Nina C. Fulford

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Donnelly and the Comet

For more years than I care to count, I have pondered what to me is an anomaly. Within a short period of around 10 years at the turn of the 19 Century the entire Academic world accepted and began to teach three brand new concepts:

No one has yet proven evolution as far as humans go and there are many problems with the way Ice ages began or how they spread over the Earth. And the very Earth itself gives the lie to a stable, slow motion of change. So, why all of a sudden did the Academic world and Governments buy into these three concepts?

Then I read Ignatius Donnelly's book, "The Fall of Atlantis", and all of a sudden everything came together. This book is based on the geological evidence and tribal memories of man in the new world, that the Earth moved through the tail of a Comet, almost ending the entire human species in most(not all)area's. The book was a shocker to the Academic and Governmental world as well as to the Banking world. While there was a fair amount on the story of Atlantis, which was used by Donnelly I'm sure as a come on to make sure the book sold! What he was really writing about was the true cause of the Chicago fire and all the other fires across the United States that day that were kept out of the Major newspapers of the time. And are still kept out of the information of that event. A Comet passed very close to the Earth and its tail was in the path of the Earth. Astronomers must have known about its trajectory in space for days! But this was a world before radio and telegraphs being used to spread news. It was also more than that. Why would his book have angered the Academic world the way it did? Probably because a rank amateur saw in the geological formation of the Earth what they didn't and should have, for his book was really a study of 'Till'. A geological anomaly that the Geological field refuses to deal with honestly. Donnelly's book was claiming, and with good science, that till was laid down by the tails of passing comets. He not only was telling people that the fires across America that night had been caused by the Comet, but telling them for the first time that there had been multiple fires all across the U.S. on the same day, and in the same manner, caused by fallout from the sky!

Why would his book have upset Governments? Donnelly's book came out in 1885. In that same Century there had been a rash of Meteors sighted in the skies. Some fairly close to the Earth, and since Donnelly's book not only deals with a recent one and its damage to a current city, but the old history of the Country and the Geological evidence of commentary fallout he saw in 'Till'

Donnelly claimed that the tail of comets laid down �till�. So what is "till"? It is a deposit of small, uniform, highly polished, smooth stones, all the same size and type. Usually black in colour and laid down in a group, or in a line. The polishing comes from its passage through space and from rubbing or bumping into each other by the forces of the Comets swift passage through space. And also from the descent into our atmosphere at high speeds. Since Donnelly also claimed that Atlantis may have been destroyed by such an event you can begin to see that Governments, bankers, and scientists were in a panic. If they were in a panic about his book then what would the people do when the next meteor came along?

The first question they probably asked themselves was; �Who is this Donnelly fellow anyway and could they ridicule him in the press? The book was too well written for that and the man that wrote it was found to be one of the most intelligent men of his country. He passed the Bar in 1853 and became a lawyer. He was made Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota in 1860-1863, went on to become a member of Congress in 1863-1869. Was a Minnesota Legislator from 1874-78, and then again in 1891-93 and again in 1897. He was very well read and spent most of his time in the Library of Congress, where he had access to records of all kinds. His book was well written and his knowledge of geology and hence 'till' is one of the best I've ever read. It is still in print today.

The interesting thing about his book is that it makes far more sense than the geology books of the present day with their story of Ice ages and till being caused by glaciers! Till can be found in unlikely area's of the Earth where no glaciers could possibly be except in the minds of the brainwashed. But then he didn't have to contend with the scientific lies that are being taught to the new crop of Geologists, Archaeologists, and Historians. Those lies are a direct outcome of Donnelly's book and the reaction of Bankers to it. If people knew that terror came from the skies and destroyed banks and their savings, would they continue to use the banks? Or keep their money close to them? What were they to do to counteract this mans book? Well, they came up with a brilliant plan, and with their money they had the power to put it into place: The stable world theory! And they found the new science of three men who were perfect for their needs, and so was born a project that was to have far reaching affects on today�s sciences in three fields; Geology, Meteorology, and Paleontology. In other words; the ice ages, the stable world theory and the silly science of man evolving from the apes.

What you are about to read is going to test your faith and your belief in everything you've ever been taught in science and religion. You can either continue to believe lies or learn the truth about mankind, the earth and religion.


75,000 Years Ago

While the story of the Earth goes back many billions of years, our own story really begins around 75,000 years ago. Not with our birth of course, but with the birth of a super Volcano at what is present day Lake Toba on Sumatra, one of the Islands of the Pacific Ocean. Evidence points to it as being the largest volcanic eruption to ever take place on Earth. While it is not certain yet and there is no proof of this statement, I am certain that this super volcanic eruption must have triggered other eruptions around the world. The force of this explosion would have thrown ash miles into the air and into the stratosphere to escape most of the earth�s gravitational forces and eventually to form an amazing canopy of ash and ice crystals blocking out the direct rays of the Sun upon the Earth. Contrary to what people may think this would not have caused or created what is called a "Fimbal Winter." Instead it would have created a form of glass hothouse over the surface of the Globe, and like a hothouse it would draw moisture up from the ground like a mist. If you don't believe me, then believe your Bible! In Genesis two the first sentence begins; "And there was no rain upon the Earth but a gentle mist arose from the ground and watered all the Earth."

There is another source of proof for this statement. In Zachariah Sitchins book, "Stairway To Heaven", the Annunaki had investigated all the planets but one; The Earth. They called it the, "Dark Planet", because it appeared to have a covering of dark matter,(soot from the volcano.)surrounding it that blocked off the view of what was beneath this cover. It took a lot of courage for that early Astronauts to volunteer to penetrate its canopy. This information was not made up by Zacharia Sitchin but was, and still is, on the clay tablets written long ago by our ancestors or creators. Even though this information is on clay tablets written by the Anunnaki and found in the ruins of the old cities of the past, our brainwashed teachers and academics of Archaeology do not acknowledge this.

More proof lies in the period when the earth produced the giant ferns. This period lasted from the time of the Toba eruption to the period of the Flood. A period of a green house effect on the earth. It would be interesting to take a look at how animals would develop in that kind of world and did we have that kind of development during that period.

Throughout this book I will be battling every lie and untruth and error of organized religion and science to bring you the real truth of why and how the Bible came to be and what its original purpose was designed for. I will even start out this book by telling you now why and when it came about. The first part of Genesis, before the Moses story and the history of the Israelites was tacked on to it, was compiled by Noah and his family and deposited in the Archives in the city of Babylon after it was built. There it was found, read, and then copied out by the Israelites during their time of bondage. The information then made its way to Israel after that time. There are a great many anomalies about that period that I will be looking at later. Some of that information will shock many people, but it is time to reveal these things to the world now!

Why do you think the Israeli's wanted the Bush's to invade Iraq so badly? And why the first thing they took was the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon where Bush's helicopters landed and took possession. The same ruins that Saddam Hussein had so carefully and professionally uncovered. What were they afraid of him finding out? THAT IS THE BIG QUESTION WE WILL NEVER KNOW NOW. About one year before the first Bush invaded Iraq, National Geographic wrote a large piece on Saddam's new Iraq. He not only was uncovering ancient sites but was bringing his country into the 21st Century. New streets, housing, schools, hospitals, water and electricity, but was keeping down the tribal wars. What Bush's war has started all over again in the area!

The events of Chicago took place in a time when we had no nuclear plants, chemical labs, gas stations or wells. Nor the millions of people on Earth. If it happened in the future how would we fare? Is it any more or less scary than Atomic warfare? In fact we have no real knowledge of how advanced mankind was when the flood took place! But the evidence keeps showing up that he was even more advanced than we are today. As an artist I can tell you that cave art is very sophisticated drawing. That three miles below the surface in an African mine they have brought up metal balls we cannot break, cut, scratch, mar, or open, with even the most sophisticated tools of today. A sophisticated carving of what we think is a flywheel made of slate, was found, long before we invented the flywheel. Skulls of modern man have been found imbedded in granite in mines deep below the surface. 200 ft at the bottom of a well was found an artifact of sophisticated make using a process we have only discovered in recent years. Strange that America is so interested in blowing up a meteor these days to see what it's made of? Mmmmm! (A list of the books this information can be found in will be at the end of this writing.)


