


Once more the people waited to hear the woman �Pheadeknosses� speak to them. The faces were changed this time in the great hall of the United Nations Building. The leaders had returned to be with their people and would watch her in their own homes with their families around them.

This time she appeared as she had left. The light of the Crystal Orb was seen by the people before they saw her. This time there was no need to arrange furniture for her small form as a white chair had been placed facing the gallery and the arrangements for the mike�s and cameras were in place.

Seating herself, she held the Orb out in front of her and released it. There was a long silence as she stared before her, looking not at the audiance but inward.

What happened next took them by complete surprise.

In a warm, husky voice she began to sing and the audiance in the hall and in many parts of the world were moved to tears;

"Rock-a-by baby on the treetop, When the wind blows, The cradle will rock, When the bough breaks, The cradle will fall, And down will come baby; Cradle and all."

The last notes died away in a soft sigh of sound.

"Have you ever listened to the words of the lullaby you sing your young to sleep with? It is a strange paradox of love. The music is beautiful and soothing and the words are something out of a nightmare...and yet, so many of you put your young to sleep with those words. I do not understand??? Do you?"

She fell silent and watched the faces in the hall as they in turn became introspective, listening to the words again in their own minds. They were startled by the realization of what she had shown them. It became ugly and threatening somehow and they felt a shame they couldn�t define.

"I do not mean to shame you. It�s just that you have so much that is beautiful, I am bewildered at its universal appeal. But, there now, I will not dwell on it anymore. I am here to tell of the little ones.

"I will begin with where we came to the decision to take the children, and the reasoning behind it, for it is not as simple as you may realize.Nor was it based on a form of punishment for you. On the contrary, you have already suffered more punishment than has been recorded any place in the known, long continuance of our recorded life. Even though it is a form of self-punishment, that doesn�t take away one ounce of the grief we feel for you.

"Our arrival here had many shocks for us, as the situation you are going through is escalating so rapidly. We also faced a great personal shame at having ignored the situation so long. Even before we made the decision on the children we had decided to bring you back fully into the �Inner Circle�. The problem was how, without doing any damage to you.

"The reports from our scouts made a confusing picture. There were just too many obstacles to the introduction of our culture onto yours. You see, you have so many cultures and cultures within cultures. And none of these cultures can agree on anything. Even you are fully aware in some of the more advanced parts of the world; to bring a race that is in a stone age culture to a culture of steam and steel can destroy them. What you did to the Indians of America and Alaska and Hawaii and Australia would happen to you. As modern and advanced as you consider yourselves to be, to us you are in the equivalent of the bronze age. And that is only on the technical level. What about the social level? Or moral and emotional levels? Like spoiled children you actuallly destroyed the very cultures that had been progressing into the highest form of social life on the Earth. The problem was that you mistook gadgets for evolution.

"It wasn�t the gadgetry that destroyed those people and races. Mankind is not destroyed by new idea�s if they are introduced to him as a natural form of progession of ideas. He is destroyed when all he has been conditioned to know and believe in about his spiritual world are taken from him. Whenever that had been done on Earth it has caused chaos and death.

"One thing we did know: A child or infant is at home in any age or culture that he is introduced to, if you put him there young enough. And we knew that that time span for learning to adapt is small. We only had to watch your children and study a few of them to determine the oldest possible age that we could over-ride with our culture. We discovered this to be the age of five years. Until then they are malleable and no shock appears to occur. They may also survive safely the loss of the parents and family grouping if it is replaced with the same quality or love or better.

"Do I sound cold and cruel? I know I must to you. I can only say; be patient and hear me out. Only love made our decisions for us. To leave you now would really be a cruelty.

"In a way you must be born to your time, but all we were going to do was transfer the babies to our time out of your time. We had made the decision and all that was left to work out was the method. Our thinkers were put to work on it 15 of your years ago.

"The five thousand worlds of the �Inner Circle� have been a part of this work. The solution not only was found for getting the children off but a new method of travel developed from the process as well. As a result, I don�t think anyone will be left in the entire Galaxy who does not know who and where the Earthmen came from after this.

"It was discovered that all Suns emit what we will call �light affects.� The technology needed to record and measure and use it, is immense. But how it works in a simple form is this; all life that exists in the light of a Star picks up �light affect�. The Older that life becomes the more it gathers and stores. It can be measured down to the smallest unit received by a living form. As a result, since the input is a constant, the age of anything that lives can be determined by this method. We discovered that it can also be used as a trigger to disconnect the atomic structure of an object while at the same time keeping its form basically intact on an expanded scale. Solid matter became ethereal and undamaged in transporting in anything we could dream up as a vehicle. We worked until we could control it the way you send live images on T.V.

"Using the Stars as an energy converter we could pick up any object that was living and via tubes of force, beam them from star to star in instantanious signals to the target star selected. In this way each star becomes a giant relay station for sending matter the same way it sends light.

"A simple way to look at it would be the following; When you take a picture of someone with a camera, you are picking up the light reflection of that person and recording it on a medium. We use another type of camera and pick up the persons entire atomic structure, expand it and beam it back at the Sun to be picked up by tubes of force like a giant vacume cleaner and spewed out at the other end of the tube. A person is then picked out at the other end of the tube. A person is then picked out of the beam at relay stations by another secondary form of energy trap by prearrangement.

