Everything you never wanted to know about me
First of all, my previous nickname used to be Anonymous, therefore, everything that has ever been attributed to "Anonymous" was written by me.
Other than that, however, I'm just a mild mannered college student (as far as the world knows) at
The Ohio State University majoring in Economics and Political Science as Pre-Law.
That I am involved in every campus organization is a gross overstatement...there are at least 4 things that I am not in.  You can find me, now and then, running around madly on the tennis court, hurting myself with hammers with
Habitat for Humanity, making Lincoln Tower a better place to be as the Hall Council secretary, or spouting off on the Speech and Mock Trial teams.  If you happen to be a part of the 7-member audience of Buck-I-TV, you can spot me making a fool of myself there, as well.
Think you know enough to take THE QUIZ?
Yay for Jo's photo projects
Liz Ghandakly
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