this is a work in progress. Note; from time to time I will be

adding update notes where it is relavent when science catches

up to me.

Genesis one

The collection of books that we know of as the �Bible� came into being sometime between the 1st and 2nd century BC. It became known as the Torah(book). As usual with knowledge that has been around a long time, it has become confused. Yet the basic knowledge is still there. It is not the stories that are wrong, it is our reading of those stories that are wrong. Those stories stem from a time when man was far more advanced than he is today. Science was far more advanced also. This was the science of our masters; the Gods of our Creation. That is not to mistake them for the actual God of Creation. That God created them long before they created us.

Mistakes like this are usually caused by language problems. Words alter and change over the centuries. They collect different meanings over time. Information is also lost by wars, fires, destruction by earthquakes, floods.

Also when disasters and wars strike it is the records of man and the knowledge of the past and present that is lost. And when the records and books are gone then so also is the knowledge of the past.

In 1945 I had a visit from this Creator in the middle of the night. I was given a few secrets, but mostly I was set on a path of investigation of mans history.

The Creator could have given me these facts at that time. However, the reason why I wasn�t given that information was that Man does not believe in voices from space that you can�t prove are really around. By finding out how we went wrong and where and why, would hold more water than just announcing these things as coming from The Creator. That is not to say that I wasn�t guided and helped every step of the way. Sometimes I was ready to give up. But then I would be guided to a book that opened another path when the old one had been blocked or run out. These following pages are what was found. Many of the roads that I discovered were considered to be wrong at the time. Since then they are now hailed as firm beliefs. Long before Kerlian and his photo�s of the Electric body were discovered I had been reading about the electric body in old Tibetan Articles from the end of the last century in a newspaper series in the London Times. Only at that time we were not paying any attention. It was not until the 60's that science admitted that we were an electic body, even though Kerlian had proved it earlier.

This book will make the following statements: 1.The first Genesis is not the story of our beginnings. We are not the humans created on the sixth day. 2.The Earth is not a spin off from our sun. 3. Earth has been a way station for other life forms until the 1st. Genesis. 4.Man was created to be a drone. 5.There is a Galactic law against creating a reproductive life form. This law was broken by the �gods� and by Eve. 6.Man was created with an organic computer in his brain stem. Because of this we are a danger to the rest of the Galaxy. 7.ADAM was black. 8.The �Gods of Greece� were the sons and daughters of Noah. 9. Moses was in the �Egypt� of Ur. Not the Nile. 10. The Second temple was not built by Hebrews, but by Babylonians. 11. The second Temple is not built where Solomon�s first temple was built. The Jews that are descended from the Jerusalem at the time of Christ are not really Jews. They are decendents of Babylonians.

Genesis One

1: In the beginning God created the heaven and the Earth

In one section of the New Testament, it starts off; In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God. Someone knew what they were talking about. The Universe was created with sound. But before we get to that point of our world there was a vast emptiness. At least that is what the scientists would have us believe. In order to explain what I am going to tell you ,you must understand about size. There is a saying; " How many angels can dance on the head of a pin". Now we all know that a pinhead is very small. So the idea of an Angel dancing on the head of one is hard to imagine. Yet the question was very serious because it dealt with the problem of how large is man? How big is our world? How big are we? That question becomes very hard to answer when you see the world of �small� in a Microtron Microscope. We have to ask ourselves, �Is someone looking at us from the distance of a large Microscope? Or: Are there universes being created beyond ours? Is our Creator only one of many? Or better yet, how is time measured beyond our universe? How long is the life of our universe in real time? You see! We cannot answer those questions. Yet, they are valid.

Knowing that there are other possibilities than our existence does not answer the question of our existence, but it should open our mind to our own world.

The question then is not how our world came into being, but why it came into being. How can we know how to conduct ourselves if we don�t know why we are here?

