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Nina Blanco, musical traveller

ARGENTINE pianist Nina Blanco is an old disciple of George Lalewicz, a constant traveller and reaper of acclaim who is now touring Europe, to then go on to the United States, all of which will take her 5 weeks. This trip encompasses her second appearance in Germany, her fourth in Austria, Israel and Italy, her third in Spain and her fifth tour of the US. In Jerusalem she will perform as soloist with the Israel Philharmonic.

Her entirely Argentine training makes of her yet another ambassador of an excellent school of pianists that has always proved attractive to audiences from all over the world. Nina Blanco’s performances have been widely praised by critics not only for the high quality of her playing but also for the intelligence shown in her choice of a repertoire. This repertoire concentrates on the temperamental Romantics and Argentine composers.

Nina Blanco, a talented ambassador of Argentina's respected piano school

On this point, she says: "I studied in the Polish style, but nowadays my playing is more forceful, which is why I try to concentrate on composers with a strong personality. I don’t have the fingers for Mozart, I can’t say I have soft fingers…" Among the countless fine reviews that she has received, I would like to quote from that of the demanding critic from "France Journal": "We must once again shower our praise on the brilliant performance provided by the young Argentine pianist Nina Blanco. It is a rare delight indeed to hear her renderings, combining immaculate playing with a fine sensitivity that enables her to one with the music she is performing. Each one of her renderings revealed an admirable striving for perfection, an enviable enthusiasm and an unsuspected degree of musical accomplishment, performing with the confidence of a veteran and literally enthralling the audience, who insisted on her playing several encores".

I do not wish to overwhelm the reader with more praise, but it is worth emphasizing that Nina Blanco is one of those local artist that leave our culture in very good standing abroad and who – despite many offers to work abroad – has decided to stay here, where she was educated.

Fred Marey, my forerunner in this column, said of her: "Rarely do we witness such outstanding aptitudes. Nina Blanco’s flawless technique is the vehicle for a truly expressive temperament in which the listener can find a faithful reflection of the works she performs." Though we belong to different generations, I share this opinion and am not surprised by the success enjoyed by the traveling pianist.

Abel López Iturbe

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