Currently the moon is in the waning Crescent Moon phase (33% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 61 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the south at 12 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 29.89 and falling, and the relative humidity is 57 percent. The dewpoint is 46 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 18:56 Pacific Time on Sun Jul 15 2001.

Sophia's Apartment(#4128RAJ$)
Small, bare, and uninviting, this little apartment is clearly not the dwelling of a homebody, nor of a person accustomed to entertaining. The sitting area has only bright white plastic lawn furniture that looks as if it might have been manufactured by Tupperware. Makeshift shelves of cinderblocks and 1"X8" boards bow with the weight of scores of books. Titles like "Rescuing the Bible From Middle America" or "Zarathustra: Modernism in Antiquity" can be seen here, along with dozens of dime-store paperbacks.
The kitchen looks as if it might never have been cooked in. A small microwave on the counter is still blinking "12:00", no one having bothered to set the clock. Beside it is an electric can opener. The only evidence of use is a single glass in the stainless steel sink and a few fast-food bags in the trashcan. The sole decoration on the refrigerator is a postcard bearing a photograph of a monstrous, grimy power plant with "Come to Hanford!" printed on the bottom in fluorescent green.
Through a door opposite the kitchen, the tiny bedroom looks slightly more lived-in. On top of a black particle-board dresser sit a hairbrush, a few hair-ties, and several plastic hairclips, along with a small pile of cheap costume jewelry. A frame designed to hold several of snapshots is hung squarely on the wall. The small writing table is bare, nothing on top, nothing inside. The bed is made, a bright yellow bedspread bravely trying to cheer up the room.

Jonathan glances at Jeremy, and then at his pocket. "Damn, a Clie', I'm outdone, time to go shopping." he mumbles to himself, and then looks to Roger. "Hello, I'm Hopps."

Sophia nods to Roger, nods to Jeremy, and takes a seat. "Grand Central Station. What's your destination?"

Dizzy comes up the stairs and walks in, noticing the open door. "I'm home." She announces, looking at the occupants wondering what's going on.

Jeremy heads over to Sophia and slips the small computer onto his belt clip and then gives her a quick hug. "I think this is my last stop."

Corey hums 'Conjunction Junction' as he puts the computer back where and how he found it. He turns to face the sudden influx, then glances at Sophia. "Wow, you let just anybody in here, don't you?"

"Hey," says the recently entered ragabash cub to Corey, "I live here too, ya know."

Sophia shakes her head and introduces people. "You know Dizzy. She lives here. Jeremy is a kin, my boyfriend. You met him the other night I think. And Roger, he's our tribesmate, a Galliard Cliath. He's a Rhya, but don't call him that. Call him Roger or Cohen."

Roger glances at Jonathan, seems to access some kind of internal memory database in his brain, then recognition dawns. "The fuck you are..." he growls, "Well. Hops. You have a proper introduction you want to give perhaps."

Jonathan shrugs. "Umm, okay." he says, "I'm Jonathan, they call me hops. Pleased to meet you." he tilts his head slightly, rising up and extending a hand towards Roger.

Corey grins at winks back at Dizzy. "My point exactly." He then nods at Roger, and waits his turn with a little trepidation. Proper introductions? He hasn't learned of these, or rather, what they are to Garou.

Roger lets his eyes narrow. "Who found you boy?" is all he asks with aggressive tones on his voice, violence awaiting release from his clenched fists.

Sophia shakes her head at Jonathan. "No, like this, now. Watch. Jonathan. Hops. Cub theurge of the Glass Walkers." she holds out a hand to Roger, and looks back to make sure Hops is paying attention. "Oh, and John found him."

Roger relaxes and looks to Sophia, a little pleased at knowing, but obviously a bit upset that she answered for Jon. He looks quickly back to Jon as if awaiting something from him.

Dizzy slips into the bedroom, grinning.

Jonathan looks to Sophia, then Roger. "Umm, okay. I'm Jonathan, A. K. A. Hops. Cub Theurge of the Glass Walkers." his tone remains polite and respectful, distinctly differing from Roger's hostile one. He then looks to Sophia, "Umm, am I supposed to gree everyone like that?"

Sophia takes a deep breath as if to make a long speech, but settles with just "Only if you know they're either Garou or clued kinfolk, and then only if they don't already know you."

Dizzy comes out of the bedroom, now in lupus form, wagging her tail. Her clothes got rited earlier.

Jeremy plops onto the end of Sophia's bed and leans back some, letting his eyes drift about to all the assembled.

