At the beginning of this ch. I would like to point out that when the 'Egyptians' afflicted them, the Israilites were building with morter and bricks. So any evidence of this time would not be in stone, no matter where they were. Either in Ur or the Nile valley. But in Ur and the surrounding area most of the building is of mudbrick. Unfortunatly we are inundated with Hollywoods depiction of the slaves moving huge blocks of stone around. That is contrary to the Bible story but makes for a good movie.

Ch1:14, and they made thier lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter and with brick.

In 2:5 I am puzzled when the daughter of Pharoh comes down to the river bank to bath. The Nile was filled with Croc's! Why would she want to bath there? It is interesting to note that the Euphrates did not have Croc's to my knowledge. A safer river to bath in? Would a mother set her baby adrift on a river filled with Croc's? I think not! And snce most Archaeologists of the late 19th Century were men, that would never have occurred to them to wonder about this anomoly. Nor would a princess go wading near a Croc infested river! And in those days there would have been many more than today!

Chapters 2:5 to 2:9 tell of the finding of Moses in the bulrushes.
When they deciphered the writings found at Ur, they came across the same story of a child found in the bullrushes of the river Euphrates. And by a Royal daughter! How many of these same happenings were there? It must have confused the Archaeologists as to why there would be two such stories in such distant area's. But by then they were already committed to Egypt as the site of the Exodus even though they had not found any similar tale in Egypt! And if nothing else Egypt would have written that story in stone. The only source for it was the Bible until Wooley's findings.

Ch.2:11-And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren. This line reveals the fact that Moses knew what his geneology was. He was not ignorant of the fact that he was Jewish. Probably because he was circumcised. They would never have let that be forgotten. Hollywood to the contrary.

Ch2:15 This ch. reveals that Moses was not treated as a prince in the house of Pharoh, as Hollywood would have us believe and the Church. He was not recorded as being a great builder or equal with the princes of the court. And when he escapes to Midian how does he get there? There is not one word to say. Nor do we know where Midian is! How far? What we do know is that it is a place for sheppards! I repeat; the Euphrates was an area of sheepherders. It was and still is the largest herds of sheep in the world.

Ch.2:8 In this section 'God' is going to give Moses a land of milk and Honey that is already settled by other tribes. If this is the God of creation, why doesn't he just turn the land Moses is already on into a land of milk and honey? What did those other people do to deserve losing their land? But more important than that is a description of this land. It is a land of 'milk and honey'. Milk from what animal? Cows or goats? Goats are devistating to any land. Milk from Cows? I have never heard of Israel being a great pasture land for cows. One or two at a farm maybe? This implies great herds of dairy cows. Was the land just below Assyria a land in those days that would have been suitable for herds of great magnitude? According to Sitchin it was at Ur that the Anunnake engineered the creation of the bull,(cows). And at the present time we are learning that the Arabian pennisula was once the breadbasket of Ur, and present science has lately discovered underground rivers and extinct lakes from Ur to the tip.

Ch.3:12 The mountain that Moses was at was called Horab. It was described later on as a fiery mountain. The description of his encounter at this mountain does not jive with the mountains of the Sinai Peninsula. Here he has a flock of sheep grazing on the lower slopes. Does he make a hard climb to see this bush? It doesn't appear so. Yet, the area around the mountains of Sinai have a very rocky section, I believe. And not suitable today for sheep. Can it have changed that much? However, in the upper area of Arabia there is a mountain that rises from the plains, that was also considered to be an extinct volcano. This is not far from the area of Ur.

Ch.3:1515: And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

I am bewildered at this sentence. I had always thought that the God that created the world was the God of all humans. Not just this tribe. That puts a different slant on the Roman Catholic Religion. In other words it means that we have been worshipping a God that does not acknowledge any tribe, clan, family, group or people but that of the Hebrews. I am bewildered by the fact that people for over 1900 years have not noticed these words. Because this is NOT the God of creation. Which is why he takes from one group and gives to another what is not theirs by right. That is like a father taking the toys of one child and giving them to his favorite. Does that sit well with you? But I want you to remember at all times; that this is not something that the Hebrews had any control over. They are not responsible for what this God is doing with them! And when you move down to our timeline it is as if they were created for the future for the instigation of wars and hate. What creator does that! And why? This is manipulation for a very strange reason. As far as I can make out, the people of these lands were living fairly well with each other. There is only one record of war among the tribes during Abrahams time.

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Last modified on November 7th,2005

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