This may be a shock to many readers, but up until the time Jesus came on the scene there was no such thing as a creator God of the Universe in the western religions. This is mainly because we knew nothing of a �Universe� at that time, well at least the uninitiated or non-priestly classes didn�t. We only knew our own little area that we lived in and some of the surrounding countries. We were the center of creation and everything revolved around us. The Sun, the Stars and the Moon revolved around the Earth. If some held the keys to this esoteric knowledge, we now know it was not shared with the rest of us. Back then we believed in �Gods� = plural. The Hebrews had a God, called Yaweh, whom they worshipped, but he was not, by his own admission, the God of any other race or country. Almost 2,000 years of brainwashing has enabled people to blot out or ignore those words in the Bible. The fact that the Catholics, the Baptists and the rest of the western religions have adopted the Hebrew God does not change the statement made in the Bible that he was the God of the Hebrews alone.

In fact, it took about four hundred years or more to brainwash the Mediterranean world to the concept of an overriding, one god, over all life. Hard, bitter years of murder, lying, cheating, and power plays. Few Christians today, as well as Muslims, Hindus, or any other denominations for that matter, have any knowledge of how their religion actually arose. They are taught the story of Jesus or whatever and that seems to do them just fine. They learn nothing about the death, destruction and corruption of the first 400 years of Christianity: The power plays and murder to gain control of the people and the money. Oh, yes! The money! Follow the money! From the very beginning it was the money and the power it created. In fact, the concept of a man being the representative of God himself was found to give that man even power over a King! And this was at a time when kings were really all powerful. However, all this was taking place in one small area of this earth. What was happening elsewhere on this planet?

In Europe and the North people were worshipping many Gods. Just as before the time of Jesus; Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, Arabia, Africa, China, and all the Islands of the Pacific had their hierarchy of gods. This was probably the result of the teaching of the Anunnaki, (or biblical Nefilim), explained by the Hebrew scholar Zecharia Sitchin in his book series �Earth Chronicles�. In other words, up until this time a single overriding God of Creation was unheard of. That does not mean there�s not a God, but does that mean the God we worship is the Ultimate God of Creation? I doubt it very much. That an Ultimate, overriding God of Creation exists is not impossible. How do I know it exists? Because I exist, something created the possibility of that existence. As Descartes said; �I think, therefore I am, and if I am, then something or some force made it possible�.

To begin this hunt let us start not at the beginning, but at this point in our time. In Japan they have one of the most powerful electron microscopes on Earth. With it they have discovered a world of life so small it is hard to concieve of it. I am not talking germs here, but insect life. Yet it exists beyond our natural ability to detect it. If they improved on the abilities of this microscope will they find even smaller life forms? I ask you to remember one thing; if it lives and propagates, it has a world it inhabits the same as you and I. It mates, raises young and dies. If we were to travel out into the Milky Way Galaxy we are a part of, would we find life forms that made us look like ants? I believe so.

In order to understand this concept, I will relate a small anecdote that took place years ago when I was interested in Astronomy. I carried around with me a card in my wallet that was the size of a business card. It had on it four circles all the same size. Outside of the first circle was one tiny black dot and every circle had a black dot in it. I used it as a teaching guide and to prevent me from becoming conceited. You see, the outside dot represented the Earth in comparison to the first circle, which was our Sun, or Star. Those circles then became the dot in the next size star in our Galaxy and so on to the last circle. The next star up the ladder dwarfed each star. It had the ability to shock people into seeing their real insignificance in the Universe. So for us to say that there is no life larger than is found on our world is wrong. So, to see our existence properly let�s go step by step through our Universe.

