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Let's just suppose for a bit that we accepted Eric von Daniken's theory
of an Alien beginning as worthy of being added to the other two Western
Theories of the History of man and see what comes up.

First of all let's look at the two theories we do have.

Based on the Jewish Torah, which teaches the creation of the world and
of the Adamic race, the flood, and the history of the Semetic people;
Christianity and Muhammadism are but offshoots of this religion and
belief. Their basic belief and all their knowledge about the beginning
of man comes directly from the books of the Torah.

I don�t think anyone today can deny that the Old Testament is an
accurate book of historical data pertaining to one race. Much of its
recorded events have been proven via Archeological digs. But its
history is parochial. It was totally concerned with the Hebrew story
and only included other nations as they became involved with them.
The only reference point where we can possibly join up the other
races of the world to this beginning lies far back in its history
to the story of the Tower of Babel. This event speaks of the
dispersion of the survivors of the flood.

As you can see, whenever we dig up and examine the past of historical
man around the globe we are always on the lookout for History based
on the Biblical Genesis. For a common denomination stemming from the
Hebrew historybook.

The other theory is based on Darwin's study during his 5 year voyage
around the world. This theory states that all life had a common
beginning and that at some time in the far past each species
separated from a former species and evolved upward to all the
varieties of life as we know it today; Man included, although Darwin
never ever stated this in his books. Darwin wrote his book around 1864,
before the world of DNA and genetic engineering was known. So, as
you can see, whenever we dig up pre-historical finds and examine
them, we are looking for evidence that will show the bridge between

One theory states that man is a creation of chance gene alteration
far back in time that allowed him to develope the faculties of reason.

Another theory states that man was a creation of his God and that he
was created without any infancy for the first man and woman. And that
from these two the rest of mankind springs.

Now, von Daniken�s theory states that aliens (man that advanced to the
creative stage millions of years before us on other worlds) came to
the Earth and had a hand in our development.

Carrying that theory many steps farther is Zecharia Sitchin with his
interpretation of ancient writing and hyroglyphs. He too is for the
alien beginning.

Considering the knowledge that we possess today in genetics, space
flight, etc., it is truly unreasonable to throw out these theories
offhand. In fact the theory should be quite valid from the standpoint
of advanced sciences. Not as a fact, but as a theory. Just supposing
we now had three theories to work with that scientists in all fields
could use without fear of ridicule. What would happen in the world
of human thought? Or should I say, what is happening, because out
there in the "land of real" are young men and women who are already
adding this third dimension to their thinking.

1. In the world of anthropology we would no longer have to ignore
academically the pure evidence of a projectile wound (bullet hole)
in a prehistoric animal skull. Evidence of mans foot prints found
with saurians. The fact that we can�t find a true missing link.

2. In the world of Medicine an answer to alergies. After all, why
should a species that is descended from the roots of all other
species in the world be allergic to anything in the world. If the
famed writer, Velikovsky, is correct in his belief that oil fell on
the earth in ancient times from the passage of Venus, it's no wonder
we are developing allergies and cancers at an alarming rate now that
we live surrounded by byproducts of Oil. (oops, I forgot! Mustn�t
upset the oil barons.) You see? The alien concept belongs both
ways! If we belong to Earth that still allows for alien
intervention in our lives.

4. In the world of Archeology an answer to the riddle of advanced
knowledge too far back in our past to belong to our present view of
mans history. A new look at decoding some of the pictures and symbols
and writings of the ancient world. The symbol of the �Tet� in Egypt
that looks like a giant transformer. The symbol of the �Tree� all
around the middle east and Egypt that looks like a genetic �tree�
or map of future growth. An answer to the Ramayana and the age of
�Vimanas� (flying cars or planes) in India. An answer to mythologies
of the Gods in all lands and religions or beliefs. An answer to what
was meant by the word �God� in ancient times.

5. In the world of Sociology an answer to the sudden appearance
around the world of a complicated social order with cities, etc.
The concept of fire as a gift from the Gods when we were supposed
to have plenty of sources of fire on the world as we know it now.
But on a world that had no rain, no winds, no lightning, no
earthquakes, no lava flow, therefore no source of natural fire,
then fire would be a gift indeed. And that is the description of
the world before the flood. The same concepts of Gods, Overlords,
Superior beings, etc., as the bearer of civilization.

And to the purer sciences or those that function without religious
biases because there is no room for it in their field (or shouldn�t be).

6. In the field of mathematics they might review the Yoga system
of dating wherin the use of numbers reach far beyond the milliard
mark or googals. They might ask why the Chinese invented an instrument
like the abacus that counts, adds, subtracts far faster than our
computors and handles immense numbers.

7. In the field of Genetic Engineering they might review the old
myths and legends of creatures straight out of a DNA fiddlers dream.
We also have reached the point where we dream of combining the
qualities of two or more species to produce a third that would breed
true. But if legends are not myths then someone beat you to it. It
may have been the same creatures that were busy creating men from
the �dust� or basic material of the earth way back when. And in our
own present time it would open the door to a freedom of thought that
would allow wider scope to answering the many riddles we encounter.