Roger visably relaxes, only slightly though. He still maintains the angry expression, though his body doesn't look like its about to pounce anymore. "I am Roger Cohen. Galliard and Cliath of the Glass Walkers of St. Claire. Metis." the last word is spoken almost proudly... almost.

Jonathan doesn't quite know what to do, since Roger didn't shake his hand, he withdraws it and bows slightly. "Umm, I, well, I was told to ask a Galliard something, so maybe you could favor me, umm.. and my room mate, with a story about the impregnium?" He is obviously nervious now, but trying not to show it.

Sophia chuckles slightly, and leans over, whispering something to Jonathan.

Corey winces at his roommate, and corrects the pronounciation as much as he's able. "Im-per-gium. Something about killing humans?"

Dizzy pads up to her roommate, grinning as much as a wolf can. "Wuff!" she tries to get her attention.

Sophia waves a down by her side. "Shush, Samantha, you're interrupting." She glances down, and seeing that this is not, in fact, her dog, she squeals and reaches down to hug and pet Dizzy. "Oh, did you get your clothes done finally?"

Dizzy nods her head. She'd tell Sophia about it, but that's going to have to wait until she shifts back into homid.

Jeremy glances about to everyone and simply keeps silent and to himself, fishing out his device again and idly going through some programs.

Corey resumes his seat on the floor and draws his legs up tailor-fashion. He looks wistfully at Dizzy's wolven form, the bark and squeal having drawn his attention from Roger and Jon.

Roger glances away from Jonathan towards the front door's direction a moment, then back to Jonathan. "Another time... but I promise you a story of those harrowing times."

Sophia stays crouched beside her roommate, not quite sure how to behave in this odd mix of people. "I want to have a little chat later, before you go, Roger, if you don't mind. But in the meantime, is there something I can do for you?"

Dizzy sits there, watching everyone.

Jonathan nods to Roger. "Okay, a raincheck then." he says, and goes back to sit with his room mate.

Roger looks over to Sophia and nods. "Yeah. I need your help with something, soon... something to do with your training really. Just giving you a heads up. Keep your calendar open."

Sophia nods, and very gently pulls on Roger's sleeve, trying to indicate that she has something to say, but not in front of the others. It's a childlike gesture which exaggerates her youth.

Roger glances down at Sophia and shrugs off her hand, but a second later simply nods and starts heading over out of the door with her.

Jeremy plugs in a pair of headphones into his device and sticks it into his ears, then starts to listen to some music.

Dizzy starts to walk out the door, but thinks better of it. Instead she goes up to Jeremy and tries to get his attention, "Wuff!"

Corey frowns as he looks around and finds all potential teachers gone. "School's out," he mutters.

Sophia peeks her head in the door, watching Roger.

Jeremy glances down at Dizzy as she barks at him, quirking a brow upwards. He wasn't paying attention to when she shifted, so he has no clue who it is. So lost is he in his device. ".. Um.."

Jonathan nods and rises, moving off to his room. "I'm bushed." he mumbles, and heads off. "See you folks tommorow."

Sophia nods to Jonathan and stands aside so that he can pass.

Without a clue as to how to get Jeremy how to recognize her, she decides to shift back into homid. She concentrates for a second, and slowly makes the change.

Jeremy blinks his eyes once, but looks otherwise unfazed by the shift. "Oh.. Hey Dizzy." He murmurs to her, adjusting his glasses.

Corey covers his eyes once he realizes Dizzy's shifting, since he didn't catch the part about her clothes.

Sophia continues to watch Roger, standing in the doorframe waiting for him.

"Look," Dizzy says happily, "I still got my clothes on!" She twirls around as if it were hard to discern weather or not she was actually wearing clothes.

Jeremy chuckles at her. "Thats right, you do. So you got them dedicated. Cool."

Corey peeks out between his fingers, and breathes a sigh of relief.

Dizzy nods, smiling. "Now any learning I have to do in a different form won't require you to step outside." She gives Jeremy a wink.

Roger gives Dizzy a quick golf clap and then looks back to Sophia. "We gonna fucking talk?"

Jeremy watches the two go, then glances back to Diz', offering a quick smile. "Well, congrats I suposse. "

Corey looks around as the room empties, hands now in his lap. His expression and posture clearly indicate, 'Now what?'

Dizzy turns to the unchanged cub. "Sorry. Did I interrupt something?" she asks.