We start with the life forms found by the Japanese Microscope, work our way up to humans, then the huge dinasaurs that roamed the Earth. That is life as we have recorded it on Earth. Now we move to our position around a sun system that contains other planets, of which we know little about. If they have life on them we are totally ignorant about it. However, we all are grouped around the star we call the Sun. It is on one end of a spiral arm of a Galaxy that is made up of many of these spiral arms. We call it, �The Milky Way Galaxy�, Each arm is composed of Trillions of Suns, with trillions of planets. Our Galaxy is only one of trillions of Galaxies in what we call the �Universe�. We do not know what lies beyond our Universe. I have read a report that our scientists have attempted to reach that edge using the �Doppler Red Shift� but came up agains�t some form of barrier. The method used was not clear to me, but if it was the same method that they have been using to �read� the structure of stars close to us then it is not very accurate as it could not read the planet closest to us, which is Venus. I am aware that there are problems with this science. However, the claim was made that there is an �edge� to our Universe. That might mean it is limited in size, but this is conjecture, as some scientist's have challenged the Doppler red shift as being erroneous and a misleading indication of distance.

Every Galaxy in our Universe is different. Some are in the process of being created (or born); some are ending their lives by exploding and dying or changing. Some appear to be stable, others not so stable. It is a great display going on around us far out in space. It becomes even more awesome when you realize that what we are looking at with our telescopes is already over 14 billion years in the past, for it has taken that long for the light from those galaxies to reach us on this earth. They may have long ago blown up and reduced to dust. And we have the temerity to claim the Creator of all of this is interested in one little planet on the edge of one small Galaxy! Well, surprise, surprise, I believe they are right! The problem then becomes one of how would this be possible? And we must not, under any circumstances limit that interest only to this human life form, nor to this one planet, but it must incorprorate all life in the Universe from bacteria to mankind.

What is it that we all have in common no matter what our size or shape? No matter where we live in the Universe? The minute we are concieved we have animation. If you believe in a God of Creation that made the Universe and all that is in it, from the highest to the lowest, from the largest to the smallest life forms, then you cannot deny to any one of those life forms the same gifts you received, self awareness or soul.

After a simple view of the Universe, we now move to its structure, as far as we are able to deduce with our sciences. We may actually have not one structured reality, but many. The Atomic structure of our world is not new knowledge. The Greeks knew some of this knowledge of atoms in ancient times. What we have discovered is its basic structure and how to take it apart. Or smash it! This knowledge has shown us that our physical world is a form of illusion. The table I am writing on is not really solid, but in a sense it is made up of atoms and they are not solidly packed together, but are moving or vibrating at a certain speed so that the table appears to be solid. It depends on the substance the atoms are designed to create. Since my body and its atoms are vibrating at almost the same speed we both appear solid. So the first lesson we learn is that our world is an illusion of matter and motion.

There are other wonderful mysteries to our world that we are just now learning concerning the basic shapes that make up our reality. Circles, triangles, tubes, and geometric forms connected with higher mathematics for example, which are not accidents of nature, but part of an intricate building code of atom structures for our reality. An ordinary flower has codes of structure it follows based on circles, tubes and triangles. It may be a round daisy in overall shape, but it has a central circle at its core and a circle the petals make, while each petal is really two triangles back to back. Its stem is a tube and its leaves are more triangles. In other words, nature is not a random event. It is an organized group of basic forms with a mathematically organized structure. As an artist I have studied the human form closely and find that the entire body is based on the measurements of the co-ordinates between the eyes and the brain, the ears and the brain. All other measurements stem from them. These dictate the facial measurements, and they in turn dictate the body measurments. This is so that the brain knows exactly how far the hand reaches and where the legs are for walking. How to keep it all in balance.

One of the hardest sciences in our group to deal with is light. To be perfectly frank, there really is no such thing as light. It is an Illusion just as much as the physical realities of our world. The Sun that sends us radiation daily does so by streams of energy particles that impinge on our senses, that vibrate at a rate coinciding with the ability of our eyes to percieve it, just as the matter making up our world appears to have color by its vibration rate. In other words all those cans of different colored paint obtain their color from the atomic vibration rate of the substance used to make the color. This is just another illusion of our world or our reality.