After the sentence in the Bible that tells of a very strange Earth with no rain, we are introduced to the story of a God who creates a human and his wife, then puts them to work in a garden and on their own. While it is the story of these two and their experiences it is also a detailed listing of their progeny and the length of their lives. It is also a chronology of their ages when they reproduced the first child and when they died. It does not mention the dates when their other children are born or how many they had. Does no one else wonder at this peculiarity? This is definitely not a genealogical table in the regular sense of the word or those facts would not have been left out. This is no family matter or record for the kids, as we would see it. Whoever wrote this was doing serious studies for posterity. This is not a genealogical record. This is a record for menses, births, and life spans. Someone thought that this was very important for mans records. When we see this part of the Bible, not as a religious story of their God, but as a record of dates for conception and death we should be seriously asking why?

As this story of life spans is unfolding the writer puts in additional bits of information in much the same way that any scientist trying to uncover a mystery, or pass on a mystery, would do. He is not sure where the answers to his problems lie so he adds in anything that may lead to a breakthrough. The idea that Adam and Eve and their progeny, and this God, were the only people on this earth at the time is a mistake perpetrated by an ignorant church. The proof of that lies in Noah's birth. His father is suspicious of him being someone else's when he is born for the same reason any father would be. The baby is not the same color as he is! In one small sentence we are given all the information we need. The Adamic line is one color and the gods or Nefilim are another color. The father goes to the top of the world to ask a man, who was supposed to have gone to heaven to be with God, if the baby is his. It does not matter whether he is lied to or not, this whole section proved that there were other races existing on Earth at the time, be they gods or other Adams and they had a different skin color than Noah's father. It's also not necessary to think that the baby is not his, as we are all familiar with the problem of throwbacks in genetics. What we did learn from this was that there were racial lines before the flood that were not all the same. We have also learned that whoever wrote this part of the Bible wanted the knowledge known to his descendants.

When looked at as a whole the pre-flood information begins to look like more than a genealogical table. It could also be a racial table. Although that is only mentioned the once when Noah is born, could there have been more information originally? Or was this considered enough to give a clue to race later by descendants of the Noah family? Don't forget that there were four wives involved in the flood story that also carried genes to pass on. This then becomes a valid reason for the detailed genetic lineup before the Flood. It is not until the years and records after the Flood that we become aware of the need to record menses and birth dates of the pre-flood lines. What changed to make that important? The younger members started to die earlier than their parents! An event that would shock any Mother or Father! Especially if they were aging faster than the pre-flood members of the Family. I did a graph of the pre-flood and post-flood groups and it is startling when you look at it from the view of Noah who was living through those events. His Grandchildren and Great-Grandchildren were aging and dying before him and his wife! Wouldn't you panic in his place?

Take a good look at the period after the Flood. Consider your reactions to this anomaly. We know the survivors of the Flood were breeding as fast as they could in order to replenish the earth, as their God ordered them to. We also know that Noah and his wife and his sons and daughters-in-law, were living long but if you take all the dates and graph them as I have done then you see how the 4th and 5th generation after them is dying first!

Put yourself in Noah's shoes. What would you do? There was nothing he could do to stop it. And it wasn't as if he was stupid. You don't live to his age without learning a lot. And I do not believe that the first generation after the Flood was aging as the younger ones were. No infirmities or aging as we know it today for him or his grandchildren were showing. All he knew for certain was that his third and forth generation progeny were dying, so he recorded it all for posterity I believe, hoping that someone would find the reason or a cure. I have put myself in his mind and seen the fear that must have been there. What parent can stay young and watch their children grow old before them and not cry? We have parents today who have to go through that. And no one has an answer up until now. I have the answer but you're not going to like it. The Medical world is not going to like it. Nor is the scientific world going to like it, as it goes against everything they teach.

I am going to take a pause here in order to make you understand from Noah's point of view what he must have been aware of for the future of his progeny. At this point in time the normal physical history of a female is that menses starts at or around 13-14 years of age. Full physical maturity is considered to be around 18 years. Mental maturity is considered to be around 21 years. These are the rules for North America but they are not the rule for many countries. Most of our leaders and Professionals start their careers in there thirties and are expected to reach their peak in there 40's. They then have 25 years of their lives left to fulfill those careers before they are expected to retire at 65. They then hope to live to an average of 70-80 yrs.

Now compare that lifeline to the life spans of the pre-flood line. Then take a look at what is now taking place in many countries. Menses is being recorded in children as young as five years of age! Throughout our history there have always been the oddity in all fields, but this is not oddities as it is happening to too many children. Is the world heading toward 12 for full sexual maturity? 14 years for mental and a peak at 25 yrs, retirement at 50? In other words a world run by children? Is that what Noah saw and experienced? When will it stop? And what is happening today to cause this?

To find out why they were dying early we must explore the only major change that occurred to the Earth as a whole. That would be the Flood. An event that modern science scoffs at due to the control of science by those Bankers I told you about. I don't know why this is so when the proof of it is on many mountain tops, buried in its soil or even lying out in the open; sea life. Whales, seashells. Since these mountaintops at the present time are certainly too high for even the most impossible floods we must consider another alternative. We must go back to the Bible again. Back to the expert who wrote this information. Our storyteller and eyewitness; Noah. In the description of the building of the Ark there is mention of the height of the mountains. The Ark towered over them. Was this just in the area he was in or were they all low mountains? We can never know that fact.

If all the mountains of Earth were of a low height there had to be displacement or contraction of the ground. Churchward in his book writes about the possibility that there were large Caverns or some form of Aquifers that held water that all collapsed due to some form of extreme pressure or outside forces upon the Earth. These would have released water to join with the rain adding to the flooding. The excuse by the scientific community for why there was no flood is that there was not enough water on the Earth to flood the land. If the Earth had a covering surrounding it of Ice Crystals caused by Volcanic action, the only way it could have lost that covering would have been a passing comet who's heat melted the crystals. Those Ice Crystals would be the answer to where the water came from to drown the Earth. That is not an impossibility by any means. The huge cave systems around the world were caused by erosion from fast moving water at one time. The question is; were they draining or containing.

For years I have been plagued by an anomaly. While I was in Greece I went to the site of the first Olympics and was startled by the fact that some of the Ancient pillars were formed from conglomerates of seashells. The stone had to have been taken from above the sea, as I doubt that they would have gone underwater to find stone to carve. I noticed that no one seems to have written anything about this anomaly. At least the oddity of it hasn't been mentioned. Yet this shows that the waters have subsided since they were formed. Or the land has risen where the conglomerate stone was found.

What could have caused the Flood? While Zechariah Sitchin does have a very dramatic story on the Flood from clay tablets from those ancient days, there is no clear words on what it was caused by. I got the impression from those records that something quite far off was heading towards the Earth. Far enough off that these people who called themselves our Gods had time to vacate the planet. Something that made it dangerous to stay on the planet. One of them knew enough about celestial mechanic�s to know that it was going to come close enough to the Earth to either hit it, in which case it would be destroyed, or come close enough to melt the ice-crystal canopy that surrounded the Earth. Come on people! You know that the real God of Creation of both man and the Anunnaki, (for even they were created by a higher being!) would not be concerned about a soul that was destined to move on! So it was not 'God' who told Noah to build a huge boat, but one of the aliens hoping to save a favoured man.

Noah does write about an event that occurred on that mountaintop he landed on, that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the previous words I wrote are true facts. His God lies to him big-time! He claims the rainbow as his doing! This is a lie! But that lie is my proof that a moisture barrier composed of ash and ice from the Major eruption 75,000 years before once surrounded the Earth. Without the direct sunlight in the skies over Earth there can be no Rainbow! That single sentence and that 1st event are the proof of my words. For the first time in their lives our Adamic race were to see the Sun and to experience blue sky's and stars. And if this event occurred approximately 10,000 to 12,000 years ago then no human could ever have invented or created or done the Astronomical work on bringing the Zodiac to mankind. The time span for that knowledge is beyond our human time line and history. Nor could they have seen the stars from Earth. But the Anunnaki could!

There is one more piece of evidence that proves that the Earth slowly contracted over time pushing the mountains upward as it dried out or drained back into the caverns. In both Peru and China farming started on hillsides. No farmer in his right mind climbs a high hill to plant his food on when there is a valley to do the job, yet in Peru the evidence points unequivocally to the fact that planting of food began at the tops of mountains and worked its way down as either the water receded or the land rose. Lake Pinetubo is not a fresh water lake. It is salt water left behind when the sea receded as the land rose with contraction. But the new science of a stable world would not, or could not accede to that idea as it meant opening their science up to great changes. As the land rose the planting of potatoes receded down the mountain. The same type of planting took place in China and other areas. The only difference being that in many places the land never rose as far and the planting continues in the same tradition on the sides of mountains. One is awestruck when one looks at these descendents and realized that their very history goes back all the way to the flood times! There are few areas of the world that can say that. All the more intriguing when one considers the potato production of Peru. That this is one vegetable that came through the flood up to today changed only slightly. The multi-colored potatoes of South America are probably unchanged from those days.