"We can�t send babies through until they are five days old as they haven�t accumulated enough �light affect� for us to pick up and separate the atoms of his being. We need the rays of the sun to send the energy beams to pick up the atoms and as this �light affect� penetrates to even the centre of the Earth, no place is safe from it. It is selective over a wide area as we can control what we pick up by the light count. It was very simple to direct a wide swath set to pick up any count below five years of age in human form.

"And now to tell you where they are. They are scattered out there among the stars. They are on all five thousand worlds of the �Inner Circle�.

"The best possible parents were found for them among trillions of volunteers eager to take them and give them the love they deserve and are owed. Our people are proud to have them. And each one was matched with the race that originated its parents where possible. This was done for two reasons. We want to do a gentic study to find out why your life span shortened so that we can help speed up the recovery for the children of this factor. The other reason is one I am sure you will understand. Those that are from the races that originated your people are not only very proud to foster the descendants of their race but wish them to see their roots.

"Those that were ill or deformed or bore injuries have been seen by the best experts we have. I don�t think I need to tell you that these numbered in the millions. They bore every affliction known to man, from brutalization to V.D. Aids, to starvation. None died that were transported because of the speed with which it was done, although so many were at the point of death. Those that lost the spark of life just previous to transportation were left behind, as you know by now, for we cannot take a dead child. This hurt us badly for we could have saved many of them if we had reached them in time. To those parents who loved and cared for their children and have lost them to us I ask you to think of this; your children with you today? Or your grandchildren starving in misery tomorrow? Your children safe at home with you while millions of little ones die from want and desease and poverty? Or all of them saved for the future? Are you that selfish?

"And now I will tell you what is going to happen to all of them. They will inherit the Stars. And in time, they and their children and Grandchildren will inherit the Earth for their own.

"The Stars will be theirs to move about amongst as freely as we do, and they will be raised to know who they are and who their parents were. They will be trained to remember the world they never knew long enough to have a memory of. When the time is right, they will be allowed to come home. Until then...Earth and this Star is off limits to all but the chosen Watchers for the �Inner Circle�."

As usual, when she spoke, her words played on their emotions like fingers running over a keyboard, striking both harsh notes and soft. They could never quite hold on to one emotion too long, anymore than the pianist can hold one note too long, for after words that created anger, she touched them stirringly with pride and made them see a world that shone brightly in the distance of time.

She was opening up vista�s of a wild,exciting glory that only a few had ever found the courage to dream of. For some she reawakened long forgotten genetic memories. Old men in far off anciant villages nodded their heads sagely and murmered to themselves; "It is as our ancestors recorded in the old songs." Was this really Earth she was talking about? Deep within some of them stirred a haunting of a past they felt had been theirs and her words tuned in to this.

Slowly and surely this woman was altering their conciousness and showing them another world, another future from the one they had in mind.

"Do you understand what I am telling you? In just a short time your children will be at home in a world and culture Earth could never hope to attain to, in any but the most agonizing effort, and even then you would not be allowed to join us without changing yourselves. And this is improbable from what we can see at this time.

"Last of all, I told you that we were working on a way for you to see your children. We are making small viewing plates for each parent so that they may see their child at will. The parents touch will activate the screen and they will see their child but nothing else. You will not see the life around them or understand a lot of their actions. You will, in a sense, be invading their privacy. A thing we normally abhor on the physical level. In this case we have decided it will be allowed. The children will be told of this. However, we feel it will have the same impact for them as it did for you when told that, 'God is watching you and see�s everything you do.'

"There will be times when you will be expected to remember that even though they are unaware of you, you will be expected to let them have privacy. I leave that to your discretion.

"You will receive these in about three to four weeks, and they work on the principal of the parent/child composition of electron bonding between the two. The parents finger connects the two forms by the viewing screen. These would not be available to you if you were able to see a background and other race forms. The children will accept these other racial forms as they will grow up in a bias free world. The tools and jobs and recreation they will be engaged in will look strange to your eyes so we have removed all signs of an alian life style for you.

"I must warn you of one thing. We can keep them free of many deseases but if they cannot come to terms with their own inner self they will get sick from time to time. Sickness is 80% self induced. As for accidents, they still happen even on our worlds. That is still part of living and dying no matter where one is. So in unhappeness. Some children will die. It is unusual but it is possible. When this happens, your �window� will remain blank. This will be the only way you will ever have contact with your children from now on. Be grateful for it. We didn�t have to go to that effort to console you. You haven�t earned that right by our standards. It isn�t enough that one child in five is truly loved. Every child is born with the right to be loved.

"Soon the Earth will be without human life upon its surface. Your life span is, at most, 150 years old and when the last child on earth now, has reached the limit of its years and passed away, your star children will return.

"I said I would ask a sacrifice from you at this time. I will ask it, but you do not have to give it. For it will not alter the future of the star children in any way. It�s only purpose is to give you peace of mind and a point to your existance for the time that is left to you. I will not even ask you for an answer now or in the future, for a sacrifice must be given freely and not have a limit set upon it. Either of time or substance. It must come form the heart when the giver is ready."

Created © and Maintained by: Nina

Last modified on MAY 5th,2000

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