Currently the moon is in the waning Half Moon phase (48% full).

Currently in Saint Claire, it is a cloudy day. The temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius). The wind is currently coming in from the north at 8 mph. The barometric pressure reading is 30.22 and falling, and the relative humidity is 69 percent. The dewpoint is 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius.)

It is currently 13:09 Pacific Time on Fri Jul 13 2001.

A small McDonald's which is devoid of any sort of garish trappings. Instead, it seems to focus on fast, friendly service with a smile and good food. Above the counter to the north, you can see the glowing yellow billboard which details the food and prices. Behind the cashiers, a few people can be seen scurrying about near the grill, making drinks or tossing finished burgers down a small metal chute toward the cashiers. Along the side wall, children's high chairs can be seen, each with the grinning face of Ronald McDonald. A wall poster asks you to donate money to the Ronald McDonald House. Opposite the cashier counter are both Smoking and Non-Smoking sections for in-house dining. Fake plastic plants hang from the ceiling and below the skylight in the center of the room is a square wooden basin that rises 3 feet into the air. In the basin are live potted plants, including a rather stumpy tree.
A glass door on the western side of the fast food joint leads back out onto the street.

Heading into the McDonald's is the newly rited Galliard Gaian. Today Alicia is wearing a pair of black, shiny leather pants and a black spandex sports bra. The eyes of most the young boys and teens quickly dart to her, staring, drooling like typical neanderthals. There's just something primal about her, wild, dangerous, and yet all at once, so damn attractive. Her stomach is pierced and a tattoo of the state of 'Arizona' is on her back. She's the kind you just don't take home to mother.

"Holy smokes, will you get a load of _that_." Like most of the other teenage guys in the restaurant, four heads swivel to look at what a fifth person has already noticed - the girl who just walked in. Five young guys, all still clad in soccer jerseys and cleats sit at a corner table, although the trays of cheeseburgers on the table before them are all but forgotten at this point. "Go get 'er, Steve." "Oh, like hell. My girlfriend'd _kill_ me." "Uh-huh. You're whipped." The boys continue ribbing each other over it for a little longer, then go back to their food, occasionally stopping to steal a glance back at her.

Sebastian strides into the diner, timidly. He doesn't seem to be openly looking for anyone, the signboard advertising the latest Happy Meal seems to interest him more. In front of him, the glint off the Gaian's black leather pants catches the Uktena's eye. He plays a visual connect the dots - sleek shins, firm-looking thighs, lithe torso, and a shock of dark hair. He huffs in recognition. Clearing his chest, from across the way, he calls out, "Hey, Arizona!"

Upon reaching the counter, Alicia leans forward and places her palms against it firmly, squinting her dark, chocolate eyes to peer up into the menu. She gives the poor cashier quite a thrill when he drops his eyes down. And worse, does she have any shame? The soccer teams gets a gander of her tight ass as she bends over, legs crossing a bit in impish play. "Hmm.. ok.. what will 'not' clog my arteries up? You got any suggestions sugah?" She drawls to the kid before finding her attention snagged by a familiar voice. Whipping her head around, her long hair sprawls about her shoulders, a few bangs dancing down into her eyes. "Hey! Wasssup Yo'? C'mere an get yo'self some grub aiiight? Da' bills on me."

Sebastian sidles up next to Alicia and offers a hi-5. "Knew it was you. Seen Dris' 'round?" He then waves her offer away, "Nah, girl. Lemme get this." He pulls out a large wad of bills from his back pocket and lays down a $20 on the counter. "Give the lady anythin' she wants." He winks at Alicia, "S'for makin' me feel welcome 'ere."

The kid simply stammers for a moment as he swallows, feeling the effects of both horemones and the curse. "Ye--Yes... um.. s-siir.."

Aaron takes another bite of his burger, washing the mouthful down with a swig of Coke. He's a bit darker skinned than the other boys, and his stringy black hair is held back with a white Nike headband. "I don't think your girlfriend would ever hear a word of it, Steve," he prods. "Not like we'd tell her." The only reply from the beet-red soccer player across the table is a crumpled up burger wrapper, tossed at Aaron's head, which only serves to make the boy grin wider.

Dizzy walks in, and almost immediately walks out again as she spots the girl from the farmhouse. But, she's hungry and trying to save money for furnishing the appartment, so with a disgusted look on her face, and her arms crossed she takes her spot in line.

