A lady e-mailed me recently asking if I believe that Jesus died for my sins. I fudged the question because I was not prepared to answer it. That has changed.

There is not one word in the Bible that makes that claim! He did not die for my sins. The concept that I would ask any human or God to die for my sins is abhorrent to me! I will pay for my own sins, thank you! What other fear would I have NOT TO SIN than the fact that I would have to answer to my God? Local laws? They don�t put you in jail for being mean or selfish or a liar!

This concept was created by the Roman Catholic Church to offset any movement against Rome for being party to his death. By making him a volunteer, so to speak, for his own death, he absolved Rome from his fate. By claiming it as an act of the utmost in unselfish behavior,it stopped anybody from questioning Rome�s right to be the center of the Religion. It worked even better for Rome as time went by and the corruption set in. Jesus will forgive us! He took our sins on himself! A few hail Mary�s and we�re off the hook!

However, in studying the New Testament, it is obvious that his death was predestined and he was a party to his own end. In asking myself why, I can look back on 2,000 years of our history. Two thousand years of Religious wars, hate and fear of our neighbors. Of fighting for land, power, wealth. All this in the face and knowledge of the gentle words of our �savior� on how to live in peace together. Notice, his last act was a meal with his followers. Notice all the meals that are mentioned in the New Testament? Because, when you share food you are not fighting. Think I am lying? Or putting you on? Think again. It was Paul who needed a Church building! So he could have position at the head of a group. And place others there. And where did he get that need? From his old role as Temple Priest! He was a very wise man and knew his Hebrew History. And understood that history and its psychology down to a tee.

If you are Jewish or a Catholic or Muslim or a firm believer in the old Testament, then don�t read any further, for I am going to test your belief in the God of the Hebrews.

For in all the pages of the Old Testament, he never claims to be the God of the whole earth and its people! Only the God of Abraham and his offspring or descendants.

Moses was a Con Artist extrodinair! Having been raised as the son of a Royal princess but without the true lineage he had no claim to a throne. But he could be a high priest in the Temple. This was a normal and usual position for some of the sons of rulers. And this is where he learnt his tricks. He stole the �ten commandments! They were among the list of laws of Hammurabi, who was a great king previous to the time of the Exodus. Moses, as high priest would have known of these laws before the Exodus took place, as they were written not long before. As slaves, his fellow Hebrews would not have known of them.

How can you read the story of Moses and not notice the inconsistencies? Not long after he gives those ten commandments to his tribe, than they go and break them. It says; Thou shall not KILL! It doesn�t say; except in war! Yet he and his followers proceed to kill and destroy city after city! You can find the list in my section on Moses. They killed women and children! Babes in arms, pregnant women. Or did you think they only killed the men? Even if they did, they condemned those women and children to starve to death when they moved on to the next city, for who was going to feed them?

The Ten Commandments say, "Thou shalt not steal." Yet, do you think they left the valuables behind after killing the people? Or the live stock? Get real! And under Moses orders didn't they steal the Jewelry Of the women of Egypt just before the Exodus?

Why do you think Moses set up that elaborate ritual and tribal division? He was a master of the psychology of intimidation and divide and conquer. By creating tribes with specific ritual jobs, he stroked their ego�s. He also created a caste system as bad as anything in India. Thus creating security for his own position as absolute leader. Those at the top wanted to stay there and to do that they had to make and keep Moses in the highest place, since it was his word that created their new position. Remember, these people had been slaves for over 300 years! This was a BIG STEP up for them. What an ego builder in front of their wives and children! Which meant that they would back anything Moses cared to tell them.

I would not be writing this if Moses had followed those 10 commandments! But not only did he break the best one; Thou shalt not kill! He went on to greater degrees of degrading his followers. It is one thing to kill animals to keep from starving but to make the killing into a ritual for the God who is supposed to have created all life forms? The same God supposedly who, in the first Genesis gave man and beast fruits and grains to eat? Not each other!

What better way to degrade men and make them capable of killing? Remember, these men had been slaves! They would not have been warriors, or done any killing before this time. Their very psyche�s had to be altered.

My God had no part in that religion! Which is why I believe HE sent Jesus to us and why Jesus said, " I come not to bring peace but the sword."

I know that on the surface that does not make much sense, but think a minute; He taught PEACE, and love for each other. He showed that the rules were to be broken when a life was at stake. He came as a bastard child to show that ALL LIFE is precious and holy. If he had been conceived after wedlock can you imagine how we would have interpreted that? They had been stoning women for sex out of marriage. In fact the Catholic Church symbolically spit on Jesus when they made a child born out of wedlock unable to be a member of the Church, or his mother. As well as denying them holy ground to be buried in! Oh, I know what you are going to say: Jesus was an immaculate conception. Get real. Men lie! God doesn�t go against his own creative laws!

Jesus knew that what he taught was dangerous to any king who needed killing machines for war, and that people would have to die to stand up to the war lords of this world. Ghandi knew that that was the secret to winning because there are more people who abhor killing than there are killers. That is what Jesus meant by turning the other cheek. That sooner or later killing people who don�t fight back will sicken even the hardest souls. Deep down in all mankind is the need to be loved and we need an enemy in order to kill! By not fighting the Romans. By not fighting against the blows and the cruelty he must have had a terrible impact on the soldiers and Romans and the people who watched. They went home with bile in their mouths. How many do you think slept well that night..

His warning may have been that his death would spark wars in the name of religion that would bring us all to our doom. That we would be judged in the next two thousand years on our ability to �turn the other cheek�. If we turn the other cheek and are still killed, who do you think will go to hell? Or pay the piper? If you don�t believe in another life or heaven or reincarnation of course, then killing has no other punishment than what man can meet out. If, on the other hand, you believe in a creator who judges our lives, well, I�ll let you figure it out.

Since this message comes at a time in our lives when we have just been through the september 11th massacre I hope that the meaning of the above words will be understood.

And in view of what is taking place on the Earth today I am going to leave you with another warning. I am not wrong in this. Within our sky's the astronomers have detected a massive newcomer. A dark body. They think it may be a twin dead sun of our system. Whatever they think, it is Niberu. And it is affecting our lives as I speak. There is nothing in our solar system that does not have a direct affect on our lives in some manner or other. The anciant scientist knew this. That is what astrology was all about. This body in space does not have to be close to us to affect us. It will set up vibrations throughout space and excite the very atoms around us, which in turn will have an affect on our bodies whether we like it or not. Anger, hate, all the emotions will become extreme if we are not aware of these dangers. As it comes closer this will become more evident. So take this into account as you go about your lives.

You can reach me here;[email protected]

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on August 8th,2005

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