We now come to the most important of all the illusions that make up our reality; sound. Sound is another form of vibration. We live in a very narrow range of sound. Too high or too low and we die. It�s as simple as that. Too low and it actually has the ability to shatter every cell in our body. That is called subsonic sound. Too high and it shatters our eardrums first and then our brain cells. Animals, being far more sensitive or having more acute hearing than us, succumb to these changes before we do. Long before we experiance an earthquake, animals know the earthquake is coming because they hear either a high or low grinding noise of the plates below the earth as they move. They have no sixth sense. They only have more acute senses.

So what does this tell us about our reality? It tells us that our world or Universe exists because of different forms or rates of vibration and some form of coding that creates shapes of our world. For more on this look up �Fractel�s� on the internet. It rules our existence. And there is a great possibility that it rules other realities besides our own. In other words, other dimensions co-existing along with ours. Unseen, unheard, unfelt. Except for those rare times when they intrude or overlap or tear. But just as real to them as ours is to us. I believe that the Philadelphia experiment in the early 40�s broke that barrier of vibration rate between realities, with such disastrous concequences.

While it may be hard for most of us to understand, or even come to terms with the concept of other worlds and Universes, they can co-exist in the same space we inhabit. This is because their vibration rates only have to exist beyond the range of our vibration rate, either up or down the scale and we would never know they were there. The evidence for this has been experienced on this planet in a number of ways. Time folding in on itself is one. And example of this has been where people have moved into scenes from the past or future for a few brief moments in time.

A further example is space folding, where people are transported from one place on the planet and turning up half way around the world within seconds, lost and in a strange country. (for books on this subject go to "My Library" in the "Books" section of this site). Black Holes is yet another example of this type of phenomena. These are star systems out in space where matter seems to be dissappearing. But matter just doesn�t disappear, it must go somewhere. The concept of wormholes is perhaps another example of space folding in on itself,in the shape of tunnels from one point to another in intersteller space. We must ask ourselves, is it possible for other realities to co-exist with us in the same space if they existed at a different rate of vibration beyond our ability to detect? I would have to say the answer is; yes! If they do not have anywhere near our atomic vibration rate, then it must be considered a possibility.

We have now come to the understanding that motion or vibration of matter, whether of atoms, particles, waves or strings, underlies our entire system of reality. What we are going to do now is seek a method by which an entity we call �The Creator� or God, can control all of this matter. And that would include our little world and all of us mortals on this planet Earth.

First of all we must ask if a Universe is created by this Creator or is it a fixture that existed on its own and was taken over by this same entity? It seems that no one has expressed this view that I am aware of. That concept is no more beyond a scientific concept than the �Big Bang� of modern science. Why not a lifeless mass of matter out in the immense reaches of space? Or many masses for that matter? Waiting for a creator to come and bring it to life?

If you read it properly that is what the first sentences in Genisis implies. Not a bang, but an awakening of something dormant. And the awakener would control the stages of the creative process. But at no time must you imagine a creator with a human profile. You do not create life forces that change without creating the death or alteration of that life force.It would be useless to speculate on the shape or form of this creator of life in this Universe. The concept that we are made in the image of our creator is from the DNA creations of the Anunnaki of Zacharia Sitchin�s books. And the idea of a God and creation can only have come from them in the first place, for even they would have wondered who had created them!

We must now imagine if we can, a being who is about to take over or use a mass of Atoms and energy to create a Universe of life forms. That is the clay with which he will work. Would he start with one group of atoms and bring them to life or energize them? How would that be done? Speaking to them? Why not? Sound is the key. And sound is an energizer that makes things move. Sound is a force. When the Bible says God orders the creation to begin, that is just another way of saying sound is what started creation. Sound is a force that can move things. Since sound is just another word for vibration which is in itself movement, and movement, whether it is a gentle breath or an explosion is the starter for the Atoms to do their dance of creation making worlds and, yes; destroying worlds in this same process of alteration and growth and change, then that very same process could carry with it a set of instructions on that very same creation process. That life is also part of this same set of building blocks is part of the miracle. If water can change its form by the process of alteration caused by its atomic structure, then living things are but part of this same process of change built of atomic structues. And since it is the dance (vibration rate) of the atoms that creates these structures then layers of reality are possible depending on those same vibration rates.

