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If I am reading the current situation in the US, it is being controlled by Israel through the media. Newspapers need to sell papers to the public, not in order to spread the news, but in order to generate sales of ads. That is where they make the money, not by selling papers. However if no one is buying their papers then the advertizers would pull out fast.

Since you are not recieving the correct news to keep you informed of what is happening then why contribute to thier bank statements? Why not let them know how you feel about their biased reporting by canceling your home deliveries? Get your news from the TV or the computor for awhile and see what happens?

When huge companies that buy millions of dollars in advertizing find that they are paying for diddly squat they well soon demand that the Government do something about it. Like get out of Iraq,or even get another president. You are in control of events far more than you can even realize by a monetary boycott of all newspapers of large circulation. pass this on. Reprint this on your own sites. You have my permission.

Lets try and save the planet from any more DIU being used by warfare.

You can reach me here;[email protected]

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on March 6th, 2006

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