We are creators. We often create things. Sometimes we create for a reason, sometimes for no reason at all. If we keep that in mind as we go along it may be easier for you to understand some of the things I am going to tell you. Because you see we have been created. We have always known that but now you are going to learn how and why. I can tell you why WE were created but I cannot tell you why the UNIVERSE was created. I can tell you HOW we were created, and I can tell you HOW the UNIVERSE was created.

Lets start with the UNIVERSE. OUR creators had discovered the secrets of the UNIVERSE long before they created us. They recorded this knowledge and left us with some lines on it. At one time I am sure they had actually explained things to us. But as usual we had wars and things and lost or forgot this wonderful knowledge. But we kept the original books somewhere in a library. All that has come down to us is the bare bones. We call it Genesis 1.

1. And in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

I have often wondered if there was something missing in this sentence. It starts off with , "And" as if there had been another sentence before this one. Well, whatever the case, it starts there now. A bald statement of fact; a God created the heaven and the earth. Sounds simple enough doesn�t it? It is not simple at all.

Why do we even question the reality of our world? How it got here? How it came to be? How old it is? Because someone made that statement that it was created. It did not just happen. But in order for them to make that statement they had to be at least as advanced in technology and sciences as we are today. Ignorant people that climb up from the ape(?) do not create new thoughts! You have to have something to build on. Or at least learn what is not. The concept of Gods can only come about by the reality of Gods. And even then it is only a word we have created or had created for us by someone else. We really don�t know the real meaning of this word! It may be the word for �builder� or �leader� In fact there are really three words in the Hebrew Torah that refer to �Gods�. The supreme creator was referred to as EL, and is not mentioned as such in the Torah. The god of the 2nd Genesis was called Eloi, (singular), and his sons,(or crew?) were called Elohim,(plural).

Long before we came into being there were others ahead of us. They built the sciences and discovered the "Creator Principle" and then applied it to themselves as they created life. But this is not their story, it is our story. And we did not have the knowledge and intelligence to create the concept of a God. So, the first words in Genesis 1 are our proof that a superior science was abroad on the earth very early. Yes! In the beginning a God did create the heavens and the earth. Lets learn How!

2: And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And the earth was without form, and void; Literally there was nothing there. That same emptiness I spoke of earlier. No creation. But you cannot create something from nothing so there had to have been something there. But what? Well, what is all matter created from? Atoms. If there was a void it had dimension. If it had dimension it took up space. If it took up space it was filled with matter. That matter was the atoms. But they must have been dormant. I cannot conceive of the big bang theory as a valid concept, as the idea of a universe coming into being from a point of explosion implies that their matter had to explode and that it created matter as it moved outward. And how do you create something from nothing? Even the Creator can�t do that. So there must always be a place where universes are being created. And always matter that can be manipulated. Atoms have a core. Keep taking them apart and eventually you get down to what the Physicists call �Love� for want of a better name for the event. And what is "Love"? That which responds! To be more precise it is that which responds in a positive manner. So what we have in this sentence is a description of what was not there.

But it goes on to say that darkness was upon the face of the deep. Darkness was a way of saying that there was no light. In order to get light you need to awaken the atom. Atoms moving are what give light.

We have two faces spoken of in this sentence. The face of the deep and the face of the waters. They are both one and the same. The waters of life are not necessarily what we know as water today. To say that darkness was upon them is the same as saying that there was no spark of life there. And how do you awaken something? By sound! Speech! Noise! Or, as in this case, a request by the voice of God(El). You will notice that throughout these six days of creation there is no command. All is done by request.

All is done on a voluntary basis. It is only by noise then that the Atom is awoken to life. And then only by volunteering to come to life. Why? Because this is an act of surrender. To come to life for the atom is to die in a sense. To say that its life consists of billions of years means nothing. Once alive death is the result. Sleeping, it lives forever. Did all of them come to life? No! Free will is here. And with free will, comes positive and negative atoms. Life and death, burning and none burning atoms. Light and dark. Negative and positive poles. Yin and Yan.

