Word Count: 170



Helen was always looking for a little extra jink.  She was usually good at finding it, but even though the population of Center City had doubled since they had arrived that morning, her cache had not.  Most of the streets in the outpost town were dark dirt paths between buildings, but the ones downtown were not only well lit, but paved with bricks stamped ACME.  Helen had not seen such a thing in years.  She rather liked the sound the heels of her boots made as she made her way down Center City’s main thoroughfare.


There were a few travellers






Growing up at White River, Juana had learned her people’s history.  The earth was once covered in people.  There was not enough space for everyone, and there was a great war.  Bombs, chemicals, plagues, and chaos decimated the Golden Civilization.  The Enemy was destroyed, but at a terrible cost.  The survivors of the End Days were only a few generations dead, and the world was slowly being rebuilt.






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