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April 17th,2008 Good Lord! Is it that long since I posted anything in here? Oh well, I have been busy and as you can see on the main page I have added a few new articles to my site. And the world moved on without me anyway. Well, Bush hasn't dropped his atom bombs on Iran as yet, however I don't believe it will be too long now before that happens. He'll do it close to the end of his stay in office to muck it up for the next incumbant to handle and then say that they botched the job. I see more and more people down in the US are finally getting to realize that 9/11 was an inside job with the help of the Israelis. And just as I have predicted the cancer rates are climbing in New York. I would hate to live in the area of the middle east these days as the fallout from the future war is going to cost lives all over the place. Those are real dirty bombs that they intend to use and of course Iran will not retaliate to the US as it is too far away for her, but I imagine that Iraq and Israel will go down the drain along with a few other counties around the Gulf whether from direct hits or just the fallout from the mushroom clouds. It would be well to look up the wind drift in that area to see who gets dumped on. Most Canadians are ignorant about the wind drift fallout from Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its affect on us. I wasn't surprised when our lung cancer rates shot up after the war. However that did work well for the government as they could blame it on smoking and in this way make you pay through the nose for a butt. Since cig. are only about 29$ a carton and the rest is all taxes thats a lot of money in the coffers of the government!

July 31st,2006(?) I have been a little lax about posting anything lately as I'm still having problems with my eyes. They should be fixed soon though. I am writing a lot though on a raft of subjects which I'll soon put up on Articles section. I don't need to see to use the typwriter thank heaven.

May 16th,2006 Well, I'm baaack. After two cornea transplants and other events I am finally feeling up to some communication. One of the bits of information I would like to pass on is the fact that the date I just put in over this paragraph is WRONG! It is not 2006 people! The real date is 2012! How is that you ask? Well, when POPE GREGORY'S monks came back from a little trip to South America to steal all their books and destroy what they didn't want, they also brought back the information on their end times data. Then all of a sudden POPE GREGORY REDOES THE CALANDER DATING AND SETS IT BACK BY EIGHT YEARS. Thus Christ was born in 8BC and the end times is set for this year by the South American Long count. Lotsa Luck fella's. By the way, I see that the historians are claiming that he only put the date back by 2 years. Not in my book he didn't.

April 12,06 It's been awhile since I posted anything,but not because there is not anything happening. A lot is going on down in the US that is sad. I am watching that country deteriorating fast. They have been invaded by the Mexicans and they don't even realize it. How many will it take before they notice it? When they finally get taken over completly by voting in all there advocates? There isn't any army there to stop them either! They're all over the world playing soldier in someone else's backyard. Without an invitation I might add. The big question is; will anyone outside of the US care? Maybe the real question we should be asking is; just who were those concentration camps that were built all over the US really for? The invaders? Or the invaded?

February 22,06 If you want proof of the Bush Government being behind 9/11 it is found in the sale of the ports to Dubai. Since the Bush regime know that Arabs were not involved totally in 9/11 they know they haven't anything to fear from them. But their propaganda was so good it is now backfiring on them. That's a hoot!

Febuary 15,2006 I'm baaack! Having a bit of eye trouble since the last time I wrote. Got new glasses, (not a heck of a lot of help. Got cataracts and a blow out in one eye and am now on waiting list for cornea work. But sitting on top of the computor and squinting works just fine. The news doesn't look too good these days as far as world news goes. I'd have to say that mankind is reacting to forces outside of himself. This poor old earth is going through some major changes if I'm reading things correctly. I do believe that we will see a pole shift in the not too distant future. Does this mean that the earth itself will turn upside down? Or just the magnetic poles will change places. I don't think even the experts are too sure of the change. It's my belief that it will only be a magnetic shift in polarity. But don't think we will get off scotfree even with that. This will play havok on the wild life of this earth as most of it is oriented to the earth's magnetic field. Will it put a strain on the earth? Of course it will. All those rocks beneath your feet have minerals in them that react to magnetic flux. Those rivers of molten lave deep in the earth will also be affected. See my articles section on The Hollow Earth for some understanding of this event.

