For a feng shui consultation, contact Kara Lybarger-Monson at (805) 971-6985.
Grandmaster Lin Yun of Black Sect Tantric Buddhism Feng Shui
Other Feng Shui links: Helen and James Jay
Denise Linn
Feng shui is the ancient art of balancing yin and yang elements to create auspicious energy, or "chi, " and is often described as the Chinese art of design and placement or simply "wind and water." In ancient China, feng shui began with the Landform School. The land surrounding an area was taken into consideration to determine the malevolent or auspicious forces at work. Later, the compass directions were brought into feng shui to determine the energy of a site using the year of the building, the direction the front door faced, and the direction of the back door. This form of feng shui is used by the Compass School and is widely used in Hong Kong, Malaysia, and the United States. A third form of feng shui stems from a Tibetan Buddhist background and is called Black Sect Tantric Buddhism feng shui. BTB feng shui uses the unseen forces at work and a ba-gua to determine the malevolent and auspicious energies at work in a location.

Numerous books are available and are helpful in determining which school of thought is right for you. I practice Black Sect Tantric Buddhism (BTB) feng shui as taught by world-renowned instructors, Helen and James Jay, who in turn learned their craft from Grandmaster Lin Yun
Recommended Book List
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About Kara Lybarger-Monson
Nine Koi Feng Shui Consulting
For consultations, contact Kara Lybarger-Monson at
[email protected] or (805) 971-6985.
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