Corey shakes his head. "Nah, the lesson plan was apparently already shot to hell when beer-boy decided to challenge Sophia."

Jeremy raises a brow. "I really hope thats 'not' his cub deed name, because its silly. He also told me he was ordering beer 'here' by the way. Which is unsafe in my opinion."

Pushing her bangs behind her ears, Dizzy leans toward Corey and asks wide-eyed, "Beer-boy challenged Sophie? What happened?"

Corey grins teasingly up at Dizzy, thinking about what happened the other night, but decides she'll get it from her roommate anyway. "Sophia was getting pissed that Hops wouldn't put away his PDA while we reviewed the Litany. We'd just reviewed the tenets about challenging in war and peace, when he decides this is peace, Sophia is his equal, and he's going to dominate her. Nevermind that he hasn't changed once. She opened the door and told him to sit down shut up and listen, or leave and stop wasting her time." He shakes his head. "I think we were all on the verge of doing the big dog thing there."

Jeremy chuckles softly under his breath and lightly shakes his head. "Thats typical tho'. Cubs fighting for dominance."

Dizzy listens, nodding along, "Well, 'No blood on the carpet,' okay?" She grins, repeating what was said a couple nights ago.

Corey nods, and completes the phrase, "It is hard to clean." He grins. "Say, now that you've got the clothes thing taken care of, can I see your lupus form again?"

Dizzy nods, closing her eyes to concentrate. This is getting easier every time. Slowly she grows bigger and the smaller until she is a wolf once more.

Corey holds out a hand in a half-instinctive gesture he usually does with canines he's met, an invitation to sniff, though he's sure Dizzy can smell him from here. It's just a ruse to get dogs to focus on the one hand so they'll come close enough he can scritch with the other.

Dizzy blinks at the hand and tilts her head, looking at Corey as if to say, 'What do you expect me to do with that?'

Corey shakes his head, smiling. So much for instinct in that respect. He makes a beckoning motion with the one hand, now. "C'mere, you. You'll like it, trust me." He then winces at himself. Trust me -- the /last/ words anyone should trust.

Jeremy stands up and smiles, then heads out the apartment. "I'm going to take off guys. I"ll see you t'morrow night."

Sophia walks in, UnHappy written all over her face. She glances at Jeremy, tries to offer him a smile, and waves, holding the door open for him.

Dizzy turns to Jeremy and gives him a small bark of good bye. Then, she turns back to Corey, not moving. She wants him to her what he's planning, but is unable to convey that fact in her current form.

Sophia glances at Dizzy and up at Corey again. "Are you keeping some kind of secret from her?"

Jeremy blinks and glances over to Sophia and smiles quickly, then heads out.

Corey shakes his head again, at Sophia this time. "Nah. Just wanted to scratch her behind the ears, and ask a question. I think she can handle a yes-or-no question like this." He shrugs, "But I guess since you're here now, I don't have to."

Dizzy slowly takes the steps toward Corey. With the exception of Sophia's hugging, she hasn't really experienced the closeness that humans get to dogs. At least, not from the dog's point of view!

Sophia watches Corey with a blank look in her eyes, waiting for him to ask his question. She's worried about something - chewing on her lip and tugging at the hem of her pants-pocket.

Corey wastes a little time, watching Dizzy out of the corner of his eye as he continues to look at Sophia. "Er, before I forget, I had something to say to Roger, too. Is he gone already?"

Dizzy looks back and forth between Corey and Sophia. Hoping that he'll ask her roommate what's wrong.

Sophia nods once. "He's gone, yes. Sorry." She looks at Dizzy and frowns. "What is it, Diz? Try to say what you're thinking."

Dizzy goes over to her roommate and sits in front of her, looking up and tilting her head to the side. She wants to know what's wrong with her friend. "Wuff!" she barks, trying to give voice to her thoughts.

Sophia shakes her head apologetically. "I'm sorry, Diz... I don't have time to go to the park right now. I'm trying to figure out a way to get more information about where John is without getting skinned and tanned in the process. And talking to Roger about it didn't help."

Corey stops trying to keep track of Dizzy, and looks at Sophia, then to Dizzy directly. "What's that you say? Timmy fell down the well and has a compound fracture of the lower mandible?" He then bites his own lower lip and tries to translate himself, without the aid of knowing the form.

Corey frowns. "Hell, I'm tempted to try taking you to the park myself, if that's really what you'd want, Diz. Sure as shit there'd be an elder here when we got back, if I'm truly grounded. I'm just getting tired of /not knowing/."

