



"Greetings to the people of Earth from the Families Of The Inner Stars. I am called Pheadeknosses. Which translates out to roughly ...Fairway. I was chosen as Ambassador to Earth by the Quadrant I represent. I am not normally an Ambassador, but was chosen for this honor because of my telepathic qualities. This is the first official visit Earth has recieved from space in quite some time and it is not taking place the way either of us desires it. Ans so you must hear first things first.

"As a mother myself, I understand how many of you are feeling and so, I will ease some of the pain for you immediatly; all the youngsters are alive and well and thriving."

At these words a great sigh could be heard from the audience and some quiet weeping began. Around the world families hugged and kissed each other and wept tears of relief. They were still alive! There were others though that became stoney faced and their lips were set in thin lines. This woman had more to tell them than that.

Pheadeknosses continued: "It will have been noticed by now that no interpreters are needed for my voice." At this the people realized that they were hearing her in their own tongues. What they had taken for granted and as natural, since each individual assumed that their�s was the first tongue spoken by mankind, now became seen for the wonder it was. It was hard to comprehend when it no longer belonged in the pages of a science fiction book.

This was real! "Each of you is hearing me in your own speach and receiving the message in as close an interpretation of idea�s as will let you understand the meaning of what is said. I suppose it isn�t enough that I do this; you want an explanation of how? I am a telapath.

"I bridge the gap with mental images of such purity that no one of you can mistake my meaning, and you turn it back into language that you can think with. Since 97% of you percieve your world the same, this makes it easier. For the 3% of the inhabitants on this planet who don�t enjoy the same perception or have lost the ability to understand at all, we are not even going to try to reach them, as we understand that they have little or no control over their own actions anyway."

At these words, the official sitting beside the Russian Presedent stood up and asked to be heard. A gasp went through the crowd at this audacity. No one wanted to anger this woman.

"Yes, Mr Godenken, what do you wish to say?" she smiled at him.

He went red in the face and spoke slowly, "We want to know if you are going to continue to take babies." The hall went even quieter than it had been before. His wife was expecting their first child in three months.

Putting her head to one side, the woman on the dais looked at him steadily without saying a word. Not a sound was heard in the vast auditorium. Biting his bottom lip the man sat down slowly in his seat. There were some in the room that wondered if she had used those telepathic powers of hers on the man. A second later she went on as if nothing had occurred.

"As powerful and far reaching as my ability is, I am still not powerful enough for the conditions I must meet on this planet. And so the Crystal Orb in front of me acts as a booster for my thoughts. I am moving my lips, although I don�t need to, for the simple reason that not to do so, we discovered, is a cultural shock to you.

"With so many different languages on this planet it takes the abilities of one such as I to communicate effectively enough to be accurate, but as the saying goes here; a rose is a rose and a rock is a rock no matter what the language. In telepathy when I show you a rock you don�t mistake it for anything else. Therefore the discription of your planetary system in space comes through to all of your many cultures as the largest single power grouping you can understand and relate to. And if the technical cultures on this world are sitting there smugly thinking that their understanding is the most accurate I must warn you now not to be so smug. There are concepts of government and living that you have no idea of in your world, just as there are cultural differences that you know nothing about. You would be amazed at how each of your different cultures received that last sentence in their minds and yet you all interpreted it correctly. And so, in this manner we can communicate with you satisfactorally for now.

"You know now that I come from space and I know many of you want to hear just where in space I am from. Your star charts will not help you on this point as I am from a system deeper in the centre of this Galaxy. Your instruments are only able to differentiate the separate stars on the edge of the galaxy but they are so thick towards the centre that they become a mass of light to your instruments. However, I will tell you this much; this galaxy is divided into five wedges called �quadrants�. All of these �quadrants� belong to the 'Inner Circle Of Families.' We do not have a governing body, nor are we run by computors, as your scientists would like to have you believe. Some of our planets would even seem to you as backward, as they are �Rural Societies�. The only difference is that socially they are of a vastly higher mental plane than you can concieve as possible. Conflicts ceased to exist millions of years ago from your time span of reckoning. That is one of the reasons why we have not wanted to deal with the problem of Earth. We have failed to understand your reasons for aggression. We still don�t understand it! Oh, we know the excuses you use for the acts of aggression, but the aggressive behaviour itself is what we seek to understand. We must dig into our past to see if we can come up with an answer, but that will take time.

"Life is abundant in this galaxy or ours and as it began in the centre, naturally it is older there. Only a few systems are settled on the edges where you are.

"To use a similie that you might understand; I am from a big city of millions and you are on an isolated island in the pacific ocean. I contain within my being all the culture of the big city; while you contain the primative knowledge of island isolation. Just as your world has admired and envied the Island Paradise concept, so have we, which in a way is where we both went wrong. Islands are not always a paradise. And just as you would not send a huge aircraft carrier to the little island to overwhelm it, niether would we.

"That brings me to the question of how did I arrive on your planet? I came by various means of travel, for I have come a far distance. Sometimes it�s possible to make a trip of that distance by one of many forms alone to get where you want to go. I could not. Let�s just say I took things like Starships, planes, boats, and elavators. You don�t take a jet to a small island if it doesn�t have a landing strip. It has been left in my hands to tell you what is happening and so I have decided to go back to the beginning. So, if you will make yourselves comfortable, I will begin, for our history is part of your history too. We sprang from the same branches of life and have a common beginning. I will not spare you nor will I spare our part in your lives."

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on MAY 5th,2000

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