I don�t like the cold winter wind,
The warm spring breeze is more my style:
the softest of towels caressing my face
as I surrender to a cool, grassy isle.

A prisoner yearns only to feel the sun;
on my face I can feel only frustration,
staring off at an endless sea of gloomy gray.
My kingdom for a spark of sensation!

I look down and see crescents dug into my palms.
Latent, explosive energy builds up inside.
I pray every day for the life that spring brings
and every day I cannot find the sun that hides.

Like a wild animal in a cage too small,
I�d claw my hands bloody just to break free.
Please don�t tease me with just a taste: a day of sun.
How soon �till spring comes?
How soon �till again I can be?
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