Nine Lives Mattress Recycling
Nine Lives Mattress Recycling
837 N. Pamplico Hwy.
Pamplico, SC 29583
ralphbogan at
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Nine Lives Mattress Recycling is a company in the
post-consumer mattress field.  Our purpose is responding to
the need for more space in our landfills and to recycle the
components of a mattress and box spring in order to save
landfill space in our communitites.  NLMR began recycling
mattresses in 2006 by Ralph Bogan with commitment of his
personal funds.  NLMR manually deconstruct mattressess
and box springs and seperate materials for recycling.  In
2007 NLMR recycled 126 tons of mattresses and box springs.
  Of the 5000 units recycled the end result was approximately
33 tons of metal, 17 tons of cotton, 20 tons of wood,
15 tons of foam, 20 tons of poly-pad and 21 tons of waste.
Nine Lives Recycling
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