Before there was life of any kind, anywhere; there was water! The rocks under your feet were built from water! The minerals in the rocks were built from water. Life anywhere in the Universe, in any shape or form comes from water, exists by water. Therefore I have come to the conclusion that the Universe consisted of nothing more nor less than a vast cloud of water.

Define infinity for me! You can�t! Yet this Universe of ours must have a finite end to it. The claim of our scientists that the Universe began with a big bang actually deals with the concept of an infinate space beyond our Universe. How else can they define the perimeters of this �Big Bang theory�. From what? From where? From who or what that set off the big Bang? HOW? Dynamite? Why? You don�t create by destruction. This idea was based on their first sight of Galaxy�s exploding. That is not a beginning scene but an ending scene.

Instead, consider this alternative: An infinity filled with islands of liquod. Gods beyond our understanding using them as the means of creating. How do you bring it to life? Sound! Awaken it. For sound is a vibration. A force that we really know little about. It can wake the atom or kill it. But once woken to life the atom is a builder. This huge Universe of liquad would then over the trillions of years alter and change into solids. All of the discoveries of the matter that make up our reality have a connection to water in some way or another. And to say that what we know of as water is a byproduct of the primal water goes without saying. For primal water is an unknown factor to science. The water we know of today has undergone many changes. That is not to say that primal water doesn�t still exist out in the far reaches of space.

This planet that we live on is built from water! The fire came later from the pressure and alterations. Atom bombs cannot be made without water! But not all water is the same. On this little planet we must have thousands of different forms of water. The anciants knew this! Water takes on the quality of the soils and rocks it filters through. There can be no electricity of any kind without water. In fact I believe there can not be gravity without water! Certainly there can be no life without water.

Therefore I must state that there could not possibly have been a �Big Bang� to start the life cycle of this Universe. I also state that it could not have come to life without a Creator force. A Breath of Brahm!


The existence of a soul has troubled mankind since the beginning of history. As I look out through my eyes at the world and ponder my existence, I cannot conceive of its ending. Nor can you as you read these words. To answer that question I must first tell you the story of why I know that death is not the end of this life.

At the age of twenty-two, I worked in the Fur business as a furrier making fur coats. The man I worked for in this particular shop was more than a boss, he was a friend. So, when he handed me a pack of needles I requested I was startled when his hand came in contact with mine and I had a vision. I saw a sign in the air in front of my face. It was the word "cancer" in glowing red letters. I knew then that he was dying of cancer. He'd been in the World War II and had a wound on his leg that was not healing. I tried for three days to get up the nerve to tell him, but couldn't. I was too young to know what to do and the tragedy was that his wife had just given birth.

I left his shop and moved to another furrier. I had been there for almost a year when word came over the furrier's grapevine that my friend had died. But two weeks before this, I had had another experience with the head furrier in this shop. He too was handing me something, but on this occasion, time stopped. Street noises, voices, all went silent and the people in the workroom with me froze in place, as I viewed another sign in the air of the word "cancer". It too was glowing red. I knew that this man also was going to die of cancer. I left that shop the next day.

I was becoming a nervous wreck and afraid to touch people. However, it didn't happen again so I gradually recovered. I was now 33 with 3 children when the next event happened. I had put the youngest 2-year-old down for his nap and sat down to watch TV for a while. When the screen came on a cancer Ad was showing. I immediately phoned my doctor for an appointment. Why? Because the Ad was in glowing red letters and we didn't have a color TV. I knew the message was for me. The cancer clinic said it was the earliest they had ever seen a cervical cancer. I never mentioned how I knew I had it.

