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I have lived in the same place for 20 years now. When I moved here there were birds all over the place. I saw Robins,swallows,even a humming bird once. The crows were plentiful and the seagulls. But the ones I really loved were the sparrows. In the spring they were all over the place getting food for their young who were in nests under the eaves of all the buildings. When you walked past the small hedges around buildings you heard them busy chatting away to each other. Sometimes I would stroll down two blocks just to stand beside a holly tree that was their meeting place and listen to them gabbing away to each other. And on the corner where Zellers store had built a small park like area with benches you could sit and watch them looking for bugs to feed their young. Today there is not one sparrow in existance in the whole neighborhood! A few seagulls pass by going somewhere else. And the odd crow sits on the growing cedar tree in the back.

If you're not frieghtened by this, you should be!

At the moment every one is asking the question of where the bees went to. Like my birds they are not leaving any carcasus behind, they are just dissappearing of the map! What really bugs me is when I mention this to the other old ladies that live in my building they are not the least bit interested. They didn't even miss them! How can this be? Are we so blind in this country?

Their dissappearance cannot be from poisons as their are no carcasses to be found. Nor are they being eaten by other animals as there are no bodies or feathers left behind. In reading of the die out in England no mention is ever made of dead birds found or even feathers from them. The same with the bees. There are no bodies to tell us what happened to them. Why is this such an important thing to get alarmed about? Because our Eko system depends on these creatures for our own survival!

A few people have blamed the electrical towers for cell phones on the dissappearance of the bees, but that cannot be the reason as there should be dead bees found on the ground. Same with the birds. There are no bodies to examine for the reason they have dissappeared. And no one or no country is complaining of an influx of these bees and birds if they changed thier flieght path.

It is as if someone or something has scooped them off the face of the Earth. If you were an invading species from another planet and you lived long and you wanted this planet for your own, would you stupidly go to war for it when all you had to do was take away the means of life and sit back and wait? Is this what is happening on an earth that advertised it's presence with atomic bombs?


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Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on July 10th, 2005

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