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The medical world has no real answers for the cause of Dyslexia or even what it is. They know the symptoms and can diagnose it but that is all. I am going to give you a possible cause and reason for it and at the same time for other physical anomalies that may also be connected to the same cause, like autism and left-handedness.

My understanding came many years ago after the birth of my second son. He was Born with dyslexia. This was at a time when the word and the problem were unheard of by the general public and even most doctors. I first noticed the following odd behavior by the time he was two. When he was hurt or scared and wanted mother, he did one of two things; tried to dig into the ground or ran away from me calling for me! I had to run and catch him. Since I had two other children before he arrived, I thought this was odd. All of his other behavior was fairly normal. Then at about 4 years of age I noticed that he repeatedly banged into the walls when walking down the hall, and when you told him to come to you he went away from you. When you told him to go to the back door, he went to the front door. And vice versa. Directions were always done opposite. I remember one peculiarity he displayed not long after his birth. He needed minor surgery that could be done in the Doctor's office and I had been given some sedative to put him to sleep before I went in with him. Not only didn't it put him to sleep, he was awake for 48 hrs. There were symptoms of odd behavior but nothing you could put your finger on to take to a Doctor!

Then one day as I was reading a Sci-Fi book, it dealt with the possibility of a man born in reverse. All his insides were in reverse. Now I knew my son did not have that kind of a problem, but it did intrigue me and the concept stayed in the back of my mind. I soon found myself toying with the idea of a magnetic or electrical influence on the human body. I had had help in dealing with pain from a visiting Hindu Holy man who had come to my city to give lectures when I was young and had learned some things from him. And I had a book written by Yogi Ramacharaka, who had written a series of articles for the London Times in the late 1890's that talked about the electric body that was way ahead of it's time. I was also into astronomy in a small way at that time. I then decided to do a series of small experiments with my son. He had trouble learning to tie his shoe laces. When I realized that I was showing him how to do it in the normal fashion by standing behind him, I switched and faced him and his point of view then became backward or in reverse. He picked it up immediately!

As he passed the age of 5, I noticed that when you gave him a task or instructions there was a short period of waiting before he followed up on it. Then it struck me! He was only doing this when the orders had a direction of left or right, or back or forward! What he was doing was taking those few seconds to reverse the order in his mind to adjust to my world! Not only was he not stupid, he was brilliant! From then on I very carefully adjusted my behavior to his, with patience.

Then he started school! At first I heard no problems. Then I got a call from the teacher. I went armed with some real proof of what I was about to tell her. I had been carefully watching his first attempts at printing. I soon noticed that some of his letters were done backwards. I knew that there were letters that normal children did backwards, but he never did those ones in reverse. They were okay. It was other letters he did in reverse. Then when he cried because he was having trouble reading I got this strange idea. I held a mirror up to the page at an angle so he could see the words in reverse. He read them! No problem!

The teachers problem turned out to be that she considered him to be a smart alec because when she told him to go up to the front of the class he went to the back! Or he stood there for awhile before moving. After my explanations of what he was going through he had no more problems. By the time he moved on to other grades he had learnt to adjust himself to a world in reverse of his.

There were many adjustments the family made to his condition. One was that he needed a calm world around him in those first years. Not only did he learn to adjust he grew to be a great worker and is now a telephone repairman with a long job record.

Now; to try and tell you what conclusions I came to in researching his condition and those of other children like him.

We have an electrical system in our body. The world we live on has an electrical system. We are joined to that in ways we do not fully understand. That electrical system is also joined to the Earth's magnetic system. They are part of a whole, joined to the Sun and planetary system. When I read Vilakovsky's books I realized that the reversals of the poles and the Magnetic reversals could not occur without altering our electrical system and our magnetic system. That this would affect the brain either on the left side or right side hemispheres. I realized that if a reversal occurred when a woman was pregnant it would affect the child's field. Since we do not know the cause of left or right handedness, it seemed to me that this had to have some affect on the brain to alter it from the mothers orientation. I asked myself just what did science and the medical field know about this?

It wasn't interested apparently. And yet it seems to me to be a clue to a human energy field that is important to the connection between man and the very system he is born upon: The Earth and its magnetic field and its connection to the poles and the direction of spin of the Earth. How can we not be affected!

But more to the point - is this a way to tell if the Earth is altering it's magnetic field in any way? Are more children being born left handed now than in previous centuries? Are there connections to this field, so strong that it is affecting children in the womb? Who, by the way, live in a water world with little or no gravity! Is this a precursor to tell us that the Earth is destined for another flip? Can we be so finely tuned in the womb itself to the total affects of our entire solar system? Consider this;there are some children born these days so disoriented to this world, they must be hospitalized. And medical science has no answers to this problem! Are there records of these births long ago or is it new and getting worse? Is there a way for medical science to test these theories?

If any parent with a child who has these problems reads this article and does the same kind of testing that I did and gets the same results would they please contact me? It may be that I am out in the underlying cause but not the symptoms.

Since I wrote those words other research has shown that all the planetary bodies around our sun have an electrical affect on our Earth. If this is so, then the planet Niberu that Sitchin speaks of and that may be in our sky's again and coming closer is also having an affect on the Earth and also on us. In fact the other times it went past the Earth may have been the original cause of magnetic polarity in man and the reason for Left and Right handednes as well as other problems of orientation. The fact that Nibaru is in our sky's again may also account for the escalation of wars on earth. That something is creating aggression is obvious. And is the incidence of left handedness increasing as it gets closer? Will we see other symptoms appear that are unknown today? History tells us of the wars and aggressions that took place during its last appearance. But it doesn't record other things that may be of more importance. That of the kinds of births taking place on the earth. When did left handedness appear on the Earth?

You can contact me here;[email protected]

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on June 19th,2005

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