The day before I was due to go into surgery I was sitting reading to take my mind off of the operation. Something made me look-up and over to the entrance to my dining room. A window had opened up in the air and there was another room with two couches and three men on each couch looking at me. Their speech was not verbal, but in my head. I cannot tell you all of it, but there were two messages. 1. We were companions through time and they were waiting for me to finish this life and join them. 2. Don't worry about tomorrow Nina, as it doesn't matter if you live or die. It is not the end of you! So I calmly went back to my reading.

If that surprises you, it is because all of my life I have had strange events happen! I have remembered a life, as a boy child inside what I believe was Mars. I have had a "walk-in" who was with me for 3 years as a child. I have had visions and my life had been saved by extra means a number of times. (For one account try Farshores and click on " A leap into the unknown". At

So, when I tell you we have a soul that lives beyond death I do not lie to you. But the object of this book is to understand the why's and where-fore's of the soul and it's place in the Universe. There are people on this planet earth who live their entire lives with no experiences of strange events. For them, it is hard to believe in those people who do go beyond into other facets of reality. We keep trying to tell you that the world is not what you think it is. The problem is that while we know it has facets to it that are unknown, we don't have all the answers either. The best we can do is keep putting the information out there so that maybe one day we will have an answer. One of my strange abilities seems to be to tap into very strong thoughts coming from others. Especially in the science and the world of inventions. So I know that there are others out there now writing or dealing with all that I write about. For I know that not only are we souls that live on, but that we tap into each other if we are strong enough.

Since the soul appears to be undying in itself, then it must be universal: meaning it exists throughout the Universe. Taking on whatever shape and form it needs for its next incarnation. I am aware that this statement is mind-boggling and raise's many questions we have no answers for. But for those who are seeking to unravel this mystery of creation, it is not answers we need at this point, it is the right questions to ask.


What is pure evil or pure goodness?

Nothing exists separate from the rest of creation. Not even your thoughts for they originate in the brain and the brain is nothing but an energy field connected to the rest of matter through vibration.

The problem lies in our lack of understanding and knowledge of how this could connect with a master brain of a creator. Does not a master brain have the powers or abilities to create lessor connections since all matter connects to all matter. BUT; there is no life of any kind without a soul for the soul is a manifistation of the Creator. And the soul is separate from the living matter of atoms.

The soul enters the body sometime between conception and birth.Does this apply to all life forms or only to humans? I firmly believe that it applies to ALL life forms as without it all life would only have the ability to exist by automatic mechanism from part of the brain. The higher the life form the greater the mechanism based on the structure. However it would not live long since the ability to self preservation would be inadiquit. Therefore souls must meet the needs of the life form. The higher the abilities of the life form the greater the capacities of the soul. That infers that souls are also in stages of development. It is nothing more or less than a symbiotic relationship. This can be proven by animals as well as by humans. If animals were just physical forms without souls they would display no individualism. Yet the incidences of pet behaviour or even some animals in the wilds show various levels of intelligence beyond just habit, or speciesbehaviour. This implies growth potential in thier soul.

Why do we not ask ourselves why humans of all races and sexes are not the same mentally? Why are there differences in mental capacity and understanding? It cannot be caused just by family life or inheritance. Each child is concieved the same. The small differences of interaction surely cannot be the total cause of individuality. Even twins do not mirror each other totally. I am reminded at this time of the curious fact that ALL humans are born with individual finger prints. If we were to take this one step further would we find that no two humans have the same hand print or footprint? This knowledge comes down to us via the Gypsy�s via Egypt. That land of many secrets and knowledge. A land that did know that the soul exists and that it�s path through this life is already written. But written in such a way that there is freedom of choice, not of the path of fate but the handling of that path. In other words there are learning obstacles and you have the choice of jumping over them or climbing over them or walking around them. Or even moving or breaking them up. But each step is ordained. The growth of the soul comes from the decisions one makes. That is the freedom.

