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In Vilakovsky's brilliant book; Worlds In Collision, he mentions,"The Dogs of War". The Greeks wrote about them. The phrase was well known throughout the Middle East. However, it was not a reference to actual dogs, it was a reference to an astronomical anomaly that preceded the arrival of the Planet NIBIRU.

Today we may be experiencing that same ancient anomaly. In our skies in recent months we have had a number of near misses by asteroids. In fact we have been experiencing more asteroids in recent months than we have had in over a number of years. I am sure that the Astronomers will argue that point but I would contest it vigorously. It is their job to watch for these astronomical visitors and either they are not doing their jobs or they are lying to us. In fact the sky's overhead have never been watched so closely in all our history.

So, the question then becomes this: What are the 'Dogs of War' and what exactly do they mean or portend for this Earth? To understand that problem we have to alter our minds a bit on Astronomy and the forces of attraction in space. We can understand the concept of a large body in space having an attraction for smaller bodies and towing them behind in their wake, but no one has mentioned the fact that there is just as much force built up in front of a speeding object in space as attraction behind it. It is as if there is a massive funnel of wind preceding the planet. This is likened to the force that pushes the air in front of a speeding bullet or that of a plane. Only here what we have is a huge body moving at even faster speeds. And somewhere in its travels it has either collided with or met with this debris that flies in front of it.

The real wonder of it is, is how far out in front of the mass of the planet it is. And the other interesting fact is the name that the ancients gave to these objects in space. They must have had at one time in their history or even at the time they named them, the experience of dogs moving ahead of their army's to harass and terrify the populations under attack. They do not refer to them as the army host itself but a precursor to war by an invading force. The invader is the Planet of course.

In many countries around the world for some unknown reason man built shelters underground and in caves. And for some odd reason I cannot understand, archaeologists and geologists have found nothing odd about this. Well, I did. You don't escape an invading army by building thirty stories of living space underground. You fight them off. And all over turkey, Iraq, and Iran they have found strange stone constructions, where a few slabs have been formed into what I would see as shelters from stuff falling out of the sky, but they see as some form of religious site. But isn't that just like those idiots! What they can't find a good reason for gets shoved into the religious bin and there it stays. Give us a break!! Not everything in this life is based on religion. Most of what we do has a very practical reason. Like saving our skins. And that's exactly what our ancestors did. They went underground. The cave systems in Afghanistan are now being exposed as are the huge underground cities in the foothills of Mount Ararat.

As a footnote I must add this bit; If the last passage of Nibiru was during the Exodus and all the inner planets were affected by It's passing, then the loss of the mantle of air on Mars may have taken place at that time. In other words the destruction and loss of life on Mars may be later than is thought. As I state in other articles there are records of bodies falling out of the sky during this time. And that mass of red matter that the Egyptians expressly called blood may just have been that. If this is so then Earth traveled into the area of space in the wake of this fallout.

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Last modified on August 22nd,2005

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