After all, even if the universe was created by the �ONE�, the
ABSOLUTE, and life was called into being by this method, as I believe
it was, that was only a starting point on all worlds, not just this
little bitty one, and evolution took place from then, that still
leaves the open possibility of a later visit and manipulation of
life by those life forms that evolved ahead of us on other worlds.
We may well have a triple past on this planet and I am surprised by
men of science and intelligence who cannot see that or handle
that concept.

When I was in the British Museum I stopped to gaze at the frieze
depicting the Battle of the Amazons with the Centaurs. It puzzled
me. We have studied this countries history in depth and must grant
them a high degree of intelligence, even by todays standard. When
the Western world was in darkness they were in the light of day and
reason. They had enough commerce from the rest of the world around
them to have a clear idea about the flora and the fauna of their area.
Why would a highly sophisticated country depict and record in stone
for all the world to see - an outright lie? One designed to make them
objects of ridicule if the subject matter were false. Men fighting
and being killed by women warriors would not be a subject for a
sculpture of commemoration unless it was true. From what I have
seen of the men of that part of the world this would be the last
subject for a large and important statue even if true, unless there
was something special about the battle. There was. The utter defeat
of the tribe of the Amazons and their warrior Queen. You hear no more
about them in history. They were considered formidable fighters.

In order to understand the present way we see and interpret Greek
art and Greek history we must realize that most of that interpretation
has not been done by the Greeks themselves who should rightly have
been the purveyors of such knowledge. Western man first had contact
with the remains of ancient Greece during the Crusades. And a more
greedy and mindless bunch of men they were. They came for wealth not
knowledge. For conquest and gain, but in doing so they may have taken
back anything portable they could. And tales of what they saw were very
portable. With the Renaissance an interest in all things Roman, Greek,
and Egyptian began. But this was still the time of great power of the
Christian Church and any hint that these myths coming out of the near
East had any truth to them was dangerous. It did not have any basis or
parallels in the Bible. ALL history had to conform to our Biblical
beginnings. This was before the days of Darwin. All Sculptures,
stories, artworks, scenes that did not conform to our Bible and the
world as we had formed it in our minds, were termed myths. Later, all
the above had to conform to our theory of evolution. When it didn�t,
out it went into the great land of Myth and Fable.

Can you imagine then their first sight of this Frieze depicting
Centuars? And women warriors? Women Warriors must have been hard
enough to concieve of 5 or 6 hundred years ago, let alone half man
half horse. But half man, half horse was intriguing and still is.
The fact that oral and written history in Greece spoke of them as
real did little to help work out the problem. And they also had the
church to contend with in Greece. A far more militant church than was
found in England or France. So we solved it by declaring it to be a
myth or a symbolical depiction.

If we today with our science of genetic engineering are considering
the possibility of re-engineering humans to survive underwater or on
new planets, and in the process discover that we are able to create a
being that is half man, half horse then that Frieze of Centaurs becomes
a startling piece of evidence of a past that is totally different than
what we have been led to believe.

While it does not neccessarily imply that the Ancient Greeks were
into altering the DNA to create strange forms of life, it does suggest
that at some point in Earth�s history someone was advanced enough to do
this. And that points straight to the �Gods� of Greek history. A very
overused word that; �god�. A word that denotes any being who is
worshipped, feared, revered or placated in some fashion. Or any being
who displayed knowledge or abilities beyond what was known to others
at the time.

If you have only the experience of reading the Christian Bible or the
Torah you are conditioned to believe in only one God. He assumes the
role of creator of the Universe and personal God to the race of man.
It is a very young religion as religions go. Quite new in mans concept
of creation. Older races and religions had a very distinct division of
this Creator theory. If you study them well, there was never any effort
to deny that the Universe was created by an Omnipotent force, or The
One. But that was totally distinct from the Pantheon of Gods and
Goddesses that ruled the formed creation.

There was nothing God like about them really except some of their
abilities. In fact as you read about them they are pathetically
human in depth or scope, needs and desires.

We ourselves are duplicating most of their abilities or coming
close to duplication of them.

No scientist worthy of the name can close his or her mind to any
idea�s that stand up to the first basic law of theoretical possibility;
is it possible? Is it probable? Is it concievable?

No one on Earth expects a theoretical proposal to come as a finished
product. It is offered these days as a working hypothesis for further
consideration. Too often these days I see �theories� handed out as fact
in certain fields of science where there isn�t a hope in hell of proving
that theory or statement.

Before we go racing off to the other planets or exploring space we had
better study our past first for clues to any possibility that may tell
us what or who is also out there. It is far better for mankind to have
its own members shatter any erroneous beliefs we may hold than to have
it shattered from an encounter in space.

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on Oct.20th,08

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