So why is a soul working through all these life forms, ever upward to complexity? For the same reasons we do, to learn, to develope, to gain power and to rule. Not of course in the human way, but it is part of the process to godhead. To understand the why of it, lets go back to the structure of the Universe and the Creator.

Those famous lines; �As above, so below!� , are not idle words. Whoever said them understood very well the concept of creation. Every soul is on an upward climb to perfection, and yes! Some of us fall back and must try again in another life or another form. Or even on another world!

What is the ultimate purpose? Consider the Universe as a very large business empire! Yes! I know that is silly from certain viewpoints but bear with me. Why do you think God does not step in and stop us from killing ourselves? Or create us all to be perfect in form and mind? Think about that for a moment. Nothing is supposed to be beyond God! And yet here we are dealing out death and destruction non stop. Diseased and sick in mind and body. And none of our prayers are answered no matter how much we pray. Oh yes! A few get answered here and there. And let me point out to you the plain facts. It is not always the �good� or the �perfect� who have them answered. Some can pray until they�re blue in the face, attend church every Sunday and crap still happens to them. Others, like myself who deplore religion live lives of constant help from God. OR A GOD. Is there more than one god? Did that not occurr to you?

It was one thing to believe in one God when we did not know there were other worlds out there in space. Now that you know the Universe is crowded with other worlds that are also teeming with life you either have to believe that your God is terribly overworked -or- face the fact that there must be a hierarchy of Gods! And as if that is not enough to shock you out of complacency, I have another shock for you. The String Theory!

What in heavens name, you ask, is the string theory? Basically, without going into details,it allows for multiple dimensions. All living in the same space but at different vibration levels, or rates. The funny thing about this is, that in the 70�s I wrote about this possibility as my term paper in Philosophy class at college. It upset my teacher so much that he insisted I tell him where I got the idea. Further discussion discovered that he had just written a philosophy book, and I think he wrote something that did not take those problems into account, so he was trying to find out if I had taken it from a book. My own idea�s did not bother him as I would never be published. It was a simple premise based on Vibration rates of sound and light. I reasoned that if we lived only within a specific range of sound and light, that did not mean that there was a limit to sound and light, therefore other worlds or dimensions could co-exist above and below those frequencies.That atoms must exist within other frequency�s. But that sometimes alterations occurred that allowed those frequencies to enter each others domain. Ergo; visions, phenomena, ghosts, etc. That was many years ago, but science has caught up with me in the String Theory that claims other dimensions co-exist in this Universe with ours. I�m not sure but I believe that came about by the research into � Black Holes� out in space. A Black Hole appears to be an anomoly in space where matter is drawn into and dissappears into what is called a �Black Hole�. Since it had to go somewhere , it must be going into another dimension. But the String Theory allows for many dimensions, and many dimensionsallows for a soul!

Gods and Angels do exist. They come from us. That is our destiny. We have been on this road since the Universe was created. And if you read the first words you know it is immense. One Creator, God over all, may have started this Universe of ours, but even he/it needs workers to help run this vast cloud of matter and worlds. Each world must have a God and there are trillions upon trillions of worlds out there with life on them. So Gods are made from the ground up so to speak. Why? Because to be a God you must know all there is to know. That means knowing the life of the smallest life form and how it works to alter a world, to the highest life forms. And yes! You must know hunger and plenty, killing and being killed, giving life and nurturing it. Pain, fear, plenty, hunger,love, hate, and death and birth. What is a God without compassion and understanding? Or total knowledge of the world under his/her control? The words: "All Knowing"� are not idle words. It means exactly that.

What is conciousness? Why is this bone and flesh we call �body� anmated? What is this strange thing that leaves the body when some part of the body is damaged or ceases to function? Why did humans see the body as a vehicle for a thing called the �soul� or as the Anciant Egyptions called it ; the �ka� or the �Ba�? It makes me realize mankind has known about the �soul� since time immamorial. But did you know that in very ancient times before �Christianity� most people had a different concept of where the soul went to? It was underground! This was in contrast to the Egyptian�s who believed it went to join the Gods in space.