The young man you are looking at may be about nineteen or twenty years of age. His olive skin and green eyes betray a mixed heritage, although from his accent it is hard to discern where his roots lie. A leather ribbon binds the long locks of ebon hair, which cascade unruly past his shoulder. Standing at about 5'7", he is built unevenly, most of his weight massed in his brawny thighs. He is the quiet type, speaking only when spoken to, although he will often offer a shy smile if approached openly.
Often in an unguarded moment, one can see mean looking scars that divide his hands, running crosswise along seemingly bloodstained palms. He wears noticeably new clothes: a plain blue sleeveless t-shirt, green cargo pants and leather sandals. More than that however, he wears new scars, parallel wounds that run across the breadth of his arms and legs. These are strange scars in that they are cleanly cut, as if made with painful precision. Repeatedly.
He is almost never seen without his satchel, a tan leather bag that hangs from his shoulder, often close to bursting with unknown contents.

The young man standing before you is about 5'8" in height, but his build is slim and lanky, much like a runner's. His skin is darker in hue - not quite tanned, but that color along with the shape of his cheekbones and nose hint at a Middle Eastern heritage. His hair is black and stringy, hanging loosely to the base of his neck, and his eyes are a deep brown that almost seem to match the shade of his hair at times. At the moment, he is dressed casually - a pair of olive green sweatpants and a white t-shirt make up his wardrobe, with a pair of white running shoes on his feet. A worn backpack which looks as if it was purchased from a military surplus store hangs over one shoulder, the names of a number of rock bands inked onto the outside of it.

Grinning, Alicia glances back to Sebastian and winks. "I actually get free food here cuz' my twin is a shift leader, but, if you wanna pay. Thats coo'." Turning to the kid, she rambles off to him. "Ah' want th' Numbah' Tin' wi' um.. No pickles o' Un'yun's aiight? An supah'size da' drink dude." She grins, nudging Sebastian in the arm.

The kid swallows loudly and trembles, gently pressing his fingers into the small machine, stumbling about a bit, screwing the receipt up. His eyes are trying to be everywhere 'but' her chest. "Um.. Yah.. Um.. An... uh.. you sir?"

With a proud grin, the Gaian whirls herself around to lean against the counter, popping her back with a stretch of her arms upwards, dark eyes scanning through the room. They land on the soccer team for a moment, offering the young boys a wink and a blown kiss, then gazes over to Dizzy.

"Just a Quarter Pounder meal for me, thanks." He turns around and leaning back on the counter. "Large," he adds. He scans the room idly, but his stare gravitates toward the ruckus of the small group of young men eating their meals. "Very large, I bet."

The soccer team, at Alicia's attentions, all quickly look away and start talking amongst themselves, their machismo completely drained. "Dude, she wants you," whispers one of them, a bit too loudly, while the others crack up laughing. Finally, they all turn back to her, grinning, and blow kisses back to the lady, before pointing to an open seat by their table. "We don't bite!" calls out one of them, which is followed by more laughter.

A look of pure disgust is shot Alicia's way as she looks at Dizzy, who turns away, only to see the soccer boys at their table and their rude behavior. Revolted, she rolls her eyes.

"Ya'll don't bite eh'?" Alicia drawls out to them with a wide grin, eyes flashing a bit in amusement. Sigh, she 'almost' misses High School. Glancing over to Dizzy, her dark eyes meet hers for a moment, and soon, the game is on. Nudging Sebastian, she winks and strides her way over to the group of soccer stars, narrowing her gaze to a thin slit. "Ya'll got room for lil o' me?" She asks, simply plopping down into an empty seat next to Aaron of all people, gazing at them.

Oh, a game then? Dizzy makes her order, pays the man with a ten spot and leans up with her back against the counter, waiting. She wears a slight grin on her face as she looks up at the ceiling.

Sebastian hangs back, giving a cursory glance at the Walker cub who has just entered. Following Alicia's lead, he takes the seat behind her looking over the backrest at the group. He has a wily smile to pasted on his face, as he casts a measuring gaze at the lads. "If ya don't bite, boys, then I suggest you guys stuff yer willies back in yer pants, 'cause she does," he jibes.

*blink* "Ummm... sure!" Trays are stacked and trash piled up so that the girl has some room at the table. A few of the boys, including Aaron, look at each other nervously, the expression on their face readable from the next county: "Okay. They've _never_ come over when we did that before. NOW what?" One of the guys looks over at Sebastian's comment, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah, well, I don't see her hangin' out with _you_, buddy."

"Oh, don't mind my /husband/, he's just a bit protective. He hates the fact I look 'this' good for being thirty-five. Huh Honey?" Alicia glances over her shoulder to Sebastian and smiles, lips forming that beautiful pout of hers. Her eyes though, are laughing hysterically inside. She is so, so cruel.

Dizzy finally receives her order, a super-sized soda. She thanks the kid, takes the top off, walks right up behind Alicia and dumps the whole soda on her with a wide grin on her face. Game, shmame, this is war!

The grins on the faces of the boys fade almost immediately at the sound of the word "husband", the color in their faces following close behind at the words "thirty-five". The guy who snipped at Sebastian looks like he's about to shrivel up and implode, and starts to edge his chair further from the man at the counter. All of them pick up the pace in that direction a second later when a wave of Coke washes over the area. "Holy shit!" yells Aaron, his shirt getting drenched in the crossfire. "Are you out of your friggin' mind?"

