gonna do more lightin', yesterday. We did, but... Well, Baney didn't make it out." Dizzy gets a brief, interested glance.

Corey nods and makes absolutely no move to actually retrieve the theurge cub. He gives a nod to Dizzy, and looks between Kaz and John, interested in the news as well. 'Baney' gets an eyebrow quirk, but only a brief one.

Dizzy gives a small wave to Kaz and Corey in return, not necessary trying to be sneaky, but staying quiet just the same.

John grimaces immediately, ducking his head to one side and shaking it minutely. He makes a small, disgusted noise, before looking back to Kaz with a frown that displays both that disgust and annoyance. "Did he throw himself into it - because of the death-order, or act sensibly and just get unlucky?"

Kaz shakes her head. "He was tellin' Signe, in so many words, to gofuck herself. So basically, he just tussled with somethin' too big for him and I shoulda had sense enough to call him off before he frenzied."

The big Ahroun looks suddenly very tired, and he lifts a hand to massage his temples. "Fuck it." he mutters, quietly, and knocks back a decent swallow of his drink. Looking back up to Kaz, he hoists his glass in a toast. "Here's to Baney. And irony." and then finishes the whole thing off.

Corey starts to get puzzled. He always hated current-events projects in history class, and this is one majorly current event he doesn't even half understand.

Steping around John, Dizzy introduces herself into the room vocally with a smile. "Hello Kaz, Core, John."

Kaz sounds angry, and frustrated, and distressed, but she is not crying, and her voice is not hoarse. "Hey. Diz. How goes?" Her smile is gone, though. "Banecruncher, y'all, was a lupus ahroun. A damn good guy, in a lot of ways. He got sentenced by someone who wasn't a philodox, to die in the sewers, because of something he did, and he finally got the gumption to tell her to fuck off about it. And then he died, two hours later." Now, she swallows. "It's kinda fucked, basically."

Maybe it's the wrinkling of his nose, or the twist of his expression that makes it almost a scowl, but John looks far less than happy with the news. Just digustedly shaking his head, he makes his way back into the rec room to dump the glass in the sink. "Something to drink, Kaz?" he queries, quietly.

"So I see," is all Corey comments on Kaz's story, though he's frowning. Apparently the Garou legal system has some problems, from his perspective.

Dizzy takes a step back and watches a John heads back to the rec room. She idly plays with the keys in her jacket pockets as she asks, "Hey John, can we go down and get my car? I really don't like leaving it out like this. Hell, I probably already have been ticketed."

Kaz says, "I /really/ wanna drink today, actually. But, well, you got water?" She's heading into the rec room herself, to claim said water, and then leans against the doorjamb between the two rooms. "It was the kinda death he wanted, at least. It's just..." She trails off, and looks down, shaking her head.

John snaps at Dizzy, "It can wait. Have some respect." And almost immediately appears to settle a little, letting those hackles fall. "Give me the keys, I'll do it in a second." Looking over a Kaz, he pours some water into his used whiskey glass, with the ice cubes still there. Techinically not drinking... He raises it, and an eyebrow, in query, to the metis. "Yeah. I'm not happy with this at all. Stinks of unresolved issues."

Corey tries not to laugh at the idea of John driving Dizzy's beetle, and manages to fight it down to a strangled cough. He gives a sheepish look back at anyone who glances in his direction for it.

Though she's afraid the car will come back worse if John goes and gets it while in this sort of mood, Dizzy still takes the keys out of her pocket to toss them to him as soon as there's an opening. "Thanks." It's not that she doesn't care, she's not sure what to say on the Banecruncher issue.

Kaz regards him for a moment, and then takes the glass out of his hand. "T'Baney," she mutters, and takes a long drink. "It ain't the unresolved issues, although that's part of it, it's just..." She trails off. "I'll just miss the fucker. You'n Signe can go argue with a half moon til you turn blue, if you want, though. Since I think it'd make you feel better."

John wrinkles his nose, leaning back on the bar, and shrugging. "He was useful. Strong. But maybe... not so bright. Garou needs both to survive. From what I saw, I'd say he was a good... dog. Good boy." The Ahroun taps his fingers on the bar, and looks at the two cubs, warily.

Kaz says, wearily, "His name was Frisket. Before he Changed. He was smarter, after he Changed, but not a hell of a /lot/ smarter. He just kinda... Reacted." She hands the glass back over. "'Course, some folks'd say that was an asset."

Dizzy just stands there, head hanging in respect for the dead garou. She has no idea what else _to_ do.

John takes the glass back, and washes it out, dumping the ice in the sink. "He followed orders. He was a good soldier." Quiet, now, John just leaves the glass in the sink, and eyes Kaz. "No good news, then?"