Would changes in Earth's polarity affect humans? Very much so. I have long held the theory that humans have been adjusting to this polarity change in very unique ways. There has to be a simple explanation for left and right handedness, For children born at this juncture to also react to the subtle changes taking place that we are not noticing. They exist for nine months in a flued world which means that polarity stresses can affect them in manners we know nothing of. But of course you are not going to get the scientific world noticing things like that!

November 21st,2005 I've just been watching a TV show on the great Influenza outbreak of 1919-20's and their efforts to contain it. I cannot believe how stupid people were then and today. All the efforts they went to to contain it were lost because of one little oversight. MONEY! They wore masks, they tried medications, they tried isolation and they forgot the one thing that drew all those people together. MONEY! It was the one single thing that tied everyone together. They had to buy things or sell things so money moved through the population without any hindrance. Paper money wasn't too bad but coins could carry the germs from one to the other without hindrance, just as it will today if an outbreak occurrs. We touch our mouths and our noses. We cough into our hands. We do not wash every time we handle money because we don't realize its ability to carry deseases. The most complete protection anyone can have is to wear surgical gloves if there is an epidemic if they are going to be handling money or charge cards.

November 8th,2005 I've been a little lax with this site lately. I've been doing some research into planetary construction(see articles section). Still watching the ignorance of 9/11 being disseminated on the net. Have you bought a new car lately? Made in the East? Check it out with a gieger counter before you buy. I'm claiming that the WTC was brought down with mini atombombs which is why they had to get rid of the metal beams so fast. And to a foriegn country. So take care of what you buy and who you buy it from.

August 13th,2005 TAPS FOR SMOKY SMITH; Victoria Cross holder, WHO PASSED AWAY THIS MONTH. I had a small crush on Smoky Smith for all of 15 min. He came into my Grandfathers store in Duncan when he came back to BC. I don't really know what brought him to Duncan but he came into the shop to say hello to the family and most of all to my Uncle Freddie as they had been pals together before the war. We were all so proud of him and excited to see him. I know that word flashed up the street that he was in town. I think My Uncle may have joined up with him but on a visit home notlong after he joined the army he contracted polio and was let out of the army. In our large family there were so many that fought in WW11. My father went in in the first week of the war. Three uncles, two of them into the Navy and on the same destroyer. Dad was in that famous departure picture taken in New Westminster. Mom and my brother where somewhere in that group of wives saying goodby to their men. Us older ones were in school so we didn't see him off. My older brother ended up in the merchant navy towards the end of the war and was one of the first ships to enter Rushia with supplies for them. Dad ended up in Aldershot in England in command of all small arms under 16mm for the Canadian army overseas. Both Uncles were in DDay. All came home safely. I hope that Smoky Smith is Remembered for longer than today. Thanks to that ass Truedough (you know who I mean), we barely have an army at all and no airforce and no Navy. Cigarette taxes alone would pay all the expenses for the forces and the politicians know that. And still keep paying all of our medical bills. On a $74 carton of cigarettes $45 of that is taxes!! Where is it going? The same place the interest on the taxes they take off your paycheck twice a month goes. Into limbo where no one can find it.

June 27th,2005 If American's want to bring down thier Government they can do it as easy as pie without a shot fired or creating an army of conspirators. And it's cost free. In fact you'd actually end up with money in your pocket! And it would take at the most two weeks to see results. HOW CAN YOU DO IT, YOU ASK! Easy, quit buying newspapers and magazines. I know! You're asking yourself now how can that bring down a huge government like the one in the US? Well, newspapers sell space in thier papers to advertizers. When no one is buying the papers they are losing BIG MONEY. So they pull thier ads. Papers don't make money selling the news, they make it on the ads. The same with Magazines. Now the people who own these huge companies are not going to be happy with this and they are the ones who actually own the Government and control every thing in the states. They'd soon get the message. But it wouldn't work if only a few people do it, it has to be the whole country that joins this crusade. If it snowballs it may take a little longer than two weeks, say a month? But the results would be the same. Good luck to you.