The Uktena slides himself off the seat and moves toward the boy. Taking his time, he cranes his neck, non-plussed. Sebastian then leans down, his mouth dangerously close to the boy's cheek. "Well, boyo. You'd better watch yer gob, 'cause if she doesn't take care of you first. I will." The 'attack' takes Sebastian by surprise. "Oi, girlie girl. None of that." He immediately moved between the Walker and the Gaian.

Blinking her eyes, Alicia glances down at the pool of soda in her pants and across her body. Slowly, she rises up from the chair and turns around to face Dizzy. She stares eye to eye with her, a deep rumbling echoing in her throat as one hand is placed upon the back of her stool, gripping it tightly so that her knuckles turn white. "You have to the count of three, to apologize for that, or my shoe laces will be dangling out of your nose from when I shove my foot straight up your ass."

Dizzy takes a step back, it was all in fun, honest! But, instead of doing something smart, Dizzy's intellect fails her. "Sorry there," sarcasm drips from her words as she smirks at her opponent, "But you looked like you needed a cold shower."

Sebastian faces Alicia. Holding her on the shoulders, trying to keep his gaze in line with hers. "'Lish," he says, "I don't know who the /she/ is but it's best not to take it up here." He waits for Alicia to show affirmation before continuing the 'diplomacy'. He then turns to Dizzy, striding towards her with a gruff sound rising from his chest, "Ah, and you saw it fit to give it to her yourself?"

One of the larger guys grabs the boy being intimidated (and very muchly so) by Sebastian and pulls him back and out of the chair, while the others back away from the impending catfight. "God damn..." he mutters. "Well, lady, it's been fun, but we're gonna get out of here before we die." The five of them start to back away. Aaron is grabbing handfuls of napkins and dabbing angrily at his soda-drenched shirt, muttering obscenities in English and Arabic under his breath. "This is gonna be _so_ hard to get cleaned up..."

Dizzy shrugs, her smile a mile wide, "Just doing my civic duty an' all."

Taking a deep breath, Alicia pulls her wet hair back behind her, letting the dark mop slap against her back. Counting to ten, she pushes back the wolf that threatens to leap out and rip Amanda up in a few hundred pieces. Stepping close, she whispers to her. "If I was any other tribe but a Gaian, you would be limping out of here, holding one of your legs, hoping that someone would be able to stitch it back together. Just remember -girlie-, this isn't highschool, this is reality now." A nice lil 'pat' to the cheek, and she steps by her, shoulders bumping. "I'm going to get cleaned up Sebastian, ah'll see you around."

As the Gaian starts to walk away, Dizzy ponders making the situation worse, but thinks better of it. If she pushed the girl any further, Dizzy has no doubt that she'd make her threat a reality. Having lost her appitite, she decides to leave as well, making sure that Alicia is gone first.

Sebastian watches as Alicia strides away with what damaged dignity she has left. He then turns to Dizzy again, once the Gaian is out of earshot, "Not so fast, girlie girl. Don't know who you are. Don't care who you are. Just stay out of our way, y'hear?"

Alicia pushes open the door and steps out onto the street.

"Friggin' maniacs... I'm never gonna get this out of here before Sunday's game." Aaros is still bitching at his soda-bath and wiping futilely at his shirt with some napkins. "Never eating _here_ again."

Dizzy raises an eyebrow at Sebatian, "My name's Dizzy. Dee Eye Zee Zee Why. And If you hang around in the same circles she does, I'll probably see you again."

Sebastian motions toward the door, half-ignoring Dizzy. "Yeah, spelling is good. Keep at it." He seems distracted by the boy frantically wiping his shirt, but rushes out to try to cool Alicia down anyway. Not that she needs any more of that.

Sebastian pushes open the door and steps out onto the street.

Dizzy grabs some napkins and hands them to the poor casualty of her hate crime. "Sorry about that," this, at least, sounds sincere.

Aaron looks to the other guys, who are staring stack-jawed at the entire incident. "Thanks," says Aaron, and continues wiping himself down. "Man was cold, lady. These jerseys cost a ton."

Dizzy averts her eyes to the side, playing with a stray couple of strands of hair with one hand. The other hand goes into her pocket, jiggles around, and pulls out a twenty. She tosses it on the table, "Hope this helps."

One of the other guys snatches up the twenty dollar bill and stuffs it into his pocket. "C'mon, Aaron," he says as the dripping boy reaches under the table to retrieve their soccer ball. "Let's bail." Aaron nods blankly, still looking at his shirt, then grumbles a "Shit." befure turning and walking away from the lady that soaked him, following the others out of the restaurant.

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