Sophia chuckles at Corey and leans down to rub Dizzy's chin. "Anyway, enough of my sob story. Is that your question, Corey?"

Dizzy shakes her head, she doesn't want to go to the park. Looking over to Corey she whimpers sympathetically. She knows how it is not having any real direction from an elder.

Corey shakes his head yet again. "No. Just wanted a confirmation... the first time, it's like a dam bursting? And then you can change whenever you want, without needing to be pissed off or anything?"

Sophia takes a seat in one of the lawn chairs, rubbing at her eyes. "Yep. Only after the first time, you still have to learn how to control it. It's not like, boom, you're suddenly master of the changes. Once it happens, you'll have to work harder at /not/ changing than at changing. Because anger will still do it, and people go temporarily psycho, ripping up their friends and stuff."

Dizzy watches Sophia walk over to the chair. She lays down, debating the merits of changing back against being able to practice this form.

Corey nods, score one for the asker of inane questions. "I get it, I think. It's still like a dam situation, you're just in conscious control of the floodgates. But not complete control, for a while." He stretches out his legs, and reaches over toward Dizzy. This time there's a polite, "May I?"

Dizzy looks up and nods her head. She figures she'd better get used to stuff like this and now is a great time to start.

"You want to know what I think about whether you're grounded or not, Corey?" Sophia offers, hoping to help relieve some of his confusion.

Corey chuckles, and begins. "Sorry if this is offensive to you. You just kind of look like a dog my gramma used... to..." He trails off in confusion at a new thought, not registering what Sophia said.

Dizzy stands and moves her head closer to the boy's hand. It's okay.

Sophia shrugs at the silence and pulls her knees up to the side so that her feet are half underneath her, resting on the chair. "Are we done with the litany for today, or do you want to cover more tonight?" She looks from Dizzy to Corey, waiting for an answer from anyone.

Corey breaks out of his contemplations, filing them in the back of his mind for later. "Umm. I think I'm done for tonight. This has been a rather wearying evening..."

Sophia frowns. "Let's go do something fun, instead. We could go to the park, if you want. Kinda spooky, but pretty in a way."

Dizzy pads into the bedroom and comes out dragging her coat. She's not sure if she's gonna need to change, or drive, and figures this is the best way to ask.

Something jars loose in the boy's mind. "Oh, did you say something before? What about my grounding?"

Sophia laughs at Dizzy. "There's no point in putting that on, Dizzy. You have a coat already. Anyway, Corey, my thought on your grounding or lack thereof is that it depends. On your age, first of all. How old are you?"

Corey replies, "Sixteen. What're you getting at? Before you were talking about how we were all still cubs here. So what's the deal?"

Dizzy nods and drags the coat back into the bedroom, she'll just pick it up off the floor later. She comes back and sits by the door. Let's go.

Sophia shrugs. "I don't make the rules. Crazy people do. I think, since you're not much older than me, John will probably say you aren't allowed to go anywhere alone at night. But you won't be alone with me and Dizzy. C'mon. It's not a long walk." She looks around for Samantha's leash and calls to her. "Sam! Wanna go to the park?"

Corey clambers to his feet, grinning. Then he looks at Dizzy. "Hey, are there leash laws in this city? And I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" He leaves, going upstairs to his own apartment to get something by the look of it. He also leaves the door open enough for Dizzy to get through, but not enough for the casual passer-by to see much inside.

Harbor Park Meadow(#194RJ)
One of the last bastions of green left in the city, occasionally mottled and withered grass and weeds covers the earth like a badly stained carpet. The vegetation seems marginally healthier the further it is from the river and much healthier towards the central area of the park around the fountain. Overpowering the scent of living vegetation are the exhaust fumes from a busy street to the west and an unpleasant stench from the Columbia River to the east. A rusted chain link fence delineates the territorial boundaries between the park and the encroaching city. Unchecked hedges and vines interweave through the fence, as if the park wanted to distance itself from the city--or the local community wanted to distance itself from the eerie park. Despite the foliage, the majority of the open meadow is easily seen. People in tall buildings or on boats have an excellent view of any goings-ons. In the center of the park, a small glade of six tall trees and a flower bed surrounds a lovely... plywood barricade.
The murky waters of the Columbia River flow swiftly along the east side of the park. Bracketing the park to the west is First Street and the city of St. Claire.

Sophia folds up Samantha's leash, seeing no one around as they enter the park, and hands it to her. The dog gently takes it in her mouth and runs off to sniff things.