June 19th,2005 The United States is being destroyed from within so well that whoever is doing it doesn't need an army. The huge mass breakdown of the US is being done in such a unique method that it is almost a marvel to watch. I have a feeling that years from now people will read with awe how a very small country destroyed America, or maybe how it destroyed itself. And I very much doubt that it will be read with awe, more like with giggles. Why? Because the manner of it's demise won't be with Bombs and guns, but with drugs and sex. And Greed. That's the beauty of this form of warfare. You'll go out happy as hogs! Sex, drugs, food. That's the newest ammunition and it's working very well from what I read, see and hear. First there'll be a financial meltdown, followed by the inability to afford condoms, leading to overpopulation. And starvation followed by mass suicides when people can't get their daily dose of pop and hamburgers followed by depression. All very peacefully without a shot fired!

May 29th,2005 So the world has a new POPE. I suggest that all you good catholics out there go fast to your library and get the "History Of The Popes". It's really fascinating reading. Most of them either had wives in the closet or mistresses. And more children than you can shake a stick at. They have commited every sin known to man and then some. The youngest pope was barely into his teens. But they're getting smarter now. That's because we have newspapers,(or did)and telivision to record their shenanigans or some of them.

April 12th,2005 People should look a little closer at the role that reporters play when there is an event taking place such as the Terry Shiavo bruhaha. They have the ability to slant a story to get the most of it don't they? You should look at what else is making news at the same time. If not much then the papers are going to milk whatever is going in order to sell their papers. Their coverage of Terry and the Pope were way over the top and gave the impression that the entire world was of Catholic persuasion. Not so! In fact a lot of people did not like that Pope for very good reasons. But newspapers do not work for you the public, they work for the governments of what ever country they belong to. So take the news of the big rags with a grain of salt. Or better yet show your displeaser by not buying them. People tend to forget that they have a great deal of control over their world by boycot's. Since every one is out to make money, if their present behaviour doesn't make money they soon alter course. So Boycot the heck out of anything you don't like.

March 23rd,2005 What a strange todo with the schiavo case. Why is no one mentioning the money angle? I am aware that the expense of caring for this woman is a lot. So who's paying the shot? The Husband. And if it is from Mary's money he must be frantic if she's eating up the funds. He can't divorce her to marry his present 'wife' who has one child by him and another on the way. And exactly how did she get into this position? Is there any doubts about the cause of her illness? All the facts should be looked at in the case. It stinks to high heaven.

March 21st,2005 How to be a good neighbor? I have just been watching the tv show about how the US dropped a dirty bomb on Canada because of a failure by thier airoplane,(it burned up!)and they didn't even have the decency to alert our government to this fact! With friends like that who needs enemies? But what in heavens name is the US doing transporting Nuclear bombs in ageing aircraft putting not only thier own people in jepordy but the entire world at risk. What bugs me is that the show never mentioned if they located this huge dirty bomb or if it is still poluting our waters or did it fall on the land? Yes, I know the show said that they dropped it over the ocean but would you really want to bet your life on a country that lies as much as the US does?

March 13th,2005 I have been busy writing another book which I will soon be putting up on this website. In the meantime I am giggling like crazy over the US being angry at Canada for not going along with their program of putting nukes on our land. Why am I laughing? Well, we just had a fiery object go from California to around Seattle and no one knows what it was! The Astronomers say,'It might have been a meteor' Don't they know? For heavens sake it went over Palomar or close to it. That's an observatory for those not aware of that fact. And what ever happened to all those 'eyes in the sky's that the US is supposed to have? Didn't they notice it either? Or do they think a missile can only come from Asia or the Middle East. So does this mean that the American system of protecting the sky's over the US is a bust? Or did they know it was coming in but since it was not a missile they didn't really care where it would end up? I wouldn't count on them if I were you.

JANUARY 29TH,2005 I think the saddest thing about this world now is the debasement of men and women in the sex trade. It is a dehumanizing thing that is happening to men and women alike. It was what destroyed Greece and Rome. And it is now destroying America. It destroyed Germany and the Jews if what I am reading is true about the cause of the hatred in Germany. Now it has become a horror that the world will regret soon. When it goes so low that babies are at risk from this trade then you will begin to see the end of this world. The earth will cleanse itself.

