Kelly Clarkson
December 21, 2005
Last week Debi and I went to see Kelly's concert in San Jose, CA.  Our seats weren't great --
section 114 row 3 -- but the concert was AWESOME.  We saw Kelly 3 times earlier this year, but the show in SJ last week was by far the best.  Her voice was so much stronger than the last time I saw her,
and I wasn't even at the "crappy" concert that she was making up for. lol 

Plus we ended up meeting her afterwards!  We *tried* to meet her before the show
and came pretty damn close -- we actually saw her and didn't know it was her! lol  She was totally incognito wearing really casual clothes and a baseball cap pulled down low with her hair back
in a messy bun. We watched her (and her band) get on the tour bus and drive away and didn't realize it was her until we saw her again after the concert. We were like, "That's Kelly! She was the girl
we saw before!" We weren't even planning on looking for her afterwards until she said during
the concert that they were going back home "tomorrow" which we assumed to mean that she
was staying in town that night. Sure enough, she did!

We waited at the hotel where we had seen the bus (and Kelly lol) before, and about an hour after
the concert ended, they arrived. When Kelly got off the bus she was carrying a big box full of
who knows what, and she was just about to walk past us in the hotel lobby (literally like 3 feet away) when the bus driver showed her the side stairway to use instead. That's when we realized that
the girl we had seen before the concert was in fact Kelly. (she was dressed the same) I felt pretty stupid for not knowing it was her before, and we thought we had missed our chance yet again. But then
just a couple of minutes later we were still in the lobby trying to figure out what to do next
when Kelly RUNS past us and back out to the bus. I guess she had left something inside...
or actually in the storage compartment under the bus. lol A couple of fans were standing outside
by the bus, and when they approached Kelly for autographs, my friend and I followed. As we neared, Kelly made a comment like, "Here we go, they're all coming now," meaning that fans were gathering. Seriously, there were only SIX of us, nothing to make a big deal about IMO. The first two fans
got autographs and a picture, the next two got autographs (I don't think they were even fans,
just those autograph people who get random celebs to sign stuff so they can sell it), and then we asked for just pix because we didn't have anything for her to sign. Kelly was REALLY in a hurry --
I bet she finished with all 6 of us in less than a minute! I got my picture first
and then Kelly like JUMPED over next to Debi for her picture. lol

Before we could even thank her, she was digging around under the bus for whatever she had forgotten.  We wished her happy holidays and told her to enjoy her break, and she thanked us
without even really looking up.  She was nice but curt, ya know?  We walked back into the hotel
and about a minute later Kelly followed.  She said goodbye to the bus driver, who was taking
the bus back to where ever it came from since the tour was over, and Kelly went back upstairs.
We assume she flew home to Texas sometime the next day.
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