Pagan Living

Paganism is more than a religion, it is a mindset, but like all religions can sometimes take a backseat to "real life".  Work, Shopping, Housework, running around with kids all day and even dieting seem to take up so much of our time, that we hardly give a thought to the Goddess for days, sometimes weeks at a time.  It need not be that way, though.  Here are a few ways to integrate Paganism into every day life:

Waking up: The alarm rings, and if you're anything like me, you ignore it.  Take the time to thank the Lord and Lady for the refreshing sleep you've just had, and reflect on your dreams.  If there was any message in them, it should come to you now is this moment of lazy sleepiness. Once you're fully awake, stre-e-tch your body.  Point your toes, stretch your arm out (watch out not the hit the nightstand!) and arch your spine.   Throw back the bedclothes and leap out of bed to greet the new day.

Before you do anything else, take a minute to light two white candles for the Lord and Lady.  While you light them, say a quick greeting or prayer.  Something simple like, "Good morning My Lord and Lady, Thank you for this new day and help me to carry out your wisdom and kindness" or words to that effect.  Lately I've been following a Pentagram salutation that goes as follows:
Centre yourself and close your eyes
Touch your third eye and say: 
"In Peace"
Touch your left breast and say: 
"In Harmony"
Touch your right shoulder and say:
"In Love"
Then the right shoulder and say:
"In Light"
Then your right breast and say:
"And in Trust"
Then back to your forehead:
"I am an Earth Child.  Great ones, Bless me so that I may perform this day in love and honour.  "Blessed Be"

This takes a while to memorise, so don't panic if you need to write it down for a few mornings.  The Lord and Lady will know that your words are genuine.

On the way to Work/School/Shopping: On the bus, or while driving, try to notice the nature around you.  Even in the most built-up area, you will find trees, flowers and the odd bird or two.  Notice the sun, try to predict the weather pattern for the day, and say a quick goodbye to Lady Moon which may still be visible.  You can even do this while walking baby or the dog.

Work: At work, try to create a mini-altar.  Even if you still a secret Pagan, a crystal, feather or tiny candle won't seem too out of place.  I keep a quartz crystal on top of my computer.  Keeping it company is a feather I found while walking as well as a humorous "Computer Blessing" which my colleagues find highly amusing.  Of course, if you work with a computer you may have Pagan Wallpaper and screensaver.  There are loads to be found on the web.  (Look on my links page for ideas)

At lunchtime, get out of the office or shop and take a walk or sit down in the park to eat your lunch.  Watch the birds, observe the bees on the flowers and try to forget about the worries and stresses of the workday.  Of course, if you're still at school, you can use breaktime for this.

At home again (yay!): If you have a dream journal, read it through in case there was a lesson for the day hidden in the obscure symbols of your dreams.  While cooking, or eating supper, take time to think about where it came from.  Send a silent grace to the Goddess for the meal you are about to eat.  Of course, if you're living in a Pagan household, Grace needn't be silent.  It need not be anything elaborate, just a simple "Thank you Goddess, for the food we are about to eat.  For your bounty we are truly grateful"

Housework: As you clean your home (yucky, I know!) try to visualise removing negative energies which may be lurking.  If your family is anything like mine, there will have been quarrels and bickering which leave negative vibes.  A mister (the spray kind, not the man!) filled with Spring Water and essential oils (a mixture of neroli and lemon oil is particularly good for this) can be sprayed in rooms where there have been squabbles. The fine spray and refreshing scent lifts the mood instantly.

In the Bath/Shower: Before you hop into the bath, sprinkle some healing salt into it, or tie some herbs in a muslin bag to suspend from the tap.  I like using rosemary and lavender for this. You could also use essential oils or bubbles.  Anything that helps you to relax.  Light a scented candle and put on some soothing music.  Once you are in the bath, lie back and relax for a while before soaping off.  The shower is a different matter. I usually enjoy a luke-warm shower, rather than a piping hot one.  Shower gels now come infused in glorious scents, experiment till you find one you enjoy.

At night/Bedtime: At night, before bed,  light your two candles and say a quick devotional to the Lord and Lady.  Something simple, like thanking them for the day and offering up any problems you need solved. Now is also a good time for meditation. I keep a soft mat in front of my altar, so that I can sit comfortably and speak to my Goddess.  I always leave this till quite late, so that I am quite sure that the rest of the family are in bed and asleep so that I have total peace and quiet.  Of course if you have children, it would be good to get them involved in this ritual.  Lighting the candles, saying a short prayer and then a bedtime story would be an ideal way of ending the day.

Of course, these are just my personal ideas.  You may have different ideas.  Great! So long as the Goddess find her way into your heart every day.

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