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A short time before the first invasion of Iraq by American forces by the current president�s daddy, National Geographic did a full book spread on Iraq and its president. It was a glowing piece of work extolling the efforts of a man altering the very face of the Middle East. I am going to tell you what was in that book. You won't like it, as it doesn't go along with the current propaganda being fed to the American people.

In a part of the world that has always had sectarian violence because of Religious controls, Saddam had his work cut out for him. Yet this man did make changes. Maybe he forced them on people but not too many of them were complaining. Only the religious factions who did not like the freedoms being introduced to the area. Like the freedom for women to get an education, not wear burke and hold down jobs. Not have to marry a child to an old-man. Even the freedom to be a Christian if you wanted to, or for a Sunni to live in a non-Sunni area.

Did he torture people? Probably. But so do we! Did he kill people? Probably. But so do we. What he did do with his oil money that was rolling in was to modernize a backward country with roads, sewers, hospitals, Universities, and medical clinics and electricity. He was doing what most westerners considered the impossible in that area, bringing them in to the 20th Century. Why did we object to that? Or should I say why did America object to that? Because an intelligent Iraq was not going to give away its OIL!

What amazed me about the article was the enormous work Saddam was doing in the field of Archaeology. He was uncovering and restoring some of the worlds most precious history. If there�s an Archaeologist who is not aware of this, then he is not worth his salt, as the saying goes. This knowledge belonged to the world! This was our history also. And Saddam was sharing it. But have you noticed that the Archaeologists have not spoken up about this? Not one peep out of them about the disgraceful behaviour of the invading army that destroyed and stole so many Ancient artifacts to sell on the open market.

However it was what he was doing for women that amazed me. Girls were being treated as equals in the academic field! The head of the Department of water and electricity was a woman! Where in the East did you have that except in Iraq? In fact we don't even have that in the western world! But not anymore! Thanks to the Bush's. As ignorant a family as you can get. That had better be the case otherwise we go into the realm of pure despotism and greed for the money that they made off of this war. To ignore that aspect of this present war is a grave stupidity on the part of all Americans.

To say that Bush and friends made a lot of money off of this war is a truism. To say that they sent men into battle unprepared is also true. To say that they sent them in dangerously is a fact that is just now being realized by the ignorant American public. They knew from their experience with the first Gulf war that the ammunition that they were using made from contaminated materials from atomic waste were a killer, not just of the enemy but of the men who were American soldiers handling the stuff. They knew that they were going to be contaminating the soil, and everything around them with decaying radio active waste. Yet they didn't care. They had their eyes on those oil fields. NONE OF THE BATTLES WERE TO TAKE PLACE IN OR AROUND THOSE OIL FIELDS IN ORDER TO PROTECT WHAT WAS TO BECOME THEIR PROPERTY. At least not with any radio-active munitions.

So intent were the Bush's to get that oil that they were even willing to rig the elections so Bush junior got in a second time. And so ignorant are the Americans that they allowed it even when the realized what had gone on! No one rebelled or spoke up did they? The Israeli�s took care of that! America had no press anymore to sound the alarm. They were either drunk or high or having sex! Or watching TV, but not the news channels! They no longer cared.

What did the American army do when it got into Iraq? The first thing appears to be that they robbed all the banks as well as Saddam's gold and money. Trashed and stole all the Antiquities worth carting off. And disbanded the Army! I thought Bush had told everyone that the Iraqi's wanted Saddam out of office. And that was supposed to include their Army, so why did they have to disband an army that wanted Saddam gone? And from there it has been downhill all the way. What they didn't steal they trashed. But the real sickening thing about all of this is the 'carpetbaggers'. You read about them from the Civil war days. Men who went in after the army and cleaned the South out. Wolfiwitz, Cheney, Bush, and all their cronies got their fingers in this pie really quick and deep. Billions of dollars of the Iraqi's and of the working class Americans are going into deeeep pockets of this cabal. Ask yourself who controlled the production of the cheaply made armaments, and tanks and all of the equipment the soldiers needed? And who's stupid idea was it to feed these soldiers fighting for Bush instant dinners flown over from the US that were one year old if not more. What happened to the good old field kitchen of every army since the beginning of time? Well, now, how were Bush and Cheney and friends to make a buck off of that? Of course they don't want this war to end. Blackhawk pockets still have space in them. This must be the first time in the history of war that a private army is fighting alongside a regular army but being paid five times as much. Why are they there? How did that happen? And the men who are making all these billions of dollars to provide this odd private army don't seem to have to answer to anyone but Cheney who sits protected in America.

Just as an afterthought; If Al Queda did not bring down the towers and the pentagon and were not working for Saddam then why are we in Afghanistan and Iraq? OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL.OIL. STRANGER STILL; there have been five men in the last 30 years who have invented other fuels for cars. They are either dead, (killed) or in hiding.

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Last modified on July 5thth, 2005

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