Dizzy sits and sniffs the air, being outside has a lot more smells than inside, and it's going to take her a while before she can acctually identify them.

Corey looks around. "Place looks familiar, but I think I'm lost again." He grins insanely. "Cool!" Too bad that's how he feels, too... he's shivering occasionally.

Sophia opens up her backpack, pulling out a wrinkled but soft wool men's blazer, and handing it to Corey. "Here... just make sure you give it back later." She finds a soft spot on the ground and plops down, cross-legged.

Dizzy pays little attention to her companions, walking around a bit, experiencing the area from the perception of wolf.

Corey blinks at the blazer, then tries to investigate what is apparently a Bag of Holding made real. Shoo'ed away, he puts the blazer on and walks a circle around Sophia to let it warm to his body.

Sophia stands up suddenly and points toward the fountain. "C'mon. Let's go over there. I wanna show you something."

Dizzy turns around and comes back to follow her roommate.

Sophia makes her way towards the fountain in the center of the large, open meadow.

Harbor Park Fountain
Situated in the center of a large, open meadow is a clustering of six trees, a flower bed, a few benches, and a plywood wall barricade. The area where the fountain was, and presumably the new fountain will be, is currently enclosed by high plywood walls. There is a door in one of the walls, firmly locked with a stout-looking padlock. The walls enclose much of the flagstone area, now, only leaving a little around the edges of the old courtyard. Scraggly hedges line one side of the courtyard, just behind some mostly graffiti-free benches and a chain link fence. Cars on the nearby street have an excellent view of the park as do any residents of the tall buildings which line the waterfront. The park is almost constantly devoid of people as its reputation for being one of the most violent and dangerous places in the city spreads.
The murky waters of the Columbia River flow swiftly along the east side of the park. Bracketing the park to the west is First Street and the city of St. Claire. A meadow surrounds the small glade.

Corey looks toward the lovely plywood Sophia's pointing at, shrugs and follows.

Standing at a distance, Sophia points to the flowers. "Aren't they /weird/?" she says, "I think there's something wrong with them. They were blooming too early, too."

The park is, as usual, close to deserted. The only person already in evidence is a dark-haired girl with a trash bag and a long stick with a spike on the end, collecting litter. In other words, Bernie's here. Quite near the fountain, actually. She's got dishwashing gloves on and she's humming to herself, too.

Scattered here and there just outside the flagstone court, little patches of wildflowers grow--there a sprawling group with jagged leaves and 5-petaled dark purple flowers; here a cluster of tall, thin stems with a puff of pale lavender on top; over there a small crowd of dandelions in various stages from short and yellow to tall and topped with puffballs.

Coming up behind Sophia, Corey stares at the flowers, but his general reaction seems to be, 'plants... okay...' He obviously doesn't understand what he's supposed to be seeing.

Dizzy looks over and starts to wander towards them. They are weird and she's going over to check them out.

Sophia squints at the figure, trying to get a closer look despite the dark. "Is that you, Bern?" she calls. Of course it is. Who else would be here, doing that, in the dark?

Corey investigates the flowers more closely, though he still fails to see what's so odd about them. He looks up at Sophia's shout, but seeing no men around goes back to his prodding.

Sophia says softly, "Hey. Don't do that. Magic is real, you know."

The humming breaks off, and Bernie comes around the other side of the fountain, head cocked slightly as she regards the cubs appraisingly, relaxing a bit as she recognizes Sophia. "Hey, Sophisticate," she greets her, "'sup? Friendsa yours?" A tilt of her head toward the strangers.

In another era, she might have been considered terribly attractive. As it is, she sits just on the prettier side of average. At about 5'6", the girl looks to be carrying around a hundred and sixty pounds, giving her a rather full, hourglass figure unusual for a girl in her mid-teens. She has quite a pretty face; it's a bit plump and tawny freckles are scattered across her nose and cheeks, but otherwise her complexion is unblemished, and her features are well balanced. Full lips frame almost-straight teeth, often revealed in a cheerful grin, and large, almond-shaped eyes, the irises a warm, gold-flecked shade of brown and the lashes thick and dark, peer out brightly through wire-rimmed glasses. Her mass of unruly black curls falls untamed to the middle of her back, stray strands frequently dangling before her face. She's actually wearing noticeable makeup today: a light dusting of gold eyeshadow and a bit of reddish lipstick. The only thing resembling jewelry, though, is a silvery key hanging about her neck on a dog-tag sort of chain.
Her style of dress is equally unlikely to get her on the cover of Cosmopolitan, but it wouldn't be out of place in the average high school. She's clad in a deep green tanktop of some stretchy, slightly shiny fabric, which clings to her curves, the v-neckline scooping low enough to display quite a bit of cleavage. The shirt does absolutely nothing to disguise her bustiness, in fact playing it up for a change. The hem is tucked into a threadbare pair of baggy dark blue jeans, cinched tightly around her surprisingly small waist by what appears to be a seatbelt -- the buckle even reads "GM". The frayed hems pool around the ankles of her decrepit black Docs, laced with sparkly silver laces which have also seen better days. Atop all this is a huge and ancient black leather motorcycle jacket, the cuffs of which constantly fall down over her hands. Slung over her shoulder is a bulging canvas backpack, probably military surplus, dotted with patches and pins in various colours and states of repair.