3. And God said, Let there be light. And there was Light.

Speech is a form of sound. What we are being told here is that a Creator or great force used sound to awaken the atoms. And when they awoke they vibrated, and this in turn gave light. The use of the words, "let there be," means this is a request. Not a demand. It is a voluntary act.

When I watched the atoms in the air over my bed years ago give up their life in order to show me a controlled Atomic explosion I felt their loss. It was then that I realized what I had been shown; that atoms are living creatures. They are LIFE! Nothing lives in the Universe without them as the basis of life. But where all living creatures made up from these self same atoms have a life span, when they give up that life span, the atoms still live. Only in a different, basic form. Somewhere in the world they still live. As dust. Or they come together to form other lives. They are not meant to die! They give up their lives for the Creator. When he wants to alter the universe. But they, like us, have free will. Some of the Atoms did not respond to the request. We call them Negative Atoms and Ions and particles. They work as a balance wheel for life systems. Imagine a bar balanced on a small rock. A few atoms are attracted to one end. It starts to weigh more than the other end. The inevitable happens. That end sinks down. It stays there until enough new atoms gather at the other end. In this way you get a see-saw affect. That is what creation is ; Balance-imbalance-rebalance-imbalance- etc. The Yin-yan- of the Chinese. But it came to existence when The Creator spoke. Sound was used to awaken the Universe.

And what is sound? Vibration. Waves of vibration. Or a nudge if you will. The Creator is saying, "Hey! Wake up!"

4. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

God made a request of matter, matter answered, God approved. God made some changes. He moved the Atoms that responded away from the Atoms that didn�t respond. They remained Dark. We need the Dark. It gives us balance. But the light did what light or life always does. It finds each other. It is attracted to each other. It begins motion! Creation has begun, not with a big bang, but with a gentle request. The Big Bangs will come later as Universes and suns collide.

5. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Before we proceed, lets get something straight; these words are written by men. They may not be human men or from this earth but they were not gods. They lived and died like we do. But their science was way beyond ours. They wrote these words and told us this science in as simple a method as possible while at the same time holding within its phrases and words all the science that is needed to tell the history of the cosmos.

The above words may seem simple enough but what they are telling us is the structure of the Universe. And the Atom. And the solar system and the earth.

You cannot have day and night without spin. And you cannot have spin without a form of attraction from someplace. When the atoms awoke and began to burn they created light. And the none burning atoms were lit up and they began to spin also. The concept of morning and evening is also the concept of spin. Notice that the evening came first. That is because it began with darkness first. Light came into the picture with the first spin towards dawn. It is a principle of motion that is being described here. No matter how small or how large the ball, or how slow or how fast, the motion describes a day. The spin could have taken a billion years to complete as we compute time. But it is still a day. But it is also a motion that is started. And one of attraction. And repulsion. Of positive and negative. Of living matter and of inert matter. The birth of motion, space, time =a universe.
Question? How big was the universe when it began? How big is it now? There is no answer to that question. Why? Because we have no way of comparing it with anything else! Because we don�t know how big we are really.

6: And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Water came before anything else. That is a statement of fact. Therefore it is the most important thing in existence. It must also be a substance that is throughout the Universe. On every world. In every Galaxy. Floating in space even. But just what kind of water is the writer talking about? We know of many kinds of water here on our Earth. There is spring water, Lake water, Fresh water, salt water, poisonous waters, Heavy water.

In fact we don�t really know what kind of water the writer is talking about. That is because we don�t know what the original waters of the earth were like really. We know that they were not salty as our seas. But were they thick like blood? Like Plasma? Plasma has no color in itself. It is clear.

This statement of 1:6 is out of tune with all the others so far. It is as if a section is missing. How did we get from the creation of day and night, which is the creation of time and motion, light and dark, to waters of life? What created the waters? From what? The firmament is not a problem. If we have an atom we have matter. But did the atoms of water come first? That is certainly not the same kind of creation that the present scientists speak of, as there is no room for heat or a big bang, with water coming before matter.

