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The first question everyone asks themselves is; why didn�t the Archaeologists know or see what these two men saw? I'm going to attempt to answer those questions, because it's puzzled me also. When I began to see Ur as the site of the Exodus (See my site on:History unmasked) I had to question the reason why the Archaeologists were blind to it. On that concept I have been reading the history of the field of Archaeology.

As a science it is pretty new. It is actually an offshoot of history. You can say that it is a science designed to prove history by reading the stones and garbage of the past.

It began as a science during the Napolionic war when that great general invaded Egypt. (In fact he should be honored as the father of Archaeology.) With much forethought he took with him scientists, artists and engineers. They drew pictures of the Sphinx, the pyramids, and the temples and statues to take home to the people of Europe to dazzle and puzzle them. It was a mystery that has invoked their curiosity ever since.

The next step was the uncovering of a great stone carving in the eastern lands, by Botta, which aroused the interest of Europe. Among them was Layard. You might say he was the real cause of the growth of Archaeology when he uncovered Nimrud, Ninevah and other large tells.

But what where they looking for? And what did they know about the things and the sites that they were uncovering? In other words, how did they know how to read the signs of what they were digging up? Two things gave them their knowledge; the Bible, and the writings of the Greeks.

The Bible was the history of the Hebrews that encompassed the history of the Middle east from the time of the flood to their demise as a nation at the time of their captivity in Babylon.

The writings of the Greeks that gave a history of the Mediterranean lands and the near and far east encompassing the Caspian sea on the north to the plains of India on the east to the lands of Egypt and North Africa on the south. Within that information was the writing of the men of Alexander�s army after he conquered the land of the middle east and Egypt.

The acquisition by Rome of the Christian religion actually began with Paul not long after the supposed death of Jesus. It�s full acquisition began with Constantine through his mother who had been converted to Christianity. This gave them control of the Bible and it�s knowledge. From that time on, knowledge of the east was shut down until the time of the Crusades.

Not only was the gateway to the East and it�s knowledge shut away from the west but by the time of the 6th century AD, almost all knowledge was being lost to the general public and being held in the hands of the elite and the Church.

This secrecy almost broke its bounds when the Crusades took place and men from the west invaded the lands of the East and saw with surprise the great cities of the so-called ignorant Muslims who guarded it�s frontiers. (That they were far from ignorant is common knowledge now or should be.) For the first time in quite a while they saw the remnants of great civilizations that had come before them in the ruins and broken statues. They must have asked themselves why this had been lost to them. But none of their questions were answered. What it probably did was pave the way for the Protestant religion to surface.

It was not until the discovery of America that these chains of ignorance finally broke its bounds. To men of knowledge and wealth and power the Church had been caught in a great lie. The knowledge that the world was round had been known in the early days of the Church. Yet the Church began the lie that it was flat! Why, we will never know. Maybe to keep people from exploring and learning other religions existed?

The next breakthrough came with the fall of the Alhambra in Spain. Some bright people managed to save a great many books that were there and smuggled them out to the rest of the world before the Church could destroy them or hide them in the Vatican. What were those books? The lost writings of the Greek philosophers and Romans and Persians. Books on Astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and geometry. They were copied by hand and found their way to the rest of the world. Knowledge was no longer in the hands of the Church.

For those of you who are not familiar with the history of Spain, it had been held by the Moors since not long after the rise of Mohammed. They were part of his army that in a way broke off from too much contact with the east. Partly because of the distance from Arabia and partly because those Moors had found a wonderful life in Spain and didn�t want to spoil it. While it was held by them there was a certain amount of free trade with the middle eastern lands and many Jews were welcomed to it�s shores when Europe was busy killing them. They brought with them and their free trade the writings of the East and copies of the ancient books of Greece and Rome that were lost to us for some reason or other. These were honored and kept in the great center of learning held by the Moors, The H�allambra.

From that date on the world of science and learning began to open up the world. The usual wars went on in Europe, but it was not until the advent of the printing press and the Napoleonic wars that we were reminded once again of the Near East, and Egypt.

The recording and printing and collection of artifacts by Napoleon set the western world on fire with curiosity. But it was not until the entry of Layard on the scene that the east really came alive for us. When the wealth of statues and artifacts he was finding and the ancient cities he was uncovering were shown to the people and written up in books that the actual field work of Archaeology was begun and then at great cost to the men who went from the cool climates to the deserts and the heat of the middle east in order to bring to us the past history of the world.

And it was a puzzle. Mainly because we could not read the words they wrote! The languages and writing had died out long ago. Then they managed to decipher the Rosetta stone. A stone found by one of Napoleons men while he was there in Egypt. It had three languages written on it. Hieroglyphics, Egyptian writing and Assyrian.

Layard and others found many thousands of clay tablets in the libraries of Ninevah and Nimrud. But they couldn�t be deciphered either because they were in a very old form of writing of wedge shaped marks. It took many years before they broke that code of writing. And when they did the past came alive. But it was unknown to us!
So what did we do? We interpreted the information based on the Bible and the new information coming out of Egypt and the writings of Greece and Rome. But the Bible, Greece and Rome were late in mans history and these clay tablets went back to the time of the flood and before. What they found out that didn�t make sense they ignored or swept under the carpet in a manner of speaking.

From that time on all of our Archaeology was on a path it could not break free from. Why? I have already explained to you the structure of the Universities and how they function. They are massive chains that are almost unbreakable. But we must break those chains if we are ever to learn the truth of who we are and what we are.

In the 50's Velikovsky finally got his first book published. One publisher in England who was in the middle of getting it out was told by the Universities there that they would boycot his business if he did. Since most of his steady business came from text books he stopped the publication. (something tells me that he would have made more money from Velikovsky's books than the University's business gave him! so in a way you can say that God fixed him.)

I bought it when it first came out and every book he wrote after that. This was a brilliant mind at work, but one who also did his homework well. Using information from every country in the world, on it's past he put together a scenario of great disasters that had befallen this earth. And also to some extent explained how we could forget it. I have a good memory for events and since I was old enough to read the newspapers at the time, I have not forgotten the last war and what happened. Yet it has faded from the minds of others or for political reasons been altered. So forgetting a world collision and it's aftermath is quite probable in my estimation. Which of course is what happened.

Then in the late 70's or early 80's Zacheria Sitchins book appeared on the scene. I actually found his book in the religious section of the Library. A section I do not often visit but when I do I know I am led to it. It was his,"Stairway To Heaven". The record of how an alien group came to this planet and eventually created the Adamic race. This information was all on the clay tablets from Ur, Ninevah, Erich, Urak, and other sites, as well as Egyptian. Also in the art paintings, and statues of the past.

I have combined the knowledge from their books with the Bible, in showing a new way to read this work. There is always the possibility that the creator was involved, but by using nature for the miracles. And mans own needs and desires for the rest. And I am sure that you would admit that a God of Creation would know how his chosen one would behave and react according to how he was conditioned.

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Last modified on Oct.20th,08

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