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If we are going to believe in this new interest of Pyramid alignments to the stars, and a greater age for the Pyramids, then we are going to have to throw out all of Vilakovsky�s works and some of Sitchin�s, as well as some of the new thoughts coming from psychic�s working on the "device". The reason being that; 1 Vilakovsky promotes the idea that the world has flipped at least three times, changing east to west and vice versa. 2. Sitchin also has the earth flipping in his Book, �Stairway To Heaven�. 3. The psychic�s claim that meddling with the crystals threw the earth out of place. Therefore the pyramids would have to have been built during the time when the alignments worked as they do now. Which means later than 700bc, which is around the last flip Vilakovsky mentions.

I honestly don�t see how they would still be perfectly aligned as they claim, if the earth had been moved from it�s orbit or even if it had flipped the Poles. Can it be that we can find alignments simply because that�s because there are so many stars out there that almost anything you care to name on earth can be aligned with any star out there? I could be wrong of course. The only other answer to this is if the builders had time travel and could see into the future and align them for a future period of time.

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Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on August 14,2005

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