Fill in the gaps

Gapfill exercise

In the exercise below, fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. A report that a company sends to its shareholders describing the company’s assets, liabilities, earnings, plans and problems is called an .
2. A person who buys and sells stock at an investment company is a .
3. Something owned that has value is an .
4. The money made on an investment is a .
5. The money value after liabilities are subtracted from assets is the company’s .
6. A record at a particular time that shows assets, liabilities and net worth of a business is a .
7. is ownership of a stock in a company or real estate.
8. The money value after liabilities are subtracted from assets is .
9. Money or other things that are owed are .
10. The money taken out of the profits of a company and given to people who own stock is called a .

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