JANUARY 16TH,2005 Have just finished reading my latest book which I feel everyone should read; THE DESTRUCTION OF ATLANTIS by IGNATIUS DONNELLY. But forget about the Atlantis bit as there is only one small chapter on that. I figure that he used that on his cover to sucker people into reading his book. Good for him! as this book is a must for people to read. What the book is really all about is the cause of the Ice Ages. When you realize that this book was written or published in 1885, by a rank amature in the Geology field you can understand why the academic world went nuts! To begin with he made them look like the fools they are. Secondly he scared the heck out of people. He was telling them that a Comet almost destroyed the human race, never mind what it did to the earth. And this at a time when there just happened to be a lot of Meteors wizzing past us. For a long time now I have been researching and trying to figure out why before the turn of the 19th century the scientific and academic world introduced three stupid and obviously erronious concepts. 1. Ice Ages. 2. Evolution. and last;3. The stable world theory.

All of them are bogus concepts but they are sticking to it like glue. I saw immediatly after reading Donnelly's book and the timing of it why they did this. For his book was frightening. Was he qualified to write on this subject? His book is very detailed and he has done his homework. There are some parts where he deals with folk tales that I do not agree with, but I am in the process of researching what I can in the book. Since I consider the information in it as important to todays world I will give a summary of what he deals with here.

His claim is that the underlying till and clays found at specific depths are not caused by the actions of Glaciers but by the contact of our Earth with the tail of a comet. It layed down a swath of debris in a specific pattern found on the east coast of North America over to the west coast of europe. He also claims that the Chicago Fire was caused by another comet fly by. It seems that the same kind of fires broke out all across the contenent at the same time. He then goes on to detail the chaos that took place. But that's enough for now. That our scientific community has put in place concepts that are designed to stiffle his theory is understandable in a way. Panic is a terrible thing and they were trying to deny this mans theories. But in light of the fact that they are trying to blow a meteor apart to find out what it consists of is also stupid as they have no idea what will come of the results of this. When I put up my page on this you will find it in the Articles section. Go to the bottom of this page and click on Articles.

NOVEMBER 17TH,2004 I'm Baaack!! I know it's been a long time since I entered anything, but I had a bad fall down a flight of stairs and broke a foot, and bruised the old body! That was bad enough but the hospital stay was an eye opener at how badly our medical situation is. Or should I say Hospital administration. I had taken my daughter out for lunch on the riverside on a lovely day and the only place to eat was on the patio of a pub where we could have a cigaret. Niether of us drink! But on leaving the place I fell down a flight of cement stairs. At 76 any fall is bad but stairs! We were all surprised when we found that I was not too badly damaged so I insisted on going home. They carried me to the car. When I got in I realized I was not doing too well so I asked my daughter to take me to the hospital. First mistake. I should have called for an ambulance. Entry to the hospital is more accepted by them in this manner. Two of us gave the details of my fall.When they heard the name of the cafe it was assumed I was drunk. And they wrote the information wrong. Saying I fell on a sidewalk. At 5" in highth that would have meant a fall of 5", but down stairs of over 10" a big difference to hospital personnel as far as injury goes. I told them I was diabetic at the time of admission at 3PM. I was then left in a wheelchair for the next 6 hrs with nothing to eat and noone but my children who had all arrived at my side to care for me. If my son had not gone to the desk we figure I'd have sat there till morning. My children had to go buy me food. For a diabetic this was a must. The hospital did not feed me! I was still in the wheelchair when they finally decided to Xray my foot. When they found out I could not get up on the table they had to do it by bringing in a portable. I kept mentioning that I had also injured the base of my spine and my right ribcage but no Xrays where taken at this time. They kept asking me if a drank much or was a heavy drinker!!! This, because it happened at the pub. Since I was sitting on bare metal you can image how bad the pain was in my tailbone. My kids finally got them to lift me onto a bed! Then the blood tests came back and the x-rays said I had a broken foot so they finally decided to Xray my spine! They now knew I was not a drunk! I suppose. This was at 10PM at night. Can you imagine how I would have been treated if my children hadn't been there for me? And in all this time no one at the hospital had brought water for me to wash with yet I fell on stairs that had probably seen dogs pee, people spit and just plain dirt! No wonder the hospitals are spreading deseases! I won't tell the horrors of getting my spine Xrayed. I was then placed in a storage room for supplies facing the open door. No privacy at all. They claim that they brought me juice but I don't remember that. There was never soap to wash with then or in the morning! Or water! I watched personnel standing around yakking in the hall and down near a desk as if there was no one to look after. But what really got this old lady (who remembers the days when nurses took pride in wearing the uniform of a nurse and you could tell their rank by their caps) You couldn't tell if they were hospital personnel or someone off the street! So much for the way hospitals are managed today. I am not surprised at all the suing going on or the deaths from flesh eating desease in hospitals anymore. THERE IS NO SANITATION GOING ON IN THEM. WORKERS ARE LAZY AND NOT INTERESTED.