In order to prove the existence and long life span of the Nefilim/Anunnaki Gods of Sitchins books we will turn to the Zodiac. Since it takes over 2,300 years for the Earth to pass through each sign of the Zodiac and since Adams race was only living to 1,000 years at the time it was known, they could not have created it. At the least it would have taken over 26,000 to 30,000 years to create it. The reason being, that to record the effects the Zodiac has upon this planet you would need at least three times for the Earth to go through each sign before you could be sure of its effects upon the Earth. Each sign of the Zodiac represents the effect that star system has on Planet Earth. It does not bear that sign because someone saw that shape in the star group. Any Astronomer can verify that. Every king, ruler, or pharaoh would have known that information and lived and ruled by it. In fact you can date their rule by the statues that adorned their roads or kingdoms. No king or ruler would have used a symbol out of its Zodiacal sign. That is why no Pharaoh or human would have carved a lion when LEO was not ruling the skies and Earth. That puts the Sphinx back in time to the sign of LEO.

While we cannot follow our recorded history of the Earth all the way back through all of the signs, we can follow this back for at least 5 of them. We are now entering the Age of Aquarius. Unknown to our hippies, Aquarius does not necessarily mean an enlightened world. Atom bombs are made with heavy water. Drinking water is being toxified with a pollutant in the wealthiest countries and is running out in 3rd world countries. We will have wars soon for water rights. I expect the US to invade Canada when its water runs out.

The end of the present sign is almost upon us. That sign was Pisces, the fish. Pisces was the start of man fishing the seas to feed the masses. It was the age of using the seas to explore the Earth, to use it to fight wars, move people about, and trade with. And since some fish move in schools, I find it interesting that we gave the name of "school" to our classrooms and to learning. It was Pisces, not a cross that was the symbol of Jesus. When Paul altered the sign for Jesus, he condemned the Church to failure. And don't tell me the church was a success! More people died under the sign of the cross than you can imagine and still are dying under it. And it is too late now to correct it as Jesus time and sign are passing into another age and sign.


Them Bones, Them Bones!

One of the many reasons the scientific world refuses to admit to the Flood lies in the lack of bones. One of my early interests was researching burial styles around the world and down through the ages. It began when they discovered an Elephant that was attempting to bury her baby that had died. Strangely enough, this odd interest then led into looking into all the wars in the Middle East and Europe and then the Far East. Records gave an approximate count of the numbers that were killed. It was not the habit of these early wars to bury all the fallen. They were left to rot most of the time. The winds came and dust and time were supposed to take care of them. Animals would also have aided the process. But they would not have eaten the bones of thousands of men. If Archaeologists can dig up intact bones from thousands, if not millions of years ago then why are we not coming across all these battlefields and bodies from the past? In the record of the Hebrew Exodus they destroyed and killed all of the people of 36-42 towns, cities and villages, depending on which Bible you read. Where are their remains? That doesn't even take into account all the towns and cities they destroyed on the other side of the Jordan River when they crossed over. If we cannot find all the skeletons of people killed in the centuries long after the flood then we are certainly not going to find the ones from the Flood.

I was intrigued when I read that in Ancient Greece, when you died it was said that you went to the 'Elysian Fields'. Could it be that in the flood the topsoil was ruined and Noah and his sons found that they had to add bone meal to aid the soil? That over the centuries the Elysian Fields took on a different picture? In fact the practice of adding bone to the soil became the cause of digging up Egyptian burial sites or selling bones of the ancients for farming. Of course this would not have accounted for the entire remains of all the Flood victims. But it also does not account for the mystery of the missing bones from all of the wars of the Middle East and the Far East either. Is someone or something else taking them?

Where are all the other bones? If the Flood occurred over 10,000 years ago and mankind was all over the world in those days because of his long life and his ability to procreate endlessly, then so were all the animals. Massive herds of Elephant, Elk, Moose, Deer, Buffalo, etc. (And don't forget that mankind didn't eat animals before the incident on the mountain top, when his god gave him permission to eat meat.) Where are all their bones? No matter how deep we dig to put up high rises and office buildings, or mine for metals and coal, we do not come across huge deposits of bones. And what about the huge Wales? In 10,000 years the Sea's must have been filled with these huge life forms. They did not live forever! We have only been hunting them for the last 500 years! That leaves 9,500 years of Whale skeletons to fill the seas. In all our searches of the Ocean floor has anyone seen a Whale skeleton? Or a Whale bone yard? Not to my knowledge. I have to ask myself; is someone collecting bones without our knowledge? In the 10,000 years since the Flood was supposed to take place how many people have died on this Earth of ours? How many animals? How much large sea life? We should be up to our necks in bones!

What makes bones decay? Miners digging deep in the Earth have found the odd skull imbedded in granite and coal that is at least a million years old, if not more, yet these skulls did not decay. If they did not decay in a million years, then surely we should have found huge deposits of skulls and larger bones from all the bodies lost in the Flood of the Bible. We have not! And this fact alone is the reason for our scientists to claim the Bible is wrong about a flood-taking place. However they tend to ignore the fact that we have also never found the billions of bones from all the large animals that overran this earth either! The few that we have found are made much of while they ignore the fact that if mankind is only as old as the Bible states, then without mankind to decimate their numbers previous to that, this earth should be knee high in bones of animals!

Since the Earth is not covered in ancient bones we should be asking, why? To my knowledge,(which I admit is scanty) there is no insect or animal that eats bones. There is no climate condition that rots bones, else why would we find whale skeletons on the tops of mountains, or dinosaurs near the surface of the Earth? I hate to admit this, but I keep asking myself; is there some alien society out there in space that needs bone meal for its soil and collects it from Earth the way we would go to the plant shop? If so, they must hate it when we bury our dead in boxes or turn them to ash.


Having dealt with the problems of the Flood and our bones, we move on to our small band of survivors. If the Bible is a true tale, then all of us humans on earth are related. We are all the descendants of Noah and his nameless wife. And we must not forget the wives of Noah's sons. Eight people to restock the Earth! Well, why not? According to the Bible it took only two to fill the entire earth in a few generations. We are a busy lot are we not? Most people forget or do not realize that the genealogical table at the beginning of the Bible is only of the first born children and not the hundreds or thousands they gave birth to in their long lives. Or did you think that after having one child they quit? Before the Flood they only recorded their first-born and his first-born etc. and their one death. Or did Noah write this section after the Flood and after he and his sons watched their grandchildren and their great-grandchildren ageing before they were, and their Grandchildren dying!

Have you never asked yourselves who wrote and recorded the history of mankind before the Flood? Since only the first-born were recorded in that genealogy it could not have been of interest to the pre-flood families. It had to have been Noah and his sons. There is also a detailed genealogy of the post flood group. In this later genealogy we see the decline of life spans. Did you never wonder how this genealogy came to us via the Bible? It was found and recorded or copied by the Israelites when they were in bondage in Babylon.

Let's investigate that bondage before we proceed to the history of Noah. When Israel was overrun and decimated by Babylon and surviving Israelites taken captive, they became slaves to the Babylonians. Since they were slaves in Babylon for 75 years, many boys would have grown up in the service of their masters. One of the places these boys would have worked in, would have been the great Library. Since Babylon had always been there since the time after the Flood it would have been the depository of the history that Noah and his sons wrote.

While I'm on this subject I will digress a bit to take a closer look at the Biblical history for this time. Now you must admit that 75 years of slavery is a long time. Any adult taken slave when he was of the age of reason around 18-to 20 years would have been 92 when they were supposed to have returned to Israel to rebuild their temple. The life of a slave did not last that long. Lets say a lucky boy of 10 got to live long enough to see freedom. Would he have known where the Temple stood? What it looked like inside and out? I doubt it. And would he even know where Israel was? He would be about 85 years old. Their return to rebuild the Temple, as it is recorded in the Bible, gives a genealogy of those men so it appears that they did not suffer much in that time of slavery as they had huge families.

