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I am lost.
I have gambled away possibility
In a vain attempt to make something solid
Out of a glimmer of hope.
I gambled.
And I lost.

And though it does not seem so now
Life must go on.
And it will.
With me or without me.

Beautiful dream of a tropical island,
A vision proved mirage
That I must now do my utmost
To forget.

For one moment in time, at least
You were real
And I wanted you more than anything in the world.


Written on Wednesday, 2/5/03, at 3.15am
For a very, very special girl

To quote one of my best friends�

�As the rain falls on the sidewalks
I know this too will pass
For feelings are like raindrops falling
And raindrops never last�

- Peacey Loi


I didn�t ask
To fall for you
To fall so hard
To fall right through

Can I be blamed?
You consumed my head
My heart, my soul
And left me dead

You didn�t ask
For some stupid fuck
To give you his heart
To pin his life to luck

But here we are
You and I
An untouchable angel
And some dumb guy

Suffering at the mercies
Of my nonsensical heart
Longing for something of which
I cannot be a part.

Friday Morning, 4.00am, February 7th, 2003.




The Tragedious Ballad of the Demon Knight

Hast thou heard the tale
Of the marauding demon knight
Roaming the land girt in Satan�s Black Armor
Challenging any and all to fight
And by virtue, or by devilry
As may it truly have been
Prevailed he, ever unscathed
Protected by Evil and Sin

Yet invulnerable might
Breeds arrogance bold
And confidence beyond confidence
To heights untold
And all who be mortal
Fall prey to man�s fate
For all have the weakness
That is our most inescapable trait

There came then a day
When the night turned cold
Our miscreant knight sake shelter
In a forest glade millennia old
Unbeknownst to him
�Twas a place of strange magic
That would close the tale of his life
In a manner so terribly tragic

In the heart of the night
As he lay fast asleep
A faerie queen came
And she began to weep
For the injustices committed
By this knight of Satan�s Lies
And the tears of her mourning
Opened his sleeping eyes

As he gazed upon her mask
Of iridescence beyond compare
His heart of ice began to thaw
And he reached to touch her shining hair
She bade him remove his bloodstained armor
And for the first time in all his years
He opened himself to the touch of a woman
And shed a single tear

And as he closed his misted eyes
Anticipating love�s first tender kiss
She raised a blade laced with faerie magic
And aimed, his black heart not to miss
And moments later, stuck like a pig
He squealed in agony upon the cold hard ground
Not from pain of the wound that would end his life
But betrayal of the first, the only, love that he had ever found.

5.oopm, 26th of February, 2003.




It Snowed Today

It snowed today.
And for a precious few moments
The world was pristine,
Settled by tiny white flakes
Of returned innocence.

But harsh is the world of men.
And the fragile carpet from heaven
Soon was crushed underfoot,
Fading into the miserable gray
Upon which we thrive.

5.00pm, Wednesday, 1/29/03.




Into Forever

Flying at speed down a twinkling Michigan freeway
Aimed at the golden heart of a dying sunset,
Trying vaguely to ascertain the precise point
Where it meets the blue tide of dusk flowing ever into the west,
I perceive for the first time a band of pale Irish green, spanning the horizon,
An arch framing the pathway from today into forever.

10.25pm, Sunday, 3/2/03 (Somewhere above Pennysylvania)

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