An Owner's Experience - Commentaries



So what's the Big Deal?

Some of you that are visiting this site may find people like myself to be perhaps a little misguided for bothering to produce a Website dedicated to an automobile. And I suppose that ultimately, all automobiles car be viewed as complex arrangements of metal, glass, plastic and other materials. However, in my defense, I would like to say that as a passtime, it is not necessarily a bad one (as long as a passtime does not become an obsession - obsessions control you, passtimes are controled by you). To put it simply, we enjoy driving. Specifically, we enjoy driving automobiles that are designed and built for challenging the limits of driver and machine. Let me just make an addendum here and say that taking a Porsche (or any car) to it's limits should be done in a proper venue, like a race track and not on public street. However, driving a Porsche on a public road can be just as pleasurable even when you must adhere to all traffic laws.

Now, to be honest, not all people that have experienced a ride in a Porsche enjoy it. That's fine. The most common comment I hear is that the ride is very 'uncomfortable'. This is not surprising. All race cars are notoriously uncomfortable. They are designed to be. The reason for this is that the 'uncomfortable' feel of a race car give the driver road feel or information on how/what the car is doing. Porsche designs its vehicles on that premise. Unlike other manufacturers who design their cars to insulate your ride, Porsche takes a different approach.

So now your saying, "Ya... So?". Well, I suppose for some of us feeling the speed and lateral g of a car creates an adrenaline rush or sometimes just a very significant sense of well being. Similar I suppose to those who perhaps ski or run. Since part of our humanity has its roots in the senses, the stimulation of them can give us a gratifying pleasure. This may sound a bit a skew, but I suppose for some it would be an immediate revelation, for some a gradual one, and for others a puzzle. That's all right. To each their oun.







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