There are two ways we could have known this informations. 1. Someone who�s word or knowledge we trusted told us this information. 2. By experiance of the image of a relative or friend appearing to people after death. It appears to be universal information, although not always is it recieved in the same way. In fact the mysteries of this world are many. However, all are in agreement that we have a soul or ethereal body that lives on after the earthly body dies.

Since this soul is not a solid and is only seen in rare circumstances we must assume that it is composed of a different vibration pattern than our earthly, solid (to us!) body. I would assume then that in those rare times when it is seen, it is actually in what we would refer to as a �halfway state�. Niether completly crossed over or completly here. The idea the Church has created that our soul goes to God if we�re good, or to the Devil if we�re bad was created as a fear factor to keep people in line or control and for money. Buying your way out of purgatory was and still is good business. However the concept that giving the Church a lot of money will have any effect on your after life is rather stupid since no Earthly person has that power. However it will make life a lot rosier for the priests so keep it up!

Since I stated earlier that ALL life is animated by a soul, then that soul must go through its own form of growth. It must start with a simple or basic life of its own, working its way up the ladder of experiance to its ultimate destiny. And the life that it animates is but a vehicle it uses on that journey. Have you noticed something odd about life on this Earth? I have! The simpler a life form the greater the �herd�, or collection of them. As we move up the ladder of intellegence then individuality starts. Ending with man. It is as if this planet was created to be the nursery for souls or maybe that is the norm for all planets with souls. Since the simpler life forms or the �cradle� stage so to speak , then the simpler the life style is for them. In other words: master this form and you get to go to a more complicated form of life energy.

That concept could explain a great deal about this �human� race couldn�t it? The fact that some humans still need to be a part of a herd or pride. Just how much of these previous soul lives do we retain? If we were to look at our present human lives with this in mind we would see our world differently and understand it in a clearer fashion. Maybe we would understand why men go to war or need to be in �prides� or clubs! It may be a deeply rooted memory of a previous life we cannot grow out of yet.

That brings us to those men and women who have reached the end of all this world can teach them. Where do we go from here? That would depend on the soul of that person. And that would be based not on their life story but on their vibration rates. All life has a vibration rate. So do objects. That is because we are made up of atoms thank heavens! I say that because if we weren�t then we would not decentigrate at death. And the world would be piled miles high with the dead! So if the soul is an entity separate from life forms but capable of entering into them for the duration of its life, why does it do this? And it appears that our souls do not always automatically climb that ladder of creation. Some come back again and again. Why?

What you are about to read now is going to shock and surprise you, but bear with me because I believe that when you have studied it you will come to agree with me.

Gods and Angels do exist. They come from us. That is our destiny. We have been on this road since the Universe was created. And if you read the first words you know it is immense. One Creator, God over all, may have started this Universe of ours but even he/it needs workers to help run this vast cloud of matter and worlds. Each world must have a God and there are trillions upon trillions of worlds out there with life on them. SoGods are made from the ground up so to speak. Why? Because to be a God you must know all there is to know. That means knowing the life of the smallest life form and how it works to alter a world, to the highest life forms. And yes! You must know hunger and plenty, killing and being killed, giving life and nurturing it. Pain, fear, plenty, hunger,love, hate, and death and birth. What is a God without compassion and understanding? Or total knowledge of the world under his/her control? The words: All KNOWING�,are not idle words. It means exactly that.

That we live in a Universe of many levelsof reality is possible because of the fact that the atoms that make our world have many vibration levels. That the soul lives after death is because it can exist on all of these levels. Do souls always get reborn over and over on the same planet? I would be inclined to say yes to that but that there are exceptions. That we have a long road ahead of us to Godhood is certain but I wouldn�t give up the journey for all the rice in china! Amen

Go to my 'Lessons" section for the teaching of "Gnani Yogi" that also deals with this subject, by a greater teacher than myself.
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Last modified on July 3rd, 2005

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