What we do know is that the history of Noah and the pre-flood and post flood years that were recorded in the Library of Babylon come to Israel by the People who returned. Now back to Noah and his story. We are told in their history that they landed on: �The Mountains of Ararat." That�s a bit different than 'landing on Ararat' isn't it? Since the first settlement or city they built was Harran, it stands to reason that as the Flood receded down the mountain slopes of their landing place they also would have moved straight down with it. Harran is miles away from Mt Ararat! But right down below the mountain that contains the Ark Ron Wyatt found and the pens for the animals. OH YES! Of course they would have had to make pens for the animals! I can't help but point out to the idiots who insist on looking for the Ark on Ararat's mountaintop that you are not going to preserve all those animals on extreme slopes! How many years do you think it took for the waters to drain from the land?

Ron Wyatts site above the city of Haron fits all the criteria for Noah's landing place. It was not just the sea's ebbing, it was also the mountains rising as displacement took place. So you would need pens for all the animals as you could not keep them in the Ark for years. Nor could you let them go as there was no food or safe place for them until the natural growth returned to the land.

The pens Wyatt found are of all different sizes and just what you would expect for the animals that were on the Ark. There is no earthly reason for a later group of farmers to have built these massive pens. And since they are all sizes, farmers do not raise a multitude of animals. They usually stick to one or two. Some of these pens are huge and some are small, which indicates a wide variety of animals. Also the size inside the pens indicates only a small group to each pen. There is a very valid reason why the Governments and Bankers of the world don't want to admit this is the Ark of Noah. They don't want to admit the flood occurred any more than they wanted to admit that Ignatius Donnelly's book had any truth to it. He told the truth about the cause of the Chicago Fire and in doing so scared people out of putting their money in Banks. That was the beginning of the Stable World theory in Science, fostered by the Bankers.

To return to our survivors, it makes sense that Harran lies directly below Wyatt's Ark. That would have been the first settlement built near what was the flat ground left by the receding waters.


When this Alien 'God� visits Noah and family on Ararat after the flood he has a list of rules for him to live by:

During the 350 years after the Flood and before Noah's death he was to see a terrible alteration in the life spans of his descendants. The younger ones were ageing faster and dying before those who came from the other side of the Flood! This would have been the time when Noah, his wife and his sons would have compiled the history of the pre-flood and those important dates and timelines. Because we have such a short life span compared to the pre-flood race we can have no idea of the mental abilities of those long-lived people. They must have realized that such short lives would fail to remember the past. Would they also have realized that they would also fail to realize their potential of knowledge? I believe that this small group left behind them a record for their offspring and the future, in Babylon. That these records were found by the Israelites, or of course were always known by scholars there. I will be dealing with that information later in the book. Again there is a detailed list of all the children and their progeny after the flood. This is very important for us as it comes before the information in one line: That the Earth was divided at this time! Everyone has puzzled over this sentence. Why would those who copied this information in Babylon not have given more information? It must have been in the records as to its real meaning. There can only be two meanings to that sentence. It says; �The Earth" not the land, but the Earth as a whole. This cannot be referring to the split in the land that runs from Africa up to the plains of Iraq. This would be after the waters had subsided enough to return the animals back to their original sites and with them Noah's progeny to care for them and colonize. In other words they had all the genetic DNA of all the races of man on Earth. How could that be unless there had been interaction of them and mankind before the flood? Or of them and the Anunnaki! We all know enough by now of DNA and how it works. We have come of age! This then would have been the time when people were moved around the earth along with many of the animals, and the only way that could have taken place is with the help of their Gods; The Anunnaki.

That Noah and his Sons who remained behind realized the need for a record of the past is why we have the Bible today. But that information was not discovered again until the time of the Babylonian captivity. The big question is; did we really get all the information that was stored in Babylon or only what the Israelites were interested in?

The present day horror of the way the Americans destroyed ancient artifacts in Iraq should make the world weep. A very detailed article in one of the National Geographic magazines of the pre-Bush regime days tells of a leader who was proud of the ancient history of his country and was restoring as many of the ancient sites as he could. And in that may lie a present day mystery and reason for the Bush's war in that country besides wanting all of their oil. Maybe a look at the information that came out of Iraq by the Archaeologists before this invasion would be a good idea?


Noah's move down the mountain from the site of the Ark to Haran would have been necessitated by the increase in those domesticated animals that needed plenty of grass and/or better footing than a mountain slope. The family may have divided into those who stayed behind with the largest animals in the pens who couldn't be freed yet, and those that were domesticated and needed to forage. We do know that they lived near the stone pens long enough for Noah to grow vines for grapes and harvest and make wine from them, since he got drunk. He and his sons must have had children by then to help with this work. And since Noah lived for 300 years after the flood then he must have had other children as well as grandchildren by his sons. I would remind people of how fast America grew 300 years after the first settlers arrived on these shores! And we don't live long or have a long breeding time!

We know from Zacharia Sitchin's books that the Anunnaki returned to Earth and rebuilt their landing sites and resumed their control over mankind. We know this from the Tower of Babel incident. I believe that Noah's family were intact up to that time. That would have been about the time that Noah discovered the shortened life span of his progeny. Did they build the Tower to communicate with the Anunnaki? To try and find out why the younger ones were dying? Or growing old before their time?

The first indication of change to a shortened life span would have come via the daughters born to these survivors. Their menses would have been altered from the obvious 300 years of the first Adamic line down to an earlier one. These were not ignorant people. You don't live for 1,000 years without learning a lot. Noah would have been frantic to find the cause and a possible cure for what he would see as a calamity of major proportions. There may also have been other signs among his descendants after the flood of premature ageing. What would have been his first thought? Why to get in touch with the Gods/Anunnaki to find the cause and rectify it if possible.

As soon as the flood waters receded from the land and he and his family had set up the ability to make the materials and equipment to build a tower for some form of communication with their overlords they contacted them. Ignorant people who had long lost the knowledge and information of the Towers use made the interpretation of the Tower of Babel incident in the records/bible. One of those errors was in the reference of 'making a name� for themselves. If you want a name you give yourself a name. You don't need to ask a "god" or God to give you a name. But a "name" is also a code for communications uses. It is also a description of who or what you are. They may have wanted to ask; "Are we to be long lived or short lived people? What is happening to us?"

The answer was not what they expected. Again, an ignorant(not stupid) people misread the records of history. The ancients recorded that from that day on we all began to speak in different tongues. How could that be unless a miracle of God happened, you say! Pish, tush! This was recorded long after the fact. Isolate people from each other and move them far apart to a strange land with a different landscape, food, animals, and over time you need to invent new words. Speech grows careless or different. I would not have believed this if I hadn't seen it for myself. I visited an Uncle who had built a ranch in an isolated area and his 6-year-old daughter who had never seen anyone but her Mother and Father was missing many words that were never used because they were no longer needed. Speech is a community act. Ones location and the community need and fixtures and experiences also create it. Separating people over great distances will create new languages over time.

What astonishes me about the forgoing information in a book read by high and low, ignorant and intelligent, is the lack of understanding behind those words! It means that since that time the world of babies have run mankind!!

Yes!!! You read that correctly. Adam lived to the age of almost a thousand years. We do not know how he died. It could have been war, old age, whatever. We do not know. But if that was supposed to have been our life span, then ever since the Flood and the appearance of a Sun in our skies, our life span has been reduced 1/10 of its time line. That is 10 percent or the period of infancy in the Adamic line. And we wonder why we have wars! Why we cannot rule sanely. Why some children have more than they can spend or eat while others starve. And yes, why we play with dangerous toys that are harmful and don't really understand the repercussions from this. President George Bush is only doing what any pampered brat does. He plays war games without any real concept of the present and future harm he does.

After these events there is a gap between the Tower of Babel and the next episodes. But we do know that our Gods returned to Earth and rebuilt their own cities and landing places again. All that information is contained in the collection of clay tablets dug up from Nineveh and all the other sites in Iran, Iraq, and the Middle East. And one of these little gods decided to create his own little group of sycophants! There is no other word that expresses what he did. I believe that when they realized how fast we aged and how soon we bred at that time that they had to have some form of control over us. Religion would be our catalyst and war would be our control.

Religion is nothing more nor less than the ritual and worship of the Gods. But what Zacharia Sitchin fails to press home is the fact that these Gods had a ruler also. One who was over all of them. And they were all vying for that job among themselves. How that came to evolve into the one god over all system we have today was a very clever piece of engineering by one who created the Moses brainwashing episode. We now know enough about our own mental behaviour and weaknesses to see and understand how this was done. But so well was it done to mankind that even today with our cleverest psychologists we won't admit to it. The next chapters will be an analyses of the Exodus and while I'm at it a correction of the huge error made by Archaeologist and religious leaders concerning these events.