October, 19th, 2004 WOW, THE CANADIAN ARMY IS GOING TO GET THE EQUIPMENT THEY NEED! We must be the laughing stock of the world. Imagine a country that is so cheep it can't provide it's military with equipment. Why don't they use the tobacco tax to outfit the forces? After all with almost $30 a carton in tax's we must have at least 1 billion a year coming in for that. OH! I forgot! That tax is what is paying for everyone's free medical. Or it should since it is big enough to. What would the government do without that tobacco tax? They wouldn't have enough money to pay off their friends and line their own pockets now would they. Or they could pay for the militaries supplies from the interest they get on our prepaid taxes! (see articles section, TAX SCAM)Or we could stop bailing out third world countries who's leaders line their own pockets before they help their people.

October 15th,2004 I'm baaack. Had massive computor problems but finally got that fixed Now all I have to do is find out how to make my new computor comply with my orders to let the html be and stop making it into htm. As that is not compatable with my site. I will master it I promise. Then I can start putting up more pages on my site instead of having to use this page for new information.

September 7,2004 I'm rereading Sitchins books on the Nefilim/Anunnaki, and can't help thinking what a bunch of misfits they all were. A sure proof that we are descended from them genetically. We have all the same attributes as they had. Jealosy, greed, conciet, anger, hate, dirty dealing, murder, oversexed, you name it we have it. So why should we be surprised that we love war and killing our fellow man, screwing anyone in sight, cheating each other, etc, etc,. Welcome to reality. Although, I did hope that we could have improved on our creators a bit. Don't you?