Dizzy looks back at Sophia and walks back to her. She looks at Bernie and back at Sophia.

Sophia chuckles at the manipulation of her name. "Yeah. They're tribesmates. This lupey one is Dizzy, who can't talk yet or she'd introduce herself. A cub ragabash, Glasswalker. This other one," she says, pointing at Corey, "Should be able to introduce himself."

Dizzy sits and nods, agreeing with her roommate's introduction of her.

Corey backs off from the flora, and walks around it to stand by Sophia. Then he realizes what 'Bern' was short for. "Oh. Umm... Corey Randle, CJ if you prefer. Glass Walker ragabash, and cub." He puts out his hand, then retracts it an inch when he sees the gloves.

Signe's on foot tonight, so there's no rumble of the familiar Harley to announce her. Thus, she comes upon the Park Meadow and the fountain rather quietly, hands tucked in the pockets of her leather jacket.

She's not what most would call pretty. Terms like delicate and petite would never be attributed to her, and come to think of it, neither would lady-like. She looks to be in her mid to late twenties, standing roughly between 5'10" and 6'. Her powerful frame carries a full 175 pounds, all of it undoubtedly muscle. Her hair's returned to its naturally black color and shoulder length. It's not set in any particular style, hanging straight. She wears no make up whatsoever, not having the time nor the care to put any effort into such things. She does, however, sport several earings and tattoos. Her eyes are a dark, unremarkable brown that manage to look angry a good deal of the time, whether she is or not. If there is a traditionally attractive aspect to her at all, it would be her finely crafted cheekbones and elegant jawline. They give her an air of nobility otherwise lost in her rough and uncompromising nature.
She's dressed in old, well worn jeans. Black combat boots catch the bottom edges, and a black t-shirt with a skull and crossbones motif clings to her well-toned frame. A black bandana with another skull motif is tied around her neck, barely seen beneath her creased black leather jacket. The jacket bears some scars--a bullet hole or two that the Get has covered with elecrical tape, and at least one she hasn't bothered to repair.

Bernie grins at the introductions, getting a somewhat evil glint in her eye as the hand is partially retracted, but it passes. "Oh, yeah? Kickass. Bernie Rosenberg," she pauses, catching movement, and waves and continues once she sees the arrival is safe, "Stomps-Th'-Wyrm-With-Steeltoed-Boots, Cliath 'Gnawer Raggie, niceta meetcha both." She peels one glove off in a practised move, offering that hand to the male cub. See? No need to touch the nasty glove. No icky germs, hurrah!

Without moving her head, Sophia watches Signe approach. She isn't hostile, just wary. Once she is sure she recognizes the young woman, she smiles and offers a friendly nod.

Dizzy looks over to the newest arrival, another person she hasn't met yet. She whimpers, wanting to be able to talk to these people, and not just listen.

The male cub himself doesn't seem too sure about the no-germs guarantee, but he does grasp the hand offered. Then he looks in the direction everyone else seems to have found interest.

Signe's eyes glance over the gaggle of cubs quickly, seemingly taking little note of them. She doesn't even bother returning the offered nod. Instead, she turns to Bernie. "Hey Scraps," she greets with a quiet rasp. "Know where Kaz is?"

Dizzy yawns, and looks around, she's getting tired. Poking her roommate to get her attention she starts walking off towards the appartment. She looks back to see if her message was understood.

Sophia nods and waves to her roommate. "See you when I get back home. Just don't do anything dumb like change outside. Ring the doorbell or something, someone'll let you in."

Dizzy nods and barks a goodbye. She then turns back, padding off back home.

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