Generic Headlines
Want to sound like you know what's going on in the world?  Here's all you need to know on any given day.
Some Palestinians died.  They were "casualties."  Some Israelis died.  They were "murder victims."
Slodiers were killed in Iraq, but the main war has ended.  We swear.
Stock Market people fear the world is ending and we're all gonna diiiiie!  But then it's all ok
Another country was added to the Axis of Evil.  They have to account for all wepons of mass destruction that they don't have the capabilities to build
The Homeland Security Department ran out of colors for their alerts.  They consider a shift to ice cream flavors
About 4 bloody civil wars that nobody hears about continue
"Hey, let's sue someone for something stupid that I did."
An American learns how to find the United States on a map, bringing up the % to a whopping 37%!
And, of course, The OSU football team wins again.
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