I am still researching 9/11 and finding that my analysis of what happened is getting backed up by what information is coming out. In case you never read my earlier report on what took place I will repeat it here for the record as some of it has still not all come to light. It starts back a few years before 9/11 but after Bush srs. failed war on Iraq. They must have wanted that oil very badly. 1. The US invented a mini hydrogen bomb. 2. They perfected the science of drone planes. 3. They tested their bombs on the FBI building. FBI personnel that they did not want to rub out were ordered to stay home that morning and not to take their children to the kindergarten. Special units went in after and dismantled and took away some bombs that did not detonate for some reason. Timothy Mcvie was brainwashed to take the fall.(added note. I see where they have made the site into a memorial park. Was this to hide the fact that the land is contaminated? Too hot to let anyone build on it? It would be interesting to go over the ground with a geigercounter wouldn't it?) 4. Israili's were in on the World trade towers and the proof is in thier behaviour previous to it and so one of their businesses pulled out of the WTC a month before 9/11, Gold in the basement was moved 2weeks before. 5, Long before Sept. the planes chosen had drone components installed during routine maintenance. 6. Long before 9/11 Israeli's were put in charge of airport security. 7. Long before 9/11 those mini bombs were installed in towers 1 and 2 and 7, 8. Two days before and up to that morning put options were taken out on the airlines involved. This was not planned but opportunistic manuevers by the greedy. 9. On the day of the attack the covered walkways leading to the planes were set up so that a new route was opened to other planes. I also believe that the reason there were so few passengers on board was because they only booked passengers who had booked far enough in advance for them to find out information on them to use the day of the attack. 10. The airports detectors were put on the lowest setting so that no metals triggered an alarm. 11. As the people boarded what they thought were their flights they were really getting on other planes. The empty planes they should have been on took off by remote control. Another reason why so few were booked for those flights for that day. 12. Airforce planes were told to fly slow or delayed so that they would not be able to see inside the cockpit or the windows of any of the planes to see that they were empty. 13. The hydrogen bombs were the only possible way that the towers would come down as the steel in the buildings were of the highest grade. No small sticks of dynamite were capable of bring them down. Ask the experts. 14. During all the hulabaloo two planes with the real passengers landed at an airport with the made up story that they had a bomb onboard. The passengers then deplaned and disappeared from history. One woman supposedly from this group gave an interview but where is she now and where are the others? There is no record of them because they were not passengers from these planes but from flights that plowed into the towers and the pentagon The number that they recorded is exactly the number of passengers that died. They dissappeared into the CIA building and have not been seen since. Since when did you hear of an American that had a wonderful story to sell to the press not come forward. Where are the stories from these people? They're not played because the CIA needed body parts for the towers. It was impossible to make those calls from the planes but they could make them from the CIA building and make it real if they were told a lie. 15. When they sold all the metals from the wtc to an unknown country it was done very fast because that metal was 'hot'. Meaning it is contaminated by the hydrogen bombs. They could not sell it to locals as it would kill them. I do hope the people who bought the crap test it, but in the meantime I would not buy any metal objects from a foriegn country if you want to be safe. 16. Three months after 9/11 they finally reached the 7th basement level and found redhot liqued metal pools at the bottom of the steel shafts. Air- plane fuel can't melt metal of the quality that steel was! But H bombs can. SO RETHINK 9/11. ONLY THE MILITARY OR CIA OR SPECIAL OPS WITH THE HELP OF ISRAEL COULD HAVE PULLED THIS ONE OFF

For all of you Canadians out there (and the Americans crying over their prices for gas,) the real price for a gallon of gas is now almost $4.00 a gallon as there are four litres to a gallon remember? We should be screaming our heads off at this highway robbery by this government. This was the real reason they switched to the metric system. So you wouldn't realize how you're being taken for a ride!

Over a week ago I mentioned to a friend that I felt that the Americans would try to offset the events in Iraq by finally revealing the presence of UFO'S. The recent pictures of the films taken by Mexico are the start. Don't be surprised by more evidence coming forward from now on. The American government will be hoping that this will take the heat off of Bush in the comeing months and allow him to withdraw his troops out of Iraq in order to "protect" the homeland.

Well, I am going to have to use this method to write my articles now since I cannot seem to get my other pages up. I have been rereading Gibbons, DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE FOR THE SECOND TIME. It is always amazing to me how we sometimes find more of interest in that second reading. I have become intrigued by his discription of Jerusalem in the days of Julian. The discription of the Muslim Mosque is far larger than what we now see. Nor was it built on top of any building but is described as siting on Mt Moria on the ground! He also had his builders putting up another temple for the Jews since he seemed to hate the christians and knew this would annoy them. They did not get to finish this building due to fires that broke out constantly. Now it occurred to me that during the crusades we really don't know for sure what went on there at that time. But what if the crusaders destroyed that first muslem temple and then after the saracans (Arabs)took over Israel they erected a new temple ontop of what was left of the building that Justins men left? The information on this is in ch.24. At least that backs up Josephus's writing where he claims he saw the site of the temple and it was totally gone. Why would he have lied about that? If this isn't the same temple that the jews built then what is this building? Who built it? Questions that drive me crazy!