Corey sits down in the nearest empty chair, and considers. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it and shakes his head sadly. Too much death and near-death lately.

Kaz shrugs. "Got more lights stuck up. That's something. We just gotta keep goin'. Oh," she adds, "An' figure out a better way to ground electricity than usin' Garou bodies."

John nods, muttering, "I'll ask Roger. He'll come up with something, I'll bet." Looking to his cubs again, he gives a mildly approving nod, and toys with his gloves for a moment - stretching the leather. "Starting to see that we're not invinvible, now? Hope you don't need any more reminders, when you're next warned about caution."

Dizzy nods silently. It was pretty evident to her how un-invincible they were when she saw Alicia laying in the cot and heard what had happened to John.

Corey nods as well, having come to that conclusion during the same events.

Kaz says, "Yeah. That'd be a good idea." She resumes leaning against the doorjam, and just watches this teaching. "You showed 'em the regeneration stuff yet, though?"

Dizzy takes initive to answer the question, feeling the information relevant, "Jeremy did, er, rather, when we got back from the alley he coached us. Told us to change so we could heal our broken ribs and what not."

John nods to Dizzy, and adds, "And they've been able to see from myself and Alicia that some wounds won't heal in seconds. Days, rather."

There is a loud barking sound, then a *thud*. This sound is quickly followed by several more sounds. *thud, thud, thud, thud*, and then the form of a Hispo wolf comes down the steps, litterally rolling head over heals and yelping. The lumbering beast gets spit out of the staircase and rolls across to the opposide wall, and with a loud *Bang* sound hits it. This finnally brings the creature to a stop. A moment later Sophia can be seen running down the steps after the animal.

Kaz says, "Aha. Cool. Just checkin' -- that's one've the ones that oughta be done visually." She breaks off as the hispo... falls downstairs... and scrambles further away.

Corey nods in agreement with Dizzy when she speaks up, and when John responds. He does have a question though. "How can we tell which is..." The hispo distracts him, mostly by rolling up right under his nose. "What the hell?"

Sophia runs after the big wolven shape, leaping on it and laughing, a bright twinkle in her voice.

Dizzy bats some hair out of her face as she watches the circus come down. Wolf and Sophie. Sophie was with Hops. Wolf must be Hops. One plus one is two. A confused look is on her face due to being oblivious to her roommate's good mood.

John tilts his head to look past Kaz's head, and winces. "You break it, you bought it." he rumbles, then adds a little more quietly, "Cubs..."

Corey comes to much the same conclusion as Dizzy, and a twinkle comes into his own eye as he considers repaying a favor. Then he considers repaying it when Hops isn't quite so big.

Kaz says, mildly, "Cubs are cubs, and gotta have some joy in findin' out they can be big arsed wolves. Playin' is just another form of trainin', really. If you gotta have an /excuse/ for it..." She trails off, and just starts smiling.

Hops lifts his head towards Sophia. The wolf manages to get back on his feet barely, and then nudges her with his head.

Dizzy calls out to Hops with a grin, "Don't change back, unless you _want_ us to see you in your birthday suit."

Hops bats his tail back and forth, looking up to Sophia. Again with the tail he slaps it against the wall several times. The large Hispo's eyes remain fixed upon her still, hoping she understands.

John shakes his head mildly. "These cubs also have to get over their modesty..." he murmurs, starting to smile, himself.

Corey grins at Jonathan, despite himself. "So I see you managed to change, huh? When'd it happen? How?"

Sophia looks down and stops trying to tackle him. "What, bro? Whazzup?"

Kaz snorts softly. "Yeah, well, again, that takes awhile..."

Hops chuffs loudly, then barks unintelligably towards Sophia, nudging her hand again.

Sophia wraps her arms around Hops' great big neck and says, "Look, guys, Jonathan! Hops. He changed. I helped him, but he did most of the work himself, of course. Isn't it great?"

Corey listens to Sophia with interest. "Doing the meditation thing like Bernie did with me, over at the Decadence?"

Rolling her eyes with a grin, Dizzy looks toward John. This is all good and fun and what not, but the most important thing on her mind is _her poor car_.

Kaz listens quietly, intently, a small grin on her face. Eventually, once the cubs disperse, she heads out to patrol, but she's too busy enjoying them to do that, just now.

John gets a slightly pained look, and gently moves Kaz out of the way to approach Dizzy for the keys to her car. Rolling his eyes at the cubs. In my day, Firsting was all about blood, pain, death and angst... He holds his hand out to Dizzy.

