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I�m not sure but I think I had my first U.F.O experience way back around 1948. I was parked with my fiancee by a small lake on the outskirts of Duncan, on Vancouver Island after midnight. I saw a light fly into the side of a small mountain in the distance. I mentioned it to him and wondered if there hadn�t been a plane crash, and should we notify someone. He laughed and said that it was not a plane. Everyone had seen lights going into that mountain. He had been raised in Duncan, while I was a newcomer. I thought it was strange that no one was more interested than that.

Since my whole life from early childhood had been filled with ESP Pexperiences, I don�t get very excited by strangeness anymore. My next experience with UFO�s should not have sent me reeling, but it did.

I had been into Astronomy for about 7 years. The last two were in a club a group of us in Surrey had formed when we decided that the Royal Astronomical Society club in Vancouver was too far, too old, and just plain dull. They were not doing any field work or viewing at all.

I was working my way through some of Messier numbers that I could see, which would be anything under 12th power objects. This fine night in late Sept., 1973 I had chosen a binary star just above and to the right of Sirius in the Orion group. I had set up my telescope with my highest power lens and added a barlow lens as extra so that I had at least 350 power. I had a Refractor Telescope with a 60 mm lens opening.

It was about 2 A.M. in the morning when I went out to align the scope after letting it cool down. I had just finished using the small view finder to zero in and line up my target. Satisfied that I had it pinpointed I bent to the eyepiece. For the next 2-3 minutes I was held in place by shock.

I have tried my best to duplicate what I saw that night in my scope, in the picture you see here. To bring it up click on the small corner cross.


For those 2-3 minutes I watched a massive armada of spaceships silently pass in front of the pale glow from the binary star. In those 2-3 minutes the leading edge of the fleet moved from a point 2"away from the edge of the starlight to the edge. And the rest of the fleet was out of sight on the right and still coming. Hundreds,if not thousands of them. And of course I watched all this in stark silence.

I had to stand up! My back was sore from the position I had held. I had not intended to view anything standing as I had a stool behind me. As I straitened up,I knocked it all out of alignment.

My next actions were strange indeed. I dismantled the �scope, took it inside and took it all apart and packed it away where it was not touched for 20 years. I never used it again.

For those of you who are about to say I saw bugs, dirt, etc. forget it.I know my optics! A �scope set on 350 power doesn�t pick up anything close. Bugs would only be a blurring of my vision, nothing more.

Those shapes could not have been anywhere near the binary star. They would have been larger than the star! What I cannot work out is where exactly in space were they from me? I cannot duplicate the star shine in the picture as well as I would like but the picture is accurate. I suffer from total recall.

My next encounter took place just outside of Blaine, Washington. I was heading home after spending the evening with friends at Birch Bay. It was about 2:30 A.M. and I came to a junction leading me to Blaine and the border and home. All of a sudden my motor died while I was stopped at the stop sign. Motor died, lights died. Radio died. I grabbed the flash light on the seat beside me. It was also dead. I was sitting there wondering what I was going to do when all of a sudden everything came back on! Even the flashlight.

The next day I took my car in for a check. It was a 58 Olds in remarkable shape and kept up. Nothing was found to be wrong. I realized I had had a U.F.O encounter.

However, I would ask any auto mechanic out there to tell me what situation or problem would allow a car to go dead and then start up again? And don�t forget the flashlight?

Three weeks later I accepted another invitation to join my friends in Birch Bay for dinner. This time I passed the corner untouched. It wasn�t until I crossed the border into Canada and on the hill into the Valley that they struck again. Everything went off. Lights, brakes, steering. At 80mph that�s not very funny. For about 50 yards my car continued on it�s momentum although it had lost some speed, but it was drifting towards the meridian between the two freeways. Those were the days of no seat belts. There was no other traffic on the road as it was about 3:30 A.M. All I could do was wait for it. But just as I got to the left verge of the road, it all came on again, and I recovered control. That was the end of my visits.

At this point I must mention that a close relative was the Police Chief of the city of Blaine, Wash. And when I spoke to him about the U.F.O activity in Blaine he admitted that they were common in the area. He and all his deputies had many encounters with them. Or sightings. They followed the high tension lines that ran down the coast. But they left them alone and never reported them. The reason was that he felt the Government already was aware of them as there were military installations being built in the area. And because of the Governments ploy of ridiculing those that did report these things. As he said, it was your job down the drain if you reported them.

It would be a few years later that my next one occurred. This one I had a second witness to it who saw the same event.

I was living on the 23rd floor of a high-rise building in Burnaby. I had made up my patio lounge to sleep on this night as it was too hot to sleep inside. I woke up around three a.m. and something drew my eyes to the very top corner of the building that went up another 6 floors in time to see a massive fleet of U.F.O�S emerge from behind the building, swoop up in a graceful, breathtaking display and disappear from sight back behind the building. I am not saying they were close to my building. Far from it. They were out in space doing these manuovers. All I saw were lights.

It was a few months later that I mentioned it to my workers during a discussion on U.F.O�S. One of them came back the next day all excited to tell me that she had mentioned it the night before to her daughters boyfriend. It was then that he said he had seen the same thing around 3 A.M. over the city. He had dropped his girlfriend off at home in Horse- Shoe Bay and was on the upper-levels highway heading toward West Van, when he saw them over the city. Neither of us kept a log but the time he saw it was the same. I am sure the night was the same also.

The last event was 12 years ago. I had moved into a condo in New Westminster. One night I was sitting up late pondering the strange events in my life. I knew I had been singled out for some reason but I didn�t know what! In frustration I got up and went out onto my ground floor patio, looked up at the sky, shook my fist at God, and yelled out, "What the hell do you want from me?"

At once a bright light like a star appeared high in the night sky zooming to-wards me. It swooped down overhead splitting into two lights that flew over my head and up again. Each going in a different direction. Not a sound out of either of them! No plane does that!

To ask questions contact me at my internet address on the home page.

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on August 30th,2005

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