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Unfortunately for this argument I cannot use scientific proof but must go instead to two books that are apposed to each other while at the same time carrying proof; the Bible and The Twelfth Planet by Zacheria Sitchin.

To argue that the Bible is not a scientific book to be used in an argument is a bit odd, don�t you think? Considering that ALL UNIVERSITIES in the Western World were built to uphold the Bible. To use the Bible as its guide in all things academic!

Therefore I too shall use this book as proof that the Sun is killing us: That the Sun has reduced our life span over the Centuries and is still reducing our life span. That the Sun has reduced the world to being run by humans who are still in their infancy and that this is the cause for the mess we are in today. I know that this is shocking and will also be called ridiculous, but bear with me until you have read the entire article and you may change your mind.

No one can dispute the fact that the Bible is meticulous in giving the ages of Adam�s line for when they were born, had offspring, and died. But strangely enough no one seems to have questioned this part of the Bible and wondered at the concise knowledge of these dates and ages. Or asked: �What was so important about this information that it is so detailed?�

The average age when they had their first child was 300 years for the boys. It does not give the ages for the girls when they gave birth, but it must have been close to that date for them also. By the way, all of them were bastards under the present code of conduct, as I see nothing in the book to say they were married!

The Bible then goes on to list the genealogy of this family and its history. The final total of years recorded is almost 1,000 years. Then the flood occurs. After the Flood, the records show a steady decline in life spans and down to the present day of less then 100 years and dropping.

What happened? What is different about the Earth now from those days? Can it be that the bible was not written in the beginning as the word of God but as a way to record a terrible thing that was happening to those people? Well, one of the things that is different is contained in the opening lines of the Bible after the 7 days of Creation are recorded: THAT THERE HAD NOT BEEN RAIN ON THE EARTH! THAT A MIST WENT UP AND WATERED THE LAND. Nor could there have been rain on the Earth until after the Flood if man had NEVER SEEN A RAINBOW BEFORE IN HIS LIFE UNTIL THE EPISODE ON MT. ARARAT when God made it as a covenant between him and the survivors. How could that be? Well, to find out we need to go to the book; �THE 12TH PLANET� by Zacharia Sitchin.

In Zacheria Sitchins book, �The 12th Planet� there is a reference to the Earth as; The Dark Planet�. This certainly can�t refer to our present Earth, as it is a well-lit, bright sunlit planet. But was it always like it is now? I got the impressions from his books that in looking for Gold, Earth was the last place the People of this planet looked because the Earth was covered by a layer of Cloud or water vapor that prevented them from seeing below it�s cover. They could not see its surface so the Astronaught who broke through to the surface was a very brave man. It appears that a water barrier held in suspension above the Earth let light in but blocked dangerous rays from the Sun. If that is the cause of longevity then we have to look at the very long life spans of the Anunnaki also. Because of their short length of time near the Sun compared to their long life span could this be the answer to their longevity? And we must look at another aspect as well. If their planet spends almost 1,800 to 1,900 years beyond our Solar System can it be that they can survive on the surface of their planet? Or are they living inside the planet at this time? Our scientists are well aware today that all planets are hollow, including the Earth, although it is a carefully guarded secret. (ha!).

One of the most overlooked, because it is not understood, areas of the Bible is the detailed genealogy of the life spans. If the same thing were to occur today we would do the same thing; carefully record every birth and death time line in hopes someone in the future would find the cause. In fact, whether the Anunnaki still controlled us or not, I believe they would have recorded this information for future generations. Which is what they did with the Bible! Not to create a religion but to record a decaying life span, which they would have seen as a terrible disaster for the future of mankind. What if the records in the Bible were not meant as a genealogy record but as a very concise record of a dropping life span and the fears that went with that? Move that concept over to our present world and you can imagine the consternation and fear engendered today by a world that would be run by children of 15 years and under, that 30 years represented old age! A startling concept isn�t it? But NOT IMPOSSIBLE! So, lets look very closely at the events that took place at this time as recorded in the Bible, but not from the view of this information as a religious treatise, but as an historical record of a very scared and dying humanity before its time.

To begin with there are two records that are carefully documented; preflood life spans and post flood life spans. Preflood carefully records the age at which the son sires his first offspring. Unfortunately for our search they ignore the age of the mother when her child is born. This information leaves out the ages of estres(her periods) for the female line. This is a most important bit of information in our breeding program. In our own time this has altered in case anyone hasn�t noticed. It is happening sooner than it used to in the past.

This can only mean that a great change occurred to the Earth because of the Flood! The Earth underwent a drastic alteration, not just a Flood! What could that have been? If you put three statements and events together you come up with the answer. Statement number one; There was no rain on the Earth in those days. A mist came up and watered the whole Earth. Statement number two; The Heavens opened up and all of the springs of the great deep burst forth. Statement number three; And the first Rainbow appeared in the sky.

Statement # 1. With no rain then there could not have been clouds or storms or weather changes. If there had been a barrier of some kind in the upper atmosphere that prevented the Suns rays from coming through directly what effect would that have on us? Could a vast barrier of, say, Ice crystals, or dust particles keep us protected from the Sun�s harmful rays, but without preventing the Sun�s light from coming in? It certainly goes along with the picture of a terrarium that is portrayed by the flora and fauna of Earth long ago!

The first problem to be addressed is how the Earth could have formed a mantle of Ice crystals or covering of any form around it. We have only to look to Venus for an answer. She too wears a mantle around her. The only difference is her mantle is composed of gases. I do not believe our mantle was of gaseous nature though, since whatever �broke� the mantle we had caused it to rain, which means it was composed of ice crystals or water. Would a closer Sun have drawn up the moisture from the Earth at one time and then held it in suspension? Quite probable.

There are many problems to that question that I am aware of so I will present them to you, as I have no desire to squew this problem in my favor alone. 1. The many huge coal deposits in the Earth prove that there have been hot, dry periods where fire could burn huge forests. That could not happen in a world I have just described to my knowledge. But could massive, ancient fires have created these crystal ice barriers in the upper atmosphere? And would that have added dark particles to this upper barrier, leading the Anunnaki to call Earth a dark Planet? Possibly!

Statement #2. �And the heavens opened up and it rained upon the earth. Zacheria Sitchin records that the Anunnaki knew ahead of time that the flood would occur. Since they alone traveled above the Earth this probably means they knew something was either going to hit it or come close enough to disrupt the envelope of ice crystals and also put a great strain on the crust of the Earth. Churchward�s book dealt with the idea of great hollows beneath the crust filled with water that broke open at this time. The Bible mentions this also. It must have been a very close encounter with a large meteor. There is no mention of anything striking the Earth either in the Bible or in Sitchins records from the past. But the Bible is firm on its statement of the Earth receiving rain for the first time.

Statement # 3. �And the first rainbow appeared in the sky!� After the Ark landed on the Mountains of Ararat, (note it says Mountains. Plural. Meaning it could have landed anywhere on that Mt Range!) God visits them and when a rainbow appears in the sky he takes credit for it! And makes it a covenant that he won�t do another Flood! We all know today that you need rain to make a rainbow. It is obvious that if there had never been a rainbow in all of their history up to that time then there could never have been rain on the Earth! Just as it claims in the opening lines of the Bible! From that day on the descendants of Adam begin to die earlier than they did before the flood. We have gone from a possible 1,000yr life span to a 100 year life span. In other words, Adams line before the flood would have seen our world as being run by infants incapable of making wise decisions! I don�t think he would have been wrong. Do you?

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Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on July 6th,2005

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