Sophia nods at Corey. "Yeah. It was really awesome. His mind changed even before his body did. And he even managed not to rip up any clothes. Good thing, too, the way he dresses."

Hops licks Sophia's cheek and wags his tail, then a moment later the cub is bounding off towards Dizzy. The cub shifts, first from Hispo to Crinos, moving on all fours still, then down to Glabro as well. Even in this form he moves on all fours and jumps on Dizzy. He is of course now quite naked. He hugs her tightly, and quite about topples the both of them over. "I did it!" he exclaims as they go down in a heap.

Dizzy warily drops the keys into John's waiting hand, "It's on Silver street. Around 13th or 14th or something. Around a thrift store. It's gotta be the only bright yellow bug with California plates. And I don't wa...ACK!" She's toppled over by the over exuberant cub. "Wha! What the _hell_ are you doing? Get the fuck offa me!"

John just grunts, "Don't break the litany." and heads upstairs to get his jacket.

Corey looks around at everyone else's expression when Hops runs around naked. Seeing no admonishment, he begins to feel even /more/ awkward about his own body, which obviously isn't good enough to escape notice.

Well, Corey did not just try to jump on Dizzy naked, Hops did. "Get the fuck off me you fucking asshole!" She cries out, trying to push him away.

Sophia, on seeing Dizzy's expression, starts laughing and yells out, "Get 'im back, sis. Don't just stand there like dummy."

Hops gets off her, still naked and stands up. "Sorry." he says meekly, offering her a hand to help her up. "I'm just... happy." he says, and immediately starts off towards Sophia again. Still naked he goes to hug her as well.

Perhaps with her roommate's urging, the elder Walker ragabash does just that. She shifts into the war-form, to better deal with this crime against decentcy and stomps after her attacker, grabbing his shoulder and spinning him around to look at her.

Corey picks up on Sophia's attitude, and starts clapping and rooting. He really doesn't care who 'wins', he just wants to egg on the show.

John twitches visibly, and his shoulders stiffen - he spins on one foot, already on his way down the stairs and levelling a finger at both Dizzy and Hops. "Stop the fuck there." he barks.

Sophia hugs him back and whispers in his ear, loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Your dangly bits are showing." Seeing Dizzy's approach, she says also "Don't go psycho, Dizzy. No fighting in Crinos. Not in the house. You'll break things."

Hops is spun around quickly, looking up to the Ragabash nerviously. He lifts a hand upwards and with the palm facing her, and then with a smile says, "Hi!"

Spins-in-Circles looks over to John and doesn't do anything more to Hops, just waiting for the cliath to say something.

John stands, stiff, and just holds the finger out towards the two. Biting down on some speech for the moment, he just growls. "Shift down. And get some fucking pants on. And just... forget it." He turns again, and strides back up to the stairs, stomping up them quickly - stormclouds brewing.

Sophia holds out her hands once John is upstairs. "See? What'd I tell you. One second, you're too modest. Next second, get some fucking pants on."

Jonathan bows slightly to Dizzy and then moves up to give her a peck on the crinos cheek, an utterly absurd looking gesture. "I'm sorry." he says. "I got a bit excited."

Spins turns back to Jonathan and growls at him, somehow managing a single, though pretty incoherant word, "Pervert." She shifts back to her breed form and straightens her clothing out.

Jonathan then shakes his head at the word the says. "If I was a pervert I would have litterally gotten excited. And /that/ is a bit hard to hide without pants." he then quickly moves up towards the steps to retrieve his clothing.

Dizzy blinks and even if he didn't mean it, Hops just insulted her in a bad, _bad_ way. Her face turns an angry shade of red and she spins around to look the otherway, stomping her foot down to stop herself with a mighty, "Hmph!"

Sophia tucks the corner of her mouth into the side of her face and glances at Dizzy. "What's up? Aren't you happy for him?"

John comes down the stairs, only a few moments later, shrugging into a leather jacket. "When I give an order you better carry it out fast, not sit around flirting." he rumbles, already in a foul mood. He jingles the keys a little, and opens the door. "Now move." is the last thing he snaps, before closing it.

Jonathan returns from upstairs, the now familliar towel wrapped around him. He seems absolutely giddy at this point. "Heeeeyyy!" he calls out to Sophia and the gang. "Piiizzza! On me!" he states, and then moves off towards the Kitchen.

Corey watches John, then Jonathan, and shakes his head. "You try cooking like that, you're going to /get/ pizza on you, and you're not going to like it." He heads into the kitchen to assist his roommate.

Dizzy rolls her eyes and stomps upstairs. She's pissed and it doesn't seem like a wise idea to follow her.

Jonathan calls out loudly from the kitchen. "What toppings?"

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