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Years ago I had terrible Sinus problems. All 7 of my Sinus cavities were infected. Just moving my head was a horrible experience. My current Dr. would prescribe painkillers that relieved it but did nothing to cure the problem, as I am sure anyone with this problem has experienced. Then I changed Drs. It was a woman Dr. and she had the simplest cure for the condition. Every one has the ingredients in their kitchen. Now, what she prescribed cleared it up temporarily without the use of painkillers. It was an accident on my part that did the complete cure.

Take a small shallow bowl and fill it with lukewarm water. Add one tablespoon of salt and one teaspoon of baking soda. Get your nose down into the bowl and using one hand to close one nostril, inhale a small amount up into the nasal passage. Let it drain and do the same thing with the other nostril. This acts as a cauterizing agent to burn out the infection from the nose. Her portions were only � teaspoon of baking soda but the larger amount I accidentally used did a far better job of killing the infection forever. Can you imagine never having sinus pain again! And all because of a cheap, simple, homemade remedy!

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Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on August 18th,2005

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