Mr. Rello
Mr. Coffee
Mr. Close-Talker roasted-hazelnut mocker
everything concrete contextualized
break it down, make it reader simple
no abstract Platonic forms
allow alliteration to make you, ah, literate
similar similes smiling sarcastically
forcing poetic manacles on you
binding your five-fingered muse
within concrete college-ruled cells
personification personifies personal penalties
enforcement of a rote-remembered rhythm
restricted, refrained from remembering
my ideas
a tightly formed numbered outline
blueprints the house that stagnation built
with what familiar fervor
he forbears me to function
coffee-with-sugar-and-cream coated
teeth assaulting me with their rounded stale and unwashed
fumes I see, steaming off his head
as my abstract concepts fail to grasp
the beauty of a well-structured restraint.

beauty is in the eye of his well-balanced equation.
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