However, if we have the creation of �water� coming first then creation becomes understandable. From water comes life. All life. All matter. And through water sound is carried better. And since there are different kinds of �water� then the Creator has more to work with from the beginning. And since sound carries through water, so do orders. And all orders are, are sounds telling matter what to do. And matter has free will and obeys or does not obey. Simple as that. But it makes for a very complicated world. And if disobedience were not a part of creation then it would not be allowed. So what we have now is another separation. The first was light from dark, the second was movement from non movement. This last separation is one form of atom from another to create solid and liquid. But in order to do that a form of attraction was instigated. In other words throughout creation the forces of attraction and repelling are going on.

7. And God made the Firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so.

So, what we have now is; water, firmament (heaven),water. Rather like a biscuit with something nice in the middle. And since we were not there at the beginning, the concept of the word �water� is ambiguous. The �cookie� may have consisted of �ice, stone, ice� , or plasma, dirt, plasma� or water, solid, plasma. Whatever, God called the �firmament, "Heaven". So the �cookie� isn�t just the description of a planet being formed but of the Universe being formed. I am sure most people see this part as the description of the birth of our earth. Not so. It is a universal creation going on.

8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

We are getting into the formation of matter at this point If so, then Heaven is made out of solid matter. It is not a dream state or a wonderland of the mind.
And the Universe has spun on its axis one round. We are now into the second day of Creation.

9. And God said. Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
Can solid matter be created from water? Evidently it can according to the Bible or should I say; according to the men who wrote those words. How can that be? It depends on what the water is made up from, doesn�t it? What are rocks made from ? What is needed to form a round ball in outer space? Is this the formula for a planet or for a galaxy? It seems to me that basic forms are being discussed here. And because of that I would like to talk about how balls are formed for beads or glass aggies.

You do not make a ball by spin alone. You must combine spin with tilt. In other words the centrifuge must not only spin it must wobble in order to create a ball. And in that centrifuge the material must all be of the same properties. If you create a ball of many different materials the heavy material will end up at the outside and the lighter material inside or a hollow. This is because the centrifugal force pushes the heavy material outward. This is commensurate with a hollow earth, isn�t it? If our Sun ejected a mass from itself it would be because something hit it. I cannot see any mass the size of Jupiter being ejected from the Sun. And if it was ejected from the Sun why did it only go so far away from it and be caught by its attraction? Why not keep going out into space?

And why would you have a Star being created before planets? They are the end product of creation. Just as a black hole is the end product of Stars.

10: And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

What we have is many forms of water. Separating into different quality of matter. Forming granite and other minerals. Collecting into layers of matter and forming into balls or planets.

Our planet still had a layer of moisture surrounding it. Only a bright light shone through the mist. And this layer was suspended above the planet. There was no rain. Neither was there any bombardment of damaging rays from the sun. The atmosphere was warm, humid and moist. And in this new world the seas were shallow and there was no moon and so no tides.

It slowly revolved on its axis closer to the Sun than today. A day would have been two or three thousand years. There was very little gravity.

11: And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

Under those conditions lichens would have had a long time to grow and increase before night came upon it. The long evening would have given the plants a good deal of time to harden and toughen up for the long winter. All the while the sunlit side was developing and changing the landscape. The seas would have been shallow and warm. It can be seen by some of the igneous rocks that life was so abundant that it packed down.
Beneath the seas every shape was created. Bivalves were the bases of birds. A bird must come from a form that had muscles that could alter to pull wings up and down. Bivalves fly under water. Birds have many colors. Bivalves make nacre with all the colors within it. Lizards don�t have the ability to make color. Bivalves have the ability to feather material. The edges of bivalves have the rudiments of feathering. Corals have the ability to make plants on land. Some plants in the sea are like animals. Some animals are like plants. In a shallow sea where it has evaporation and condensation going on for very long slow days and nights, forms will alter and adapt many times over the millions of years. In my estimation birds came before lizards. Chickens came before lizards.

