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An Abbey, dedicated to St.Elericus, once occupied the site of Elizabeth Castle. The fortress was founded on the ruins of this edifice in 1551, in the reign of Edward VI., and according to tradition, all the bells in the island, with the reservation of one to each church, were seized by authority, and ordered to be sold, to defray in part the expense of its erection. The confiscated metal was shipped for St. Malo, where it was expected to bring a high price; but the vessel foundered in leaving the harbour, to the triumph of all good Catholics, who regarded the disaster as a special manifestation of divine wrath at the sacrilegious spoliation.


About three miles from St. Helier, is a singular structure named Prince�s Tower, erected on an artificial mound or tumulus, and embowered in a grove of fine trees.

But it is the traditional history of Prince�s Tower that renders it interesting in the eyes of the islanders. In former times it was known by the name of La Hogue-Bye, and the following legend, quoted from Le Livre noir de Coutances, gives the origin of its celebrity: --In remote times, a moor or fen in this part of Jersey, was the retreat of a monstrous serpent, or dragon, which spread terror and devastation throughout the island. At length a valorous Norman, the Seigneur de Hambye, undertook to attempt its destruction, which, after a terrible conflict, he accomplished.(could this have been a form of Kamodo Dragon?)

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Last modified on July 15th,2005

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