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In the 60's I picked up a book from the Library called, "The Hollow Earth" by Jan Lamprecht. What I read astounded me and stayed with me. Over the following years I have kept that information in my head as I read books, newspapers, and articles. I analyzed what I read and heard against that information. The following is my opinion on the Hollow Earth from years of research.

To begin with, there are three groups that actually back up the 'Hollow Earth' concept, although they didn't plan on that, I am sure. 1. Scientists, 2.American military, 3. Commercial airlines. And to a certain extent so does the Bible.

But first let's deal with Astronomy and the 'theory' of planetary creation. As with most scientific theories that is all it is! A theory! There is no proof whatsoever that the planets were born from our Sun! There is just as much possibility that our planets, the earth included, were wanderers caught by our sun and became her satellites. Planets on their own have been spotted in space. If you have read my book, "The Bible Retold", I point out that it mentions the Earth's creation, and THEN gives it 'lights' in the sky; the sun and the moon. A rolling, tumbling body would form differently. If it began life on a real fast spin, having been born in an explosion from two bodies colliding, it may well have formed a hollow center, pushing the heavy elements to the outer shell. That science is telling us that it has a molten core is pure speculation without any proof. And until they let interested party's up to the North Pole itself I wouldn't be too quick to accept any theory they push. Science today has gone underground and none of it is honest anymore.

And now I would like to tell those who have not read the book and cannot get hold of it, what was in it that was shocking. Keep in mind as you read that America had just come out of the 1st world war, and was a little paranoid. And the Government had produced a new threat to openness in the early form of the CIA. (the form of the present CIA was created from the FBI after or during the second world war.)

The Book opens with the first flight up to the North Pole by Byrd. What I must remind readers is; that at this time, (1926) short wave radio's were all the rage. There was no such thing then, or now, of radio messages being strictly private. And since the Byrd Expedition had no idea at the time what they were about to discover, it had been well advertised in the papers! So all ears were trying to catch their radio messages! And some succeeded.

The 1st thing Byrd remarked on as he flew North was his surprise at the large number of Polar bears he could see on the ice all heading for the North also. Not wandering, but heading due north. At the time this took place it would have been unusual and still is that they would head towards what should have been poor feeding grounds. (I would like to insert here that at this time no one, not even the Eskimo was aware of where Polar Bears went to all the time, or how they fed.) Then as he went on he commented on the strange color of the Polar cover. He saw reds, yellow, blues. This turned out to be pollens. Large amounts! Some pretty lame excuses have been made to explain the large cover of pollens on the ice fields of the North. Beyond the reach of normal winds. In fact the air flow over the Arctic does not allow for such wind blown pollens from southern latitudes. Look it up in any Encyclopedia.

When he reached a point when his compass began to point down he was still a distance from their estimated mileage of the Pole! Then he began to announce the presence of herds of animals and the end of the ice and snowpack. First he saw barren tundra with herds of animals which I don't remember what kind exactly at this time, then meadows, then trees, streams, rivers, and animals that don't exist today! He saw meadows teeming with all kinds of animals. The farther he flew with his compass pointing down all the time, the stranger the animals he reported. He reported Mastodons! When his gas tanks were at the half way mark he had to turn back. But not before reporting rivers going North! These reports were picked up by the amateur radio buff's who were eventually silenced, but not before reports of it got out.

The real problem arose when his flight path and mileage were worked out. He flew enough miles to have taken him over the coast of Russia! But he was not over Siberia ever! This becomes a serious problem for the Americans to account for. Especially as the amateur radio buffs were reporting what he saw. Not once did he say he flew over any expanse of water, which he would have to do if he flew as far as the Russian Coast line. Coming forward to the present, a picture was released by NASA, or the Government by accident, that showed a clear view of the Pole area that showed a huge hole. Up until then every time the satellite went over it was covered in clouds. This time the sky was absolutely clear. This was quickly denied ever since by the Americans. But the picture made it into the Book!

Now, either Byrd was reporting what he actually saw or he was an idiot! If he was drunk or out of his mind none of his trip would have been acknowledged. They would have had to repeat the flight. And his career would have been over, don't you think? He took pictures so I imagine that this was not a problem. He was also to become a real 'pet' of the military and honored by the world. He was now in the secrecy game wasn't he?

How does science prove the Hollow Earth? Well, it is closer to the North Pole Ice fields from Canada and Alaska than it is to the South Pole from the tip of South America. It is a cheaper trip to make also. Closer to civilization. And most of the so called tests and experiments they do down there could just as well be done at the Northern Pole. Yet they spend millions to get to the South Pole. Why?

When you see the size of the hole at the North Pole you begin to understand why they can let these few people head for the Pole. 1.The terrain is such that there is no way you can record the distance you have gone on the ground. You can't take a star fix, and no planes are allowed to fly over it. In the 70's one of the large Airlines was advertising flights over the Pole, until the day I phoned their main office and called them bloody liars. That there was no way they came any where near the Pole, let alone fly over it! Their ad was pulled that very week! Too soon to have been done on their own after such an expensive ad campaign. All planes make a dogleg around the Pole. Any private plane trying to enter a flight plan over the Pole will be stopped no matter how good the plane. Try it! Why? No one is saying they claim it! It should be free air space!