Sorry folks, their will not be any Egyptian Hieroglyphs until I can get this new program of XP to stop overriding my html programing with it's own. It's driving my up the wall as I can't even correct pages because it insists on altering them which means my website carrier refuses to admit them to my site. Maybe someday I will work it out.
I am sorry to see all the excitement over the movie that Mel Gibson has recently produced. Since the entire story of Jesus is a fake this movie means that the Vatican is going to stick to the lie it has perpetrated on the world for over 1400 years. I would recommend people read the latest book on the true story of Jesus;THE BIBLE FRAUD BY TONY BUSHBY. The Vatican is well aware of this book. For it to indorse this movie at this time is an effort by them to offset the affects of this book. A quick rundown on the contents of the book. And just remember this; the jews have always kept track of their history so they have always known about this story. Mary was the grandaughter of King Herod. Not a poor peasant girl. The Herods were cosy with Rome so on a visit there Mary was impregnated by a young Tiberius, She had twins in Rome. They grew up in the Palace of Augustus Until they were sent to the Essenes at the age of 8 or 9. Mary married at least 2 times. Joseph of Aramethea was her uncle. Mary Magdaline was the sister of Jesus from one of these marriages. Jesus was the good twin and his brother Judas Kristus was the bad twin. Judas was the one condemned to die by Rome for a crime but since the twins were the heirs of Tiberius and also Herod, he had the option of having a substitute die for him. This took place! But he then lost his position of heir to Jesus, so Judas was sold to an East Indian and went to India. Jesus ended up in England with the whole family and was known as Cymbaline, a king of Wales. By the way he followed the anciant rule of the Anunnake and married his sister Mary magdaline as well as others. The Church has known of this all along as these are anciant Roman Records. The Romans were very good at keeping records. Many of the Famous painters down through the years have told this secret in their paintings by showing Mary with 7 children around her, including Jesus and many showed his twin in their pictures. Look them up.

The current fooforah going on over this governments handling of the money earmarked for advertising to offset the Quebec political scene was just another way for this government to make friends rich. We all know that and if we don't then we are really stupid. If Quebec really wants to leave Canada that badly then maybe we should consider letting her go. It would be a great monetary relief to the rest of Canada. Just think of all the money saved in packaging alone. Or do you really think that the extra printing isn't the reason for food costing so much? And the savings to the government in duplication of government files would take all the poor off the streets. It might even result in lower taxes. And the hidden costs of payouts to Quebec would disappear maybe? Of course Quebec would have to make some major changes to it's economy if it did cecede from Canada. Lets take a look at some of the major changes it would have to go through. It's own army; and it would have to be a big one as the US would like to have that land. It's own diplomatic service; and you know from recent events(cough,cough) how expensive that would be. And of course France would probably start making motions to take it back, claiming that it belonged to them in the first place. It's own passport, post office, police force, would have to be set up. And it would have to combat its own problems with illigal immigrants. But all that would not be our concern now would it? And there is always the remote possibility that they may rethink leaving Canada! Wouldn't that be a hoot! I for one would hope so, as like the annoying sybling she can be a pain in the butt, she's still family!! and a bit of a jewel.

I intend to use this page to comment on things that I find either amusing or irritating or just downright stupid. You may not always agree with me, but I reserve the right to freedom of speech. If you have something that you wish me to comment on in these pages, I will,(at my discretion) be happy to give you a voice.

The latest news coming from the media over the raid on the BC Legislature buildings is shocking! That the Federal or Provincial Governments of Canada were unaware of the scam of signing up a voters list of BS is hard to swallow. I for one don't believe it. We should call for a review of the past four years voters lists to find out how deep this scam is and how long it has been going on. Are all our elections a fraud? Are there people in office who don't belong there? And what was Dave Basi's real intent in this vote fraud? To insure that a majority of East Indian Canadians were elected to certain ridings? Or is there more to this that includes the drug culture?Or even illigal immigration? How deep does this go in the Federal Government?

I am constantly amused by Catholic and Protestant's every time they use the word "Amen" at the end of a prayer. Do you never wonder where the word comes from or what it means? It is the name of an Egyptian God! So every time you pray you are praying and calling upon this God! Who set that one up? Did the early Christians use that? Did the Hebrews use that?? Interesting! AMEN WAS AN EGYPTIAN GOD!

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Last modified on Oct.5th,08

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