Before we go into the real Moses story we need to take a good look at the History and record of the field of three sciences. Geology, Archaeology, and Paleontology. We will start with the field of Paleontology. This is the study of old bones, both human and animal. When it was first introduced at the turn of the 19 Century the church, both Catholic and Protestant pretty much controlled the Academic world. The story of mankind as told in the Bible pretty much ruled the roost so to say, which meant that finding human bones older than the Biblical story's time line was out. It was okay to dig them up from the ground as you could explain that by floods or land turnover, but when you found skulls and bones deep in mines and imbedded in coal or rocks it posed serous questions that went straight to the Biblical dating. They were considered anomalies and ignored by science. Yet today we have the means to date these bones. We don't do it for the simple reason that it destroys the Biblical story. We also dig up from deep underground artifacts of extreme technical knowledge beyond our own we don't have even today.

Archaeology is still dependant on Biblical history. So stuck in this groove are we that anything that is likely to question it is hidden or ignored or squeezed in somehow. Which makes explaining the stone map found in Northern China and dated to over a million years old by a shell imbedded into the stone hard to swallow, since it is the most accurate map of the area ever made. The land appears to be unchanged in that area since it was made. That puts the biblical story into a strange place doesn't it? It means that this Earth has had many lives and many Histories over the centuries.


The Gods Return

According to Sitchin and physical proof around the world, The Anunnaki returned to Earth temporarily. That is debatable. They may never have left it. The flight of Admiral Bird,(see Jan Lampert's book, "The Hollow Earth", or go to his website. He also writes for Jeff Rense from time to time.)to the North Pole for the first time gives a clue to their continued presence on Earth.

Ancient writing also speak of them (gods)living at the top of the world. It always amazes me how dumb the average person is about what goes on around them. In the 20's much was made of this flight to the North Pole in one of the first planes. Yet ever since the North Pole has been out of bounds for anyone but the Americans. In the 70's one of the Airlines advertised with great expense and fanfare that they flew over the North Pole. I knew from my own research that this was impossible, since Birds trip up there it has been out of bounds to anyone but the US military. When I phoned their offices and told them they were liars and this was false advertising, all their ads were pulled that same week. You don't throw away expensive advertising on some odd balls phone call unless they're right. The reason it's out of bounds is that our Lords and Masters live up there. The opening into it is now an American base. We now have private planes that are easily capable of flying to the pole and back with ease. However try it and you'll be shot down. I try and show people how big the hole is up there with a small trick. Take a dinner plate and a dime. Place the plate on a sheet of paper and draw around it. Now center the dime at the top by putting the dime so the line cuts it in half. The half that is below the circle is the size of the field surrounding the hole. Now take a pen and draw a line one tenth of an inch up from the circle. That's how high the highest plane can fly without going out in space. According to Byrds words over the radio as he flew over it he saw mastodons and other ancient animals. Herds of them. Also, according to his flight data he flew a distance that normally would have taken him to the shores of Russia, which he didn't do. So he must have flown that far into the hole. A blackout has been in place ever since and a little man with no experience except flying was made an Admiral for his silence.

Does anyone who has read the Bible and the story of Noah actually understand what that means about us humans? I don't think so. Well let me make it very clear to you. It means that the entire world we live in today is being run by infants! And you wonder why it is such a mess! Do the math. Think for a change. I know it is going to be hard for you as you are in the infant stage of development.

Adam lived to be 1,000 years old almost. It does not say how he died so we don't know if he would have lived longer. And since the flood was recorded not long after this all we can assume is that mankind was living to an average of 1,000 yrs. Now, if in this present age we don't even live to 100 years then you can say that we are dying in our infancy. Most of the records for birth in pre-flood times give 300 years average for the birth of the first child. If we compare that to our own time span then we are mentally still in the cradle time when we are ruling the Earth and waging wars! Of course we are waging wars! Infants get really pissed off if they don't get what they want immediately!

Compare our greed and desire to have everything. Even when we cannot possibly use all we have ourselves. Isn't that what a child does? In fact I won't belabor the point, as anyone with even an ounce of intelligence can see our behaviour worldwide as that of children.

hortsighted, selfish, greedy, bullying, thoughtless about the damage we cause to ourselves and others and to the world we live in. We all have the instincts to know how an adult should behave, but since we ARE children we look to others to fix the damage we do. Since few of us even live to 75 these days I am sure you begin to see why our world is such a mess. That we have wars that kill off the healthiest of men and leave the poorest of genetic donors to do the breeding for the races is just one of the ways in which we prove our mental age. In fact, look around you at your world. It is a world of instant gratification without any thought of the consequences. Selfishness of food. The thoughtlessness of a behaviour pattern by business groups. The inability to foresee the future results of ones actions for the good or detriment of others. Those are not mental defects but the result of a childish outlook. In reading Sitchins books I realized at one point that the behaviour of the Anunnaki were also those of little or no understanding sometimes of the consequences of their behaviour. This led me to wonder just what age group they represented on their own world. I realized we had no real knowledge of what their average life span consisted of. Judging by our own methods of using the young for dangerous exploits I reasoned that their own world would not have sent the old and mature off exploring either. I am very aware that no one will like what I am writing. The truth always hurts.

In order to drive the point home let me just take one example of thoughtless, childish behaviour. The U.S. is using depleted Uranium in their munitions in Iraq. The men and women who work in those munitions factories are at risk. The land around the sites is being contaminated. The shipper who moves it out is also being contaminated. The soldiers who handle the munitions are being contaminated. What they don't realize is the slow progress initially of the damage. The sand and soil around and in Iraq is now contaminated for ALL TIME. Not only are the babies born to Iraqi's being born deformed horrifically, but all military men who come back from Iraq are in danger of infecting wives and children of radiation poisoning. Or having deformed children. In a war we kill the enemy, but only idiots kill their own soldiers. Or children who haven't reached the age of reason!


We know the Anunnaki came back and Ur was one of their centers again. One of Noah's progeny became a high priest in Ur. With that information we know that Abrahams family line was connected to Ur and the Gods. In order to understand the terrible mistake that was made by the Archeological world about the Exodus we need to take a quick look at the beginning of this new science and its history.

It really began with Napoleon when he invaded Egypt. He went prepared! He took with him men who were linguists, artists, engineers, builders, and historians. They were set to work recording, drawing, collecting, and trying to decipher the language and pictographs of Egypt to take back to France. Since very few in England and Europe knew much about these countries it all hit them like a ton of bricks. But it was not until Layard on his own in Iran/Iraq discovered the ancient city of Nineveh and sent Articles of interest and beauty home that the new science of Archaeology was born. Until that period in our history we had only three records to go on about the past of our world. First and foremost was the Bible. Second was Herodotus and third and was the crusades. Most of Archaeology, even today, is based on the Bible. And because it is, it became the leading cause of the terrible error made for the site of the Exodus!

That first error was based on the name 'Egypt'! The second great error on Egyptian history was based on faulty reading of Herodotus record of his visit to Cairo while Khufu was working on the Pyramid.

The word or name; Egypt, can be traced to a small city a long way up the Nile that was given that name at the time of the Hyksos. It is not an Egyptian name, it is a Hyksos name. And it did not receive that name until after the Exodus took place as I will prove later. But our young science of Archaeology did not know that when they began their hunt for the scenes and history of the Bible and the Exodus.

As for Herodotus, he specifically writes only of the Pharaoh Khufu replacing the white marble on the pyramid or replacing what had been removed by previous Pharaoh�s for building material. He specifically writes about how they started at the top and worked down! Of course they would work down! Of course they would replace the marble covering starting at the top and working down! Each sheet of marble starting from the top would then be braced by the step of the pyramid. By working down from the top to replace them you would then have the open stair block of the nude pyramid to get the new sheets of marble in place and braced by the stair or barren course below it. The fact that it took 20 years to complete makes more sense than the time it would have taken his work force to build the pyramid itself. A fact beyond their time and ours! But not beyond the science of the Anunnaki.

You are now going to say; well if Egypt wasn't the scene of the Exodus, what was? Was it all a lie? NO! It was not a lie. It happened. But not they way you have been led to believe all these years. It is not hard to prove. It only takes a little common sense and knowledge. What led me to the truth was a small book by a minor Archaeologist working in the Persian Gulf. He was investigating the small burial pots that literally covered the small peninsula that juts out into the Gulf. He was a rare man indeed. I cannot remember his name, but I remember what he wrote. I don't think he really understood what he had discovered, but I did.