So, water created rocks, lichens broke down the rocks to soil, lichens evolved to spored plants and then into seed bearing. The first plants would have been water plants, ferns, reeds. But in a planet with little gravity to begin with they would have been huge. The sea created the beginnings of life when it was very warm, to actually float above it at times. Which is why Bivalves evolved. They swam through the ocean and took to the air at times, eventually staying aloft and becoming birds. Many of them never left the sea and its food source. There are many ocean life forms that could have evolved in a low gravity field into what we know of as the dinosaurs. They must have spent most of their time in the shallow seas. They have a kinship with the Wales, sea lions, otters.

The concept of huge creatures like that living in our gravity field and moving around on a hilly terrain is ludicrous. There are three reasons why it is not feasible that they lived in an arid climate . They needed huge amounts of food. They would have crushed themselves with their own weight. They expelled huge amounts of excrement.

Only in a marshland do you get an abundance of fast growing foods. Only in a water world would they have been able to carry their own weight for long periods of time. That is not to say that there were not dry area�s that they went to for sleep or birthing and to raise the young. And only in a low gravity field would life grow to such size and live. Only in the sea would you have life forms that grew shells or chittons or scales. Originally it would have been overcrowding that pushed them all onto land. And the seas may have gone through periods in the first Billion years of great heat and cold. That would force changes.

12: And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good

13: And the evening and the morning were the third day.

So, in three �days� (meaning spin upon its axis, and not three 24 hr periods as we count a day now) the seas brought forth abundance, and the earth brought forth life. The seas created in itself the seeds of life that moved freely. While the earth under the soft glow of the moisture barrier that protected it from the Sun and its rays brought forth plants. One type ate the rocks and created the soil for the other type to grow on. There is only one form of life on this planet that does not appear to have a place where it evolved from or a what that it evolved from, although the shale fields of Alberta show us that they were there in the beginning. That is the insects. And you do not get plants without them. Nor do you have a workable world without these busy little creatures. As well as the ones we didn�t know existed until the microscope and the huge magnifying microscopes that show us the minute world we cannot see.

The creation of this world doesn�t amaze me as much as the symbiosis of this world. What can�t we do without???

14: And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs , and for seasons, and for days and years.

15: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
I am always amazed at the fact that people can read a sentence and not get its meaning. In many of the cases it is because they have been brainwashed with conflicting information to the point where they can then read the truth and still overlay it with the lies as if they cannot read. That is what the Catholic church of Rome has done to the Christian world.

In 1:14 the Sun for our planet is not created until the third day! I trust in the science of these ancients. This means that the earth was created long before it found and was attracted to our sun system. That it "rolled around space� on its own for a long time. Is that possible? It is if you believe in a �central sun� that is the center of our Galaxy. We are such babes in the woods when it comes to astronomy. The story of our earth is contained in the land we live on. Unfortunately we cannot read it properly because it has been upset so much that it no longer gives an accurate picture. And when we do find anything that gives us a picture different than what is allowed by Academia then we are branded fools. Thus so many of the artifacts and items that show up in rocks and underground mines are ignored or become enigma�s better left to the backrooms of geology. How else do you explain frogs found in the middle of a marble bed? It had to have been put there when the marble was not marble, but a form of clay or plastic matter.

There are a number of points that the geologists and the scientists do not handle. One is; if the sea created life at the same time as the land and lichens were creating life, then the sea could not have had much oxygen content at the time. And we all know that the fish have evolved with gills to filter the water to get their much needed oxygen. If I were an ichthyologist I would come to the conclusion that the fish were originally land animals if they needed oxygen. See links.

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Last modified on September 20th,2005

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