It is hard for people to understand the distance and size of the Earth. When you reach a certain point up North the compass begins to point down. Imagine the curve of a doughnut that is the size of the earth. For miles the compass is pointing down on the curve. Once the amateurs get to where it points down they probably yell, Eureka! We made it! And think they are at the Pole and heave a big sigh of relief that their hard journey is over. And maybe they will even encounter a marker of some kind like a flag. Get real. If the Americans have a base up there it would be huge! Permanent! But do these amateurs ever continue there journey further ? No. They head home as fast as they can, claiming they have been to the Pole!

For an area that is not supposed to be very important to anyone, and with planes that are capable of more speed and going further today than in Byrd's time, why has no one explored the area since?

Most of to-days scientific achievements are government controlled, especially certain area's of the world. Is anyone, (not connected to the US or England, or Russia), allowed at the South Pole? NO!

Why do explorers now have to get permission to go to the North Pole? And be refused if you have really got top equipment and planes, etc., because it is OFF LIMITS!

One of the stories coming out of Hollow Earth Knowledge is the "Black Sun"! That inside the Hollow Earth is a world where people live on the inside curve of the Earth and in the center of this hollow is a Black Sun!

There is no science that I know of that would make it impossible for people to exist on the inner surface of our world. The same force of gravity that holds us on the outside standing up, would also work to hold them on the inner surface. As for the "Black Sun", what science says a sun has to be seen as yellow? Colors are not something tangible. They are created by two forces: Vibration rate of matter, and the structure of the eye. Who knows how people born inside the Earth would see their Sun? However they saw it, it would be normal to them.

I have noticed a strange thing in reading the "AngloSaxon Chronicles". (See my British history files) There is no mention of the "Northern Lights" for a long time. And they would have reported them as a matter of course. They appear late in the history, and as something unknown,new! This is not normal, as they were familiar with the Norse people from early times. If this had been a common sight in the North it would have been well known to them, wouldn't it?

It is my belief that when we see the Northern Lights in the sky it is because the cloud cover over the pole clears and the effects of the Black Sun hit our atmosphere and create a new form of 'Sunlight' coming from it. Or even, it may be that it has an affect on the Van Allen Belt that dips down at the Poles. By the way! If the display of the Northern lights is caused by Solar Radiation why does it not occur at the South Pole? Or does it? (I have been informed by a reader that this does occur at the South Pole also because there is an opening there too.)

There is a comment in the Bible where Noah's father makes a journey to the top of the world to see Enoch. Two things are strange about this paragraph. I. I am sure that Noah's father knew where the 'top of the World' was. This would have been the pole area. 2.Enoch was supposed to have been taken up to Heaven by God! What was he doing still on Earth? Another lie?

And last of all, on page 257 of Empedocles, he claimed that divinities live below the earth in great numbers and manage things from there. He gave examples of the Gods playing with the DNA, (page 257). Page 270 he speaks about the sperm and the egg! He made the following statement: men of the present time (350 B.C.)as compared with the first living beings have been reduced to the size of pygmies! Maybe those huge statues in Egypt are not ego builders at all but the real size of the men who lived long ago! During Exodus there is mention when the spies go to check out the so called area of Palastine that they encounter giants who make them look like ants!

If there is a massive US. Military base at the North Pole as I believe, then that explains the reason why this area is out of bounds to explorers.

If there is no massive base then why is this huge (barren) area out of bounds to explorers and scientists? Have you not been curious about the silence of this last unexplored area? The silly and ridiculous efforts of 2 or 3 groups that were allowed to go up there by dog sled or walking had to have been set up! Why not take a helicopter to the Pole? Or a small plane? What Byrd flew in was on the same scale as driving a tin lizzy in one of today's Indy races. And we have remote TV now to take pictures of the trip!


NOTE: I am well aware that in his book on his experiances at the South Pole, Byrd made the remark at the beginning;"of the barreness of the miles of barren tundra at the North Pole". I consider this a lie. 1. Why should there be tundra at the North Pole? Those who have made the trek to what they claim was the Pole spoke of Ice and snow. Tundra is a barren, windswept plain, usually with groundcover of lichens, mosses, short plants. The very concept of the Polar area looking like Tundra implies that he was giving a message to some people in my view. There is usually life on the Tundra. So far the information coming out of the South Pole is of a land of frozen ice and snow, not tundra. Why is it so different from the North Pole?

Go to Jan Lamprecht's site to read his latest findings on a hollow Earth.

  • Additional sites on the Hollow Earth theory;
  •'s a hole in the pole!

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    Created © and Maintained by: Nina

    Last updated on August 8th,2005

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