He wrote and worked between two wars. What was unusual about him was that he didn't have the usual conceit of the western world scientist. He wanted to know the ordinary man! And so he spent time in the coffee houses, learned the language and heard the stories of the land. Now you have to understand that this was a time and place before radio, television, movies, and no books for the poor! And certainly not in Iraq or Arabia. What they did do for entertainment in those lands and coffee houses was the "Storyteller". Since there were only so many stories, everyone knew them down to every single word. Why not! They had heard them since time immemorial! If you made a mistake in the story everyone corrected you. The fun and entertainment came from the individual�s delivery of the story.

It was in listening and talking to these working men that our young man found out that the area of Ur was once called "Egypt" and kings were called Pharaoh�s. And the kings married their sisters. They also told the ancient story of the "Green Man". He was called that because he flew to an Island far away to plant trees and shrubs and herbs. A story that went back to the dim past after the Flood. And known in Ancient Britain!

In all my reading over these many years I never got that book out of my mind. Not only did he write about the name Egypt and Pharaoh�s and green men, but they told him that the Arabian Peninsula beside the Persian Gulf had once been the breadbasket, so to speak, of the whole area, Ur included. That there had been streams and lakes and gardens on its whole length. A story that seemed preposterous, I'm sure, to that young man at the time. After all, it was now a barren desert along its entire length almost. In the last two years scientists have uncovered old lakes and rivers on that same barren land using geothermal imaging! So, if they were right about the physical history I reasoned, then they had to be right about the rest of it. And so I took another look at the Biblical story of the Exodus. What follows is going to surprise you. But it also straitens up a lot of puzzling questions and problems made by Archaeologists mistakes in the very beginning of that science and one they refuse to back down on. And you and I know that they are not going to like that at all as they will have egg on their faces big time! But science is on my side!

I will not be asking you to believe in anything I can't prove. The information is in the Bible in black and white and in great detail. Simple, ordinary facts that speak for themselves without any twists. I am aware that this book will be ruining careers and it will make archaeology look bad, but do you want the truth or do you want to stick to the error made long ago? Do you want a clear picture of a religion that has taken the lives of millions or go on with the errors?


To begin our walk through history we must go back to Abraham. One of the Annunaki wanted to test Abraham for some future use where he would need absolute trust in him. Since Abraham considered god the only reason he had a son he may have felt the son belonged to the god. So following his order to kill his son would be understandable. But Abrahams father was a priest in Ur, so when Archaeology discovered the statue of the "Ram in the Thicket" in Ur, it moves the story from Palestine to Ur/Egypt. Why? Because Abraham must have taken his story to his father, who commemorated the event with the Statue.

We then find evidence of a 'repeat' of the story of Moses in the bullrushes. Also in Ur. This incident could never have happened in the Egypt of the Nile. Why? Simple. The Nile has Crocs. No mother would set her child adrift in a Croc laden river. However the Euphrates and the Tigris do not have Crocs. The Nile story comes down to us through the Bible, which refers to a far different Egypt than the one on the Nile. And the proof of that lies in the bible. We will get to that proof later. Most of these errors were started in 400 A.D. when Rome got into the act. What most people do not understand is that there was no book called the 'bible' until after the Roman conquest of Israel and the destruction of the Temple by the Romans. It was around the time that Rome set a Greek on the throne of Israel. And when he repaired the temple some manuscripts were found in the temple during those renovations made by King Herod. These would probably have been brought from Babylon when the new temple was built.

There are so many problems with Egypt as the site of the Exodus it is almost laughable if it wasn't so very important to mans history. I have made a list of those problems.

You do not live with another race for over 400 yrs without sharing and incorporating these things into your own races lifestyles. Over 400 years of eating, dressing, weaving and pottery making could not help being adopted by both races.

Unfortunately our first, and also most, Archaeologists are men. Believe me, they do not see the world as well as women do. That means they see it from the Academic, or surface, point of view. They went to Egypt seeing the time of slavery from the male point of view, which was strictly the master and slave life style. This would have left few traces behind as the male slave was seen as a beast of burden that did not interact much with the slave master. And when he did, it was on the Masters terms, which left no evidence behind. However the female slaves or family members would have had to interact with the rest of the community in language, food, clothing, and pottery making. They would have had no choice if they wanted to survive.

Now lets move over to Ur where the same language of Aramaic was used by Israelites and the people of Ur. Where pottery is almost identical to each group. Where the word Egypt was used for its name long before a small village in the Nile Valley was given that name by the Hyksos. Where Pharaoh was the name for King long before the Greeks adopted it for the name of Kingship in Egypt. And I might point out that since at this time in history the Greeks were now kings of Ancient Ur, or had invaded the ancient land of Ur before they invaded the land of the Nile, it is highly suspicious that they used the name of Pharaoh. There is no evidence that the word was used in Egypt before their time! If it was, then the Hyksos also introduced it during their time. A fact never mentioned hardly at all in Egyptology! Or should I say; never mentioned!

The big question then remains; why have the Archaeologists not discovered and corrected this massive error? And don't say it is because they were not aware of it. They must have been aware not only from reading the bible carefully, but from Archaeological digs in Ur. Unless they are as blind as bats the proof lies in the slave area of Ur and the evidence of slave quarters of the Hebrew race at or around the time of the captivity period and before the Exodus. And with those words we will now go on to exposing the true Exodus.



We will begin this section with a lesson on Astronomy and direction. The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. The North Pole is up and the South Pole is down. Keep those rules in mind. You see the Hebrew were aware of those rules also. I also suggest that if you have a computer, that as you read this you access Google Earth to follow the directions given in the Bible as we go along. When you live with no streetlights, neon lights, and signs all over the place you never see the stars at night. These ancient people lived outside most of the time and under both the sun in the day and the stars and moon at night. They watched the changes in the sky as we would watch the TV to find out what the weather was going to be. But mainly to know their directions to get around.

You can't get there from here! I just had to put that in, as it describes many of the situations and directions in the Bible as it has been interpreted by the church. There isn't much I can do about correcting the ignorant blunders by Archaeologists as they have no intention of altering their stories, as Velikovsky and Sitchin have found out. But always bear in mind that the early archaeologists were babies working from a terrible mistake that was made by the Roman Church and since they controlled anything to do with religion(the Bible) they controlled their history, and the church said that the Nile was the scene of the Exodus. However we are going to take a different journey and a different route entirely.

Remember this; the only sure thing that the people of these times knew was the direction of the Suns setting and rising and the stars at night. If I had my way once a year every city across the continent would have to shut off the lights for 1/2 hr to let people see the wonder above their heads, then they would understand the story of the Exodus as I am about to tell it. For not only did the sun tell East from West and North from South but the stars did also.

Now, if you look at the map of the mediterranean area you will see that there is only the one entrance by land to Egypt from Palestine and the East and it is in a westerly direction. In other words it is due WEST not south. This would have been obvious to all the ancient peoples from the position of the Sun and the stars.

So, in 12:o7 the Lord appears to Abraham and promises him land. He is in SICHEM, CAANANITE land. Abraham then goes to a mountain EAST of Bethel and from there he goes SOUTH to Egypt! Do you see the problem here? You cannot get to the Nile kingdom from there by going SOUTH! However you can go to the land of the ancient Kingdom of "Egypt" situated at the head of the Persian Gulf! Also called UR. In 13:1 Abraham leaves "Egypt.(UR) and goes SOUTH again. That would take him to Africa if he was in the Nile Valley. In 13:10 Lot looks up and beholds the Plain of Jordon. How could he do that below the present day Egypt? Do you see how screwed up the Bible has become? Because of this error in place names? There is even more confusion in this section of the Bible when they divide up the area of Sodom and Gomorrah, because afterwards Lot then journeys EAST to the Plain of Jordon! In 13:12 Abraham takes the land of Canaan! In the west! A vast expanse of land! It is obvious from these records that the area of this history is totally at odds with the present day knowledge of these sites.

In Genesis 15 "God" visits Abram and has him gather animals to kill. What true 'god' kills his creations? At this time this God makes a prophecy that Abrahams children will live in bondage for 400 yrs! And here we run into a very strange possibility that Sitchens gods may have created a time machine or if not a machine then mental time travel? Since we are very sure that this God of Abrahams is one of the Anunnaki this is a great possibility. We are doing time travel at this moment using adepts. Why not these aliens! We MUST look at all possibilities for our own present day survival!

