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I know a place that�s secret and small
Where boys and adults don�t go at all.
It�s under the porch and filled with gloom,
And as far as I know, it�s my secret room.


Mother and Father are too big to crawl;
One brother�s too big, the other too small.
I can sit there and dream as long as I like,
And to hang up my coat there�s a big rusty spike.


There�s a sunbeam that reaches right down to my toes,
And when it�s warm I can sit there and doze.
There�s a spider called Meg, who�s raising a brood;
I help all I can by bringing her food.


The floor is of dirt in my secret room,
But I keep it clean with a little twig broom.
My window�s a knot hole that�s very small,
In just the right place high up on the wall.


The world from my window�s a funny place;
I can watch others who can�t see my face.
Then when I�m tired of sitting alone,
There�s no one to stop me from going home.

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on August 24th,2005

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