


The news was already being broadcast on the B.B.C. in England by the time Canada was just waking up. The reports came in slowly at first, and gathering momentum soon swept across the continent. By the time it was felt in the United States, Canada, Brazil and Argentina were already deep into the panic that was taking place. Within eight hours the news was being flashed around the world. Our babies are vanishing!

The horror of it was that; even as the Eastern Seaboard became aware of what was happening to them, the Western Seaboard was still locked in sleep and unaware of what was going on. By the time the West woke up to its loss, the Eastern Provences and States were already finding out the futility of any attempts to halt the disappearances. And so it continued around the Globe and as the sun travelled across the Pacific Ocean they vanished there too.

From boats and ships at sea. Across the Pacific Islands and the Aleutions and the Islands of Japan. Then the sun continued its path across the world until it came full circle, back to its beginnings; England. As it moved across the face of the globe the children vanished!

But wait! Not all the Children vanished!
England was the first to announce that the loss was only of those children between the age of five hours and five years. As if that was any consolation to the parents.

They also mentioned that it was a continuing loss; as newborns were seen to vanish into thin air as they reached the five hour mark in their short little lives.

Canada was the first to discover that it was connected to the sun. For some reason, unknown to the experts, the sun (or Dawn) triggered the phenomena. For the first time in his life man was cursing the rising sun.

Twenty-five hours after little Abbie and her brother and her sister dissappeared from the �747�, and twenty-four hours after the sun rose over Greenwhich, England, the world was in a state of chaos.

The statistics were lost in the personal and emotional impact of the world wide tragedy, as new mothers clung to their newly born in vain attempts to stop what had already happened to others. Parents walked from room to room, calling and seeking toddlers that never answered, or just sat stunned and lost in bedrooms that were empty of their voices and bodies. Parents and relatives crowded the local police stations in every country, only to be met by staff who had themselves lost children.

The entire world was dazed and reeling under the blow. The immediate reaction was fear and frustration and only the quick action of world leaders in notifying each other of the dissasters prevented a nuclear holocaust from taking place between the goliaths of the world. The full implications of what had happened and what was still happening did not become apparent until much later, but by then it was too late.

A few border wars broke out amongst those nations already in an armed truce. These fights ceased when it was pointed out that the loss was world wide, not local vendetta�s of theft, and that the fighting and killing wouldn�t bring the children back as no one really knew where they were or what had happened to them. This was a world prepared to fight for whatever it considered a valid reason and some not so valid. A world armed to the teeth against aggression, was now confronted by an enemy that it couldn�t find and didn�t know. They weren�t prepared for this. Religious mania swept many of the countries of the world; taking many strange forms as usual. A few of the tribes of South America, Australia, Africa, and the oceanic Islands of the world reverted back to the anciant customs of appeasment to the Gods, with sacrifices and a return to worship at the old shrines. After all, nothing like this had happened before the white mans civilization had come along.

All of the church�s were filled. Those that couldn�t get in stood outside and bowed their heads in silent prayers, while others left the church�s just as fast, claiming a loss of faith, at such a cruel blow to the faithful.

In the cities around the Earth on that second day many followed the prophets of doom, who declared that Armaggedan had come, and these statements alerted Army Officials around the globe to put their forces on an alert status to fight off alians from space. The Pentagon called a hurried conference of top officials to discuss the possibilities of UFO attack and what they could do about it.

Of course the UFO enthusiasts had already latched onto that theory and the number of sightings escalated frantically. It was felt by them at this time that the children were only the first to be taken off the Earth and that the rest of the population would follow. They didn�t really have any clear idea were everyone was going to, or why. They seemed quite excited about it all.

Meantime, the scientific community was called in to try its hand at solving the riddle of the vanishing babies. There were still women around the world who were coming to term and delivering babies. Those that had had their infants just before the horror began, lived in dread that undid the most hardened souls as the time drew close to the five hour mark in their infants lives. The scientists attempted to save these little ones by sealing them in glass rooms or box like affairs, using wood, iron, steel, lead, and other mediums of construction they could find to try, including water.

These attempts failed. As did the ones in the U.S. and Russia when babies were taken down into the lowest regions of the Earth and to the bottom of the sea. Nothing worked.

The greatest brains on the Earth were then gathered together to find a common denominator that could have caused just that age group to be affected, for it was felt by some that this might only be the beginning and that others would start to vanish from other groups. The order had been given to them; find the agent responsable for such a feat.

Kidnapping had been ruled out fairly early in the day, as the numbers were just too high for such an operation it was felt. When the babies were seen to vanish this proved it wasn�t kidnapping; at least not as far as they could understand it. The only report to come out of this conference was one that conceeded defeat. It was also stated in the report that the only common denominator was age. But why that age group was a complete mystery to the scientific community as of that time.

Whatever else those children had in common, it was stated, was unknown to the men of Earth.

That was where matters stood when the sun arose on the seventh day after the 12th of may, 1999

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on MAY 5th,2000

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