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Notes for "the 12th Planet" by Sitchin;

1. P. 14= In the section where he has a list of the signs for language, all the signs in the first list are laying flat.It would appear that at a later date the signs were reversed. Would that coincide with a reversal or shift in the planet itself.(see later note). They may have changed them to coincide with the new orientation of the Earth if it did a flip.
2. P.25=In the original Sumerean script man is standing, then the earth shifts and he is sideways to the original position. Ditto for women. This makes sense only if the off-world aliens gave us the alphabet. Only they could see the change of the Earth from its original position to the plane of the ecliptic,(or position of Earth to the Sun and Planets.)One minute man is standing upright on the globe and then he is sideways. = Sign for Earth in original Sumerian resembles the Earth if you admit there are openings at each pole. That they saw Earth as lying sideways. The turned Earth may indicate a time when they realized it had shifted. The mountains had also lost place and are now sideways.
3. P. 60=In the Veda's, they mention the god who brought fire down from heaven to mankind. The story of fire being brought down from heaven for mankind has always been a hard one to swallow unless of course you read the Bible correctly. In the opening lines of Genisis Two we read,"Ch. 2:5for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. Ch. 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground." It is my contention based on research that there had never been rain upon this earth before the deluge. That there was a cloud cover above the earth of moisture held in suspension. That there had not been any volcanic activity of any kind on this earth before the deluge,therefore there was no natural fire on this earth, which is why the story of a god or man bringing the gift of fire is in the mythology of every nation. This was a shallow water world with a low gravity field. How else can a class of animals like dinosours evolve. They need a fast growing water plant to survive. They need the bouancy of water to uphold their large frames. Like elephants and hippo's of today. They could never have survived the present day surface of the Earth with its uneven terrain.
4. P63=I found this section very interesting since my research shows that Moses was born in the Euphrates valley, Ur was the city of destruction, and the time was just before the Hyksos, (who came from the destroyed city of Ur) invaded the land they renamed after their own country- Egypt. A great many of the Hebrews went towards India during the exodus. The split came when moses led the main body across the Gulf of Arabia, which at that time was refered to as the 'Red Sea'. During the forty years of wandering they laid waste the entire land of Punt, Felix Arabia, and the land of what is now known as the "silent quarter". Why did Alexander go to Abydos and then to India? What tale was he following? Was Abydos the first Temple of Solomon? Why did Alexander bypass the Jewish Temple of Jerusalem if it was supposed to be so great? In fact no one before the time of Jesus went out of their way to visit Israel except to use it as a land bridge.
5.P65= Figure 28. The two men on the left have the same clothing style of pants as figures in Hindu temples. This is a very unique style of clothing not seen any where else but only on the temples in india. One pant leg is long and the other is short. The fabric appears to behave in the same way as a knit, or elastic fabric. And as a tailor for forty years I can tell you right now that cutting a form fitting pair of trousers is one of the most complicated feats of engineering there is. This form of clothing was not known in the western world until the 17th century. Until then pants were fairly wide or baggy . Only when we invaded India did we learn how to make the legging for trousers.
6. P72= Aryans linked to Abraham and Moses. Was Moses of Hurrian descent? And Abram going to Harron is going to his origins? My research shows that Abram never went to Palastine. And certainly not to the Nile. His people returned to Ur (also anciently known as Egypt. And its kings were known as Pharohs. Also they married their sisters.) And his story takes place farther back in history than is figured on. Say 2700B.C. And was Moses in Ur also a Hurrian?
7.P78=Was Baal-Able? Was El- Adam?
8. P84= The Gods of Egypt came from Summer.
9. P100=Note the cresent moon in figure 46 is shown sideways instead of up and down as present moon is portrayed today. This could only be possible if you traveled to Earth from outer space and noticed the change in the Earth's position and its correlation of its moon to the sun and the earth.
10.P101=Note the story of EA. Twice human life was spared by a God. Once in the Garden (apple), once with Noah at the flood.
11. P102= Was EA the snake in the Garden?
12. P112= The destruction of Ur is the destruction spoken of in Moses. After the Gods destroyed this city it was never mentioned again by people. We would never have known of it if it wasn't for the record in the Bible. This is strange when you realize that there were lots of cities that were destroyed that were still mentioned in history. But not Ur. This for a city that was the hub of a country? The gateway to the west? At the same time the lands of Dilman that supplied the food for them was never heard of again.
13. P130= If the Moon is depicted recumbent, does that mean the Earth lies sideways? That would make the lower world North America!
14. P267=This doesn't make sense! If a year of life is 3,600 yrs our time, and they come by every year, why make a long trip from outer space in a Shem? Why not wait till it goes by Earth every 'year'?
15. P285=Just because there is oil in Persian Gulf area now doesn't mean it was there 450,000 years ago. (See Vilakovsky's ,"Earth in Upheavel") Also would the terrain after the flood still be the same? Would the Rivers be in the same place? To say yes to this question implies that the flood was not quite as drastic as it is claimed.
16. P295= Why would they need so much protection? Were there other people or forms on the Earth at the time? Were the beings we call fairies, knomes, elves, etc. the original holders of this planet? That is no more a far fetched story than alians landing. In fact genetically there is more proof of those beings in our lives. It accounts for the dwarfs, midgets, cloven feet, etc. that we keep producing. How do they fit into your scenario?
17. P376=Was this child Noah to bring relief (see page 390-1) because he was a son of Enlil or Enki? (see the 'Book of Enoch" as to Noah's skin color.) In my research I came to the conclusion that these "Gods" had broken a Cosmic rule when Eve became 'human' (sexually viable). Up until then Adam and Eve were produced as drones. Maybe there is a rule among the planets that you can create life forms just as long as they cannot reproduce, then they become members of the Galaxie with rights and rules. It seems to me that we will have to evolve some laws like that here on Earth now that we have broken the barrier to creation. I am sure that out in space that would have been a given. Don't you???
18. P378= What about the 'Book of Enoch'? It states that Noah's parentage was in doubt? That he was a Gods son!
19. P382= Could the reason for the flood be that the Earth had been stripped of fertile soil and food for the Aliens planet? And the flood was to replenish the fertility and at the same time get rid of the humans on it? They were breeding like rats!!!
I am not much of a mathematician but even I got an overload of life on the planet in the short time from Adam to Noah. I lost the count after the fifth generation. My figures came out with at the least 5-6 billion people on the face of this earth. Try it yourself some time, always remembering that every one of those people were not ageing and therefore they could breed on a continuous basis. The fact that they never mention the names of mothers implies that all were fair game to all generations and genetic position. In fact when I really thought about it a lot of ugly thoughts rose in my mind. I admire Velikovsky and his books make a lot of sense to me, as do yours. But all those dead bodies give me the hint that there may be another cause for all the underground oil deposits. Fat people or just fat???? But then I have trouble about the bones. What did happen to all the bodies of the flood? If we can find dino bones why have we never found large deposits of bones from the flood? In fact a bit of odd ball research I did left me wondering what on Earth has happened to ALL the bodies from all the battles fought in the middle East since history began? When the Greeks spoke of going to the "Elysian fields" when they died, maybe they were not being poetical. Maybe bodies were used to make fertilizers???? Again we may have to do that ourselves in order to replenish a dying land.

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