this is a work in progress


Do you not think that that fact alone would have left a story to be recorded for posterity in the present Egypt? It wasn�t recorded in Ur for the simple reason that it became a wasteland. It was destroyed by the events to such a degree that they would not even have wanted people from other cities to even know that they came from such a cursed city. But some men did survive those days for one reason or another and we will catch up to them later.

In the meantime, Moses and his followers reached the site opposite the penninsula that juts out from Bahrain. Discriptions in Velakovsky�s works discribe waters around the Persian gulf and the Indian Ocean and as far as China rising up into the sky. Attracted by the fly past of Venus. This would have drawn the water of both the present Red Sea and the old 'Red' Sea that is now the Persian Gulf, up into the air,leaving the bottom bare in both area�s. At that time Moses would have crossed over to the other side. Anciant texts tell of the Arabian pinninsula from Kuwait to Aden as being a veritable garden. Most of the vegetables for Ur were supplied by this garden land. Archaeologists today are discovering the evidence of old lakes and springs beneath the sands as well as old cities and rivers. What was it that destroyed this land beyond recovery? I claim it was 2 things; The events of the damage Venus did and the tribe that followed moses. They would have eaten every plant and blade of grass for fodder for their cattle and animals and for themselves if this was the area of the "Wandering". Here's where the cities were that they ruined and demolished on their mad trek.


Wealth beyond imagining! Their chariots were objects of conciet. They were gold plated, bejeweled for most of the army. Precious stones and metals adorned them and their chariots and their horses.

When the Suez Canal was dug they dredged the Red Sea to clear any obstructions for the large ships that they expected to enter the water way. How far down the Red Sea, I am not sure. But I think they did go as far down as the Sinai Penninsula. If there had been any sign of Pharoh�s drowned army we would have heard of it. It would be world news.

As far as I know there has been no underwater examination of the waters in the Persian Gulf, because no one is looking for Pharoh�s army there! We have been brain washed about Egypt of today. Most of the books had been written by Academia by the time they found out that Egypt was a name from the time of the Hykso�s and they weren�t about to change their story.

We are asked to believe that over a million people and animals spent forty years treking around the Sinai penninsula. In comparing it on a map that is an area from Nanaimo to Victoria, or 1/3 the size of Florida. But a desert area. An area destroyed before the Exodus according to Sitchin�s book, "Genisis Revisited." Present day Archeaology of the Sinai has not revealed ONE SINGLE CITY IN THE AREA from that time or any other time. Where are the cities Moses decimated?

I maintain that they were wandering around the Arabian Penninsula. That they destroyed lands and towns as they went. Or what was left after the passage of Venus. The question isn�t; did they do this? But could they have done this? Is this possible as a scenario? They had to have a mountain to get the tablets from. Is there an extinct volcano anywhere to the north of Bahrain? Or any mountain in that area? I read that there was one a few years back but my maps don�t show it as they are not showing land heights. There is an extinct volcano in the lower section of the Arabian Peninsula that the Arabs claim is the mountain of the exodus. And who would know better than the descendants of the people who lived there? Certainly not ignorant Archeologists who don't speak the language or know the history of the people.

Before I end this section I have one more very unpleasant thing to write about. A statement was made in the Bible that not one person, male or female, that came out of "Egypt" would be allowed to enter the promised land! No one seems to pick up on this that I can see and deal with it. That would imply that there was not a man or woman who crossed the Jordan River who was over the age of 40! What did they do with those over 40? Did they all die natural deaths? Where those alive sent away? How strange. In fact it is more than strange, it is downright impossible that a child born just before the Exodus would only last 40 years, but one born after would survive?

From the point of view of an Anthropologist I would be considering a great number of questions.

1. How did children born on the trail, so to speak, learn how to create a civilization when they had not lived in one and experianced one? 2. Who was left to teach them how to build, farm , etc? 3. How could they learn the arts and ways of a village, city, etc. while they were wandering in a desert? 4. How did they appear to others when they had no old people with them? As you can see, the Exodus raises more questions than it answers.

Maybe the problem stems from the fact that Academics who take up these fields do not think about the small stuff. The practicle stuff. They don�t ask; where did they learn to do all these things on the trail? How can you teach your son to build a house when you live in a tent? How do you pass on farming to your son when you live hand to mouth on �Manna� and locusts? You may be able to teach him all about animals but you need more than that to survive on the farm. In fact the entire story of the Exodus smells to high heaven and it's about time the academic world took a good hard look at it.

This site contains some of the most intelligent articles on the Bible that I have ever read. While I came to the same conclusions many years ago, I could never have expressed it as well as this writer has.

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    Last modified on August 11th,2005

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