In Chapter 39 Joseph is brought DOWN to Egypt. Palestine borders the Mediterranean Sea in an East, West direction. The only entry passage to the present day 'Egypt' is west of Palestine. If he had said 'over' and not 'down' then it would be the Nile, but he didn't. He said down! Ur is down from there!

Joseph prospers in Ur/Egypt with the help of the LORD! Not God, but the 'lord'. The two words are used but in different contexts throughout these chapters. Again in Ch.42 we have Jacob telling sons to go 'down' to Egypt for corn. There is great emphasis on Directions here! This is one very strange famine they are suffering through. They have fruits, honey, nuts, almonds, flocks and herds! In other words they are not starving to death at all!

Ch. 45:21 is very important as it shows that they had 'wagons' for transporting. To the modern world and in the field of Arch., this is interesting. While it does not state that a horse pulled the wagon,(It may have been a donkey at this point)it was the Tigris area that first domesticated the horse. Not the Nile river valley. They also invented or used the chariot drawn by the horses they trained. This information is crucial to the mystery. In this chapter we also come across the name of 'Goshen'. No one to date as far as I know has discovered where this land is. But as it is hinted that it is a land of Abundance it may refer to the land bordering the Western or Southern shore of the Persian sea. It too was once a land of abundance.

In ch.46, Joseph tells them not to admit to being sheep men as the land of Goshen hates sheep! I think that if you examined the history of the Nile you would not find a history of sheep farming anywhere in the vicinity. That may make you think that it proves this remark refers to the present day Egypt. On the contrary. It only proves sheep never reached that far south. You can't hate something that isn't around. But the Tigris area to the East was and still remains today one of the largest sheep area's of the world. Of course by the time of our new field of Archaeology, sheep were everywhere.

On this trip Joseph stops at Beer-Sheba to offer Sacrifice. Could this have been the "Sheba' of Solomon�s visitor? Since this Queen was supposed to be very wealthy and Goshen was nearby, any ruler of that land would be wealthy and very important. Joseph then goes to Goshen! The land of Plenty! Here Joseph warns them not to say they are sheep men as the "Egyptians" don't like sheep! Of course they would not like sheep in the Tigress or Euphrates farming lands or Goshen as sheep get away from their keepers and eat your produce.

We know from History and the present day that sheep herding spread out from the East to the Tigris River. The Tigris River originates from the Eastern slopes of Mt Ararat. And beyond that area towards the Black Sea is the river valley where the story of the Golden Fleece originated in Greek Legend. In one of the rivers flowing into the Black Sea, gold dust abounded. The method of collecting it was to put a sheepskin in the river at its full and the fine gold collected and was caught in its fur. The fur was then burnt and the gold melted into nuggets. From this story we know, from a time that may have been before the Exodus, that sheep were in the area of the Tigris River valley and on the slopes of the mountains of Iran. Sheep need cold mountain slopes in the Summer time to help their fur grow thick. There are none in the Nile Valley!

If the land of 'Egypt' was the lower Euphrates and Tigris river system and the fertile area then bordering the Persian Gulf, there may have been good reason to hate sheep that wander freely. As I understand it, the sheep are taken to the high slopes of the mountainous terrain East of the Tigris, for the summer months, then brought down again to the desert heat in the winter months. Where in the Nile Valley can they do that?

The strangest thing in this history is that while they have herds, meat, fruits, nuts, vegetables, yet these people were willing to sell themselves into slavery for corn and seed! They sold their herds and flocks for corn! What was there about this corn!

It was in this area that knitting was invented by the shepherds to break the terrible monotony of watching the flocks on the hillsides. That a family on the move and coming down off the Mountains in the winter would take sheep with them into an area of farming of grain would make them annoying to their neighbors. But the Nile has never had sheep along its banks. In Ch. 47, when introduced to Pharaoh they admit to being Shepherds! In 47/11 they are supposed to be in the land of Rameses! How can this be? Rameses is supposed to come at the end of their bondage, not 400 years earlier!

Why would they do such an odd thing as sell themselves for corn? The Question is; is this the same vegetable that we call 'Corn'? We, in the British Isles and Europe never knew or saw 'Corn' until the North American Indians introduced it to us. Did they call it Corn? Or did we give it that name? In fact we really don't know what this 'corn' was, that is referred to in the Bible! Could it have been their name for Wheat? The staff of life? What we need for making Bread?

In Ch. 50 Joseph and a large host GO UP to bury Jacob in the family plot! Again we have directions that don't compute for the Nile area. You would go across, or over, not up. But if Harron is the goal, the first city of Noah, then you would go UP from UR. Remember those directions of the sun and the stars? And since they went in chariots with horses, which also denotes UR where the taming of Horses was introduced by the Far East and the Steppes of Russia long before it ever reached Egypt. On this journey they mention 'going to Atod, beyond the Jordon River!" Would people coming from the Nile say; beyond Jordan River!" Which is North/East of there, or People coming from Ur, which is south East. I know this seems like nit picking but we need to look at all these direction clues to find the truth.

We are now entering the phase of the Exodus time line. And I have some surprises for you.



Exodus ch.1
Always remembering that everything recorded in the book is information that is important in the way of clues; so when the Bible mentions that the Israelites were breeding faster than the 'Egyptians' we have an interesting piece of information. Egypt of the Nile was a country that was made up of towns and cities bordering ONE long river. It was not laid out the same as most countries since they need to live near the water of life! There were NO other rivers feeding into it. There were arroyos that carried off rainwater when it rained occasionally, but those are not rivers! Canals may have been dug to create small lakes but they were fed by the Nile.

In the Nile Valley they built with stone. At the Mouth of the Nile they may have built with bricks. But they did not use straw in their bricks. Only in Ur did they use straw in their bricks to strengthen them! So what we are reading in this part of the Bible story of Exodus is taking place in UR on the Tigris and Euphrates river delta. When they are sent all over "Egypt' to find straw to make their bricks with that would be ridiculous in the Nile Valley! And there was no word of "Egypt" in the Nile until after the Exodus. But we will get to that later.

When the mother of Moses makes a basket ark of bullrushes she must have been living somewhere near the delta area in the vast marshlands at the end of the two rivers in Ur or not far from it. No mother would set a child adrift in a crocodile laden river. She might as well have killed it herself! But there were no crocodiles in this Delta area. Only in the Nile! Also, no Pharaoh�s daughter would have walked by the rush-strewn Nile where crocodiles lurked. And in those days it would have had many more crocodiles than the present time. Also at this point in time there were no Kings called Pharaoh�s in the Nile Valley! That name is from a later date. When the writing on the clay tablets found in Ur were translated the same story of the baby in the rush's was found recorded, and guess what? A princess found it? So we have two stories of the same event! Only, one is a story in a Bible and the other is a record from a royal residence. In other words one was recorded when it happened and the other put in a book made many centuries later.

There is a strange bit of information in the story of Moses when he kills a slave driver or overseer for hitting a Jew. The kings and their family in the Nile held life and death over their subjects I believe, so why didn't Moses have that kind of privilege as a Royal son? Or was his position less than we are led to believe? Or did this take place in the city of Ur of the Anunnaki? He evidently does not have any special privileges as he runs away when the Pharaoh finds out. Moses then runs to Median. While there are no time lines in these events, this is hard to swallow. Median had sheep! Sheep were not everywhere at this time period. Sheep were in Ur and the vicinity of Iran, and some were in the fertile land bordering the Persian Gulf. Goats and cattle and other domesticated animals were in the Nile Valley and up in around upper Palestine but not sheep. They do not really know where Midian was in Moses time! What do sheep need? Grass! Cool air! Mountain slopes in summer for their coats to grow.

This part of the Moses story does not make sense from the area of the Nile. Moses would have to go from the area of Cairo to the Suez to cross over, then cross the barren area of the Sinai to get to a land that would cater to sheep herding, 0f which there were none nearby! However, if he is running from Ur to the Arabian area below Ur he would still be in sheep country. South/West of Ur and inland from the Gulf is a low mountain area that would have been fertile with all the requisites needed for sheep. Here he meets Zipporah, his future wife and has a son. This was in the land of Midian. Of course no one knows for sure where Midian was! But it had to be near where sheep were first raised. Strange how some place names were lost while others never were. Places get lost from history when disasters strike them! The people are killed and the name forgotten. So we will be looking for cities that died later or were in the path of destruction. And that destruction could have been man made!

