



Jamison painfully made his way up the path that led to his favorite spot on top of the knoll. The cane helped some but he still kept his eyes glued carefully down at his feet, watching for anything that could upset his balance and cause a tumble. When he went, it would be his way and not laying for days out in the open before death finally released him.

He reached the top at last and heaved a grateful sigh. It had been very difficult this time. There weren�t many more trips left in him. �Maybe this would be the last one after all, he thought. He reached the beautifully carved marble bench that sat alone in the tall grass. As he eased himself carefully down his hands lingered lovingly on the surface and caressed the smooth stone. There was something so lastingly beautiful about marble that always gave off a sense of time and peace for him.

His eyes left his feet at last now that he no longer had to protect them and stopped at the sight of the tall swaying grass surrounding the bench. He gave a snorting chuckle.
"Damn fools! Did they think I was going to be cutting all those lawns?"
Suddenly the chuckling became a quiet flow of tears and a tight pain around his chest. He fought the pain and the tears.

"Yes, Christopher Jamison, last human on Earth. This will have to be the last trip up here. Your time has come, I think. Give it up. She isn�t coming. Maybe it was all a joke. Why is it that I can never quite get that idea out of my head. God! Wouldn�t that be something?"

Jamison lifted his head and looked out over the vista before him. What remained of his tears still clouded his vision and his eyes were unable to see the sunlit parkland that spread out below the knoll. It didn�t matter! He knew it by heart. Remembered every year of its growth and how it came to be. Remembered dimly the past and what it once was.

The knoll where he sat was just below the top of what was still called,'Queen Elizabeth Park' and overlooked the old city of Vancouver. "Well, they wouldn�t recognize it now." he thought. In his mind he saw it as it had been in his youth. He knew it so well that his lack of sight was no barrier to the memories of his city.

Gone were all the homes and stores. Looking out across the low rolling land to where he knew the ocean lay, he thought of all the many homes that had crowded the city of his birth. He knew that some of them still stood here and there in groups and clusters amongst the trees, like monuments to man, but most were gone and had been torn down and replaced by grass for the teeming wildlife that moved in herds across it now. What he saw was not the raw nature of the past before man came here but a carefully cultivated wilderness. Carefully laid out and planned down to the last detail.

"If I hadn�t lived through it, I never would have thought it possible. Let�s see now, how old am I? ...must be about a hundred and seventy or is it seventy-one? �and that would be..mmmm." his mind lost the thought of his musings and drifted for awhile.

He was back again in 1999, after the telecast by �Phea� had finished.

The shock and the loss the world had gone through were back again as clear as if it was yesterday. The training if a life time had helped him keep his head during the crises. He had found it a help to keep the routine going. He still reported for work each day for want of something better to do as had a lot of people as a method of keeping away insanity.

The world hadn�t gone to pieces the way everyone expected it to at first. People were just too badly shook up to do much right away. And by the time they came out of the shock the anger was dead. Apathy set in for awhile, but humans just have too much of plain old life force to remain that way for long.

The memory he knew he was trying to put off for a little while was crowding in on him. He skittered around it in his mind the way one holds off on a desired sweet, wanting to make it linger and last longer. His mind drifted back to those days.

He had gone up into the mountains of the North Shore the Sunday following the telecast to be alone. He needed the peace the mountains always gave him when his mind was tired of thinking. He had been leaning against a tree looking out over Howe Sound and the harbour. The city he loved lay spread out beneath him and the inlets and bays sparkled like jewels as the sunlight reflected off the water. The beauty of it from up there always tore at his heart. It had never been a sight he wanted to share with anyone. It had always made him feel too sentimental and not part of the image of tough cop he displayed to the world he lived in.

"Why do you hide what is inside of you, Christopher? Why are you afraid to share yourself with others?"

It was so unexpected, his heart jumped. He turned around and saw her standing a few feet away, staring at him in puzzled intensity. It was Pheadeknosses!!!

"I couldn�t go without saying goodby to you, Christopher Jamison. But now I feel that I have intruded on your privacy. Do you mind?"

He drew a deep breath to steady himself before he answered her. "How could I mind? I don�t think there is a human that�s on this earth right now that wouldn�t give anything to talk personally with you. But why me? I mean, why would you want to talk with me?"

He watched her face as intently as she had been gazing at him a moment earlier. His heart was pounding from the unexpected excitement of this encounter. He was glad that he was still holding onto the trunk of the tree or both his hands would be trembling.

At his words she turned away from him and looked out over the inlet where his eyes had looked a moment before. "Is that so strange to you, Jamison? Does it not occur to you that we are just as eager and as curious to know more about you on a personal level?"

"No, I suppose I never thought of it like that before."
What she had said had startled him. "Ah, do you mind if I ask you a question?"

She quickly turned about and smiled at him, "No! Of course not."

"Are you speaking to me? I mean real words...or are you using that telepathy thing. I seem to hear you so clearly, I find it hard to believe it�s only in my head."

She turned fully around to stand facing him, "I am speaking to you the same way you do to your friends. I have been learning to speak with my voice since I have been here. Does it sound all right? I�m not very good at your tongue yet."
This time it was his turn to smile as broadly as she was. "You�re doing just fine. You have a nice voice. I noticed that the first time we met."
"I can use telepathy if you would prefer that."
"I�m not sure. Don�t you use it all the time?"
"Yes, on my world. But it seems to be a little difficult here. I think it�s because you don�t read my thoughts back to me. It�s a little like the telephone you use for conversations, when only one person speaks there is no communication is there? You�d be the one doing all the listening and that doesn�t seem fair to you."

"I see what you mean. We�ve always dreamt of being able to read other peoples minds, but I�ve always wondered what it would be like. I would you keep your privacy? Isn�t it hard to live in a world were everybody knew what you were thinking all the time? I mean, wouldn�t that be dangerous or cruel?"

"Before I answer your question, do you mind if I sit down on that log over there? I tire easily on your planet. The gravity here is more than I am used to. I�m afraid I�d never be able to live here in comfort, although our agents say we can get conditioned to it in time."

"Of course. Here, let me help you. Those shoes don�t look rugged enough for this neck of the woods." As he gingerly took her by the elbow and steered her towards the log that lay before them, she broke out into peals of laughter that rang through the woods. Her speaking voice had been throughty deep for such a small woman and the laugh that was echoing about his ears made Jamison stop to look at her. There was something so warm and earthy about this woman that he was beginning to like. He was beginning to lose the awe he had first felt in her presence. With the loss of awe and her appealing warmth he began to lose the nervousness he had been bothered by. "And just what is so funny?"
"Your words! I find them so strange. Do these woods have necks?" And she was off again, with her laughter ringing true, like a deep bell.

Jamison just shook his head as they seated themselves on the log. "Lady, you are something else." And with that, they were both laughing. It felt good to laugh. He hadn�t felt like this for a long time and the release was an emotional catharsis for him.

It ended at last and they both sat silent in contentment until Phedeknosses began to speak.

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on MAY 5th,2000

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