These images are (c) by whoever made em! They also own the characters! Unless it features me, and that was somewhat obviuose.
ALEX AND NILES- A kick mongoose image of Niles and Alex, done by Saffire Janelle Star!

BUNNY HUG NILES- Glytch ALWAYS likes to hug and kiss meh! And of course, Glytch made the image!

NILES, SHIMA, AND GLYTCH- Glytch, Shima, and NIles hanging out in a hot spring. Love the way the steam and such turned out! This pic is courtesy of Shima!

SEXY NILES, RARR!- Everybody loves images of Niles being sexy, right? ... Right? Glytch made this purty pussycat picture! Meeeeeeeow!
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