While Moses is a Sheppard in Median he takes the flock to a Mt. Horeb. A long forgotten mountain! Lost to History? We know three things about this phase of Moses life: 1. He is raising sheep that stem from the slopes of Iran that need grass and cool climate. He is also near a desert area. It has a small mountain with grass-strewn slopes. Inland from the area of the head of the Persian Sea and not far from where Ur used to be is a single mountain that once was Volcanic. It is called(?)

And here I must stop a bit to take you back to the Gods of our creation: The Anunnaki. Since this mountain. I speak of is in the area of Ur where our creator gods have or had their center, it would not be out of place for them to have used this mountain for their own purposes. There are many stories of them using mountains for bases to hide in. One of them is Mt Shasta. There is one in Duncan on Vancouver Island, the Olympics in Greece and another in the interior of the upper area of Alberta. It is important to understand that the Anunnaki were an advanced race even in that time. I know from information I received that they can manipulate Atomic structure! That is how they fly into mountains! And don't go splatt! It is how their creatures, the Yeti, the Big Foot, get around and disappear from sight into tunnels all over the continent from the North to the South. The same kind of tunnel systems that riddle South America.

There are those who claim that Moses ate hallucinogenic berries on the slope, which caused his vision. They lack the knowledge and the understanding of the Anunnaki and their advanced sciences. (For a listing of Sitchins books see notes at end.) This God claims he is going to bring the Israeli's to the land already settled by 6 Nations. The present day picture of the Exodus doesn't compute! Moses is to serve God on Mt Horab! Then this God, this mean little God, tells him to steal all the Egyptian gold, silver, and clothes! This is no God of Creation! This is a scheming member of the Anunnaki! And Mount Horeb is not in the Sinai, but west of Ur!

In ch4.25 Moses wife Zippora does not seem impressed by Moses. This appears to be the last he sees of her as she is not mentioned again. (Although Hollywood has her hanging around in their versions!)

In Ch 5:4-11, the people are told they will not be given straw for their bricks, but must gather it themselves. There is a difference between the bricks of Egypt of the Nile and that of Egypt of Ur. Bricks in Ur have straw in them. Egypt does not! 5/12 says that the people were "SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE LAND OF EGYPT TO GATHER STUBBLE INSTEAD OF STRAW. Since Egypt consists of a land that stretched from the Med. to the Aswan Dam area, this comment does not make sense. It does make sense if you move it to the area of Ur. While both were on a river system, Ur/Egypt was centered at the base of the two Rivers that emptied into the Persian Gulf.

In Ch. 6. only a person without wit would fail to see that this is a man claiming god status. But do we really know what is really meant by the word "God"? We have given it a meaning that might not apply to it. That it means someone in command or control fits, but does it really mean a true God of creation of the Universe? We have put that meaning onto it but it might not really mean that. In 6:20 we learn that Moses is the child of incest. His father took his aunt to wife. Why would that have been mentioned at this point?

In Chapter 7 of Exodus, we are now getting into the fanciful part of the Exodus. Moses and the priests are turning the rods into serpents. And now Moses turns the river into blood. Most impressive isn't it? For anyone who has read Velikovsky�s, "Worlds in Collision" this will not come as a shock. But even Velikovsky did not know the true horror of the battle in the sky between two planets; that of Venus and Mars, caused by a return of Marduk/Wormwood; the planet of the Anunnaki.

While we found a barren planet when we went to Mars, it was not always so. It was an occupied world like Earth, but Venus's runaway passage acted like a vacuum force that pulled off those living on the surface of Mars. And with them, most of the surface material that was upon it. Yet, like all the planets, Mars had a hollow inner world. Whether those inside survived or not I cannot be sure. I intend to draw a picture of one area inside Mars that I saw as a child. Maybe someday my story will be proven to be the truth. I mention these things because what you are about to read are a result of that knowledge.

Some of the matter that was drawn off by the passage of Venus past Mars was living bodies of people and animals. What happens to bodies in space when they loose the air pressure of their world that is caused by centrifugal force, is: it explodes. Or rather it has nothing to keep its bodily fluids inside. Millions of people would have been drawn into space by this suction movement of the passing planet. This matter would freeze in the airless cold of space. As the Earth travelled through a cloud of this matter the heat of its passage would liquefy it and it would rain down on the Earth. It need not have fallen over the entire globe, but where it did fall the heat of Earth would melt it and the land and the rivers would run red with blood. India has a record of a body falling from the sky, in a poem. Since there were no planes at that time the record of a body falling must be faced for what it really was. That the rivers running red with blood meant that every insect and amphibian in its path would have fed well and multiplied.


The Bible gives credit to Moses for Events he had nothing to do with! But the Anunnaki in their rocket and space vehicles would certainly know what was happening and take advantage of that knowledge to create a sense of awe for Moses! Note in Ch. 8:15-20 it states that,� Moses turned the "Rivers" to blood!" There is only one river in the land of the Nile, but in the area of the Euphrates and Tigris River systems there are two main rivers and many smaller rivers coming from the foothills of ancient Persia/Egypt that feed into the area!

Since this fall of blood is probably very old and not at all compatible with Earth life, those frogs and animals that drank the waters contaminated by it, would die all over the land. With the death of a large amount of fish, frogs, and other animals that drank the waters contaminated by it, would come an increase in insect life in massive amounts. Note there is NO TIME LINE for any of these events. In other words what we have going on is a very normal wildlife reaction to a massive fall of blood in a mountain region feeding two river systems and many streams, but not in the Nile region exclusively. This event happened all around the world. Read Velikovsky's, "Worlds In Collision" for the truth of this event.

In 26-27 the Pharaoh agrees to let them go three miles into the wilderness to sacrifice! Three miles from where? What point in Egypt, where a Pharaoh's palace is, is there wilderness? Along most of the Nile, three miles from it would take you to desert, except for the Delta region! No Pharaoh lived that close to a fly and bug infested delta! Granted he may have considered that a wilderness. But it was not a barren area in those days. People lived there! However the ancient city of Ur is not far from the wilderness bordering the eastern side of the Persian Gulf. Four to six thousand years ago it would have been a wilderness. Today it is built up.

The evidence gathered from all around the Earth by Velikovsky of the same events taking place in those lands, which also befell the Euphrates area proves my point about the Earth going through a cloud of matter from the collision with Mars and Venus! In Ch. 10:7, Pharaoh�s servants beg him to let the Israeli's go. Tell him "Egypt" is destroyed! Not quite yet! But with the last event, where all the first-born are killed, it finally IS destroyed! Yet! How can this be? Egypt has an unbroken history as far as I am aware. There is no period of silence in its records. Surely such utter destruction of a kingdom would have a period of blankness ending with great changes. Yet we read of no such thing in its history, both written and pictured on walls and stele. One writer out of all those record keepers writes of a terrible year! But there is no change of regime. No mention of the failure of the Pharaonic line for a period of recovery.

Yet, when we search the record of the land of the city of Ur, so great was the destruction that its name,� Egypt", vanishes from history! Only once is its name mentioned in the Bible. A book not compiled into the Bible until after the fall of Israel! Highly unusual for a city of the Gods! The name vanishes from the land of two rivers only to turn up later in a small city way up the Nile. Given it by the Hyksos! Those mysterious people who introduced the Shepherds crook as a Royal emblem. One that was introduced by the Anunnaki who created the sheep in Ur, their center of operations at the beginning of their visit to this Earth!

In all of these events there is a reasonable explanation if the Earth went through a cloud of matter floating in space from the Planet Mars. But what are we to make of the darkness for 3 days? The only reasonable explanation is a huge cloud of matter blocking out the Sun from the Earth. It has never been repeated since that time so this anomaly cannot be explained as a solar anomaly. Could it have been a plasma cloud?

In Ch. 12 the Lord starts a beginning count of the Months. There is a lot of creating of customs from this point on. This is a form of mind control by rites of passage. The ability to kill all the 1st born implies that they are different from all children that are born after. Very interesting if true. There are still a lot of things about the creation of life in the womb we still don't know about. But does it only apply to male children? The order to eat unleavened bread for 7 days implies that yeast can effect them. Or is this just another one of the patterns of control?

In 12/37 we now have a head count of how many people left in Egypt (UR) 6,000,00 men besides children, wives, mother, grandmothers.

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Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on July 5thth, 2005

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