Jan. 5, 1993

A True Friend?

It's a new year! What better way to start the new year than to make a new friend. Enemies come and go, but friends are hard to come by.

What is a true friend?

Like when you were a kid. A true friend was your pet dog. You can see its tail wagging then lusciously slow dances your leg every time you return back home. It can be a disgusting sight, but at least you know that your dog loves you...in more ways than one.

During your teen-age years, your true friend is your next door neighbor. He can always relate to you regarding your booger collection and will go the extra mile to show you his dad's Playboy magazine collection.

After high school, your true friend is your college roommate. He will never offer you a beer when you are driving...while shifting gears. He cares so much that he didn't want you to spill beer in your car.

Now that you are all grown up, your true friend is your wife. She loves you so much that she will only invite your mother-in-law during those intimate days like Christmas, Thanksgiving, your birthday, and Valentine's Day because she knows that you love your mother-in-law just as much as you love her.

I can be that friend. Let me be your newfound friend. I can be your dog, neighbor, college roommate, and wife rolled into one if you will sell me a pair or a single tickets to the 49ers vs Redskins game.

Your Friend Forever,
49er Ron

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