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To understand the threat his work meant to the Universities you first have to know how Universities work. And that means going back in time to how they got started and how they got control of information and power over that information.

In ancient times there were schools of learning. When people developed the skills of language this had to be taught to the young. The trades, such as farming, husbandry, metallurgy, pottery, etc., all had apprenticeship training on the job, as they do today. But the higher learning needed people who could read and write. In the temples, the schools of esoteric learning had always been there, but now with writing everyone needed to learn.

In Ancient Greece the schools of philosophy took hold and were echoed in other countries. It is really quite surprising how much interaction went on between countries over sharing of knowledge, when you consider how hard it must have been to get around in those days.

By the time of Constantine and his edict to change over to the Christian religion, the schools attached to temples were in place. Now there is very little information on how this change-over took place. I am sure that there was no great building program started to build Christian churches all over the Roman world. And you do not throw thousands of temple priests out of their jobs in a hurry or you would have a riot on your hands. Belonging to a temple was an ego trip. It meant also food, shelter, clothing, prestige to thousands of temple employees. They must have just changed over to the new religion.

What did that mean for the new religion? It must have been hard for the new priests to alter their ego trip to this new religion that preached humbleness! Ergo. All of a sudden what was a way of life and a philosophy of sharing and love for each other became a ritualized , hierarchical priesthood, male dominated and controlling. And secretive. As they took over and were in control, many of the rites that they had in the old temples were gradually returned to the temples in a new guise. One of those was the worship of fire that belonged to their old god, Mithra, or Mars. So that is why candles are used. Candles have no place in Christ�s religion, except as a way to see what you are doing. Not the worship of fire! Yet everytime someone lit a candle they had the satisfaction of honoring their own gods. A religion within a religion, so to speak.

As they developed power, they began to control even the kings who ruled them. It did not take them long to discover that they could control ignorant people a lot better than they could control intelligent and knowledgeable people. So schooling became a way of control. The rich of course would have to have better schooling than the poor or middle classes. So of course the university system was put into place. But in the western world all schools were under the church. And as they developed so did their understanding of the human mind and how to control it. There were branches of learning that were only for those who were entering the church. Knowledge was kept in bounds.

Psychology is just a word that means, "how to control�, and they were past masters of this knowledge. They wanted and needed the status quo. What they taught the masses to believe was not the same thing as they believed. All knowledge was in their hands and power. Even the kings were now in their power via the �excommunication� system. But they had an even better system to control the populace; the confessional! The man who thought that one up was a genius. In every hamlet, town and city they knew what the people were up to. How they thought, what they feared, what they were doing.

Especially did they know what was going on in the school system, since most of the better schools for the middle and upper classes were boarding schools.

All knowledge was now controlled by the Church. But how to control those rare geniuses who escaped them because they didn�t have an affiliation with any school system? That is when they came up with the diploma system. If you do not have a diploma we will not acknowledge your idea�s or writings. This became the system of control to the extent that to get a position or job you had to have the diploma�s that showed you belonged to the system. If you had that then they knew that you had been brainwashed and could be controlled.

By the time that was in place in the middle ages all knowledge of any serious nature such as would undermine their control was effectively stopped.

One of the most important systems that developed within Academia, since most of the higher schools of learning (except those of the new Protestant church�s) were put up by the church�s and run by them, was �tenure�. A permanent job and power over your branch of learning. One way they did that was to backup and publish your work. And since they used those books for teaching and they owned the books, there was money involved. Your work was taught in the curriculum. Thus insuring that only what they want you to know is allowed.

Not only does that insure their jobs and the structure of the church but it is total control of knowledge. It also becomes possible to control the populace to a certain extent.
Then along comes a man like Velikovsky with his mind bending book of a totally different history of mankind�s struggles and fears and denial of �A God� but of many gods and none of them real but created by our fears. Why? Because they were born, not of the Creator, but of the behavior of the planets! And academia had egg on it�s faces because it was all there in front of their noses and they didn�t see it. Why? Because of the power of the church and because of the system. A system so well understood that even schools that weren't run by the church's follow it now. It is a self protecting system.

It is also a case of who he upset and why. He didn�t just upset one mans work, or one branch of learning, he upset all the branches and most of the men of the academic world. He literally made fools of Philosophers, Archaeologists, Philologists who interpret the writings, Astronomers, and the geologists. Was there a branch he didn�t affect? If we were to believe Velikovsky�s works then we would have to throw out almost everything that was being taught in the academies of learning. That meant that young people who had paid their good money for their knowledge had thrown it down the drain for a bunch of crap. How do you explain to them how you could have been so wrong about everything! This wasn�t just a case of one branch of science discovering a new way of doing something that was better or more advanced! This meant changing the whole history of man! And Archaeology, and Anthropology. Not to mention the sciences of geology. And what about the fears that his book engenders about the planets. How safe are we? And is there some real truth in the book of Revelations, that we should be worried about for real? And not just as a scare tactic to keep the believers in line?

And it is that system that is still ruling the academic circles today. Why? Because of their own lack of faith in their own beliefs. The old saying of �There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio,� still holds true. Maybe there are �Anunnaki� out there and maybe not, but if there are you can bet your life that even they worship the creator and believe in a power greater than theirs. But it is a God that holds a whole universe in his hands and not just this little ball of fire we call the sun. Or it�s piddling little humans who don�t know how to get along with each other.

In fact throwing a few planets at the Earth may even be his way of making us appreciate what we have every once in a while, don�t you think? In the big scheme of things? Mmmmmmmm!

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Last modified on September 3rd,2005

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